But Alice looks only eight years old, so why doesn't she show any signs of fatigue?

Unless she's not human.

"Alice, don't you feel hungry?"

"Hungry? No, Alice is not hungry, because Alice is an electronic ghost."

"Electronic ghost? Alice, do you mind if I read your memory?"

"No problem, I believe big brother!"


An inexplicable feeling of guilt surged into Nangong Qi's heart, but he still stretched out his hand to Alice, gently placed it on her head, and read her memory.

In terms of data control, Nangong Qi has already reached the level of a top hacker. It is very easy to read the other party's memory without resistance.

Then, Nangong Qi felt anger burning in his chest.

Alice's magic circuit was discovered during World War II and was used for research. After suffering for several years, she finally died and became an electronic ghost wandering in the virtual world of spirit children.

"As expected, we still have to burn down the Magician Organization. At least the Clock Tower in this world cannot escape!"

After making up his mind, Nangong Qi continued to browse Alice's memories.

Although her body has died, Alice's spirit has been wandering around the Internet until it was absorbed by Mooncell and selected to become the master, the master of nursery rhymes.

But even so, the nursery rhyme still does not compare to the cruelty of the content of this competition and the heaviness of taking the opponent's life. It just treats everything as a simple game.

So how were the enemies eliminated in the first two rounds of battle?

Gradually, Nangong Qi saw the scene of nursery rhymes fighting.

Well, Tong Yao squatted directly at the teleportation point, opened the treasure phantom, and forcibly pulled the enemy into the inherent barrier.

It has to be said that Tongyao and Alice, the master and slave pair, are really lucky. The enemies in the first two rounds of battle were unable to break through the inherent barrier.

According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, as long as one cannot reach the corresponding battlefield within the stipulated time, it will be regarded as a forfeit and defeat.

Alice's enemies in the first two rounds had no choice but to be trapped in the inherent barrier, waiting for the battle time to pass. She was eliminated due to timeout.

"Alice, I wonder if you would agree to my request?"

"No problem, Alice believes in big brother!"

Looking at Alice's innocent eyes, Nangong Qi became even more ashamed.

"I hope you can take a nap. When you wake up, I will continue playing games with you!"

Nangong Qi didn't want to be enemies with Alice and Nursery Rhymes, but he also had to win the final victory in the Holy Grail War, so he could only aggrieve them for a while.

"Would you like to sleep? But big brother, will you and 'I' leave Alice? Alice is not afraid of anything but loneliness and loneliness!"

"No, come on, draw the hook to make sure!"

"it is good!"

"Hang yourself with a hook and you won't be allowed to change for 100 years, and those who break the law will have to swallow a thousand needles!"

"It's agreed, definitely!"

Seven days later, in "Three Moons", Alice did not resist and allowed Nangong Qi to wrap it up and store it in her body.

"Now, I can't afford to fail!"

He carries three lives on his body. Once he fails, the three of them will die together.

In order to achieve his goal, and for the sake of these three people, he must not lose or be defeated.

"Well, I admit defeat, it's almost time to go back."

Since Alice is absorbed by Nangong Qi, Mooncell will naturally judge Tongyao as defeated and decompose her into a spirit child.

"Big brother, it's great to meet you again in Nursery Rhyme. I hope you can tell me more Kamen Rider stories next time we meet!"

"Even so, I still want to try it!"

Nangong Qi stretched out his hand towards Nursery Rhyme, and a ball of bubbles wrapped it up.

"You won't go back, but stay here. After all, if Alice can't see you when she wakes up, she will probably cry a lot!"

"Obviously, big brother is an adult, but sometimes you are even more naive than us kids!"

"Who made me a Kamen Rider? Make the impossible possible, and never give up until the end. This is me, the Kamen Rider!"

"That's why I like the story of Kamen Rider!"

Protecting the nursery rhymes from Mooncell was definitely not Nangong Qi's whim, but something that had been planned for a long time. However, Nangong Qi was not sure whether he could protect the nursery rhymes from Mooncell.

You must know that Nangong Qi himself was made into a compressed file by Mooncell, so he was not sure whether his little actions could escape Mooncell's speech.

Soon, the nursery rhyme was absorbed into Nangong Qi's body.

After a moment of silence, Mooncell also announced the winner of this battle.

It’s Nangong Qi.

"Nursery Rhyme, how do you feel now?"

"It's nothing special, I just can see everything you can see, big brother."

Instantly, Nangong Qi felt relieved.


For him, not only

Not only did he win this battle, it was also because he successfully preserved the nursery rhyme.

However, to be on the safe side, he still let the nursery rhymes stay in his body, lest Mooncell find out any clues.

"Has that little girl disappeared?"

Sesshōin regrets the disappearance of nursery rhymes.

"I also want to experience more what it's like to be a mermaid!"

"I can go to you!"



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Chapter 9 A man that even the Sesshōin is unwilling to face

"——Nangong Qi: Opponent in the four-round battle: Woto Moji——"

After completing the master-servant pair of Alice and Nursery Rhymes without any injuries, Nangong Qi finally saw his opponent in the fourth round.

