"How on earth am I going to reach Mooncell's center now?"

"I will open the way to Mooncell for you. If you want to set off, do it as soon as possible."

"Okay, hurry up! I don't want to encounter some random accidents on the road."

After receiving Nangong Qi's affirmative reply, Kotomine Kirei used his own AI authority to open a passage to the Mooncell Center.

"Okay, as long as you pass through this tunnel, you can reach the center of Mooncell, make a wish to Mooncell, and all your wishes will come true."

"Seshoin, let's go."

Nangong Qi walked into the passage first, followed closely by Sesshōin.

Seeing the two of them disappear, Kotomine Kirei waved his hand.

Close the channel.

The next moment, the cleaning process starts.

It was as if a huge black sea of ​​evil in this world suddenly overflowed from the floor, swallowing up all the AI, NPC, and the last human Ginako and her servant Karna.

Even Kotomine Kirei was swallowed up.

At the same time, Nangong Qi drove the [Combat Locust] speeding through the passage and soon arrived at Mooncell's central area.

“Finally arrived at the core area, it’s really not easy!”

It is indeed not easy. With a useless servant who is almost a drag on Sesshōin, Nangong Qi resolves almost all battles by himself by rolling up his sleeves.

At this moment, a voice that was completely inconsistent with the environment in front of him sounded, with a cheerful BGM.

"Senior, you've been waiting for a long time! Next is the appearance of the junior character BB-chan, a little devil!"

Charge and make trouble BB sauce.jpg

Nangong Qi's expression suddenly changed.

The accident that he had always tried to avoid happened without incident.

"It's yours! Alaya, fuck, it's your uncle's!"



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Chapter 15 Imaginary Number Spaces


Although accidents were bound to happen before he actually achieved his goal, Nangong Qi did not hesitate and decisively chose to transform and attack.


Nangong Qi jumped up, trying to reach the Mooncell center before the guy who claimed to be BB and made his wish.

"Senior, it's not okay to be impatient. No girl will like you if you are impatient like this!"

Devilish laughter sounded, followed by huge changes in the central area of ​​​​Mooncell.


I saw endless black mud coming towards him, stopping Nangong Qi in mid-air.

"Biochemical Knight!"

Unwilling to give up, Nangong Qi immediately switched to Biochemical Knight Liquify and continued flying towards Mooncell's center.


The devil's laughter sounded again, and a pink energy cannon was seen attacking, using ultra-high temperature to force Nangong Qi from the liquefied form back to the human form.

Despite this, Nangong Qi still refused to give up and immediately switched forms.

"Sky Knight!"

After switching forms, Nangong Qi jumped up. Even if his hands and feet were broken today, he would never relax.

"Hehe, senior is indeed so persistent and stubborn, but it is precisely because of this that he is so attractive to BB!"

A girl who looked exactly like Matou Sakura appeared in front of Nangong Qi, but she was completely different from the Matou Sakura that Nangong Qi had seen.

If Sakura Matou is an elegant, dignified, and quiet good girl, then this BB is a real devil, with a mocking and teasing smile on her face, without any respect at all.

Nangong Qi was not prepared, nor did he intend to be prepared. He sprinted at full speed, seemingly intending to smash the BB directly.

BB was unhurried, with a malicious smile on his face, and with a wave of his pointer, he whipped Nangong Qi away.

"[Satan Saber]!"

Nangong Qi had no idea of ​​pity for the beauty, he just wanted to smash the accident in front of him.

"Senior, why are you just unwilling to sit down obediently? You just need to stay where you are and wait, and the perfect ending will appear!"


Nangong Qi had no idea of ​​responding. The energy of the two [Emperor Stones] flowed on the [Satan Saber]. The space around the sword could not withstand such an attack, and it continued to shatter like glass.

He had used this move to kill Wang Hassan before, and he couldn't believe that a BB could be harder to kill than Wang Hassan.

"I'm so scared! But BB-chan always has a way! Clang, clang, clang—"

BB waved the pointer in his hand again, and the rushing black mud sea turned into a heavy hammer and hit the ground hard.


With the crisp sound of glass shattering, the ground completely shattered.

