Chapter 28 The World’s Daughter and the World’s Bug

"I am enough to deal with this guy like you!"

With a sound that broke through the air, Meltililith attacked Arquette with a graceful dance.

With her slender figure and graceful dancing posture, she is like a white swan on the stage, but her dancing is full of murderous intent to overwhelm the enemy to death.


"No, I obviously want to help Nangong. And you two, don't think that I don't remember. One of you dissolved and absorbed Nangong before, and the other crushed Nangong's arm. You still dare to stay with him like this? "

Facing Melt Lilith, Erquit showed no mercy and summoned a level [-] typhoon, hoping to blow away his opponent.

"At that time, I had not yet understood true love. I mistakenly thought that I only needed to give Nangong my own love without paying attention to his thoughts, so I mistakenly hurt him!"

Meltililith, who was in the center of the typhoon, was not affected at all and continued to run towards Erquit, like an extremely sharp scalpel trying to cut through the entire storm.

As a happy alterego who dares to love and hate, who boldly pursues her love, and can even betray her own creator BB, she does not escape, but openly admits it.

"On the contrary, you betrayed your predecessors at such a critical time. Your crime is unforgivable. You should be completely dissolved in my Melt virus and die!"

"You are the one who should die!"

Seeing that Typhoon didn't work, Erquet pulled out the [Magic Sword: True World].

A sword that has never appeared in "Tsukihime". The mushroom settings are vague and only exist in the settings.


With the magic sword swung down, Meltililith was instantly frozen in place...?


Meltililith's speed did not slow down at all and continued to attack Arquette. "Because I am truly [invincible]!"

The beautiful dance stirred up a wind blade that could cut through steel, and Elquette immediately chose to rush forward.


The fingers were claw-like, constantly clawing at Meltililith's body, as if they were going to tear her into pieces.

Unfortunately, they are not.

Even though Arquette tried her best, her attacks seemed to fall in the air and had no impact on Melt Lilith at all. Instead, she was stabbed several times, and her body even began to be affected by the Melt virus. Decomposes under the influence.

In response, Arquette cut off the dissolving body without hesitation, quickly recovered with the strong physical fitness of his true ancestor, and distanced himself from Melt Lilith.

But Meltlilith is as nimble as the Eldar Harlequin in "Battlefield 40K" next door. Every move and every move is a gorgeous and elegant dance, but it is also a fatal killing move. She is an agile pursuer.

"Is this your [Invincible]? Let me see!"

As the physical container Zhu Yue prepared for herself, Erquet has world-level authority. It can be said that as long as she is in the Xing Yue world, anything she wants to know will be delivered to her personally by Gaia and Zhu Yue. hands.

"I see."

While dodging Meltlilith's attack, Erquit fully understood the other party's ability. "You rewrote your own rules and put yourself in a state where you will never be hit. No wonder my attack has no effect on you."

"If you understand, you should understand that defeating me is impossible!"

"What a shame, Wadoga! Maybe if it were someone else, they would be helpless with you. It's a pity that the person you're facing is me!"

A confident smile filled Arquette's face, and Meltlilith also felt uneasy, and her dancing movements became faster and faster.

"No matter what tricks you have, you can't defeat my [Invincibility]. You must die!"


Suddenly, Meltililith turned into a puddle of water as if she hit a wall.

After she quickly recovered from the liquid, she found herself trapped in a space cube.

"this is?"

"It's spatial ability!"

Erquette closed one eye playfully and stuck out her tongue. "Your Melt virus can indeed dissolve everything known, but unfortunately it cannot dissolve imaginary numbers and space. So you just turn into nothingness in the broken space!"

As he said that, Erquet's eyes flashed with red light and he waved his claws towards Melt Lilith.

“It’s enough for me to be the only woman left with Nangong!”



Arquette subconsciously evaded, and the huge mechanical claw flew past her, grabbing onto the space cube where Melt Lilith was imprisoned, and then...


The space cube that the Melt virus could not dissolve was crushed in response, and Melt Lilith also regained her freedom.

This attack came from Parsonlip. When Meltililith fell into a desperate crisis, she did not hesitate to come to the rescue.

"If that's the case, what about this?"

In the imaginary number space, a small black hole appears that completely violates the laws of physics and wants to swallow up everything around it.

Parsonlip caught the mechanical claw that came back, put his hands together, and grabbed it towards the black hole.


Even though it was as strong as a black hole, it was completely destroyed by Parson Lip's completely unreasonable claws.

Because this is the world of data, BB created Parson Lip and Melt Lilith and gave them the power of rules to override this world, just to let them deal with all enemies that may appear.


"Meltlilith, you disobedient sister, didn't senior say that we should fight together? Why do you want to leave me to fight alone? Do you want to end the battle quickly, get rid of me, and go to help Senior, right?"

"So what?"

"Without me, you would have just ended up in the recycling bin!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill this little bitch quickly, and then go support senior!"

