"For the sake of senior, I don't care about anything anymore! Wake up, Emperor Flower. Then destroy us together!"

The pointer was waved, and the last seal of the Emperor Flower was touched. She opened her red and purple eyes. After seeing the person opposite clearly, she couldn't help but shake her head.

"Mom, senior is there, I can't do it."

Emperor Flower is indeed the "alterego" created by BB. She maintains her feelings for Nangong Qi and disobeys BB's orders without hesitation.

"Haha, this is really expected."

BB sneered, his facial expression getting worse and worse. "In that case, why are you still thinking? Give up thinking and become a [beast] that destroys everything!"

The next moment, the Emperor Flower's eyes lost their highlights and turned into blood-like scarlet, leaving only endless madness and murderous intent.

At the same time, her size began to increase, which was her unique skill [Giant Scale], which could expand the scale infinitely.

As long as there is enough time, it does not seem impossible to expand like Oriba in the OP of "Blade Tooth" to fill the entire solar system.


No need to remind, all the servants present could sense the danger of the Emperor Flower and left the place one after another, leaving Ti Ma alone to face it.

I saw the Emperor Flower raise her hands to her mouth in the shape of a trumpet, take a deep breath, and then...


The terrifying sound wave hit, and everyone present felt that their ears were temporarily deafened, and some even had splitting headaches and dizziness.

"Yu's head hurts so much!"

"What a poor child. His mother deprived him of the right to think, leaving him with only the [beast] nature to control him, even to the point of hurting his beloved." Faced with the sonic offensive of the Emperor Flower, Ti Ma remained unmoved at all. His face was full of love and sympathy.

"Let mom help you get rid of the pain! Super mom, activate!"

With that said, Ti Ma sank into the [Sea of ​​Life] at her feet, and then an extra large Ti Ma emerged from the sea, enlarged countless times compared to before, even larger than the Emperor Flower in size.

Facing a powerful enemy, Tima did not hesitate to use the ultimate transformation to let her true body descend here.

The second [Beast], Tiamat, has arrived!

Human evil is back!


The two powerful sound waves collided so hard that even the [Sea of ​​Life] beneath them was blown away. Nangong Qi and the followers were blown away like leaves being rolled up by a storm. Everything was in disarray, and Bei was almost nowhere to be found.

"Oh my God!"

When Nangong Qi barely recovered, he found that everyone was falling downwards.

Ti Ma and Emperor Hua were firing on all cylinders at the moment, competing with various light cannons and sonic cannons, and the aftermath of the explosion helped everyone fall faster.

This is a war between [Beasts] and [Beasts], and there is no possibility for mere mortals to interfere.

Nangong Qi estimated that he would at least have to wait for Ce and Bell to come back before he could deal with the two [beasts] who were fighting above.

"Mom, are you okay there?"


"...Okay, I'll just assume you have no problem. Then again, where is this?"

And at the bottom is an extremely huge golden square.

"Is that the core of Mooncell?"

Nangong Qi suddenly realized. "It turns out that the reason why BB set up the maze to delay us is to break through Mooncell's last protective shield."

"I am the final winner of the Holy Grail War, so I can naturally enter it according to the rules. But BB is just a low-level AI with no connection, so if she wants to invade the core, she must dig through it!"

Now it seems that BB has almost dug out the last layer of protective shield, and Nangong Qi will not allow this bastard AI that has caused him a lot of trouble to continue to do whatever he wants.

"Transformation! Sky Knight!"

After completing the transformation, Nangong Qi flew downward quickly.

At this moment, the change happened again.


The deafening roar of the beast sounded, causing Nangong Qi to stop subconsciously.

The next moment, seven magic beast pillars that resembled demon pillars, but had animal heads at the end of the pillars, bit towards Nangong Qi from all directions.

"It's Warcraft!" Draco reminded. "I thought they were all dead, but it turns out they are all still alive in this terrible place."

"You know them?"

"Ah." Draco nodded. "They are the remaining clones. I originally thought that they all died in the battle with [Chaldea], but I didn't expect that they are still alive."

As he spoke, Draco's expression became more and more ugly, as if he had discovered something terrible.

"what happened again?"

"Warcraft He refuses to link with me. Others are controlling them to betray me. If they are some special servants and top servants, they may be able to control some of them. But if you want

If I want to control them all, I'm afraid I need an existence on the same level as me, which is a [Beast]! "

"What? Another [beast]?"

Nangong Qi felt that he was about to encounter all the [beasts] he could encounter in his life.


The roar of the beast sounded again, and the seven-headed monster opened its mouth and sprayed out deadly energy cannons to sweep wildly.

"Shut up to labor!"

Before, Nangong Qi was just in case he met an ordinary-looking but secretive boss like Attila.

Now that he has seen the enemy clearly, he has nothing to worry about and just goes all out.

"Transformation! Shadow Moon RX!"

After switching forms, the eyes on Nangong Qi's helmet bloomed with green light that seemed to come from the netherworld, and the majestic [Emperor Stone] energy was released, burning all the Warcraft He present into charcoal.

