It turns out that Nangong Qi has the ability to manipulate data and can package humans and even followers into his body in the form of data.

Before Sesshōin was completely transformed into a beast, he was also a weak servant. He could only defeat two enemies. Naturally, he couldn't defeat this one and that one.

To be on the safe side, Nangong Qi should take the Sashoin into his body in the form of data to reduce the possibility of his overturning due to the Sashoin.

After all, Sesshōin himself is also a computer expert, and he also masters [Five Stops of Mind] and [Ten Thousand Colors of Relaxation], methods that can fundamentally change a person, which makes Nangong Qi even more afraid to take her into his body.

Even if Nangong Qi prepared [Amazon Rainforest YMCA Limited Time Experience in March] for himself as a mental protection, he would not dare to do it, because the Sesshouyuan was born to do this.

For her, the three-month experience was not necessarily torture, but rather a reward.

Maybe after a period of time, the Sesshoin matured directly in Nangong Qi's body, tearing the cocoon Nangong Qi to pieces like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon.

Therefore, even if Nangong Qi dies and jumps from the Mooncell, he will never put Sesshōin in his body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing how Nangong Qi didn't like Seshoin but had to protect her, Seshoin laughed happily.

"The other me, the relationship between you and your master is really hard to describe. Why don't you become one with me now? Our strength will be doubled by then. If you want to hold your master in your hands easily, Isn’t it beautiful?”

"I reject!"

The Sesshōin shows the classic tradition of fighting against itself and rejects the Beast Academy without hesitation. "Even if I get the master, he can only be mine. Even if it's me, don't even think about sharing him with me!" feels weird no matter how I listen to it.

"Never mind her, she will die in my hands anyway! Melt Lilith, Parson Lip, you go deal with Elquette, don't be careless, she is Zhu Yue's daughter, Yue Ji!"

"Is it really necessary for the two of us to deal with her? It doesn't seem to be a big deal!" Melt Lilith looked arrogant to almost everyone except Nangong Qi.

Moreover, she also combined her own characteristics to easily neutralize the powerful [Moonset], so she did not take Erquit in her eyes.

"Don't underestimate her. Who knows what she can dream up and materialize." Suppressing the murderous intention in his mind, Nangong Qi continued to make pre-war arrangements.

"Arjuna, I leave Karna to you!"

"Lord Nangong, I will live up to your command and take Karna's life! I swear this in the name of Indra's son!"

"Chen Gong, I hope your attainments as a strategist will not be lost to Archimedes."

"Although I don't have Lu Bu as my partner, I am still sure of victory! It would be even better if I could have a partner."

"Draco, Sesshōin, please cooperate with Chen Gong and deal with Elizabeth by the way. Although the opponent is only a non-combat servant, I am still full of uneasiness about him. Especially you, Sesshōin, remember to protect yourself. ."

"To make a fuss out of a molehill, is it necessary for a [beast] to take action to kill the chicken?"

Draco said this, but his body still came to Chen Gong very honestly.

"Master?" Sesshōin still looked reluctant to leave, but Nangong Qi didn't say a word, just stared at her.

"ok, I get it."

There was no choice but to hide behind Draco.

It's just that Draco's figure is only the size of a lolita, and Sesshōin is an adult, and that kind of avoidance is funny no matter how you look at it.

"Finally, there's Ai Lei. Please, please, you must thwart the conspiracy of the old and middle-aged Emperor Karl the Great, okay?"

"no problem!"

Elle's face was filled with excitement. "This guy's level of chuunibyou is as high as Gilgamesh's. He wants to fight me all day long. Is it necessary for human beings to be saved? Returning to the underworld is the destiny of human beings!"

During the arrangement process by Nangong Qi, Emperor Karl just watched from the sidelines.

Because he knew that he was no match for Nangong Qi, and the only one who could deal with Nangong Qi at the scene was Sesshōin.

So he has been waiting for Nangong Qi to leave, and then defeat all his followers, and use [Sound of Heaven Assimilation] to become his companions.

"As for the strongest one, he is my prey!"

Nangong Qi looked at the animal courtyard.

Regarding this, the zoo also spread its legs towards Nangong Qi without hesitation.

"Come on~!"


Labor and management just want to kill you, Bichi!

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

No longer able to control his killing intent, Nangong Qi's eyes burst out with red light, and the [Satan Saber] almost merged with his palm.

The next moment, he turned into a crimson comet and headed towards the animal yard.


Karna! "


The crimson and blue flames collided and exploded, triggering the fuse of the battle after Nangong Qi left.

"Goddess of the underworld, you should not have interfered in this battle."

"You, a guy with a chuunibyou disease worse than Gilgamesh, are not qualified to take away the future of mankind from my hands!"

"But you may not be my opponent now, because since coming into contact with [Yusei], I have gained a new understanding."

"What? It's actually [Yusei]?" Ailei was obviously frightened, and her golden hair stood on end.

[Youxing], the full name is "Predator Star Pavel".

Among Mooncell's records are predatory comets that appear in the Milky Way every 4000 years.

As long as it passes through, all civilizations derived from intelligent life forms will be destroyed.

Fourteen thousand years ago, a wandering star visited the earth once.

It was the prosperous age of the Earth's Gods. Youxing launched three starships of the Youxing Army to the earth. One of the starships contained the newly conceived Attila.

No one knows where two of the three starships landed, but the starship carrying Attila landed on the moon and invaded the Mooncell.

