Of course, she would never hate Nangong Qi. If she wanted to, she should hate her sister who wanted to sneak away and eat in advance.

"I heard your conversation just now! Meltililith, I'm very happy that you successfully used the combined Noble Phantasm to save your seniors, but the activation of that Noble Phantasm also requires my help, right?"


Meltlilith nodded guiltily.

"So you just take all the credit and don't say a word to me at all. Do you take all the credit that belongs to me and take it all on yourself? It's unforgivable! It's unforgivable ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Unable to control his murderous intention any longer, Parsonlip swung his huge mechanical claws towards Meltililith, compressing her and throwing her into the recycling bin to rot like garbage.

However, her hands were empty.

Because Meltililith possesses the trait of [Perfect Fluid], she can turn into a puddle of liquid and become immune to all physical damage, including Parsonlip's unreasonable compression and destruction ability.

"Parsonlip, I'm sorry."

"You sneaky vixen, don't run away!"

Parsonlip continued to chase Melt Lilith, who was evading, and Nangong Qi could only yo-yo.

He didn't know how to comfort Parson Lip, saying "You are all my wings" was simply impossible to say.

Time quickly came to the next day, and Nangong Qi found Tohsaka Rin and Leo at the same time.

"You Western European plutocrats and rebels should stop fighting a civil war. There are less than [-] human beings on the planet now. Do you think the human race is not extinct fast enough?"

Probably because of seeing Nangong Qi's powerful ability to continuously smash the beasts and [Yusei] to pieces, and the situation of being surrounded by a group of [beasts] around Nangong Qi, the Western European plutocrats and rebels wanted to beat their brains out. The army finally chose reconciliation.

Although the two sides have been fighting wars for decades and have accumulated countless hatreds, and Nangong Qi's reconciliation through intimidation is nothing more than an armistice agreement, at least on the surface mankind is united.

The number of people is less than 10.

"The earth is ruined! Let your people bring everything they can and prepare for alien colonization!"

Through Mooncell, Nangong Qi knew that the great source of energy in this world was almost exhausted due to the magicians' association's attempt to commit suicide, and that humans would just wait to die if they stayed on the earth.

The only hope is to light up the technology of alien colonization, get rid of the colonization of the universe, and let human beings spread their footprints across the stars and seas.

"But the technical issues..."

"Let me solve this!"

Bell's race is an interstellar civilization, and he is also a top student in his race. It shouldn't be difficult to ask him to help provide some technology.

"The first step is to hollow out all the other planets in the solar system. Only in this way can we accumulate enough resources to allow humans to officially enter the universe!"

"But man!"

Ce rarely showed a serious expression.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to colonize the stars in this solar system. Because, there are UOs!"

The old woman pretends to be a virgin.jpg



In the FE timeline, the source of the earth has dried up, and the only way left for mankind in the future is interstellar colonization.

But to take the first step of interstellar colonization, we must first attack other planets in the solar system, which will inevitably conflict with UO

According to "Steel Earth", all the UOs in the solar system traveled thousands of miles to destroy humans. It is estimated that they have no good impression of humans. Listening to the call of the earth is probably like listening to the neighbor calling oneself to help clean the bugs in the house.

In this case, even the Kamen Rider who supports love and peace may have no choice but to help humans clean up UO and expand externally.

After all, Kamen Riders are human beings no matter what, and human beings are about to perish. If they don't help human beings, is it possible that they are being treated as traitors?




PS again:

By the way, does anyone else remember why the protagonist came to Xingyue World?




Final PS:

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Chapter 38 Eliminate UO tyranny, the solar system belongs to mankind

UO, the so-called UO, is the abbreviation of Ultimate One. It stands at the top of the planet's object system. It can make all life species in the existing world extinct by itself. Without the concept of death, it can only be destroyed. Unable to move.

It can be said that even if all the [beasts] on the entire earth, from ancient times to the present, were gathered together, none of them would be UO's opponent.

In Nangong Qi's knowledge, UO only appeared in "Steel Earth". He thought that he would never be able to fight against UO in his life, but he did not expect that under such circumstances, he would have to go to war with UO.

But if you think about it carefully, humans in the moon-shaped world are also struggling in this shit-like solar system.

If humans want to light up the technology tree for interstellar colonization, then other planets in the solar system will inevitably become their goals and first pot of gold.

But in the moon-shaped world, UO exists on every planet in the solar system.

Interstellar colonization will inevitably conflict with these powerful UOs, which will inevitably deal a heavy blow to the fledgling human race.

In other words, it is basically impossible for the human race in the moon-shaped world to leave the earth and rush out of the solar system. UOs on other planets alone will block this possibility.

But when it comes to UO, it seems like there is one around me.

Thinking like this, Nangong Qi's eyes unconsciously drifted to Erquette.

"Why is Nangong staring at people like this?"

The confused Arquette felt uncomfortable being stared at by Nangong Qi.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you know about other UOs in the solar system?"

"UO? What is that?"

Seeing Arquette's silly look, Nangong Qi wanted to give himself a slap.

The so-called UO is still the name given by humans to those powerful beings. It is estimated that Erquette's name for UO is based on her own habits.

"Okay, let's put it this way. There is one of the strongest life forms on every planet in the solar system except the earth, the giant spider on Mercury, the cross on Saturn, and the giant on Jupiter. You should know that, right?"