Nangong Qi has a gravity control system that allows him to float in the air, but Sesshōin does not have this kind of treatment.



Sesshōin let out a girlish and extremely desperate scream and fell downwards.

What's next?

It was completely dark, and even Nangong Qi couldn't catch any light.

"Now, senior, how do you choose?"

BB continued to mock Nangong Qi. "After all, she is just a useless servant. I guess you won't care about her, senior, right?"

"But I refuse!"

After Nangong Qi put away the [Satan Saber], he flew towards the Sesshoin under BB's shocked eyes.

"BB, you are wrong! Sesshōin is my servant, and I promised her that the servant and the master are one. No matter how useless she is, she is still my servant! This relationship is completely severed. I will never give up on her before!”


After hearing Nangong Qi's speech, Sesshōin, who was originally filled with despair, couldn't help but burst into tears and reached out to Nangong Qi for help.



Nangong Qi also grabbed Sesshōin's hand, and Sesshōin hugged Nangong Qi.

The gravity control system was activated, and Nangong Qi held his servant and flew upward.


Seeing such an intimate scene between the two of them, BB's complexion changed slightly, and she felt regretful, but she had no choice but to go.

"Then senior, BB can only wish you and that bad woman to have a happy together!"

The next moment, more black mud pressed down overwhelmingly, forcefully knocking Nangong Qi down, and he fell towards the depths below where no light could be seen at all.

"BB, you bastard, remember this! Don't let me catch you, or I will have to spread your ass!"

Falling down, falling down...

I don’t know how much time passed, but Nangong Qicai finally realized that he was no longer missing.

"The Killing House?"

"Master, I'm here."

Sesshōin's soft voice sounded, no longer as charming as before, but one filled with sincere satisfaction.

"You...forget it."

I don't know how many times I have said that the Sesshoin is useless, and it makes me feel tired.

Instead of staying where you are and feeling sorry for yourself, it's better to think of ways to get out of your current predicament.

"Do you know where this place is?"

"do not know."

"I'm really stupid to ask you such a question."

Looking around, Nangong Qi didn't even know where he was up, down, left, and right. He couldn't see everything around him clearly, not even the Sesshōin in his arms.

If the softness of Sesshōin's body hadn't reminded Nangong Qi, he would probably have thought he was holding an inflatable doll.

"This is very much like the space of imaginary numbers."

Imaginary space.

There is no time and space, and the concept of space and time almost does not exist. There is no gravity, no friction and other physical forces. As for all physical phenomena, it is completely untenable.

It's no wonder that Nangong Qi completely lost his sense of direction in this field, because this is completely opposite to the existing world - a world that does not exist.

If you want to return to reality from the imaginary space where humans are diving, you must have a "fate" with reality.

It's like an anchor.

Everything that exists in reality can originally become [destiny].

As long as there is a being related to someone in it, humans can normally escape from the imaginary number space.

This thing sounds very metaphysical, or in other words, it requires spiritual power to help people get out of here.

It's not that Nangong Qi has never dived in the imaginary number space, it's just that at that time, he still had this accurate goal.

It's different now. Nangong Qi can't find the direction at all, and can't even see clearly.

"Seshoin, I'm going to move."


Holding Sesshōin in his arms, Nangong Qi moved forward in the imaginary space.

Of course, saying "move forward" is actually somewhat inaccurate. After all, there is no concept of space here, and there is no such thing as "distance." Moving here can actually only rely on "missing."

But when all the masters in the Holy Grail War are dead, who will miss Nangong Qi?

"I don't know what's going on with Ce and Beier. If we meet that BB, I guess it won't be difficult to deal with her."

After all, Ce and Bell are cannonballs, unlike Sesshōin who is a dragster.



After not knowing how long he had advanced, Nangong Qi found a bright light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

He immediately lost no time and moved forward at full speed.


Accompanied by the non-existent sound of water, Nangong Qi finally left the imaginary space and landed on the ground.

"Seshoin, you can come down now."


Sesshōin was disappointed and reluctantly got off Nangong Qi.

After confirming that the ground under his feet was not a trap, Nangong Qi looked around.

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