The monster she had absorbed before was just a clone of Draco, which was equivalent to a part of Draco's body.

If she can absorb all the remaining parts, her strength will definitely rise to the next level.

As for the other self, he has the ability to become a [Beast].

But the funny thing is that that guy was actually restrained by a mere human being and refused the path to supreme happiness.

What a fool!

In this case, it is better to give her the possibility of becoming a [Beast] and become the third [Beast] instead of her.

As long as Draco and the Sesshoin are absorbed, the Beast Institute will have gathered the spirit bases of the two [Beasts]. By then, even with willpower, they can pull out a dozen crowned servants and even Tiamat in his heyday. None of them are her match.

"Fuck! Chen Gong, you are such a loser, you can't even handle Archimedes!"

After seeing clearly the gift that Long Niang mentioned, Nangong Qi couldn't help but curse Chen Gong, raised his arm engraved with the command spell, and planned to use the command spell to forcefully summon Sesshōin and Draco.

In this case, only a command spell that can create miracles can stop the behavior of the beast house.

"By ordering the Command Seal, Sesshoin, Draco, return to me immediately..."


Through the master-slave contract, the voices of Draco and Sesshōin reached Nangong Qi's ears.

"Master, don't save us. Otherwise we will definitely lose!"

"What do you mean?" Nangong Qi urgently needed an explanation.

"Boy, although I don't particularly like you, I hate the temptress who did that to Yu's Demonic Beast He even more. As you are now, you may not be able to hurt her in another 2 years! "

"Tell me, where is the chance of victory?" Nangong Qi felt that his face was about to turn upside down with anger. "Once you are absorbed by that dead woman, she will only become stronger and more difficult to deal with. Are you kidding me?"

"Boy, [Beast] cannot shake the mind of another [Beast]. In other words, even if that witch absorbs us, our will will still resist in her body, preventing her from exerting her full strength!"

This is understandable.

Because all [Beasts] are more paranoid lunatics and psychotics than the last. If they can be easily shaken in their minds and controlled by other beings, it only means that they are not qualified to become [Beasts].

"But your monster He is controlled by that dead woman!"

"They are just clones of Yu. They may not even have much ability to think. It is expected that they will be controlled."

"Is that it? You two can defeat the dead woman by resisting her internally?"

"Master, I hope you can use the command spell to order us to give you the spiritual foundation!"

"Ya Servant?"

The so-called sub-server is an existence that allows the servant to donate his spiritual power and fuse with a human or artificial person. He will obtain the spiritual power and weapons of the servant. This is the case for the junior Mash Kyrielite in FGO. Sub-follower.

But if you want to carry out this kind of fusion, you need the willing and wholehearted cooperation of the servant to complete the fusion, otherwise it will fail.

But unlike Ma Xiu, Nangong Qi is going to fuse the spiritual bases of two different [beasts].

Will I go crazy like a [beast] and switch from [human love] to [human evil]?

Nangong Qi didn’t know.

"You guys, are you sure?"

Even after experiencing countless times of madness, Nangong Qi’s love for Della

Kohe Sesshouin's proposal still felt hesitant.

After all, merging [beasts] is really too crazy. It is unprecedented and unprecedented.

After the fusion is completed, there is a question mark as to what kind of stitch monster will appear.

[The Mud Dragon King of the Swamp]? (laugh)

"Very sure!"

"Master, only by obtaining our spiritual foundation can you strip the power from the other self and use it for your own use!"

If Nangong Qi completes the integration with Draco and the Sesshoin, then the Beast Yin can be absorbed.

Because those things that originally belong to Draco and the Sesshōin, competing for power can not only weaken the Sesshōin, but also strengthen Nangong Qi himself.


"Can I really?"

"Master, I believe you!"

"Boy, is this all you have to save the world?"


There was no answer, Nangong Qi just silently raised one of the six arms, the one with the command spell.

Nangong Qi has never been a mother-in-law person, not before, not now, and not in the future.

Once he sets a goal, he will carry it out unswervingly and never look back.

"By ordering the Command Seal, Draco will hand over the Spirit Key to me!"

"I gave the order with the command spell, and Sesshōin also handed over the spiritual base to me!"

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In order to deal with the beast's courtyard, the protagonist's methods have become more and more villainous, even using the method of enlarging Shadow Moon, and even merging two [beasts]

Corresponding to the title of this volume, the protagonist will eventually be crowned a [Beast], or the spirit base of two [Beasts]

Alaya: Don’t come over here!




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Chapter 30 Holding the Sun and the Moon and Picking the Stars

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What does it feel like to merge with a [beast]?

It is estimated that no one can give Nangong Qi an exact answer.

Because from ancient times to the present, even in the long history of mankind, and even extending into the infinite future, no human has ever tried this kind of behavior that makes people lose their SAN value just by looking at it.

Nangong Qi did it anyway, and merged two different [beasts] at once.

But this is also no way.

There were only two choices before him. One was to maintain the status quo and wait until he got tired of playing in the animal yard and crush him to death again like a bug.

The second is to follow the advice of Draco and the Sesshōin, absorb their spiritual energy as [Beasts], and then fight with the Sesshōin to decide whether we live or die.

There is almost no need to think too much and hesitate. If you don’t want to sit still and wait for death, you can only choose the latter.

