This feeling seemed familiar, as if I had done similar things many times in my dreams.

"Is it the Mandela effect? ​​But this is the world of data!"

After confirming that there was no problem with his memory at all, Nangong Qi didn't have time to think too much and sent Matou Sakura back to the health room and placed her on the hospital bed. She quickly woke up from her coma.

"Can AI also get sick? Does it need any medicine?"

"No, I'm just overloading my functions." Matou Sakura shook her head, her voice was a little weak, but Nangong Qi didn't know why but there was still a hint of joy.

"Just take a little rest!"

"Then I'm afraid I can only do all the work today!"

Nangong Qi, like Matou Sakura, holds the same position in the academy as a school doctor. If one person is missing, the other one will have to do the work of two people.

Just as he was doing it, the inexplicably familiar feeling in Nangong Qi's heart became heavier and heavier.

Have you done this many times?

"Master!" Sesshōin whispered softly in Nangong Qi's ear.

Ever since her value was almost completely denied by Nangong Qi, she was eager to help Nangong Qi and prove her ability.

Compared to proving to her master, she probably wants to prove to herself more.

"If you are having any psychological distress, I was wondering maybe I could..."

"No, you can't!"

After rejecting the Sesshoin's proposal, Nangong Qi continued to write and draw on the documents to identify and effect the drugs that were being purchased.

on the classification.

But the feeling of familiarity in his heart became stronger and stronger, so strong that Nangong Qi was sure that he must have done similar things no less than fifty times.


"What's wrong? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you get me a glass of water?"

"no problem."

Opening the kettle, Nangong Qi found that the steam inside was billowing out, as if it had just been boiled.

Even if Matou Sakura was an AI, she wouldn't drink boiling water directly, right?

"Wait for me while I go to the kitchen refrigerator to find some ice cubes to cool down."

He said he was looking for ice cubes, but the direction Nangong Qi took was not the kitchen at all.

He just hid in a blind corner where no one could detect it, and directly created a little ice cube with his bare hands.

Although he was made into a compressed file by Mooncell, leaving only one percent of his strength, his special abilities in the data world have not disappeared, and he can still barely create something.

"Master, you are creating matter out of thin air. Is this magic?"

"you guess."

"I guess so."

"Congratulations, you guessed correctly."


After teasing the Sesshouin, Nangong Qi returned to the health room carrying the cooled kettle and poured a glass of warm water for Matou Sakura.

"Senpai is so gentle." Matou Sakura drank warm water, but her face was so red that she seemed to be emitting steam. "I'm so happy!"

Nangong Qi looked at the black man with a question mark on his face.

No, big sister, aren’t you an AI that can only execute programs?

Is the emotion a bit too much?

Is it possible that you have the same technological singularity as Xiumakia next door?

But even if that's the case, aren't we making progress too fast?

You make it seem like I've been in love with you for two months.

Although there were many flaws in it, Nangong Qi stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Then I'll keep working!"

When he came to the computer, Nangong Qi was like an evil programmer, typing on the keyboard with both hands, registering various medicines.

Matou Sakura huddled under the quilt, looking at Nangong Qi's busy back, her face became more and more rosy, and she murmured to herself in a voice that Nangong Qi couldn't even hear.

"69 times, I have repeated today 69 times and spent 69 days of wonderful time with my seniors. I really don’t want to forget this memory."

"But 69 days is the limit of how far I can turn back time. I really hope I can repeat this day forever."

"It's a pity that as a low-level AI, my memory will be erased regularly."

"Sure enough, I still don't want to forget, I don't want to forget my senior!"

"I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget! I don't want to forget!"


The same words kept repeating in Matou Sakura's mind, and a large number of 0's and 1's appeared alternately in her eyes. Until the program that set her behavior completely collapsed, she finally got rid of the shackles of the program and made an inappropriate decision. AI moves.

Memory, copy, transfer, import, success.

Matou Sakura transferred all her memories of being with Nangong Qi for 69 days into a discarded spare body of her own, and then threw it into the Mooncell.

In this case, the discarded spare body has the same program as himself, and still has the memory of that time, and his love for his predecessor will probably not disappear.

It's just a girl with a low-level AI who uses a clumsy way to protect the memories she doesn't want to forget.

Nangong Qi didn't notice this at all, not even Matou Sakura's small movements.

After all, Matou Sakura has been in love with Nangong Qi for 69 days, and she has almost a clear understanding of his personality and perception. It is easy to avoid Nangong Qi's discovery.

Soon, the day's work was over, and Nangong Qi finally left the college and returned to the staff dormitory.

