He didn't care about the reason for defense or anything.

"The sword flash of the sun!"

It is not the true name of the Noble Phantasm of Liberation, but the sun-like flames are burning on the blade.

Relying on his super durability, Gawain took several sword blows in succession, and finally made the Holy Sword of the Sun penetrate directly through Nangong Qi's heart.

Although he hit the enemy's vital point, a strong sense of uneasiness lingered in Gawain's heart and could not go away.


Gawain made a decision immediately.

The next moment, the sharp sword in Nangong Qi's hand thrust out again and penetrated directly through his legs.

"Is it a dying struggle?"

"Stop joking. You're the one who's really dying."

Under Gawain's unbelievable gaze, the seemingly fatal wound on Nangong Qi's chest quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"what happened?"

"I am the son of the sun. As long as the sun still shines in the sky, I will be immortal and immortal! I am the true Knight of the Sun, and you are just an insect wearing a false skin!"

Now Gawain really doubts his life.

"Gawain, don't give up. No matter what kind of knight you are, you will always be my knight!"


Leo on the side loudly enlightened Gawain, successfully making him get rid of his confusion instantly, although Leo was still driven around by the [Battle Locusts].

"With the command spell, Gawain must win!"

"Use the command spell again, Gawain, use all your strength to release the Noble Phantasm against the enemy!"

"Thank you, my lord! As you wish. My holy sword is the manifestation of the sun. According to the king's order, burn everything on the earth! This sword is the manifestation of the sun. Another holy sword of the stars!"

Gawain instantly felt full of power. After pulling out the two [Revolving Staffs] from his legs and throwing them away, he quickly released the Noble Phantasm and threw the Sun Sword into the sky.

The Holy Sun Sword selects at high speed in the air, forming a sun pattern composed of energy, and then falls back

into the hands of Gawain.

"[Excalibur Gallatin]!"

As if the sun had set on the earth, blazing thermal light cannons were released from the blade.

But the target was not Nangong Qi, but the [Fighting Locust] on the side.

To be precise, it is the Killing Institute on [Battle Locust].

You must know that in the Holy Grail War, the master and the servant are one. As long as one of them can be eliminated, the other will also be eliminated.

"Biochemical Knight!"

Nangong Qi also saw Gawain's intention, immediately switched forms and liquefied, and quickly rushed to the [Battle Locust].

"Mechanical Knight!"

To be on the safe side, Nangong Qi replaced him with a mechanical knight with the strongest heat resistance to block this fatal sword.

"Buzzing buzzing—"

Photons were flowing, and the hot energy almost turned the ground into glass.

The light cannon released by the Holy Sword of the Sun hit Nangong Qi, and then split into two streams, burning the ground and walls on both sides.

The Noble Phantasm is released quickly and ends even faster.

The smoke was so thick that it was almost impossible to see the situation of the opponent clearly.

"Did you make it?"

"I'm afraid, it's difficult!"

Gawain also had no idea.

Considering Nangong Qi's characteristic of infinite self-healing under the sun, the release of his Sun Holy Sword may not be a harm to him, but a [Great Healing Technique].

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and Nangong Qi, Seshoin, and [Battle Locust] were completely unscathed.


This is how Nangong Qi felt after receiving the Noble Phantasm on his face. The sword strike just now almost wiped away all the fatigue and negative emotions from his body. It really made him so high that he wanted to dig his temples.

Gawain's face became even more ugly, and despair that had never appeared before spread in his heart.

Despite this, he still held the holy sword in his hand and stood between Leo and Nangong Qi.

As a loyal knight, he will fight for his king until he can no longer fight.

"What should I say about that? If possible, I still don't want to kill anyone!"

Suddenly, Nangong Qi took the initiative to cancel the transformation and spread his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

"What do you mean?"

Later, Nangong Qi demonstrated his ability to store people in the form of data in his body.

"In other words, brother Julius is still alive?"

