"do not want!"

Nangong Qi succeeded in getting rid of the fantasy of Sesshōin with just one sentence.

After all, the characteristic of Sesshōin itself is extreme narcissism. Even if the opponent is herself, she will never give in.



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Chapter 4: Fighting oneself is a characteristic of Xingyue, you have to try it





Sesshoin, a stunning beauty who deeply loves all mankind.

The reason why she is called Bianpo is because in her eyes, the only existence that can be called a human being and is worthy of her love and protection is herself.

In human terms, he is an extremely selfish super narcissist.

"If there is only one final winner of the Holy Grail War, then it must be me! Even if the enemy is myself, I will defeat him!"

Sesshōin showed an extremely confident smile and an unshakable determination.

Kiara opposite had the same expression.

"Return the original words!"

Well, anyway, in the Xingyue world, fighting against oneself is a classic feature. The past self and the future self are fighting for the final victory in the same Holy Grail War.

Suddenly, Sesshōin seemed to have thought of something again, and stretched out his hand to hug Nangong Qi, but he dodged him again.

After glaring at his master with resentment, Nangong Qi stretched out his hand and reluctantly took her right hand.

"But unlike you, you only have an extremely weak servant, but I have an extremely reliable master!"

"I never thought that there would be someone in this world who would take the initiative to hold the hand of a woman like you."

Andersen said sarcastically on the sidelines, not only damaging the Sesshōin, but also scolding his master Kiara.

As expected of Master DIO, he scolded two people in one sentence.

Of course, both Sesshōin and Kiara instinctively thought that Andersen was talking to the other side, completely unaware that they were also being scolded.

"Look at how poor you are now. Unlike me, I have a reliable master who will provide me with everything I need to go shopping!"

Sesshōin quickly found a new attack point.

"Poor, poor?"

Kiara has lived a religious life since she was a child, and she doesn't particularly care about whether her life is rich. She often laughs it off when others compare their lives with her.

But if the person you are comparing yourself to is yourself, then you absolutely cannot bear it.

"Andersen, let's go!"


"Work and earn money!"

Seeing Kiara and Andersen walking away in despair, Sesshōin refused to give up and came to Kiara and threw some money in front of them.

"Seeing how pitiful you are, I will give you this money so that your followers can have a good meal as your last supper! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

In the end, Sesshōin pulled Nangong Qi away, leaving Kiara who didn't know whether he should pick up the money or not.

He came in style and left with style, and now Sesshōin looks like a complete winner.

But after walking far away, Nangong Qi stopped.

"Seshoin, I have already recorded all the money you just scattered in my account!"


Sesshōin screamed.

Throwing money is fun for a while, but crematorium afterwards.

Nangong Qi is not a Guinan, Tiangu, or Fei Yangyang. How can he spend money on a woman who has only met for a few days and has not even established a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?

He just promised to lend money to Sesshōin for shopping, and she would still have to pay it back after everything was over.

"Can I pay for that with flesh? In fact, I'm still a young girl, so I can sell a lot..."

"To shut up!"

A piece of peony cake was stuffed into Sesshōin's mouth.

"How many times have I told you that as a woman you must learn to love yourself and don't belittle yourself and make me look like anything."

"Master, can't you be my boyfriend?"

"You want to default on your debt through this kind of relationship? That's even more impossible!"


They were supposed to be shopping happily, but after being happy, Sesshōin couldn't be happy anymore.

She was so young, only in her twenties, that she actually shouldered such a debt (during her lifetime) that she couldn't even repay it with her body.

The holidays on Saturday and Sunday passed quickly, and Nangong Qi returned to campus and continued his work.

Logically speaking, as the master, he should have entered the maze of the battlefield in advance, collected information about the map environment and other people's summoned heroic spirits, and defeated the mobs to earn the common currency in the data world.

Unfortunately, thanks to the activities of Bell and Ce, Nangong Qi now has unlimited money and detailed maps of almost all battlefields in Mooncell.

Directly activate the unlimited money and map functions, and he does not need to fight monsters, earn money, or explore the map at all.

Lying down and waiting for the day when the war begins, he can defeat this broken cup war by himself.

The only thing that prevents him from continuing to fight is the stupid waiting mechanism of the Moon Cup War.

128 masters play a one-on-one promotion match. The winner is promoted and the loser dies.

But the prerequisite for starting the war is that 128 people must be gathered, not more, and not


It has now been three days since Nangong Qi traveled to this data world, but there are only about fifty masters who have awakened, which is still far from the goal.