"By ordering the Command Seal, Draco will hand over the Spirit Key to me!"

"I gave the order with the command spell, and Sesshōin also handed over the spiritual base to me!"

As the two command spells disappeared from his wrists, Nangong Qi felt a strange power flow into his limbs and bones, healing the injuries in his body that had been severely injured by the beast courtyard and that the [Emperor Stone] had no time to heal.

Note: Nangong Qi now has six arms.

An indescribable feeling arose in his heart, as if he wanted to reverse all the love and kindness towards humans in his heart, turning [human love] into [human evil].

At the same time, after entrusting the spiritual power to Nangong Qi, Draco and the Sesshoin were also absorbed by the Beast Institute.

"Ah, this feeling, Segao!"

There was an unnatural blush on his face. The beast, who already had the appearance of a saint, gathered two major elements at the same time, that is, incomparable holiness and incomparable wantonness, so contradictory and intertwined.

Needless to say, the absorption of the Sesshoin itself goes without saying. Fundamentally, the Beast Institute and the Sesshoin have the same origin.

As for Draco, it was because the Beast Academy absorbed the Demonic Beast He that was equivalent to her clone, allowing her to possess part of the sixth [Beast]'s spirit base in disguise.

Of course, in theory, it is impossible for a [Beast] to shake the will of another [Beast] unless the other side has no brains.

The Seven-Headed Demonic Beast He is obviously a brainless type, or he has just awakened part of his self-thought, and subconsciously wants to control the Beast Academy in this world, but in the end he is successfully counterattacked by the Beast Academy, and the Seven-Headed Demonic Beast He becomes The animal courtyard provides nourishment for the [beast].

Therefore, the veterinary hospital can also absorb Draco and turn it into further nourishment for itself. The air it breathes is filled with pink light, and the energy of desire in it is enough to make millions of people, regardless of gender, old or young, fall for it. crazy.


Compared to Shatiao Aige, who was as excited as summoning an old sword and wished he could stand on a broken ball and dance, Nangong Qi remained silent.

Then he rushed towards the animal yard without saying a word, drawing his sword and making a surprise attack.

Since the enemy exposed his weakness in front of him, there was no need for him to hold back.


Each of the six arms holds a [Satan Saber] tightly, intertwining into a picture of death in the universe.

The energy from the two [Emperor Stones] attached to the blade, cutting through the skin of the beast courtyard without any hindrance.

Only this time is different from before.

No matter what Nangong Qi's attack was before, all the damage suffered by the beast will be recovered quickly.

But now a large amount of flesh and blood was torn from the beast's body, decomposed into magic light dust in the universe, and was absorbed by Nangong Qi.

This is the greatest help given to Nangong Qi after merging the spiritual foundations of Draco and Sesshoin.

Since the Beast Academy has absorbed everything from Draco and the Sesshou Academy, Nangong Qi, who is a fusion of the two [Beast] souls, is also from the same origin as them.

Absorbing the body tissue that was cut off from the beast's body left him behind. It was just taking back the power that originally belonged to him.

To be precise, the current relationship between Nangong Qi and the Beast Yuan is equivalent to two beings of equal status competing for the position of the same [beast].

After absorbing the body tissue stripped from the beast's body, Nangong Qi, whose body has exceeded one thousand meters, has further grown larger, and the [Satan Saber] in his hand has become more dazzling, fiery and magnificent.

Correspondingly, Nangong Qi's attack efficiency will only become more terrifying as the size increases, and the speed at which he can absorb the power of the beast will only become faster and faster.

When the Beast Academy finally woke up from the feeling of absorbing Draco and the Sesshou Academy, it was already too late.

Her huge body, which could hold the earth between her legs and use it as a jumping egg, had shrunk by a full [-]%, and Nangong Qi's size had increased to almost as high as her calves.


After Nangong Qi entered the state of the Creation King, he was like a red locust. The zoo subconsciously kicked Nangong Qi away.

After reacting, she realized who was kicked out by her. She also realized that Nangong Qi's sudden increase in size was not an illusion, and her eyes gradually became sharper.

It seemed that she was indeed crazy, but she was not stupid, and she vaguely sensed the existence of danger.

"Nangong Qi, why do you look like this now?"


Still no answer, Nangong Qi remained silent.

Because although the beast's mind began to become abnormal after absorbing the spiritual energy of two [beasts] in succession, it did not mean that she was a fool. It was only a matter of time before she guessed the cause of the current situation.

Saying nothing can extend the time for her to guess correctly. The longer the time is delayed, the more beneficial it will be for Nangong Wizards.


The dark energy spurted out from the red exoskeleton, pushing Nangong Qi almost into a dark red meteor and struck towards the animal yard again.

He wanted to bite off as much flesh from her body as possible before the animal yard discovered the truth.

"[Vajra Realm·Wisdom Fist Seal]!"

The zoo quickly made Nangong Qi's extremely familiar handprints on his lower abdomen, and then clenched his fists with his fair and shiny hands without any scars or wrinkles and struck Nangong Qi.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Qi really wanted to laugh, really wanted to laugh.

During the days he spent with Sesshōin, he was very clear about the characteristic of Sesshōin, which was that he was not good at fighting at all.

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