Matou Shinji was horrified by Nangong Qi's eyes. He felt as if the color of the underwear he was wearing today was clearly visible, and

And his eyes were filled with the feeling of an elder looking at a younger generation.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"Haven't you ever heard of asking for help? I'm thinking about whether I should prescribe more medicine for you!"

"Then give me more!"


Nangong Qi threw another bottle of blood medicine to Matou Shinji.

"No more."

After Matou Shinji left, Tohsaka Rin also asked the question in his mind:

"That guy's servant doesn't look weak. He was clearly injured on purpose and came here to cheat on the blood medicine."

"It doesn't matter, this is my rule. No matter who comes to the health room in an injured state, they can receive a bottle of blood medicine for free."


Matou Ying returned to the health room at this moment, pushing a small cart of blood medicine in her hand, all of which were bought by Nangong Qi out of his own pocket.

"Thanks a lot!"

Putting down Tosaka Rin, Nangong Qi took the trolley and brought it to the refrigerator, where he put the blood medicine into it, while Matou Sakura was helping.

Tohsaka Rin looked at Matou Sakura with a hostile look, very unhappy.

"Master, it seems that you are hot-tempered but cold-hearted. Think about it, someone else is a low-level AI that can only execute some set programs. How could they be tempted by you?"

"lancer, shut up!"

On the second day, which was also the fifth day after Nangong Qi came to this world, all the 128 masters needed for the Moon Cup War were finally drawn, although more than 60.00% of them were forcibly pulled over on the last day to make up the number.

According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, 128 masters will fight for seven rounds.

In each round of fighting, half of the masters will be wiped out, and the remaining people will fight in the next round. Until the end of the seventh round, only the last master left becomes the winner.

The day after the character selection was completed, the battle list was also announced.

Nangong Qi's opponent in the first round of the battle was Matou Shinji.


After seeing that his opponent was Nangong Qi's name, Matou Shinji was stunned and his eyes almost popped out.

He never expected that Nangong Qi, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, would play so hard.

Pretend to be an NPC in the health room and announce that you can receive free blood medicine to attract other masters.

Once the master loses the awareness of confidentiality in front of NPCs, he will most likely reveal his old background to Nangong Qi in detail.

In fact, not only Matou Shinji, but also the people around him looked gloomy when they noticed Nangong Qi's name.

Nangong Qi has received more than a hundred guests, and all of them were greedy for cheap. In the end, they fell into the trap and gave away their old friends with their own hands.

After realizing that they had been tricked by Nangong Qi, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, almost everyone complained in their hearts.

Sure enough, the free one is the most expensive!

When Tohsaka Rin saw Nangong Qi's name, he was also startled, and secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't let Cu Chulainn reveal himself in front of Nangong Qi.

"Shenji-san, it looks like we are our opponents in the first round."

"You bastard!"

The moment he saw Nangong Qi, Matou Shinji grabbed Nangong Qi's collar angrily.

"You must have done it on purpose, right? It must be, it must be!"

"What do you mean? I don't understand it at all."

"You deliberately disguised yourself as an NPC in the health room, and then released the news about receiving free blood medicine, so that we could come to your door and reveal your background to you, right?"

"of course not."

Nangong Qi gently pushed away Matou Shinji's hands with a calm expression.

"I just have too much money and no place to spend it, and I am a kind-hearted person. I gave out free blood medicine to everyone. Didn't you get it?"

After hearing this, Matou Shinji felt like a mouthful of old blood was being held in his chest and he couldn't spurt it out.

"Nangong, you, you, you, ahhhhhhhhh-"

With a howl of pain, Matou Shinji was so angry that he fainted.

It can only be said that in this world, he was just an eight-year-old child, and it was completely normal for him to be knocked unconscious after being manipulated by Nangong Qi.

"Well, I'm sick again. It looks like you have to go to the health room. Just remember to pay."

Nangong Qi continued to pick up the lying corpse of Shinji Matou with an expressionless face and prepared to carry it back to the health room.

A word popped up in the minds of the people around him:

Murder, but also punish!

Swimsuit Killing House.jpg



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Chapter 5 As we all know, caster is a melee professional



Matou Shinji gradually woke up from his coma, and what came into view was Nangong Qi's face that made him extremely disgusted.