But in just a moment, the monster shook its body, and its burnt skin was thrown away, seemingly uninjured.

However, the seven-headed monster He did not continue to pursue, but quickly retreated, hovering around an existence, protecting that existence at the center.

Seeing that existence, Nangong Qi couldn't help but look behind him subconsciously.

"The Killing House?"

"No, no, it's not me, it's another me!"

Sesshōin waved quickly.

Under the watchful eyes of Nangong Qi, the beasts, and Yue Ji, it was impossible for her to cause trouble. There was only one answer that could explain the current situation.


The arrogant female laughter sounded, and everyone present could clearly distinguish the existence of the voice.

It's Sesshoin!

To be precise, it is the killing institute of this world, a killing institute that is destined to become a beast, a beast institute, not a useless caster summoned by Nangong Qi.

"Is it you? You actually snatched away my magical beast Hedu? It's unforgivable!"

Seeing that each of his clones was driven by the zoo like a good baby, Draco felt that his lungs were about to burst with anger.

It’s only her NTR for others!

How can anyone else NTR her?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The animal garden was still laughing wildly, and even had its legs wrapped around a demon beast, and unknown liquid seeped out.

"You bastard, what on earth are you doing to Yu's Demonic Beast He?"

"Have fun! Hahahahahaha!"

The animal garden did not stop moving, with a look of enjoyment on its face. "I have to say, your Warcraft He is awesome, so good!"

An unhealthy blush appeared on her cheeks, and there seemed to be waves flowing in her eyes.

If there were any mortals present, they would probably fall into the abyss of desire because of every move in the animal courtyard.

"Shut up Yu!"

Draco was furious.

From the magic she released, an identical monster rushed out and rushed towards Sesshōin.

"Your current Demonic Beast Pillar has exactly the same power as Demonic Beast He, but unfortunately it only has power and no essence. You are still incomplete and cannot use your full strength! Hahahahahaha!"

Under the control of the beast courtyard, the five-headed monster He was drawn out and tore the monster pillar summoned by Draco into pieces.

"In other words, you are already a [Beast] now, right?"

Nangong Qi became more serious than ever before.

If I had to say it, this was the first time he had faced off against an existence of the level of [Beast].

Originally, he had prepared a way to completely kill the [Beast], which was to transfer the [Beast] to other worlds through the [Aurora Curtain], thereby completely cutting off or weakening the almost immortal level of the [Beast] of immortality.

It is a pity that since Nangong Qi entered the Xingyue World, he has been actively rejected by human beings. The [Aurora Curtain] has almost completely lost its effect, causing Nangong Qi to lose a magic weapon to deal with the [Beast].

"Originally, I was still far away from the [Beast], but with the help of Warcraft He, now I can feel the supreme desire infinitely! It was the [Beast] who saved the world, but was finally destroyed in despair. 】The supreme enjoyment of devouring it! Oh!”

"If Warcraft He hadn't taken the initiative to find me and wanted to control me, but was assimilated by me in the end, I probably wouldn't have achieved such an achievement. Draco, I should thank you! In return, Just enjoy this happiness with me!"

Hmm, a very familiar plot.

I think back then, the demon god Zhujie sect next door also wanted to control the Sesshoin, but was killed in counterattack.

Unexpectedly, the demon beast Haku, or the seven-jowled demon beast Haku, made the same operation and wanted to control the Sesshōin, but was still counterattacked and even became a stepping stone for her to become the Sesshōin.



It's already a three-way melee.

The protagonist's side, BB's side, and Sesshōin's side

There is another force behind, just take a guess.




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Chapter 26 Wandering Star Karl the Great, [Sound of Heaven Assimilation]

The third beast combination.jpg

In the original timeline of FE, the Beast Institute should have obtained the help of Andersen, and then absorbed all the data of many AIs such as Parson Lip, Melt Lilith and BB, and even obtained the [Beast] with the help of Mooncell. 】the power of.

But now, because Warcraft reproduced the operation of the Demon God Pillar next door, directly helping the Beast Academy ascend to the throne of [Beast], he also became the XX Pillar of the Sesshou Academy.

The only difference is that Demonic Pillar is only one of Goetia's 72 subordinates, while Demonic Heze is Draco's clone. They are not on the same level at all in terms of quantity or quality.

Because of this, after the Sesshōin counter-killed the demonic beasts, controlled them all and absorbed their spiritual base as [beasts], they reached the sky in one step, bypassing various miscellaneous operations on the original timeline and directly becoming complete [Beasts]. beast】.

"Oh, Draco, look at the good things you've done!"

"Is it my fault?" Draco rolled his eyes at Nangong Qi and calmly threw the blame back. "It was obviously you who summoned me here when I was in a state of near-death and almost beaten to death by [Chaldea]."

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. By the way, if those monsters are your clones and are hacked to death by me, you won't mind, right?"

"They are just a group of traitors. Who would sympathize with them?"

"Come on, big guys, let's cut this [beast] into pieces!"

Nangong Qi turned to greet his and his allies' followers, intending to stage a righteous siege.

But it was okay not to look back. As soon as he looked back, Nangong Qi clearly felt that something was wrong.

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