"If it weren't for senior's sake, I would have to let you see the majesty of my sister!"

Meltililith, Parsonlip, one has the invincibility rule of [absolutely not being hit], and the other has the terrifying rule of [can absolutely destroy everything it touches].

When the two cooperate with each other, they are truly invincible just like Baosheng Eternal Dream and Parade.

"Can the claws destroy everything? It's another difficult enemy. Now my [Fantasy Realization] may not be able to work."

From the world, Arquette also discovered Parsonlip's setting.

But this weak-looking girl is obviously more troublesome than Melt Lilith.

Moves that can harm Meltililith will be torn into pieces by Parsonlip, and moves that cannot be torn apart will be ineffective and dodged by Meltilis.

It's so difficult!

"But for Nangong, I will never lose!"

Blood filled Arquette's eyes, raising her level of madness to a higher level.

Since thinking can’t solve the current situation, it’s better to just give up thinking!

Well, that's very Arquette.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo-"

Nangong Qi, who could no longer control his murderous intent, brandished the [Satan Saber] and attacked the animal courtyard.

The thunderbolt of creation!

The dark energy was released from the sword blade like sword energy, completely engulfing the beast courtyard.

Did the third [Beast] of Sesshoin die so easily?

No, not yet!

Nangong Qi's sense of crisis has not dissipated, and the animal hospital must not be completely dead yet.

"Hahahahahaha! I'm here!"

The sound of the beast's courtyard rang in Nangong Qi's ears, no, in his soul.

Nangong Qi looked up at the sky, his sight extending, extending, extending from the ocean of imaginary numbers, until he reached the earth, the universe and a huge beast.


Even though there was only murderous intention left in his mind, Nangong Qi couldn't help but feel his breath stagnate.

At this moment, the beast courtyard has transformed into a behemoth dozens of times bigger than [Universe Unicron], and Ultraman next door is as small as a bug in front of her.

The earth was tightly clamped under her legs and rubbed. Poor Gaia-chan had obviously become the animal's toy. As for the humans on the earth, all the humans on the earth had become the nourishment for her to grow to such a huge body.

It’s so big, the ball is the earth.jpg

All happiness, all pain, all feelings will be absorbed by the animal yard and become her power.

With such a huge body, even Tiamat in his prime could probably only look up to the sky to look up at this demonic Bodhisattva.

All the desires were absorbed by her like a glutton, but she savored it as if she were tasting delicacies from the mountains and seas.

She appears to be both insatiable and extremely gentle, as compassionate as a Buddha and as insatiable as a demon. The strong contrast and contradiction are vividly reflected in her.

Fortunately, this is the data world. The earth here and the humans on it are simulated by Mooncell. Otherwise, all human beings would have been extinct long ago.

Since absorbing Draco's clones and a total of seven monsters, the beast has reached its complete body. In addition, it has absorbed all the humans in the data world as nourishment. I am afraid that her strength is stronger than her in the original timeline. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Nangong, why are you unwilling to abandon all rationality and devote yourself to endless happiness? Isn't happiness the ultimate pursuit of any human being?"


With a low roar, Nangong Qi tore open the space in front of him and arrived in front of the huge beast courtyard in an instant.

The animal garden quickly formed several hand seals and activated the esoteric techniques he had studied.

"Sweetness, freedom from suffering, clear knowledge, fate, difficulty, mystery, yin and yang, immobility, prelude, repayment of kindness."

After whispering like [flowers, trees, sky, breeze] announcing the names of vegetables, these emotions were released by the animal yard, turning into endless meteor showers and hitting Nangong Qi.

It is impossible to dodge, because this is not an ordinary attack, it completely turns into a river of energy.


Red energy erupted on the soles of Nangong Qi's feet, and [Satan's Saber] served as the spearhead to open up the road ahead. Nangong Qi went upstream against the direction of the incoming energy river.



Endless joy!

The happiness of all mankind poured into Nangong Qi's mind, and almost merged with him in his soul, making him give up all thinking and devote himself to the path of happiness.

It's like the sweetest poison in the world. Although its taste makes people happy, it can easily send people to hell, from which they will never be able to escape.





Destroy everything!

"Kill ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The energy river did not stop Nangong

In an odd moment, he turned into a red comet and rushed towards Sesshōin like a Pulse Gundam.

"What? Why refuse?"


In simple response, Nangong Qi just waved the [Satan Saber] with all his strength.

The thunderbolt of creation!

The dark energy almost shattered the space. The energy from the two [Emperor Stones] was like sharp blades, leaving large wounds on the body of the beast. At the same time, it was as immortal as tarsal maggots, burning the wounds.

"It hurts! It's so refreshing!"

The beastiality was like Slaanesh from "Battlefield 40K" next door. She enjoyed this feeling extremely, but she still forced herself not to immerse herself in it.

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