Even though she specializes in esoteric magic, tailors various magical spells for herself, and even develops techniques such as [Five Stops of Mind] and [Ten Thousand Colors Youdai] that can change a person's soul, she is still A fighting idiot.

Instead of meeting the beast's fist head-on, Nangong Qi flexibly shifted the flight angle and flew close to her fist. Six [Satan Sabers] were swung out at the same time, cutting off the beast's entire right arm in one blow.

"My power, my power is disappearing!"

Although with its strong vitality, the broken arm in the zoo quickly grew back, the size also shrank again.

Just like tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall, adding other parts of the body to the broken arm.

On the other hand, Nangong Qi, after cutting off the beast's arm, continued to swing the knife to chop the broken arm into countless light dust, absorbing it, further increasing his size and momentum.

"You are actually robbing me of my power, you thief and robber!"

I don't know why, but there was a feeling of being forcibly violated in the animal hospital's heart.

If this happened to her when she was still human, it would only make her feel more excited and intoxicated, but now she only feels offended and scared like never before.

"But how did you do it? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


Nangong Qi didn't say a word, but quietly absorbed the magic light dust in the universe and continued to increase his size and strength.

After it was completely absorbed, he moved again.

Just like before, the dark energy light dust turned into a dark red meteor and struck towards the animal courtyard.

Looking at the figure that meant death, killing and despair, for the first time, an emotion called fear arose in the beast's heart.

What she pursues is sensual enjoyment, especially sex.

Sensory happiness, so whether she attacks others or others attack her, she will experience the supreme happiness.

Only Nangong Qi was different. He was plundering the power of the beast's courtyard, the spirit base of the [beast], which was equivalent to depriving her of all the tools for enjoyment.


"Don't come over here ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Driven by fear, the animal yard burst out with the fastest hand seal since he was born in this world.

[Big head Nanye fuck method]!

A large number of energy balls about the size of the earth condensed and smashed towards Nangong Qi. At the same time, her body quickly retreated away from Nangong Qi.

It's like a woman who is at a loss when she discovers southern cockroaches in her home, and frantically throws out everything she can.

Facing the incoming attack, Nangong Qi had no intention of slowing down, but continued to sprint at full speed. The six [Satan Sabers] also continued to swing out dark energy light blades, cutting off and detonating all the energy bombs passing by.

The so-called [Big Head Qi Ye Gan Technique] is just a kind of qigong, which is a spell that condenses one's own qi into energy and throws it at the opponent.

Of course, it’s just Qigong.

It's just that the current beasts are huge in size and treat the earth like a jumping egg. In a moon-shaped world that pays attention to a [powerful brick flying], the destructive power is naturally amazing.

It's a pity that in terms of pure destructive power, he is definitely no match for Nangong Qi who has the blessing of two [Emperor Stones].

[Creation Thunder]!

More dark blades of light were swung out, and large swaths of energy bombs were scattered and detonated before they could condense. More of them fell on the body of the beast, leaving more scars and cutting off more flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood spilled into space quickly decomposed into photons and turned into Nangong Qi's power, allowing his system to continue to grow without limit.

Of course, what is even worse are the other planets in the solar system.

Affected by Nangong Qihe's attack on the beast's courtyard, all of them, without exception, were completely destroyed and turned into star fragments.

When Nangong Qi caught up with the Beast Yuan, the size of the Beast Yuan had shrunk to less than half, while Nangong Qi was bigger and stronger.

Now, it was he who was looking down at the animal yard.

"Can you reconcile?"

"I can do anything for you, you can hit me, scold me, use me as you like!"

"The world will be controlled by you, and all mankind will become your slave, I..."

"Puff!" ×6

Even if the animal academy said that it would break the sky, all it would get in exchange would be six [Satan Sabers] that would pierce without hesitation, without mercy, and without any sloppiness.

Two pierced the brain along the eye sockets, two pierced the shoulders, and two pierced the heart, one on the left and one on the right, crushing it into pieces.


The six [Satan Sabers] swung again, completely tearing the beast courtyard into pieces and completely destroying her [beast] body.

Then all the huge magic power that made up the [Beast]'s body was absorbed by Nangong Qi, making him unprecedentedly huge.

Now, he has completely replaced the Beast Yuan as the [Beast] in this world. His size is even larger than that of the Beast Yuan. The earth is only the size of a billiard ball. In a physical sense, he can do it [hold the sun and moon in his hands and pick the stars]. 】.