Sesshōin had already washed his hands and was lying on the bed, with only a simple quilt covering his body.

"Master! I wonder if you plan to eat dinner first, or do you want to eat me first?"

Nangong Qi's face fell instantly.

"I won't eat either. I'll eat the bento Sakura gave me!"

To be honest, Nangong Qi still has a good impression of this AI girl who gave him a lunch not long after meeting her.


Seeing that Nangong Qi was not moved at all, Sesshōin felt hit again and had serious doubts about his own charm.

It was obviously hard for me to muster up the courage to take this last step. Who could have imagined that this would be the result.

"Master, why do you reject me? It's not what you said. Master and slave both prosper and lose. So what's wrong with me deepening the relationship between us?"

"A woman must at least have some self-respect and self-love, right? We have only known each other for a few days, and you threw yourself into my arms. Are you a habitual offender?"

"Habitual, habitual offender?"

Sesshōin's face instantly froze.

"But Master, I obviously have such a beautiful figure and delicate appearance. As the Buddha says: All living beings have feelings. Don't you have any feelings for me?"


No. "

Nangong Qi had already finished the bento in his hand.

"And how many times have I told you, I already have a family."

If it weren't for solving Illya's problem, I wouldn't want to start this broken cup war.

"Also, if your parents know that you don't love yourself so much, they will probably be very sad!"

"That's not the case. This is how my parents raised me!"

Sesshōin was originally the daughter of the head of the "Eiten-ryu" clan leader of Tachikawa-ryu, a Shingon esoteric sect. The ritual of this sect was male-female coitus.

(What a dog-donkey cult)

After some explanations from Sesshōin, Nangong Qi's disdain for Sesshōin's parents became even stronger.

What kind of lousy parents do not let their daughters learn? They just let their daughters learn this kind of thing.

Moreover, Sesshōin had grown up in the deep mountains and old forests since she was a child, and had been taught this way by her dog and donkey parents. It was no wonder that the princess was so seriously ill.

"That's your parents' problem. It can't be my problem anyway!"


Faced with such strong rhetoric, Sesshōin was completely speechless.

"Then what should I do, master, so that you are willing to do happy things with me?"

"You don't have to start cultivating a relationship from scratch. First, go on a date for a few days before the cup war starts, cultivate the relationship, and then...wait!"

As he talked, Nangong Qi felt as if he had discovered a blind spot.

It felt like I had been bypassed by the bastard from the Killing Institute.

Looking back at Sesshōin, even if Nangong Qi didn't finish speaking, her eyes were radiating with light, like a village girl who had just arrived in a big city.

"Really? Master, I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's date now!"

Nangong Qi fell into deep thought.

His original plan was to cultivate feelings during battle. Although the road has gone astray now, as the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, and different roads lead to the same destination.

"elder brother?"


A familiar voice sounded in his ears, and Nangong Qi felt extremely happy.

"Did you encounter any trouble over there?"

"There's no trouble, it's just that we just unzipped part of the compressed file. Brother, just be ready to catch your transformer!"

The next moment, data flowed, and the [W drive] and two fang drives appeared out of thin air in Nangong Qi's hands.

Seeing this, Nangong Qi couldn't help but smile crookedly.

The next day, Nangong Qi and Sesshōin had a planned date.

It should be said that women are really talented in shopping. Nangong Qi didn't know what fun it was, but Sesshōin enjoyed it.

Originally, Nangong Qi was a pauper in this data world, but fortunately yesterday, Ce and Bell had initially cracked Mooncell's peripheral program and helped him change his account savings, so that he would not be so poor that he would just eat rubbish.

Suddenly, Sesshōin stopped, and Nangong Qi, who was carrying large and small bags, also stopped.

"what happened?"


Sesshōin did not speak, but looked at the opposite side with a scrutinizing gaze.

The target she was looking at was an existence that was exactly the same as Sesshōin's, and she was none other than Sesshōin Kiara who had not yet become the Beast Gadenpo in this world.

It is not unusual for people from the past to summon heroic spirits from the future.

The most classic plot is when Tohsaka Rin summons the heroic spirit Emiya and then participates in the Holy Grail War of his youth.


"Want to fight?"

Nangong Qi was already prepared to fight first and talk later.

"I'm so beautiful!"

It should be said that the Sesshouin is indeed suffering from severe princess disease and extremely narcissistic, so he can actually say such a thing.

"If possible, I really want to kiss the other me!"

Kiara opposite had the same expression, as if he was doing that kind of thing.

"It's a pity that there is only one winner in the Holy Grail War. How about we just surrender and give up our qualifications to the other one?"

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