Even if you want to immerse yourself in pleasure, at least you have to finish the business and let the last group of people who are still resisting you join the impa.

"What a man who doesn't understand amorous feelings. If that's the case, then I can only use physical means to eliminate you!"

With a regretful tone and a compassionate but dissatisfied look on his face, the beast caught Nangong Qi between his two fingers with great precision, just like being pinched by Cronus in "God of War 3". Kratos between two fingers.

It's just that the animal hospital is now larger, and Nangong Qi is about the same size as a virus to her.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Dark flames burst out from Nangong Qi's body, and the [Satan Saber] was sucked into his body and completely integrated with him.

"It's not over yet! My anger and my murderous intention are far more than that! Drink ah ah ah -"


A black flame penetrated Sesshōin's fingers and penetrated her fingernails, and Nangong Qi jumped out of it.

"It's too late to escape now! [Yong Tianliu·Datou Nanye Ganfa]!"

The palm of the beast's hand burst out with a strong light, and she actually chose to blow up her entire hand in a form similar to [Fantasy Collapse].


Light of energy that was enough to tear the entire earth burst out, the palm of the beast's courtyard exploded completely, and Nangong Qi was completely engulfed by the energy.

He just felt as if he was thrown into the sun, enjoying the bathing of solar flares.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

For the zoo, this is another strange treat.

And in the next moment, the self-destructed palm returned to its original state.

Tomoe Ozen swimsuit.jpg



Sesshouin: Rape!

Protagonist: Kill!

Sesshōin: Self-destruct!happy!




PS again:

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Chapter 29 Kamen Rider ascends the throne as [Beast]


Nangong Qi has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. As early as in the world of Kamen Rider, he has personally experienced death countless times, and he is completely familiar with it.

If every death had to enter the underworld, Nangong Qi would have been like Kratos in "God of War". Entering the underworld would be almost like going home.

Of course, Nangong Qi would have to fake his corpse as many times as he died, but the cost of cheating was often extremely heavy.

Ce, Bell.

These two most important companions in Nangong Qi's life will spare no effort to save him in a desperate situation, even if the final price is their lives.

Because of this, Nangong Qicai cherishes his life even more. At least he will not hold the thought of self-destruction and think about killing the enemy with a wave all day long.

Now that Ce and Bell are no longer around, he has to face death alone.

Withstanding the [Fantasy Collapse] explosion in the beast courtyard that could tear the entire earth apart, most of Nangong Qi's body evaporated directly on the spot, leaving only a few parts thrown into the sea of ​​​​stars, wandering endlessly.

Death is about to come to him.

But instead of feeling any fear, he actually had some strange thoughts of relief.

Maybe dying now is a good option.



but! ! ! !

If he really dies, the animal hospital will win the final victory.

In that case, Matou Sakura will die, Tohsaka Rin will die, Rani will die, Parson Lip will die, Melt Lilith will die, Nursery Rhymes will die, Alice will die, Matou Shinji will die, Julius will die, Leo will die...

All, all the people involved in this Holy Grail War, all the people Nangong Qi knows in this world will die, in the hands of the Beast Academy.

As for Illya, she will probably keep her hatred towards him, and she will be trapped in a cage of hatred for the rest of her life, unable to leave.

Do you really want to choose death so irresponsibly?


Do not!

Absolutely not!

I absolutely cannot die so easily!

The [Emperor Stone] floating in space burst out with dazzling light, and the body remains scattered in orbit gathered together.

The cells began to regenerate at a high speed, allowing Nangong Qi, who was left with only a pile of waste, to regroup.


Recovering almost faster than the speed of light, Nangong Qi returned to the form of the Creator King, looking like a red locust.

Compared to before, he was even more powerful after crossing death again, and the color of his armor was brighter and harder.

"[Satan Saber], come out!"

Blood seeped out from his hands and gradually condensed into the shape of a sword blade.

After learning more about the [Emperor Stone], Nangong Qicai gradually understood everything.

The so-called [Satan Saber] is actually the power of [Emperor Stone], but it is different from [Shadow Saber] and [Swirling Staff]. This sword was created by combining the power of two [Emperor Stones]. In terms of power and quality, it is also Only above the latter two.

Now, he is one step closer to becoming the real Creator King.

But facing the still huge beast courtyard, victory seems to be almost impossible to achieve.

For some reason, Nangong Qi remembered "Asura's Wrath" that he had played before traveling through time.

The protagonist is named Asura, and most of the enemies he faces are extremely large. For example, they press the earth with their fingers and pierce the earth with a sword. In the end, the final BOSS directly uses the entire galaxy as a throwing weapon.

