I saw that Karna, Dragon Lady, and Arquette were exuding ominous black magic power, and their original temperaments were greatly changed.

"【O Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala)】!"

Karna was the first to attack, wrapping the [Brahmastra] in crimson flames and throwing it out like a red meteor.


Then he was slapped away by Parson Lip.

It's not that Karna's Noble Phantasm is too weak, it's that in this data world, the advanced AI combat power of Parsonlip is too strong.

"Senior, are you alright?"

"MD, you are attacked from both sides! Karna, why on earth did you betray me?"

"I just chose a greater ideal!"



Arquette acted like a king, using her strongest attack as Tsukihime, making her dream come true.

As the name suggests, it is the ability to materialize imaginary things into real objects. It is the ability possessed by Elquit as an elf with a natural touch.To connect one's will with the world and make the world change according to one's imagination. To put it simply, it is to realize the things firmly described in the heart and create something out of nothing.

And the most powerful move among them is [Moonfall].

The so-called [Moonset] materializes a moon through fantasy, and then uses it to smash the enemy.

This is the secret meaning called [Moonset], which is completely consistent with the literal meaning. It is the simplest and clearest explanation. Although the explanation is very simple, the content is extremely amazing.

In the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, a moon quickly condensed with the release of magic power, and fell straight towards Nangong Qi.

The most terrible thing is that [Moonfall] itself is not a large-scale attack, but a single target attack. Nangong Qi can feel that he is locked by some unknown force.

There was no way to avoid it, so we had to fight hard. The air seemed to be completely frozen, and the air pressure generated when the moon fell was enough to crush steel into powder.

But Nangong Qi had no intention of evading, but planned to smash this false moon head-on.

"Damn bitch, senior shouldn't have taken you in in the first place!"

Melt Lilith took the first step and rolled up a waterspout in the ocean of imaginary numbers, using her Melt virus to dissolve and absorb the moonfall, which was completely composed of magic power.

Nangong Qi: ...I’ve already set up my fucking posture, can’t you just let me move my hands?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, a burst of mature and hearty laughter sounded, and a golden guy who looked like the one from "Battlefield 40K" next door made his debut.

He has an old face, white beard and hair, but wears thick gold armor, giving people a kind and majestic feeling.


Another unknown servant.

"Is it you who made Karna, Erqit and the others betray me?"

"Betrayal? No, they just recognized my great ideal and wanted to help me wholeheartedly!" The old man looked around and found that the scene did not seem to achieve the effect he wanted. "I am Emperor Karl, and I come with the dream of redeeming the whole world, all mankind, and even all heroic spirits!"

"Come on, the guy who shouted to save the world last time and wanted to be a [partner of justice] was already burned into sand by me!"

Nangong Qi holds the [Satan Saber] in his hand, and the servants who have not yet rebelled, including Parson Lip, Melt Lilith, Chen Gong, Ai Lei, Draco and the Sesshōin gathered around him.

"And you will be no exception!"

"You should be the savior who has saved mankind and the world many times. Why can't you agree with my ideals?"

"Who doesn't talk about empty talk?" Nangong Qi sneered coldly: "In the end, if you don't have enough strength to achieve your goals, it's just empty talk. Even if you have it, when you implement it, errors will occur because of people. "

"So it turns out that this is the refusal to believe in any existence engraved in our instincts!"

At some point, a young servant who looked like a bachelor appeared next to Emperor Karl.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Archimedes, and I am just a mere scholar who focuses on calculations and research! It's just that I never calculated that as the savior, the followers around you are all a group of extremely paranoid lunatics!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's [Sound of Heaven Assimilation], one of Emperor Karl's inherent skills." Archimedes had a hearty smile on his face. "Any character can be assimilated and subordinated. Even a servant can be made to join him while maintaining his own personality. Even if he only identifies with it slightly, he will be affected."

"From this point of view, I am afraid that there are not many normal servants around you!"

If you don't want to be brainwashed by [Sound of Heaven Assimilation], you need a brain circuit that can be called [madness], or [mental pollution], or a stubborn and unwavering iron will.

But those who want to meet the above conditions must have more or less mental problems.

"You don't care if I'm normal or not. I just want to help senior, that's all!"

Meltililith shot back with disgust on her face.

It should be said that the [alterego] separated from BB are all pure love brains, and they belong to the type of "The destruction of the world is none of my business, I just want to have a good relationship", so they have not been brainwashed.

As the God of Hades, Ai Lei has her own way of loving humans. Even Jin Shining may not agree with her, but only if she can agree with Emperor Carl a little bit is she a ghost.

Sesshōin and Draco were reserve members of [Beasts] and orthodox [Beasts]. They had their own way of loving humans, and it was impossible for them to bow to Emperor Carl.

As for Chen Gong, he himself is not a good person. How can he agree with the ideal of redeeming mankind?

Dragon Lady is also a love brain, but she can be brainwashed. It can only be said that the purity of her love brain is too low.

However, as Yue Ji, Erquette was also affected, which was beyond Nangong Qi's expectation.

But considering that she is just a servant now, and in "Tsukihime", she was clearly valued as Tsukihime, but her power was robbed by Roya, her hair was shaved by Kurohime, and she was cut into 17 yuan by Tohno Shiki, and finally returned The silly operation of pasting it back...