In that battle, Mooncell sealed Attila into the "Unknown Realm" at the cost of [-]% of its own data being destroyed, and completely isolated the "Unknown Realm".

During this period, the giant Cephalus, the incarnation of Attila, fought a war that swept the entire earth with all the gods on the earth.

At the end of that battle, all the gods, including the god of war Mars, were killed.

In the end, it was the Holy Sword user of the Gods who lifted the thirteen seals of the Holy Sword, completely killing Sefalu and saving the earth.

(Probably the ancestor of King Daimao)

After the war, the civilization of the Age of Gods completely declined and gradually entered human civilization.

For gods like Ailei, [You Xing] is almost the same as Zhang Babai in Xiaoyaojin, enough for the gods to carve fear into their genes, and is also their life and death enemy.

"Since it has something to do with [Yusei], then I can't hold back even more!"

"The era of gods has ended, and now is my era! Witness my precious phantom, my great deeds! [Holy! The guardians return at this moment! (Calorus Patricius)]"

With the surge of magic power, a huge mecha city appeared behind Emperor Karl.

The next moment, endless light cannons were released, hitting Ailei head and face like a violent storm.

"Please, Methlamtheia! Feel the protection of the underworld! Appear, Fever Temple. This is my [Kur Kigal Irkalla]!"

"this is?"

In a sea of ​​imaginary numbers where there was no concept of direction, Emperor Karl actually felt like he was standing on the ground.

To be precise, it is the land of the underworld.

Although Ai Lei is the goddess of the underworld, she is just a servant and does not have the ability to pull the underworld into the sea of ​​imaginary numbers. She only converts the imaginary numbers under her feet into the ground, the land of the underworld, and the mobile fortress summoned by Emperor Karl. All included.

Even if it is not the real underworld, for Ai Lei, it is enough for her to exert her power.

"Red thunder in the underworld!"

The order of the goddess of the underworld was given, and the power to control the underworld was activated. Countless red thunder and lightning burst out from the ground, smashing and tearing the mobile fortress just summoned by Emperor Karl the Great.

"Watch! Listen! This is the existence that brings eternal peace! The only and absolute value that humans should believe in! Beyond force, beyond magic, beyond philosophy, beyond gods, and even becoming gods!"

"This is my third Noble Phantasm, [Holy Magnificence All Over the World (Carolus Patricius Auctoritas)]! I will definitely save the world and all mankind!"

Emperor Karl released his third Noble Phantasm without hesitation and jumped into the largest castle in the mobile fortress.

As the castle began to transform, it turned into a terrifying steel behemoth covered with countless gun barrels and energy pipelines, and even a pair of light wings made of energy grew out of its back.

Wings of light unfold!

Except for the pair of wings on its back, it looks exactly like the Emperor-class Titan in "Battlefield 40k" next door.

In order to save magic power, Emperor Karl decisively released

Abandon the peripheral area that is like a drag, and concentrate all the useful magic power on this huge mecha.

"So ugly!"

Ai Lei complained mercilessly about Emperor Karl's aesthetics.

Indeed, the head of such a large fortress mecha is actually an old man's head, similar to the head of Emperor Karl in playing cards.

"This is divine punishment!"

The fortress mecha completely ignored Ailei's complaints. The numerous cannons on its body were fully fired, and its head opened its mouth wide, spitting out dazzling light of destruction.

"God's punishment? Chen Gongzhen is right, you are a shameless person! You are obviously a mortal, but you want to act in the name of God. It is so shameless! Come out, [Kulullu], 【Kuusarikku】!"

Kurulu, Kusariku is one of the eleven children of Tiamat in Mesopotamian mythology. Now he is summoned by Airei with his own power. The strength he can exert is no less than that of the fortress machine. First.

Note: These are the two items summoned by Ailei's red card.


The two bodies were completely made of shadows, and the giant beasts, whose stature was comparable to that of the Fortress mecha, emerged from the land of the underworld and merged with the Fortress mecha.

The scene looked like several unpowered Unit-[-]s dismantling each other, and the land of the underworld summoned by Ai Lei was even more messed up.

It seemed that the situation was evenly matched, but parts of Emperor Karl's fortress mecha kept falling off during the collision with the two mythical behemoths. On the other hand, with Ailei's support, the two behemoths seemed completely fine.

Your fortress mecha is injured every moment, but my giant beast will not be injured at all, and it is blessed by the power of the underworld.

Under the circumstances, the final winner must be Airei, but Emperor Karl is not weak either, and completely defeating him cannot be accomplished in a short time.

The eyes came to Melt Lilith and Parson Lip. They had no idea of ​​disobedience and cooperated to fight against Elquit.

Since Nangong Qi emphasized to them that Arquette was very difficult, he naturally had his reasons.

Seniors can never go wrong!

"Senior should not have been so gentle and take you in, but should have cut you into pieces!"

Looking at the traitor in front of her, Meltililith had a bad expression, and Parsonlip also showed a rare angry look.

"Is there such a thing?"

Arquette showed a very troubled expression. “But I obviously want to help Nangong!”

It has to be said that the brainwashing effect of [Tian Sheng Assimilation] is really unique to Xingyue. Elquet didn't even realize that his thinking had been affected.

"Stop being so shameless, you traitorous bitch!"

As soon as these words came out, Meltililith became even more angry. "Today I must make you alive and make a puppet to vent my hatred! Revenge for my senior!"



I feel like Emperor Karl is really even worse than Gilgamesh. Jin Shining Shining doesn’t even call himself a god, but this guy actually calls himself a god openly.




PS again:

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