After holding the earth in his hand and observing it for a moment, Nangong Qi put it back on its original orbit.

He doesn't have the weird ambitions and ideas of the Beast Academy, which is to "take over the whole world with one person's power". He cares about other things more than this.

The six hands were clasped together, and powerful thought waves were released, allowing the solar system that was in a mess due to the battle between the Sanshou Institute and Nangong Qi to return to its original state.

Although this is a data world, I remember that there is a Mooncell in FE that can affect the settings of the real world. Nangong Qi was not sure, so he just fixed the solar system.


After taking a long breath, Nangong Qi's body quickly shrank like a deflated balloon.

The magic power that makes up the huge body of [Beast] was produced in this data world, when the 70 billion humans on Earth simulated by Mooncell were all devoured by the Beast House.

Nangong Qi stuffed all this energy, as well as the souls of the previous dead, back into the [World of the Dead].

As his power declined, the urge to turn "human love" into "human evil" brought by the fusion of the [Beast] Spiritual Base disappeared, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The price of merging with [Beasts] is that once you encounter an opponent who needs to go all out, your heart will gradually break away from the human group and turn to hate all humans and want to destroy all humans.

"You have to be very cautious when fighting from now on. If you encounter an opponent who needs to fight with all your strength, just turn around and run away!"

After returning to his human body, Nangong Qi let go of his senses and discovered that the animal hospital was actually still alive.

But now she has returned to human size, drifting in the universe like Kaz, and there seems to be an Andersen beside her.

Or Tomoe Gozen’s swimsuit.jpg



If the [Beast] is a chair, then after the protagonist fuses the [Beast] spirit base, his relationship with the Beast Academy is equivalent to using all means to snatch this chair.

Just like "God of War I"

Finally, Ares and Kratos compete for the position of God of War

Of course, it is impossible for Sesshōin to steal the protagonist

Who made her a combat idiot who focused all her skill tree on spirit and charm? This is what happened when she met a protagonist with MAX spirit resistance.

In addition, Draco and Sesshōin are still in the body, which makes it even more impossible to defeat him.




PS again:

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Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Exam is coming soon!

Chapter 31 Human love, passing by

"I actually lost? This is impossible!"

He was lucky enough to meet the demon beast He, and he reluctantly fought back before embarking on the path to becoming a [Beast]. He also converted all the humans on the earth in the data world into nutrients, allowing himself to ascend to the position of [Beast].

After putting in such hard work, Beast Yuan couldn't figure out why he lost completely. Even the position of [Beast] was snatched away by Nangong Qi.

It was equivalent to working for nothing from beginning to end, and Nangong Qi snatched the last peach.

"I'm not willing to give in! I've worked so hard for today, why do I still fail? I'm really not willing to give in!"

"I don't know if you know that you are not suitable for fighting." Andersen stood aside and calmly answered the question from the beast. "Compared to you, that man seems to be born to fight and fight."

"If you put a being who is not suitable for fighting at all and a fighting machine together, wouldn't it be clear at a glance who wins and who loses?"

"...In battle, I am not as good as the man named Nangong Qi, I admit this. But how can he compete with me for the power and spiritual foundation of the [Beast]? This is impossible and unscientific!"

"It's probably because you thought you were smart enough to absorb the other you and Draco." Andersen's glasses lenses shone with wisdom.

"At the beginning, he was still suppressed by you, but after you absorbed them, the situation began to reverse. Probably because you were unable to assimilate their consciousness, so that they resisted in your body."

"I see, I am still too arrogant. Because I control the seven-headed demon beast He from Draco, I think that I can assimilate the consciousness of other [beasts]."

At this moment, the animal hospital suddenly realized, and at the same time regretted it. Unfortunately, it was too late to say anything now.

"Not only that, but I also fused the spirit base of another Sesshōin and Draco, making me a sub-server who fused the [Beast] spirit base. Only then can I compete with you for the position of [Beast]. , absorb your power and use it for your own use."

Nangong Qi came to the still alive animal hospital and looked at her with extremely calm eyes.

"It seems that absorbing the other Draco and me is a really bad move."

"But you actually fused with the spirit base of the [Beast], and you fused two of them at once. You are really a complete lunatic!"

Andersen complained mercilessly about Nangong Qi's behavior.

"There is no other way. At that time, besides integrating the spiritual base and waiting for death, what other options do I have?"

If there is no other way, a ghost would want to fuse the spirit base of the [beast].

"Then congratulations!"

"Clap clap clap clap-"

Andersen actually started to applaud Nangong Qi.

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