After entering through the gate, Tohsaka Rin and Rani were seen lying in a facility similar to a hibernation cabin, with their eyes closed.

There were also their servants Cú Chulainn and Lu Bu. These two first-class servants were also tied up by countless iron chains and hung in the air. They were also unconscious.

There is also a large screen in the sky, showing the scene of the final battle between Cu Chulainn and Lu Bu.

I saw Cu Chulainn and Lu Bu piercing each other's heart with the weapons in their hands at the same time, and then they were defeated at the same time.

Faced with such a situation, even Mooncell cannot determine who is the winner and can only leave it to Nangong Qi to choose.

"The decision of who lives and who dies between two people is in your hands. I just don't know how you would decide when faced with such a problem?"

Kotomine Kirei looked happy, as if he had seen the scene where Nangong Qi didn't know which person to save first and was entangled in his heart.

If it were Emiya Kiritsugu, he would probably be tortured to the point of madness by such questions.

But Nangong Qi is different. He doesn't have Emiya Kiritsugu's twisted, self-deceptive justice concerns.

"I choose......"

Nangong Qi walked slowly between Rani and Tohsaka Rin, and opened his hands toward them at the same time, and huge bubbles were released from his hands.

"Of course I want them all. I am a very willful guy."


Before Kirei Kotomine could react, two huge bubbles wrapped Rin Tosaka and Rani respectively, then compressed and were taken back into Nangong Qi's body.

Soon, Mooncell made a decision that the game was a draw.

Tohsaka Rin and Rani did not arrive at the [Rokuzuki Kaorikai] battlefield in time at the same time, so they both lost and were eliminated at the same time.

After all, no matter how powerful Mooncell is, it is impossible to

If you pinch a person out of thin air, at most you will just use humans on the earth as a template to create an AI with exactly the same image and personality, but rigid actions.

Now all the masters and servants who can fight have been eliminated, leaving only Nangong Qi and Sesshōin, the pair of masters and servants.

The final winner is self-evident.

"Congratulations, boring Nangong Qi."

"Clap clap clap clap"

Kotomine Kirei clapped with a disappointed look on his face, still looking regretful that he couldn't see Nangong Qi's tangled look.

"Congratulations, master!"

Sesshōin jumped up excitedly and wanted to give Nangong Qi a hug, but he dodged him.

Not being distracted by the temporary victory, Nangong Qi continued to ask Kotomine Kirei, the game instructor, calmly.

"I wonder how Mooncell will arrange it?"

"Although you are the last master who still has qualifications, you still have to go through the required procedures."

"That is to say..."

"That's what you mean!" A joyful smile suddenly broke out on Kotomine Kirei's face. "You still have to wait for a week before you can become the final winner and make a wish for Mooncell!"

"Things that are on the market will have to wait another week!"

There is no way, Nangong Qi can't interfere with Mooncell's decision.

Just thinking about having to cook barbecue for that super foodie in Arquette for a week, Nangong Qi couldn't help but feel liver pain.

"But Mr. Nangongqi, although you are the only one left with master qualifications, you are not alone."

"What do you mean?"

"There is another master in the academy who has not participated in the Holy Grail War from beginning to end. Therefore, she has been disqualified in one round of battle. As long as she waits until the Holy Grail War is completely over, she will join the academy Delete them all."

"Is there such a thing?"

Nangong Qi has always participated in the Holy Grail War with the idea of ​​"cannot survive without fighting". Who would have thought that there would be people participating in the Holy Grail War who would eat and wait to die like this?

Of course, except for Alice who accidentally entered the Holy Grail War and didn't even know what the Holy Grail War was.

"That's all I can say, farewell."

Kotomine Kirei knew what Nangong Qi wanted to know, but he refused to say anything and disappeared directly, leaving Nangong Qi to curl his lips.

"Master, can we celebrate when we go back tonight?"

Sesshōin had an unnatural blush on his face.

She thought that usually in such banquet and celebration plots, the male protagonist would often do some frivolous behavior after being drunk.

Then she couldn't help but let herself go, and began to imagine Nangong Qi completely giving up her reason and venting her bestial desires on all the opposite sexes within reach.

"It's really exciting!"

"Expecting a hammer, I won't do this kind of thing like opening champagne at halftime. And I also want to see what kind of person is that person who just waits for death and gives up the Holy Grail War. Transformation."

Nangong Qi transformed directly, intending to use his senses, which were magnified many times after his transformation, to find someone.

Seeing that his master had no intention of opening an impa, Sesshōin could only follow him with a disappointed expression.

Since Ce and Bell had cracked some of Mooncell's data earlier, Nangong Qi also knew the internal structure of the entire academy very well.

It's not difficult to find someone. If it doesn't work, just do a blanket search.

The reason why he found that person was not a big deal, but Nangong Qi felt a little angry for no reason.