However, on the fourth day, more masters appeared like a blowout.

It feels as if Mooncell has actively lowered its standards and forced out a large number of sacrifices to make up the numbers.

The reason why Nangong Qi knew this was because of his work.

The so-called test often requires defeating a battle doll, or being driven to a heroic spirit summoning array by a battle doll, summoning a heroic spirit, and defeating the battle doll.

In this process, the master selected on the fourth day often has poor qualifications, and injuries are inevitable.

Of course, in the world of data, there are still necessary consumables such as blood medicine.


Still need money! (tremor)

Ever since, Nangong Qi took advantage of his position to directly announce that everyone who was injured could come to the health room to receive free blood medicine.

Anyway, Nangong Qi opened the unlimited money hook, so if you don’t use it, it will be in vain.

A bunch of masters who wanted to save money and take advantage came directly to the health room and received blood medicine for free.

They thought these blood medicines were free, but in fact, in the process, Nangong Qi successfully mastered the identities of a large number of masters, as well as some unscrupulous people, and even the identities of two followers were exposed.

Afterwards, these masters had to thank Nangong Qi, which made Nangong Qi himself a little embarrassed.

Of course, the most important thing is that Nangong Qi himself disguises himself as an NPC very effectively.

After all, he has dealt with bugsters for a long time and understands how an AI that can only execute fixed procedures will behave.

No one can recognize it at all!

absolutely not!

"very handsome!"

Tohsaka Rin, who had black hair, came to the medical room and looked at Nangong Qi carefully.

Nangong Qi was quite familiar with this Xingyue Heavy Industry woman who knew how to be an extremely cool woman.

Although Tohsaka Rin is from another world, there must be many similarities with Rin who is Nangong Qi's attribute.

For example, there is XP for both men and women, and there are also facial features, but it is a pity that the Tohsaka family is gone.

At this moment, he was suppressing a smile, keeping a straight face, and kept tapping the keyboard with his fingers to handle work.

"Master, I feel this man is dangerous!"

Tohsaka Rin's servant, Cú Chulainn's beast-like intuition constantly warned him, causing him to remain in spiritual form and refuse to appear.

"It's just a low-level AI, NPC, what's so dangerous about it?"

Tosaka Rin didn't care at all and continued to admire Nangong Qi's appearance.

"Even if there is real danger, the AI ​​will not take the initiative to attack the master. Unless we take the initiative to attack, they will defend themselves."

"I hope so!"


Suddenly, a pig-like scream sounded, which made Tohsaka Rin frown uncontrollably.

I saw a male student with purple kelp hair burst into the health room, followed by a man wearing a bright red sailor uniform, holding two flintlock guns in his hands, with long magenta hair, and he looked like a A woman with a bold older sister image.

"Hey, hey, master, you are exaggerating! This kind of injury shouldn't be treated like a drink, right?"

"Nonsense, it's not you who's in pain, how can you possibly understand?"

Matou Shinji exposed his arm, which was covered with large and small wounds, as if it had been gnawed by a dog.

Nangong Qi took out the iodine with an expressionless expression and poured it directly.


Matou Shinji screamed even more miserably and tried to struggle.

But for a guy who disturbed his work, Nangong Qi had no mercy. He directly forced him to the floor, sprinkled alcohol, Yunnan Baiyao, and anti-inflammatory powder on the wound, and finally used a bandage to cover the entire arm of Matou Shinji. All wrapped up.

"This is your blood medicine, please take it!"

A bottle of blood medicine was pushed in front of Matou Shinji, making him feel like he was holding a mouthful of blood that he couldn't spit out.

"Hey, did you do this on purpose?"

Panting from the pain, Matou Shinji angrily came to Nangong Qi.

"Matou Shinji-kun, if possible, please don't stop me from doing my work, otherwise I will have no choice but to kick you out."

Nangong Qi continued to speak plainly, as if he were a robot without emotions.

He said this, but he was also assessing Matou Shinji's approximate age in his mind.

The end result is...

eight years old?

This fucking guy is eight years old?

However, considering that this is a data world, it is probably not difficult to get yourself a more mature leather case.

For a moment, Nangong Qi looked at Matou Shinji differently.

If I remember correctly, when he finished the fourth cup-breaking war, Matou Shinji was only five or six years old.

It's so pitiful to be involved in the Holy Grail War at such a young age.


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