After a moment of silence and careful thought, Erquette's originally confused eyes gradually filled with the light of wisdom.

"Oh oh oh oh! So it's those things! But, Nangong, why do you ask about these?"

"Because I plan to strike first and clean up all those things."

"Why? You're so good, why do you want to beat someone to death? Nangong, aren't you a pacifist?"

"Peace? That must be based on the absolute safety of the human race! In the future, humans in this world will escape from the interstellar world, and conflicts with other UOs are inevitable. If necessary, I will choose to strike first!"

In view of the fact that in "Steel Earth", UOs from all over the solar system traveled thousands of miles to exterminate human beings, Nangong Qixun thought that there was no possibility of reconciliation between humans and UOs now.

Not because of anything else, but because there are less than 10 human beings left in this world. It is estimated that a random UO can exterminate all human beings dozens of times by sneezing.

Therefore, UO must be destroyed, it must be destroyed.

For all mankind.

"Is that so?"

Arquette showed a troubled expression, as if he still couldn't understand the major event related to the future of the human race.

"Then Nangong, go ahead. They can't die anyway, so be careful and don't get trampled to death by them."

Because UOs will not die, Erquet doesn't care about Nangong Qi's initiative to declare war on UOs.

According to the performance in "Steel Earth", it is estimated that in the eyes of UOs, the earth is their neighbor and companion, and humans are just parasites in the earth's house.

The earth asks them to clean up humans, but they are just cleaning out the bugs in the house.

Destroy you, what does it have to do with you?

You are all just a bunch of bugs!

"Ha ha."

A sneer appeared on Nangong Qi's face, and almost everyone present was stunned, even shuddering.

For the first time, Nangong Qi showed his ferocious side in front of everyone. Behind his gentle appearance was the urge to destroy and crush everything.

"Ce, Bell, please get ready. This time we are going to face a star-level enemy!"

Not paying attention to everyone's movements, Nangong Qi just told his two companions and family members who could help him in that level of battle.

"You can fight at any time!"

Ce never cares about any life except human beings. If Nangong Qi identifies him as an enemy, he will hate that existence extremely.

"Wait a moment for me. This machine that synthesizes starch from carbon dioxide still has the final step. Just wait a moment and that's enough."

As a top alien student, Bell has a lot of knowledge about alien technology. After Nangong Qi decided to help humans in this world, he naturally became the busiest [person] in the entire Mooncell.

Combining the similarities between the human and demon technology trees, and then slightly improving the alien technology, and finally using Mooncell to calculate and synthesize the required materials, everything fell into place.

At present, Nangong Qi has provided digitization technology and civilian space transmission technology to humans in this world, so that people all over the world can enter Mooncell in the form of data without becoming spirit hackers.

Driven by the joint efforts of Western European plutocrats and rebels, almost all human beings have come to Mooncell's data world in the form of data.

Not all human beings. The number of humans in this timeline is not even [-]. It is estimated that there are only three or two kittens left on the earth that are outside the control of Western European plutocrats and resistance forces.

In this regard, Nangong Qi is too lazy to let Leo and Tohsaka Rin worry about this unnecessarily, and plans to release an excessive amount of Bugster virus on the earth in a while, forcing all humans to be digitized and enjoy the blessings it brings. Report.

The prerequisite for enjoying the blessing is that Nangong Qi De defeats the UO, and at least the UO must stop interfering with human development of the solar system.

“Nangong, please take this!”

Rani handed Nangong Qi a large gun that was pitch black but much larger than ordinary firearms.

The whole body is black, with dark red lines all over the gun body, which looks very much like a weapon in Nangong Qi's memory.

"[Black Gun]?"

Of course Nangong Qi knows that the [Black Gun] is almost an anti-UO treasure in "Steel Earth". As long as it can break through the defense, it can cause damage to the UO that cannot be healed in a short time.

Although UO does not have the concept of death, and its immortality is even hundreds of times better than that of Ti Ma, it can still be destroyed, that is, it can still heal itself unconditionally.

The length of time required for self-healing depends on the degree of damage.

"Well, this is a weapon specially designed by Atlas Institute for the end of the world. Among all mankind, you are probably the only one who can exert its full power!"

"Thank you."

[Black Gun] is probably one of the few weapons in the entire Xingyue world that can help Nangong Qi.


Knowing that she couldn't help at all and that going there would probably only hinder her, Tima looked at Nangong Qi with worry in her eyes.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm just going out to have friendly negotiations (physics) with those UOs!"

Nangong Qi knelt down on one knee so that he and Ti Ma could look at each other at eye level.

"Please be sure to come back!"

Ti Ma hugged Nangong Qi, just like a mother who is about to watch her child go to a distant place and may not be able to come back for decades.

Mom, are you fucking me too slowly?

"Ah, I will come back and I will not die easily. Now the fate of the entire human race is on my shoulders. If I die, then humanity will completely lose its future. Because of this, I cannot die even more ah!"

let's go!

There is no need to say goodbye too much, and Nangong Qi does not want to insert more flags into his body, becoming the stepping stone of the protagonist in the standard story of the Xingyue World, using his life to open up the path for the true protagonist.


After transforming into the form of [Bell Sharcharodon], Nangong Qi left Mooncell's data world and turned into a meteor flying towards the earth.

The enemy that Nangong Qi decided to deal with first was a UO sleeping on the earth, that is ORT.

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