The situation in that game was so similar to my current situation, both of which were faced with extremely large and seemingly almost invincible enemies.

It's just that Nangong Qi doesn't have Asura's powerful seed-blasting ability, and his hair instantly explodes when he mentions his daughter.

To defeat the enemy, he needs stronger power.


"[World of the Dead]."

There was a whisper and a flash of ghostly green, like a gate opening in the valley.

A large number of dead souls poured out from it, blooming with a faint green light, and the scene seemed like a hundred ghosts walking at night.

These are the souls of all enemies who have been killed by Minami Kotaro, Akizuki Nobuhiko, and Nangong Qiheze.

Among them are weirdos from various Kamen Rider studios, as well as villainous Riders, and even existences unrelated to Kamen Rider, such as the [Alien Beast] and other monsters that Rouse killed at the Ultraman studio next door.

After they were killed by the holder of the [Emperor Stone], their souls were absorbed by the [Emperor Stone] and imprisoned in the [World of the Dead]. They would never be reincarnated and could only be driven by the holder of the [Emperor Stone].

Of course, Nangong Qi summoned them not to COS the Lich King, but for other purposes.


Silent breathing resounded in the space, and the souls of the dead who had just been released from the [World of the Dead] were sucked into Nangong Qi's body, causing his red body to glow with emerald green light.

Once upon a time, Akizuki Nobuhiko absorbed the dead souls in the [World of the Dead] to strengthen himself and make himself huge.

Similarly, there is no reason why Nangong Qi, who holds two [Emperor Stones], cannot do the same thing.

As more and more dead souls were continuously sucked into the body, the emerald green body began to grow like a blown up balloon.

In just a moment, the entire [World of the Dead] was drained to the last drop by Nangong Qi, and his enlarged size finally stopped growing.

He is now over a thousand meters tall, and there is something crawling under his armpits.


Four arms grew from the armpits, each hand holding a [Satan Saber].

Nangong Qi, who accomplished all this, is more like a weirdo than a decent person.

But even so, it seems far from enough in the face of a beastiality that treats the earth as a jumping pill.

"Is this your full strength?" The animal garden always maintained a charming smile and did not stop Nangong Qi from strengthening himself.

"I really hope you can give me a different experience than just now!"


Six [Satan's Sabers] with a length of more than 500 meters were swung, almost tearing apart the space, cutting off large chunks of skin and flesh from the beast's body.

"Badanlong, come out too!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo-"

With an exciting dragon roar, the Badan Dragon, which was more than [-] meters long, was summoned from the void by Nangong Qi, and launched various attacks towards the beast courtyard as much as possible.

"a ha ha ha!"

The animal was still laughing wildly, as if the attack just now was not an attack, but a touch that made her even more aroused.


She just blew a breath and it turned into a terrifying typhoon exceeding level [-], just like blowing

Like ants, Nangong Qi and Badanlong were blown away from their bodies.

She could have crushed Nangong Qi to death like an ant, but she didn't, because she wanted to play with this unyielding last master who dared to go against her.

Soon, Nangong Qi adjusted his body shape in space, like Don Quixote rushing towards a windmill, and launched another charge towards the beast courtyard without hesitation.

But no matter how he attacks, he can't cause any effective damage to the animal yard.

Because the volume of the animal yard is there, any damage will be completely restored in an instant.

The current situation will change only when he gets tired of playing with Nangong Qi, or when Nangong Qi finds some other way to break the situation.

Soon, something happened that completely changed the status quo.

"Hey, it's little piggy who works really hard!"


It was Elizabeth. She had completely changed her appearance at this moment. She was rapidly approaching the animal yard in a very girly spaceship, decorated with large and small hearts and covered in pink.

But why is Elizabeth, who is supposed to be fighting Draco and Sesshōin, here?

Unknown to Nangong Qi, a strong sense of uneasiness lingered in his heart, asking him to stop Elizabeth quickly.

"Get out of here!"


A gentle gust of wind blew through the animal courtyard, blowing Nangong Qi out again.

Completely unable to resist, Nangong Qi was like Sun Wukong in the palm of Buddha, unable to turn out the palm of her hand.

"What gift did you bring me? Haha!" The beast courtyard smiled, as if he had used his [clairvoyance (beast)] to see the future clearly, but he still pretended not to know.

"Of course it's the gift you want! Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

I saw Sesshōin and Draco being thrown out of the spaceship, and Sesshōin's eyes were shining even more.

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