Candy Vine's eyes lit up, she took the lollipop and put it in her mouth.

As expected of Fujimaru Ritsuka, no one else has such ability to abduct children.

After reaching a contract with Black A and Candy Vine, Nangong Qi set off again in the [Battle Locust] carrying Fujimaru Ritsuka, followed by Gawain and Black A in the spirit form.

Only this time the goal is to collect as many neutral servants as possible to prepare for the final battle.



The ability of Candy Vine is very buggy. It can absorb other Ying Ying Yings and use their power for your own use.

Then there is her record. For details, you can read "The Legend of the Demon Fox"

The sneak attack on BB consumed seven-eighths of her strength

Make Lilith an obedient doll

Lurking within the protagonist group and secretly causing trouble

Kishinami Hakuno was imprisoned in the insect space and tortured for 260 days, which caused quite a psychological shadow.

Compress the imperial flower that came to Kishinami Hakuno into cubes and eat it

As for the character, they are a one-to-one replica of the group of fairies in 2.6.




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Chapter 47 The other side of the world

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“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

"Having transportation is convenient. It even reminds me of the Da Vinci Express at the Sixth Singularity! Wuhu——"

Feeling the racing, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but recall the past.

"The sixth singularity?" Gawain thought casually. "It's a pity that it's not a good memory for me."


Suddenly, Nangong Qi's head was filled with questions.

At the sixth singularity, shouldn't it be the invincible Gawain guarding the gates of Camelot and beating the shit out of the [Chaldean] group?Why are their perceptions different from what I remember?

Of course, everyone is not moving forward aimlessly. They have a clear goal, which is to be on the back

control room.

"It's Sir Tristan!"

Suddenly, Gawain saw an old acquaintance and quickly stopped a few people. Nangong Qi also quickly stopped the car and put Fujimaru Ritsuka down.


Before Fujimaru Ritsuka could speak, Tristan plucked the strings first and launched an attack.

The target of the attack was Nangong Qi, pointing directly at his neck.

"Are all the people at your round table sick?"

Nangong Qi smashed the incoming strings with a slap and pulled out the [Satan Saber].

"If you continue like this, I will chop off your hands and feet and force you to listen to Nero, Elizabeth and Tiamat's joint concert!"

As soon as he said this, Tristan's facial expression distorted like a performer, almost turning into the word "Benefit".

"Experiencing that kind of thing once is enough!"

"Ah? Have you tasted it already?"

It can be seen that probably due to the butterfly effect brought by Nangong Qi, the Knights of the Round Table seemed to have a very unhappy time at the Sixth Singularity, and they were very connected to Nangong Qi himself.

"That's a pity."

"calm down!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly stopped Tristan to prevent him from continuing to attack, causing the conflict between the two to continue to intensify, although Nangong Qi himself seemed not to care about these things at all.

Soon, under the negotiation of Fujimaru Ritsuka, Tristan finally had the patience to form a master-slave contract. However, like Gawain, he refused to go with Nangong Qi. Unless it was a battle, he would only remain in spirit form. state.

"It seems that the Knights of the Round Table and I are totally incapable of dealing with this."

Soon, more and more servants joined Fujimaru Ritsuka, old acquaintances such as Robin Hood and Captain Drake.

During this process, Nangong Qi tried to remain silent.

After all, most of the servants here are normal Seven Horsemen of the Holy Grail, and he is the only one who is an [alterego] job agent. If he is too bold, he will definitely attract attention and suspicion.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The roar like a berserk shocked everyone's ears. It was a lancer covered in blood.

It's Lord Impaler, Vlad III.

"The world is turned upside down!"

His spirit was completely immersed in madness. The Impaler did not hesitate to launch indiscriminate attacks on all living creatures around him. Countless iron stakes broke out of the ground and skewered several second-rate servants who could not avoid it.

"Dian Lao, **** Dian Lao. Leave it to me to deal with it!"

While he was talking, several more iron stakes impaled Nangong Qi, but he remained unmoved at all, completely ignoring the damage and running towards the impaler.

"Do you want to compete with Dian?"

"Alterego, please wait a moment!"

Through the master-slave contract, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Nangong Qi have direct dialogue.

"If possible, I hope you can stop him instead of killing him directly. After all, Vlad III is one of the few reliable servants."

Considering that Vlad III is a true follower of the order and good camp, and not a follower of order and good as defined by the Sakura Sentai gang, it is indeed worth wooing him.

"I will handle it."