Nangong Qi could only say that she was not unjust for being brainwashed.

"[Agni Gandiva]!"

Arrows composed of blue flames streaked across the sky and struck towards Karna.

"【O Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala)】!"

The red and blue flames collided with each other, causing a huge explosion.

"Karna, your opponent is me!"

Arjuna almost suppressed his inner excitement and declared war on Karna.

Since he is an archer, Arjuna, in order to maximize his advantage of [clairvoyance], chose a location far away from the center of the battlefield after everyone was there. Who would have thought that he could just avoid Emperor Karl's [Assimilation of Heavenly Sound].

What made him even more excited and even happy was that Karna, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually rebelled.

He doesn't have to wait until after the war, he can now compete with his old enemy.

"No matter how much you offend, I will never take it to heart, and I will forgive you!"

Emperor Karl waved his hand and tossed his cloak, as if he really didn't care. "Because after I win, you will all surrender to me under the influence of [Sound of Heaven Assimilation]. Especially you, the last master, Nangong Qi."


"That's right. You are the final winner of the Holy Grail War and the only one who can enter the core area of ​​​​Mooncell according to the rules. If you and I cooperate now, we can use Mo

Oncell save the whole world.Wouldn’t it be wonderful when all mankind is redeemed? "

Even in this tense situation, Emperor Karl is still tirelessly promoting his world-saving ideas to Nangong Qian.

It seemed like he really wanted to brainwash Nangong Qi.

Just as he said, Nangong Qi is the final winner of the Holy Grail War and is the one who is qualified to make a wish without any hindrance.

Controlling Nangong Qi means that he controls Mooncell and can make a wish to save the world.

"A great man! Old thief with a gray beard! I thought that as Emperor Karl, you would have a high-level speech in front of the two armies today. I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words."

As the military advisor of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Gong immediately started to curse. "You have lived your whole life in vain. As a deceased person, you dare to interfere in the affairs of the living? Your desire to save the world is nothing but a false ambition. Your ambition is real! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Everything I do is for all mankind, because I deeply love all mankind!"

"Love? All mankind? Haha!"

When it comes to human love, Nangong Qi couldn't help but sneer.

"Your love is not worth mentioning, because there is a being in this world who loves all human beings more than you, and that is the [Beast]! Let me ask you, your love for human beings cannot even be compared to the [Beast], so what qualifications do you have to mention it?" Your love for all mankind?”

Emperor Karl was choked by one sentence.

Nangong Qi has summoned three [beasts] in this Holy Grail War. Each [beast] has its own way of loving humans, but they all undoubtedly love humans deeply.

If Emperor Karl's so-called love cannot compare to the [Beast], then it means that his love is totally bullshit.

"No matter how you offend, I will forgive you. Because after the battle, you will also become my people under the influence of [Sound of Heaven Assimilation]!"

"Finally not hiding your ambition? It seems that you are nothing more than that."

Nangong Qi sneered. His killing intent had reached its peak. The originally white armor of [Kamen Rider Shadow Moon RX] was dyed red like blood, and two [Emperor Stones] appeared on his belt.

The Creator King form appears.

"Now I finally don't have to worry about those damn mechanical levels of BB, and I don't want to understand you. Because I have my own goals. Anyone who takes my path is my enemy, and the only outcome is death!"

"Don't forget about me!"

The beast courtyard that has been behind Nangong Qi controls the monster He to attack, and the target is the killing institute.

"Master, save me!"

"You piece of trash!"

Although he said he disliked Sesshōin very much, Nangong Qi still wielded the [Satan Saber] and cut all the attacking monsters into pieces.

"Master, you can actually take me into your body like a nursery rhyme."

"Screw you!"

Nangong Qi cursed without mercy. "I don't want you to enter my body!"

"no way!!!"



Have you ever thought that the other force participating in the battle is Yusei?

Obviously Gentleman Jun has already let the character of the king appear in advance, but no one guessed it




PS again:

Regarding Arquette, refer to her performance in "Tsukihime", she is really a silly and sweet person.

[Sound of Heaven Assimilation] It’s also extremely disgusting. As long as you agree with it a little bit, you will be brainwashed and assimilated. Both Scathach and Karna were transformed.

Moreover, Arquette is currently in the status of a servant, without the red moon covering her body.

If it were Arquette in her true form, Emperor Karl probably had just brainwashed her with his front foot, and Zhu Yue slapped him away with his back foot.

After all, according to the setting, Arquette is Zhu Yue’s vessel and will not allow anything to happen to her.

As for the protagonist, he agrees with the ideal of redeeming all mankind, but does not agree with the redemption of all mankind by Emperor Karl. After all, the last Emiya Kiritsugu who wanted to redeem all mankind was burned to the ground by him.




Final PS:

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Chapter 27 Emperor Karl the Great——Severe chuunibyou who claims to be a god

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Anyone who has had an in-depth contact with the setting and content of Xingue will know that Sesshōin is a bad woman, a bad woman who goes crazy and makes trouble.

Because of this, even if he formed a master-slave contract with her, Nangong Qi did not dare to have absolute trust in her, and kept a distance from her at all times, so that when she did something, he would not have time to react.

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