But now that Ce and Bell have successfully cracked some of the permissions, they can naturally liberate part of Nangong Qi's power.

"it is good!"

Just do what you say, and the cracked permissions come into play, liberating the compressed data on Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi suddenly opened his eyes on the bed.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he clearly felt that he had become stronger.

To verify, he sat up from the hospital bed, and a belt appeared out of thin air around his waist.

It's [Emperor Stone].

Although it still only liberates a part of the power, at least it should be no problem to crush Gawain alone.

"gone back."

"Senior, do you want a bento?"


Taking the pink lunch box with a small heart in the center from Sakura Matou, Nangong Qi went home.

——————————————Ce and Bell are digging a space tunnel——————————————

Seven days later, in [The Sixth Month of Thoughts], Nangong Qi and Sesshoin arrived here.

Leo and Gawain have been waiting here for a long time.

The battlefield here is a plain and the sun shines brightly.

Due to the direct sunlight, the [Saint's Number] can also exert its greatest power compared to Gawain, but this is what Nangong Qi hopes in his heart.

“Nangong Qi, you are a very mysterious person.”

Leo stared at Nangong Qi, as if he wanted to read some useful information from his face.

"Who are you? If you can persist until now, you will definitely not be an unknown person, but why have you been unknown for more than 20 years? You are not even recorded in the database of Western European plutocrats, as if you suddenly Like appearing in this world?"

"So? Do you want me to give you my personal postcard?"

"No need." Leo shook his head. "After this battle, only one of us can survive. No matter what the final result is, it is impossible for us to maintain a cooperative relationship."

"Indeed. There is only one winner in the end, and that is me, Nangong Qi!"

"It's up to me to say that."

Leo is known as the "King of Perfection" for no reason. He is arrogant, but not arrogant. He also has unrivaled absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Is it because you are the [King of Perfection]? I really don't know what your high opinion is?"

"It's not that high-minded, it's just that human beings are constantly growing and moving towards the goal of perfection. If an existence can really be called perfect, do you think there is still room for improvement? Or, do you think? Can I still become stronger?"

"Oh?" Leo was obviously interested in Nangong Qi's words.

“Perfection is everyone’s destination.

"Not only

Furthermore, I also believe that the human race itself has no limits. "

Nangong Qi calmly summoned the [Emperor Stone]. "So your so-called perfection is just a simple adjective after all."

"Next, let us verify in battle whether your [Perfect King] is worthy of your name or in vain!"

"We will do our best."

Leo still maintained a confident smile.

"Going to fuck, Gawain."


Gawain respectfully bowed to Leo as a knight as if he were facing the King of Silly Hair, and pulled out the Holy Sword of the Sun, which exuded a strange scorching heat.

"Well, to deal with the sun, you have to use the Sun Knight. Transform!"

With his eyes filled with the desire for electric welding, the [Emperor Stone] bloomed with dazzling light, and a burst of steam enveloped Nangong Qi.

Something incredible happened!

Nangong Qi waved the pitch-black cloak behind him, blowing away the steam, revealing his red eyes, dark green body, a locust-like appearance, and a night-like cloak.

"I am the Son of the Sun, [Kamen Rider Black RX]!"

Nangong Qi had a rare attack of his second disease and imitated Minami Kotaro's hand-waving action.

"I see. Possessing inhuman power, is this your trump card?"

Leo was a little surprised by Nangong Qi's transformation, but not shocked. "It's a pity that you are still no match for Gawain!"

"Opponent? Stop joking. As a knight, what did Gawain protect? Was it Camelot that was burned by Mordred, or King Arthur who was hacked to death by Mordred?"

In an instant, several capital and bold crosses appeared on Gawain's forehead.



I’ve wanted to write about it for a long time, the real battle between the Sun Knights

There is no doubt that Gao Wenqing was beaten (doge)




PS again:

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Chapter 13 The invincible Gawain dies under the sun again

Mordred, the traitor among the Thirteen Knights of the Round Table, was also the one who destroyed Camelot, killed Gawain, and even severely wounded King Arthur.