"Yes. It's a pity that guy still can't get the death he desires. After the Holy Grail War is over, he will continue to be your stepping stone! Hehehehehehe!"

Sesshōin let out a nice laugh, and Leo finally understood why Sesshōin laughed in the first place.

I was wasting my emotions before I co-authored it!

"Mr. Nangong Qi, you are probably the kindest and most innocent person I have ever met. Compared with your own persistence, you have also encountered many problems, right?"


Nangong Qi gave Leo a thumbs up.

“But that doesn’t matter because I have enough strength to achieve my goals.”

"It seems that I really lost completely!"

Leo smiled bitterly. "It's a pity that as Gawain's king, I must support him in fighting and live up to his loyalty!"

"Okay, since you don't want to show decency, I will help you show decency!"

The crimson [Satan Saber] appeared in Nangong Qi's hand, and even Sesshōin felt a sense of suffocation when he saw the blade.

"Master, thank you!"

Gawain presented the most solemn knighthood to Leo.

For him, the biggest regret in his life was his unbearable death at the hands of Mordred.

Being able to die in battle for his lord was a harmless honor for him.

"Okay, what a loyal knight. In that case, I will show you the greatest respect! [Creation Thunder]!"

The energy from the two [Emperor Stones] flows on the blade of the [Satan Saber], and even space cannot withstand such terrifying power.

Nangong Qi jumped up with the [Satan Saber] in his hand and swung it down violently. Gawain stood ready and raised his sword to block.


The invincible Sun Sword was cut off directly, and Gawain was completely shattered by this sword, but he was very satisfied.

"I, die without regret."

After using the same method to absorb Leo, Mooncell also declared the final winner of this battle.

It’s Nangong Qi.


"That master!"

Killing house

He hugged Nangong Qi's arm with a blush on his face.

"Can you let me ride [Battle Locust] again? Just once!"

"Okay, give me the money."

"...Can't we talk about money?"

Faced with such a request, even the Sesshōin couldn't help but look embarrassed. "Master, you don't look like someone who is short of money!"

"It's the price. Do you understand the price?"

Nangong Qi glanced at Seshoin, got on the [Battle Locust], and pulled Seshoin up.

"Because there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get anything, you have to pay the same or even greater price. Do you think you deserve everything you have?"


"As long as you understand. Let's go!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

Soon, Nangong Qi took Sesshōin and left [Roku no Yuki Kaikai], where Kotomine Kirei had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Congratulations to your Excellency for being the winner."


Nangong Qi felt confused.

In previous battles, Kotomine Kirei had never greeted him like this.

Could it be that something happened?

"Is there an accident with Tohsaka Rin and Rani?"

"Congratulations again, Your Excellency, you guessed it right!"

Kotomine Kirei had a disappointed expression. He originally wanted to give it a try, but who would have thought that Nangong Qi could guess it at a glance.

"Tohsaka Rin and Rani VIII's servants died together. Even Mooncell can't decide the winner among them. So Mooncell plans to let you be the referee and choose one of them as the winner, who is also the next level to you. The final opponent.”

"What's the matter?"

Passionate lips, huge×.jpg



Model moon official settings

If Rani + Lu Bu fights with Tohsaka Rin + Cu Chulainn, they will both die together. Even Mooncell cannot determine the winner.




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Chapter 14 The fat otaku elephant waits for death, charges and causes trouble BB sauce

"Lani and Rin died together?"

Hearing the news, Nangong Qi's face was full of disbelief, and he didn't know whether this was bad luck or good luck.

What surprised him even more was that Mooncell's method of handling this draw was to let him decide who would die and who would live.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the dead ones, but the living ones will become Nangong Qi’s opponents in the next round.

Nangong Qi got off the [Battle Locust], clenched his fists in the air, and looked at Kotomine Kirei. "Now, please lead the way!"

"follow me."

Following Kotomine Kirei's footsteps, a door appeared in front of him out of thin air.

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