Completely ignoring the iron stakes that broke out of the ground, Nangong Qi walked quickly towards the Impaler. Even if his body was pierced into a hedgehog, it could not hinder his progress. The red-edged [Satan Saber] appeared in his hand.

"Defeat me now!"

Considering that the Impaler did not have any inherent skills such as [Battle Continue] that could ignore insignificant injuries, Nangong Qi swung the [Satan Saber] countless times in an instant, cutting off all his hands and feet.

Without the healing magic provided by the master, he has completely lost his combat effectiveness.

But even so, the Impaler Man still showed his teeth and claws, lying on the ground and twisting his body, trying to continue fighting with his teeth.

"Vlad III?"

[Battle Locust] brought Fujimaru Ritsuka over without a driver, but the Impaler was still grinning.

"give it to me!"

Suddenly, the candy vine stretched out its hand, completely absorbing the Impaler, and then released him again in the horrified eyes of many servants.

"Huh?" Mr. Impaler was a little surprised. "What happened just now? Why don't I remember anything?"

Everyone looked at Candy Vine, hoping to get a reasonable explanation.

"This is my special ability. It can clear certain existences from the body of the servant. Just now, Vlad III obviously had a [Crazy] level that was too high, so I helped to clear it out."

Candy Vine continued to nibble on the lollipop, acting like a good child. "It's just that this guy's willpower seems to be too high. In order to relieve his [madness], I can only erase part of his memory."


Hearing this, Nangong Qi couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

How come this ability is so similar to Sesshōin’s [Ten Thousand Colors Relaxation] and [Five Pause Mind Meditation] abilities?

When BB created this [alterego], what exactly did he add to it?

Also, why do I always feel like this little girl is in danger?

Even more dangerous than the two [Beasts] Sesshōin and Draco put together?

In short, Nangong Qi didn't believe a word of what Candy Vine said.

In fact, many of the servants are like the Impaler just now, as if equipped with the [Crazy] BUFF, and all of them will attack all living creatures around them that are still able to move indiscriminately.

"That's very helpful, Candy Vine!"

"Give me a lollipop!"

Being able to remove the [Crazy] state of [Crazy] servants can indeed help a lot. Fujimaru Ritsuka gave another lollipop.

"And alterego, thank you very much for your efforts!"

"It's nothing, just a minor injury."

Nangong Qi waved his hand and pulled out the iron stakes from his body one by one, pretending that nothing happened.

Compared to his physical condition, he was more worried about getting too close to Fujimaru Ritsuka and accidentally smearing her evenly on the wall.

"Do you need healing magic? I still have plenty of magic power now."

"No need, I can completely recover on my own. Even if my heart is pierced or my head is smashed, it's all a minor injury to me."

Since absorbing ORT's crowned [Beast] spirit base, Nangong Qi's body has reached a whole new level.

At least in the Xingyue world, he has no concept of death at all. It is estimated that he will need a crowned assassin other than Wang Ha to give him the concept of death.

Considering that Nangong Qi is an unprecedented [Beast] agent with the highest rank, it is estimated that even ten or twenty first-ranked assassins may not be able to handle him.

Soon, everyone came to [Selaphix]’s side.

The reason why I came here is to go to the control room on the back side.

The most important thing is that the servant Tamamo Neko who was picked up halfway suggested:

As long as this is scratched, no creature can remain calm!

So, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Fujimaru Ritsuka came to this place, leaned down, and stretched out his hands to scratch the floor.

"Do it with peace of mind." Black A still said the same words that made people's eyes darken. "I will collect the body properly for you."

Scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch...

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom -"

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be shaking like an earthquake. It seemed to be really effective.

"I have to say that this method is very unscientific, but it is very practical."

Taking a deep breath, Nangong Qi directly tied Fujimaru Ritsuka to the [Combat Locust], preparing to deal with the changes that may occur next.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

A woman's voice echoes throughout the world.

Hearing this, Nangong Qi and Hei A couldn't help but frown.

"Killing House."

The next moment, the world turned upside down.

No, to be precise, it was [Selaphix], the oil field that turned into the shape of Sesshōin, that turned over from the front to the back like a person turning over in bed.

All the servants and Fujimaru Ritsuka were thrown into the sky and fell towards the ground, like a handful of rice being thrown out.

"Get ready for impact!"

"How to prepare for this?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't laugh or cry.

Her whole body was fixed on the [Battle Locust] and she couldn't move. How could she prepare.

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