ORT, a UO from the Oort Cloud, has a large spider-like appearance. Before coming to the earth, it ate the real Mercury UO and headed to the earth instead, preparing to exterminate mankind according to the requirements of the earth.

I don’t know why, but ORT crashed in South America 5000 years earlier than the agreed time. It has remained asleep, waiting to wake up, or be awakened to exterminate mankind as agreed.

Nangong Qi had nothing to say about this.

It's done!

But on the way there, Nangong Qi noticed that there were still several scattered human settlements on the surface of the earth.


A moment later, he landed in the human settlement, used the bugster virus to forcibly digitize everyone, and then uploaded them to Mooncell.

Soon, human settlements on the earth disappeared one after another. Nangong Qi found a medical freezing cabin in the ruins of a hospital.

The girl among them stunned Nangong Qi.

It was Hakuno Kishinami, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this timeline.

As early as 30 years ago, Hakuno Kishinami was diagnosed with a serious brain disease that could cause death.

Because the medical level at the time was unable to deal with this disease, people decided to freeze Hakuno first and wait until the technological level was sufficient to thaw it for treatment.

As a result, Kishinami Hakuno was forgotten here for 30 years, and almost no one remembered that she was there, until she was found by Nangong Qi from the ruins today.

Miraculously, even though this place is completely in ruins, the medical cryogenic chamber is still working normally.

It is estimated that the doctors of this hospital connected all the generators to this medical freezing chamber before going bankrupt, so that Kishinami Hakuno's freezing chamber can continue to operate until today.

"Well, I am a doctor after all, and Tan Li Dou developed the Kamen Rider System to treat some diseases that doctors cannot solve. If it is used on you, it can be regarded as making the best use of it. Let her go! "

"OK! I was born for this!"

The policy was released, invaded into the cryocabin in the form of data, and executed the wake-up procedure.

At the same time, the bugster virus entered her body, quickly converted it into data, and cured her brain disease.

Soon, the medical cryogenic chamber slowly opened, and Hakuno Kishinami woke up. The first thing he saw was Nangong Qi who had transformed into the appearance of "Bell Carcharodontosaurus".


Not afraid, Hakuno Kishinami tilted his head slightly, his eyes full of curiosity.

"No, I'm human."

Nangong Qi took the initiative to cancel the transformation and reveal his human appearance. "Your brain has also been cured, but now 30 years have passed since the era when you fell asleep."

“Human society has undergone tremendous changes.”

(Referring to the exhaustion of the great source, the depletion of the earth’s resources, and the number of humans being less than [-])

"There have also been great advances in science and technology, so that your brain disease can be cured."

(Data and space technology are basically brought by Nangong Qi and Bell,)

"The same goes for relationships between people. I hope you can get used to it!"

(If it weren’t for Nangong Qi, mankind would probably still be fighting a civil war)

"A huge war will break out on the earth next, so I plan to send you to a safe place. I hope you won't resist in the future. The pain will only last for a moment."


Kishinami Hakuno barely hesitated and nodded directly in agreement.

This was beyond Nangong Qi's expectation. A large part of the human settlements he went to before refused to leave their hometown.

"Well, will we meet again?"


Nangong Qi, who was debugging the [Faulty Drive], was slightly startled, nodded and said: "Yes, we will meet again, above the moon!"

"Then I'll be waiting for you!"


With his head full of questions, Nangong Qi still released the Bugster virus to completely digitize her and send her to Mooncell.

At the same time, in Mooncell, Draco was bored setting up the concert stage when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Hakuno Kishinami who had just been sent in by Nangong Qi, and his eyes instantly went straight.


In just 10 minutes, the entire earth was swept away, and all humans disappeared in the form of data.

At this point, the Alaya of this world died completely.

Although there are only 10 people left, Alaya itself is probably in a state of half-death.

After repeatedly confirming that there was not a single person left on the entire earth, Nangong Wizards headed towards South America.

In this way, if someone can appear on the earth, it can only be considered that he is too hidden and too unlucky.

"ORT, I'm here to kill you!"

"Destroy UO tyranny! The solar system belongs to mankind!"

Ce shouted happily beside Nangong Qi.



Well, the protagonist of FE, Hakuno Kishinami, appeared and was saved by the protagonist.

After all, the protagonist’s serious profession is that of a doctor

And there is no doubt that she was directly spotted by Beast Nero.




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No.30 nine

Chapter Title [Beast]——ORT

Purple girl old woman.jpg

ORT is lying quietly in a crystal valley in South America, motionless. People who don't know may think this guy is asleep.

However, in fact, it is not much different from falling asleep.

The surrounding Crystal Valley is similar to the [Inherent Barrier], changing the surrounding landscape and everything.

Of course, what bad intentions could ORT have?

