Finally seeing a character who could barely restrain the Sesshōin, Nangong Qi immediately made up his mind to pull out the Sesshōin.

"do not want!"

Sesshōin finally issued a dry rejection.

"I don't want to meet this fanatic believer who doesn't know any happiness and only pursues the so-called truth. Absolutely not!"

"Since you say so, then I can only use the Command Seal! With the Command Seal, Sesshōin will show up to me immediately!"

That's what he said, but Nangong Qi didn't use the command spell at all, and Sesshōin himself had no choice but to show up.

"Long time no see, my name is Sesshōin Kiara, you annoying man!"

"Somewhat familiar, but not very clear!"

Wato Moji thought for a moment and gave this answer.

Nangong Qi stared at Sesshōin, as if waiting for her to tell the story about what happened between him and Wato Moji.

Not only him, but also Wato Moji was looking at Sesshōin, and seemed to be curious about the fate between the two.

Under the kind eyes of the two people, Sesshōin could only say it obediently.

It turned out that she had met Watou Monji as early as when she became a Heroic Spirit in Sesshōin and even walked out of the mountains and practiced esoteric methods in the deep mountains and forests.

The two of them had a religious debate, and the result was that they killed the living beings and fled in the courtyard.

Because in the eyes of Sesshōin, Wato Moji is such a terrible person that he cannot listen to his own ideas at all.

At this point, Nangong Qi generally understood which people the Sesshōin could not deal with the most, and that was people who had completely gotten rid of vulgar desires.

"Let's go eat barbecue together!"

"My friend, that's really great!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Due to the inherent skill of [Madness], Erquet was unable to speak clearly, but he was obviously very interested in barbecue.

Seven days later, inside [Four Moons Thinking Sea].

Today is also a time for fighting. Nangong Qi and Woto Moji also fully understand each other, and they are going to have a battle between servants and servants, and masters against masters.

The reason for doing this is because the two of them recognize each other.

Watou Moji also knew about Nangong Qi's plan, and he himself had nothing to accomplish in the Holy Grail War, and if he could summon a god like Erquet in his mind, he would die without regrets. .

So he decided to hand over the victory of this battle to Nangong Qi.

But even so, he had a fight to fight.


Shengyuan, you are now free to fight, fight with Erquit! "


Looking at the blond-haired girl opposite, whose eyes were full of madness, Sesshōin could only feel a sharp pain in his teeth.

The opponent was the True Ancestor. Even if it wasn't the year 2000, he couldn't beat him in terms of physical ability. His own charm ability had no effect on the True Ancestor.

This is a head shot!

"Come on, Sesshōin, I have always believed in you!"

"I, I'll do my best!"

Sesshōin could only keep smiling while facing the powerful enemy Arquette.

In order to express his respect for the enemy, Wato Moji also rarely took out a Buddhist Zen staff as his weapon.

Nangong Qi did not choose to transform, but he also took out his chain sword.

"Let's fight!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

The saw teeth on the chain sword rotated at high speed, and Nangong Qi took the lead in attacking, so fast that it was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


The sound of gold and iron clashed, and the chain sword and the Zen staff collided.

But the saw teeth on the chain sword are not just for decoration. They cut the Zen rod while rotating at high speed, and continuously ejected a large number of sparks, so that the Zen rod was seriously damaged.

Woto Moji didn't expect Nangong Qi's weapon to be so terrifying, so he immediately gave up his Zen staff and instead pulled out a black key from behind and threw it at Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi opened his mouth, bit the black key directly with his teeth, pulled out the chain sword from the Zen staff, and continued to slash at Woto Moji.


When Wouteng Menji saw that Nangong Qi's combat skills were so refined, his fighting spirit became more intense.

"My god, please witness my battle!"

Then, he took out six more black keys and clamped them between his fingers with both hands, holding three keys in one hand.

Damn it, Dugu Nine Keys!

It’s also thanks to the fact that the Black Key itself is a magic gift, the main body is the hilt, and the blade is made of magic power.

It is precisely because of this that when facing the extremely destructive chain sword, it can survive the constant metal collisions.