"you're awake?"

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

With a yell, Matou Shinji jumped out of the bed, waving his fists randomly, and then tripped over by Nangong Qi.

"Remember to watch the bottom lane next time. Also, this is a blood medicine for you, remember to take it!"


Matou Shinji felt that he had been humiliated and threw the blood medicine in his hand directly.

"Nangong, who wants your things? Remember the NMD for LZ. My fleet will blow you and your followers into the sky. Wash your neck and wait for death!"

It is estimated that Matou Shinji also realized that his information was almost revealed, so he broke the pot and directly revealed more useful information.

"Don't want it? That would be a pity."

Although the blood medicine appears to be in a glass bottle, it cannot be broken easily.

"Remember it, remember it!"

Matou Shinji cursed and left the health room.

"Senior, are you alright?"

Matou Sakura came over, called up Nangong Qi's health status, and checked her body.


Nangong Qi patted Matou Sakura on the shoulder, then returned to the computer to continue working.

After all, Mooncell gave him the identity of the school doctor in the health room, and he still has very good medical ethics.

But in the middle of his work, he suddenly felt as if he had discovered a blind spot.

"Wait a minute, isn't Sakura too human? She doesn't feel like an AI at all, but a living, emotional human being."

Since he has dealt with beings composed of data such as Bugster many times, Nangong Qi certainly knows the difference between programs and real people.

There is no doubt that Sakura Matou now has no problem passing the Turing test.


Matou Sakura tilted her head and looked really cute.

"Excuse me, are there any bento boxes? I quite like the bento boxes you made." Nangong Qi made a random excuse and planned to fool him.



Matou Sakura took out the bento she had prepared and stuffed it into Nangong Qi's hand, then ran out of the health room.

Now, Nangong Qi is more and more certain that Matou Sakura has broken away from the concept of AI.

"Master, if you don't mind, I will make some peony cakes, they are delicious!"

"Okay, hurry up and serve it!"

Soon, the bento given by Matou Sakura was eaten by Nangong Qi three times, and Sesshōin also presented the peony cake, looking very expectant.

Nangong Qi picked up a piece and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Crunch crunch—"

"How about it?"

"It's sweet, but a little too sweet. There's too much sugar."


Sesshōin looked confused.

"Master, don't you feel that your eyes are blurred and your whole body is hot?"

"Absolutely not!"

Nangong Qi's body contains the bugster virus and demon blood. What works on humans may not have the same effect on a non-human being.

"Wait a minute, you didn't put computer accessories in the peony cake, did you?"

As soon as these words came out, Sesshōin suddenly did not dare to look directly into Nangong Qi's eyes.

In this regard, Nangong Qi could only sigh, finish the peony cake first, and then pat Sesshōin on the back.

"Until now, have you not given up on your idea of ​​sexual compensation? How many times have I said that as a woman, you must know self-love and self-respect."

"Self-love and self-respect? I don't understand, and my parents didn't teach me that."

"It doesn't matter if your parents are irresponsible and didn't teach you, I can teach you!"


"For example, now, don't give me any unreasonable plastic surgery all day long, because real love doesn't need to be based on such boring things!"

Nangong Qi hesitated, then took one of Sesshōin's hands and walked towards the battle site.

"First of all, we start cultivating the most basic comradeship."

"Teleport, [One Moon's Thoughts on the Sea]!"

Yuexianghai is the name of the arena.

The arena for the first round of battle is [One Moon's Reminiscence], the arena for the second round's battle is [Second Moon's Reminiscence]...and by analogy, the arena for the seventh round of battle is [ The seventh month misses the sea].

[One month misses the sea].

This is a maze-like digital building with roads extending in all directions. Walls, roads, etc. are all composed of transparent data walls.

And outside these walls, there is a scene in the deep sea that is truly like the bottom of the sea.

"Electronic Ocean, then we are the hunters hunting, and the hostile programs here are our prey!"

As soon as they arrived in this area, hostile programs soon appeared and attacked Nangong Qi.

The so-called hostile program looks nothing more than a robot holding a big sword. It will only attack all those who dare to enter this area indiscriminately.

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