It simply transformed its surroundings into the most suitable environment for itself, sealed itself in the Crystal Valley, and waited for the time agreed upon with Gaia on Earth to come and exterminate all human beings.

"Transform! Tuo——"

Instead of using the [Black Hole Creation Player] or the [Bell Sharcharodontosaurus] form, Nangong Qi just transformed into the Creator King form and broke into the Crystal Valley.

ORT is still sleeping.

There were beautiful and bright crystals everywhere, just like the legendary fairyland on earth. Nangong Qi just felt like the fisherman in "Peach Blossom Spring".

"Well, you can feel that my body is crystallizing. If it weren't for the [Emperor Stone] energy protection, I would have turned into crystal and become a part of this crystal valley."

Nangong Qi's body shook, and a large number of crystal fragments fell from his body.

The energy of [Emperor Stone] protects his surroundings in the form of a shield, but some of it is still affected by ORT and turns into crystal.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, there is only one ending for you, and that is to be with the sun in the sky! Open the door to [World of the Dead]!"

A netherworldly green door slowly opened, and a large number of souls spewed out, turning into the purest energy in the air, pouring into Nangong Qi's body, causing his mortal body to gradually expand.

ORT's body length is about 40 meters. To deal with this kind of enemy, Nangong Qi naturally chooses to become huge.

Just like sugar exposed to strong sulfuric acid, he soon reached a height of 60 meters.

Each of the four arms holds a [Satan Saber] that breaks out from the armpit, and the other two hands each hold a [Black Gun].

Because Nangong Qi was too huge at the moment, these two [black guns] were as small as toy guns.

Originally, there was only one [Black Gun], but Ce, relying on his ability to control data, used Mooncell to engraved a Black Gun with the exact same material and exactly the same structure. It was almost the same [Black Gun] in a physical sense.

Nangong Qixun thought that he must at least prepare several thousand more [Black Guns] for himself. A [Black Gun] version of [Three Thousand Worlds] could directly sweep UO across the entire solar system, turning the solar system into a solar system that only belongs to humans.

The four [Satan Sabers] were raised high, and black energy circulated on the red blades, turning into dark red lightning.


The next moment, four [Satan Sabers] broke through the air and sound barriers, piercing into the white and solid carapace of ORT, revealing the crystal-like inner parts under the carapace.


Only at this moment did ORT wake up slightly, waving its eight legs with bared teeth and claws, attacking everything around it.

"It's too late! It's too late!"

The two [Black Guns] were directly pressed against the wound cut by the [Satan Saber], barely inserted into ORT's body, and the trigger was pulled.

Following the fatal missile launch, the struggling PRT instantly stopped moving, as if dead.

"Click, click, click, click, click -"

Suddenly, a large area of ​​ORT crystallized words, as if integrated with the entire Crystal Valley.


"Continue to be vigilant!"

Nangong Qi knew that there was no chance that UO would die, so he could only put it into a deep sleep by causing damage to it that could not be recovered in a short period of time.

Therefore, in Nangong Qi's plan, after killing UO, he has to add an extra kick and throw these immortal monsters into the sun, side by side with the phoenix in Master.


Suddenly, ORT's crystallized body suddenly exploded, and countless crystals shot out like exploding fragmentation grenades, many of which directly penetrated Nangong Qi's body.

The missile fired by [Black Gun] is a magic blow that can cause damage to any object that relies on [True Ether (Sin)] regardless of the opponent's ability value, just like directly hitting cancer cells in the body.


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It can be said that the higher the concentration of [True Ether (Sin)] in the body, the greater the damage caused.

UOs are extremely powerful life forms, and their bodies are filled with a huge amount of [True Ether (Sin)], so it only takes one shot to destroy a UO to the point where it is difficult to recover.

ORT immediately realized this principle and decisively chose to abandon the car to save the handsome man. He played a golden cicada and escaped from the shell, abandoning the shell that had been affected by the [Black Gun] bomb, and successfully avoided this murderous intention.

"As expected of UO, it's not that easy to kill. So come on, ORT, let me see how powerful you are!"

Nangong Qi decisively threw two [Black Guns] into the [World of the Dead]. After all, these two weapons are typical glass cannons. They will definitely not be able to withstand the aftermath of an OU-level battle. To be on the safe side, it is better not to use them first.

Today's ORT is different from before, completely different.

Abandoned the big spider form and turned into a UFO form.

The previous form was just the cuticle that grew out of its body, but now this UFO-like appearance is the real thing, its true body.

The Mercury Universe·Ultimate Transformation·ORT’s true form has arrived!

"It doesn't matter. No matter what you become, there is only one result in the end, and that is to go to the sun to keep company with the phoenix!"

Each of the six arms held a [Satan Saber], raised it high, and swung it down together.


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