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang"


The chainsword and Black Key continued to collide with each other. Each collision would erupt with a large amount of sparks, and Black Key's blade would even be cut off directly.

But often in the next moment, the sword blade will be fully restored with the supplement of magic power.

Nangong Qi swung his sword very fast, and Motoji needed to block the first sword and then use his other hand to block the second attack that followed.

If Wouteng Monji had not used the double-sword style, he would have probably been defeated by Nangong Qi's extremely fast swordsmanship.

However, even if the situation stabilizes temporarily and forms a deadlock, the situation is even more unfavorable when one of them is Wato Moji.

Because Nangong Qi has more combat experience, a sharper combat awareness, and...


Nangong Qi made a sudden thrust, smashing six black keys at the same time, and continued to chop towards the body of Woto Moji.

He himself is also mixed with demon blood, and his power far exceeds that of ordinary humans.

Woto Moji tried his best to dodge backwards, but Nangong Qi's knife was so fast and fierce that he couldn't dodge it at all.

However, just when the chain sword was about to fall on him, the chain sword stopped directly in the air, and he was unscathed.

"What are you doing?"

"Keep my promise."

Nangong Qi turned off the chain sword's engine and put it away.

"I said that if I could, I would not kill anyone in this Holy Grail War."

"You are really as stubborn as me!"

Nangong Qi stretched out his hand, and Woto Moji unceremoniously used it to pull himself up from the ground.

"What I lost was that I was convinced."

When his eyes came to the Sesshōin, she was being mercilessly pressed to the ground and rubbed by Arquette, in every sense of the word.


Whether in terms of physical strength or combat ability, the True Ancestor of Erquet completely crushed Sesshōin. Every punch directly hammered Sesshōin into the ground, leaving a human mark.

None of the Sesshōin's tricks worked, not charm, not physical combat, not even magic.

"Seshoin, are you okay? Haha!"

For some reason, Nangong Qi wanted to laugh inexplicably when looking at the miserable state of the Sesshōin.

"Is it finally over for you guys?"

Sesshōin resisted the urge to curse and kept smiling.

"Yes, it's over."

Like several previous opponents, Nangong Qi told Woto Moji to absorb and store him in his body, and then release him after the Holy Grail War was over.

Next, all you have to do is wait for Elquit to disappear.


and many more!

"Why haven't you disappeared yet?"

Looking at Arquette, who had obviously lost his master but still hadn't disappeared, a bunch of question marks suddenly appeared on Nangong Qi's head.

Now half an hour has passed since Woto Moji was absorbed by Nangong Qi, and Mooncell has already announced the final winner. Logically speaking, Elquit should have withdrawn.


Arquette leaned on Nangong Qi while speaking completely meaningless words.

"Do you want a barbecue?"

Erquette nodded wildly.

"Okay, let's go eat now!"

Sesshōin who was on the side felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.



The protagonist uses barbecue to descend and successfully retrieves Princess Tsukihime (doge)




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Chapter 10 I know a thing or two about Chinese martial arts

BB wears Musashi pro swimsuit.jpg

In Nangong Qi’s staff dormitory.

"Ouch" "Oow" "Oow" "Oow" "Oow" "Oow"


Erquet was immersed in enjoying the barbecue and couldn't help himself. His hands and face were covered with oil. If he didn't know the situation clearly, no one would regard this being who was eating barbecue as his true ancestor, let alone Yue Ji.

The first thing Ce and Bell did after cracking some of Mooncell's peripheral codes was to open a wireless money plug-in for Nangong Qi. Otherwise, Nangong Qi would probably be bankrupted by Yue Ji sooner or later.

Seeing Arquette devouring the food, Nangong Qi just wanted to drag Zhu Yue in front of him and ask:

Is this fucking vampire?

"This is not fair!"

Sesshōin screamed from the side and expressed his protest. "How come she, a newcomer, can have unlimited barbecue for free, and I still owe money to the master! Why?"

"Seshoin, have you made a mistake?" Nangong Qi retorted while grilling Arquette.

"When did I calculate your food expenses? The money you owe me was all owed when you went shopping."

"Then why, Master, have you never treated me to barbecue?"

"You never told me, I thought you just liked eating small desserts like peony cakes."

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