It was an opponent whose name I had never heard of before. The level of unfamiliarity was on the same level as that of Dan in the second round.

Three rounds of the Holy Grail War have been completed, and the original number of masters from 120 to [-] has been reduced sharply to [-]. However, the entire campus does not seem to have changed much at all, unless special attention is paid.

I don’t have a very deep impression of Woto Moji, but if Nangong Qi remembers it correctly, he seems to be a...seeker.

"Oh? Are you my opponent this time?"

Watou Moji is a young man who looks very strong and tall. He seems to be around thirty years old at most. He is a head taller than Nangong Qi. He has short light green hair and a short chin. Stubble.

There was only a light red coat on his upper body and no underwear, exposing his strong muscles.

What a muscular monk.

But what puzzles Nangong Qi the most is that this guy has a cross and several strings of Buddhist beads hanging on his chest. He also has a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist and a wide straw hat on his back.

"Excuse me, are you a believer in Christianity or Buddhism?"

"Both, or rather, none."

"This is true. When a person believes in many religious doctrines and the doctrines are constantly in conflict, he will inevitably not be able to abide by them all. In the end, he will have no choice but to disbelieve in them all!"

"I didn't expect that your Excellency actually has such views on religion!"

After hearing this, Wouteng Moji's eyes changed instantly when he looked at Nangong Qi, from a bit of contempt before to a bit of respect now.

"Perhaps there was indeed a god in this world, and the meaning of religion is to teach humans how to communicate with gods in the correct way. Now that the Age of Gods has ended, the gods have disappeared, but religion has not."

Nangong Qi explained his views on religion in the Xingyue world.

"In the end, these religions can only fall into the hands of humans themselves, using the name of God to exploit, deceive, and cover up all the crimes, violence, killing, adultery and cold-bloodedness they have committed. And when humans can't even When things of faith are also used, what is the meaning and role of the so-called religious existence?"

"Clap clap clap-"

Woto Moji immediately applauded Nangong Qi, and at the same time his face was filled with joy of meeting someone of the same kind.

"Your explanation of religion is really to my liking! In fact, I have studied all religions and understood all the teachings, but I also realize that there are contradictions in the teachings, and all teachings speak for themselves. .”

"The so-called teachings are nothing more than the experiences described by others. No matter how correct the path is, the aspects it observes will be different depending on the standpoint. It is very natural that contradictions will arise."

"That is to say. What should be preached here and now is not someone else's teachings. The only thing worthy of spreading widely is my God who illuminates all things."

The more he spoke, the more excited Wato Moji became, and the fanatical clarity in his eyes burned like a raging fire, burning brighter and brighter.

"Your god?"

“O God, You are Most High!”

I saw an existence gradually breaking away from the spiritual body and appearing. It was the follower of Watou Monji.

Blonde shoulder-length hair.She has blood-red pupils, is wearing a white knitted sweater and a dark purple skirt that reaches her calf, and has a charming face like an elf, but because of her madness, she looks somewhat ferocious at the moment.

There were also blood-red claws stretching out from her fingers, oozing like a vampire, even though she was indeed a vampire.

"Arquit Brunstadt?"

Nangong Qi has also heard about the famous heroine of "Yue Ji" for a long time.

After all, as the saying goes: every time you deposit money into "FGO", it is a touch of soil sprinkled on the grave of "Tsukihime".

Although it is said that this moon-shaped world pays attention to a powerful brick flying, that is to say, only the magic power is enough, let alone forcibly projecting the Star Sword, even projecting a second earth is not a problem.

But Elquit, the princess of the True Ancestor, could actually be summoned as a servant, which was beyond Nangong Qi's expectations.

"Do you know Xiaosheng's god?"

"Ah, it doesn't count as acquaintance, I just saw her photo. After all, she is quite famous in the entire magic world!"

After all, any magician who has been involved in the magic world theoretically knows about the princess of the True Ancestor.

"Is that so?"

Well, judging from Wato Moji's appearance, he wasn't just pretending, he really didn't know.

But for a being that many people know, can it really be a god?

Moji Wato has always studied and faced religion with a more rational attitude, so this is not the first time he has doubted gods.

"Things like that don't even matter!"

Seeing that Woto Moji seemed shaken, Nangong Qi quickly stepped forward to comfort him: "After all, there is no accurate reference object in our knowledge for things like God. Since you think she is your god, why not stick to yourself?" path!"

"I understand!"

All the confusion on Wato Moji's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by an even more intense religious fanaticism.

"Friend, can I call you that?"

"of course can!"

Woto Moji held Nangong Qi's hands tightly, feeling as if he had met him too late.

After a long time, he slowly let go.

"Well, just letting me know about your followers feels a little unreasonable, so why don't you come and meet my followers too. Sesshōin?"


There was no response from Sesshōin, as if a flock of crows were floating over Nangong Qi's head.

"Seshoin, this name sounds familiar!"

"It turns out we are an acquaintance. Then it is even more important for you to come out of Sesshōin!"

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