It can be said that Gawain's original pig-nosed operation successfully provided an indelible contribution to the traitor Mordred, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the MVP in "The Death of King Arthur".

Be calm!Be calm!Be calm!You must calm down!

After taking deep breaths many times, Gawain successfully suppressed the emotions that almost exploded.

"Those are just things in the past, not worth mentioning at all. There is only one king in my heart now, and that is my master!"

"Gawain, I believe you!"

Leo gave Gawain such a trusting look that the original negative emotions in Gawain's heart completely disappeared.

"Okay, I hope you won't let down the king you swore allegiance to for the second time. I also want to test who is the real Sun Knight between the two of us!"

"Are you also a Sun Knight?"

Gawain thought that the so-called [Son of the Sun] was Nangong Qi's boast.

"What about your horse? As a knight, how can you not have a horse?"

"[Fighting Locusts]!"

The next moment, a motorcycle broke through the dimensional barrier and arrived at Nangong Qi's side. He did a split in the air and jumped onto the seat of [Battle Locust].

"This is my mount!"


Gawain's face was extremely ugly and turned blood red from the pain.

"This is not a horse at all..."

"How come an iron horse is not considered a horse? You, an old antique, are still clinging to the honors of the past and are destined to be abandoned by the times!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

[Battle Locust] also responded with an exciting engine sound.

"Seshoin, the old rules are still there, you go and deal with Leo, I will deal with this Potato Knight!"

"Oh, I see. Is this a tactic of using the Servant and the Master to exchange opponents? Because the Servant is really not strong enough, this is actually a good strategy."

Leo had an expression of appreciation on his face.

"It's a pity that even though I'm the [Perfect King], I'm not weak either. If I'm second-rate or third-rate

Servants may not be my opponents. "

"Okay, Sesshōin, now the strategy has changed. You are responsible for watching the show from the side, and I will destroy the other side by myself!"


Sesshōin protested: "I'm not that weak, can't you trust me a little more?"

"Well, just to be on the safe side. Now there are only a few steps left before success. I don't want to suddenly overturn at this time!"

"Okay then, remember to go back and compensate me."

There was no other way, Sesshōin could only turn around and look for a shelter.

But at the next moment, Nangong Qi grabbed her hand and forced her to the [Battle Locust] car behind him.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

"Sit tight, I'm leaving now!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

The [Battle Locust] that was already ready to attack galloped towards Gawain, like an unstoppable divine horse.


Sesshōin, on the other hand, hugged Nangong Qi's back tightly and screamed, with an extremely abnormal blush on his face.

Gawain is a warrior with extremely rich combat experience, and it is not uncommon for him to fight with cavalry on foot, but he is not sure whether he can use this experience in [Fighting Locusts].

"RX kick! Tuo——"

Just when [Battle Locust] was about to hit Gawain, Nangong Qi stood up from his seat and kicked him over.

Gawain didn't have the skills to predict the future such as [eyesight] and [intuition]. He was caught off guard and could only raise the holy sword in his hand to block, and then he was kicked away.

[Battle Locust] continued to ride on the Seshoin, speeding towards Leo without losing any speed.

Leo's expression changed slightly, but due to his years of elite education, he was not too panicked.

It's just that he has considered dealing with servants, magicians, and even mythical demigods, but he has never considered dealing with a motorcycle.

The next moment, the magic started.

Several layers of earth walls stand between [Battle Locust] and Leo.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

However, in fact, it cannot be stopped at all.

The [Battle Locust] was a vehicle prepared for the [Creator King]. The mere earthen wall could not stop it and was directly smashed into pieces.

At the same time, it was extremely fast, rushing in front of Leo almost in the blink of an eye, without feeling any decrease in speed.

"Let it burn!"

Leo had no choice but to use his best fire magic to form a wall of fire in front of him.

But, useless.


Leo was knocked out and rolled on the ground, at least a few bones were broken.


Gawain shouted, but he did not dare to relax at all, because there was still an extremely difficult enemy in front of him.

Nangong Qi held a [Swing Staff] in each hand, waving it in the form of a lightsaber, weaving an inseparable network in the air.

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