All I did was have the mentality that "I can't survive without fighting", and you actually left me to eat and wait to die?

Are you worthy of my enlightenment?

Soon, Nangong Qi found traces of the target among the clues.

Each AI has its own fixed activity route, so their traces are still very fixed.

Among these traces, Nangong Qi noticed an irregular trace.

If nothing else, this trace was left by the last person.

Following the traces, Nangong Qi found the storage room and slapped the door hard.

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang"

"FBI, open the door!"

"There is no one here, you have found the wrong person!"

As expected, a lazy but somewhat panicked voice sounded from behind the door.

"How can you talk without anyone?"

Nangong Qi couldn't help but take out the key he got from the NPC and opened the door directly, canceling the transformation at the same time to prevent the people inside from treating him as a weirdo.

In the distance, the NPC who serves as the principal of the academy is using his authority to apply for a new set of keys from Mooncell.


The door was pushed open, and what came into view was a man wearing golden armor, black undercoat, white hair and eyes of different colors, holding a spear in his hand... Karna.

"No, the person I'm looking for is not you."

Nangong Qi glanced past Karna and looked deeper into the room.

It was a woman with long brown hair that had not been taken care of at all and looked very sloppy and greasy.

Although the limbs are slender, the waist, abdomen and thighs are

The part is obviously a little fat, an obvious fat house.

"Are you, Gina?"

Nangong Qi recognized the name of this fat house at a glance, but Gina just huddled in the bed and shook her head hurriedly.

"I'm not, you're looking for the wrong person."

Nangong Qi turned to look at Karna, and Karna could only shake his head and shrug, saying that he had nothing to do with this master who was waiting to die.

"…Sorry to bother you. Goodbye."

After closing the door, Nangong Qi left without looking back.

He also has no right to stop others from eating and waiting to die. Since she made such a choice, she should be responsible for her own choice.

At the moment the Holy Grail War ends, everything in the entire academy, including all low-level NPCs and Ginako, will be deleted.

Originally, he wanted to try to take Gina into his body to save her from dying all over again.

But considering Gina's performance just now, I'm afraid she wouldn't trust herself if she didn't show it.


"Mr. Karna, you are looking at me, right?"


Karna exited the spiritual body and appeared in front of Nangong Qi.

"What I want to say is that the final winner of the Holy Grail War has appeared. This academy will also be deleted in a week. But before that, I still want to give some humanistic care."

With that said, Nangong Qi took out a big bag of snacks, which made Karna's eyes widen.

There was no way, Ginako's fighting consciousness was too weak, she gave up right at the beginning of the first battle, and never entered the arena, let alone fight monsters to make money.

However, Ginako's consumption of snacks was unavoidable, so Karna could only find time to enter the arena alone to earn some snack money for Ginako.

"thank you very much."

"Goodbye by fate!"

Although Nangong Qi really wants to kidnap Karna, a qualified servant, but considering his personality, it is better to fight the next Holy Grail War.

No, why do you still need to fight the Holy Grail War when you are doing well?

The Holy Grail War is over. Once I fully understand the grudge between me and Ilya, I will feel relieved!

"Go back and eat barbecue!"

"Ah? Oh."

The Sesshōin was very disappointed, thinking that Nangong Qi could do some beastly behavior in extreme ecstasy.

While shopping for groceries, Nangong Qi felt as if he had forgotten something.

By the way, isn't there a Sesshōin in this Holy Grail War?

Where did that guy go?

Was he really eliminated in a random Holy Grail War?

One week later, it was the final battle of the Holy Grail War.

Although the opponent was completely dead, Mooncell still insisted on executing the fixed procedure, which required Nangong Qi to take one step forward to [Seven Moon Dreams Sea] before he could announce his identity as the final winner.

"Elquit, if nothing else happens, you will be erased if you stay here. So, do you want to..."

"Into your body, right?"

Arquette showed a healthy smile and hugged Nangong Qi's arm.

"I believe you!"

"it is good!"

Nangong Qi said that Arquette was inhaled into the body in the form of data, and then took the Sesshoin and walked towards the [Seven Moons Sea of ​​Thoughts].

Originally, Nangong Qi wanted to be separate from Matou Sakura. After all, it was rare for him to work with him for so long.

But she didn't know where to run, and she couldn't be found at all.

There is no other way, Nangong Qi can only give up and go to the battlefield of [Qi Zhi Yue Xiang Hai] to become the final winner.

According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, he can make a wish to Mooncell.

"Ce, Bell, where are you two? I'm almost at the finish line, where did you fall?"


At this moment, Ce and Bell were still digging the space tunnel diligently, heading towards the core area of ​​Mooncell.

"Congratulations. As the final winner of the Holy Grail War, you can now go to the Mooncell Center and obtain the Holy Grail."

Kotomine Kirei applauded Nangong Qi with a calm expression.

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