"Master, please take a deep breath."

Fujimaru Ritsuka did as he was told and took a deep breath.


Nangong Qi transformed into [Bio Knight], liquefied instantly, wrapped around Fujimaru Ritsuka and [Battle Locust] like a water ball, and finally landed steadily on the ground without stirring up even a trace of dust.

"Hmm, if the [Battle Locust] hits the ground directly, it will be angry. That's why I'm not trying to save you, because I really hate humans."

"Anyway, thank you very much! I thought I was going to die."

Although in the past, when spirit sons were transported to the singularity, they would occasionally be sent to high altitudes and fall, but this kind of scene is still difficult for humans to get used to.

After coming down from [Battle Locust], Fujimaru Ritsuka calmed down his excitement and looked at the servants he had abducted.

Black A, Gawain, Tristan, Impaler, the main combat powers are all there.

Oh, and there are candy vines.

Looking around, we find an urban residence that resembles neon lights.

At the top of a roof, there was a girl with fox ears and wearing a JK.

Suzuka Gozen and Nangong Qi have been seen in Mooncell's heroic spirit database.

"The weak will be destroyed! Just let me send you to Santu River!"

She raised the Japanese sword in her hand high and turned it into countless sharp blades in the air, aiming directly at the people below.

"Caozi, read his article - the world-famous Datonglian. If eight clouds stand on the tiled roof, sparrows and thorns will kill..."


Suddenly, a red light flashed, and a sharp sword pierced Suzuka Gozen, who was at least several kilometers away.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup up up

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! "

The release of the Noble Phantasm was interrupted, and Suzuka Gozen screamed and fell.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Nangong Qi. Everyone could see clearly that what was thrown was the [Satan Saber], Nangong Qi's commonly used weapon. At this moment, he still maintained the action of throwing the weapon.

"Hmm, seeing as the Noble Phantasm words she chanted were smelly and long, waiting here wasn't an option, so I tried to throw the sword out, but I didn't expect it to succeed."

Black A raised his gun and tried to aim at the position where Suzuka Gozen was standing just now, and then put the gun down again.

"As an archer, I may not be able to hit it, but you actually did it."

"Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's just good luck."

Nangong Qi waved and tried to call back the [Satan Saber].

"Come here for me!"

The power of mind came into play, and [Satan's Saber] really came back as if it were a spiritual sword that could automatically find its master.

Of course, he also brought Suzuka Gozen with him, hanging on the blade of the [Satan Saber] like a skewer.

"This is impossible!"

Suzuka Ozen collapsed and shouted: "I have obviously been strengthened by BB, and all damage will be reduced to one-tenth. How can anyone still hurt me?"

"Reducing it to one-tenth? Doesn't that mean that it can penetrate the defense with ten times the damage?"

Nangong Qi said very reasonable words.

But Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't see it that way. The last servant who could reduce damage to one-tenth was Karna. Defenses of that strength could not be penetrated without contact.

"Wait, you just said BB, right?"


Suzuka Gozen nodded, then realized something was wrong.

"Why am I telling you this?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll make you a fox sashimi!"

Pulling out the [Satan Saber] from her body, Nangong Qi's unkind expression told her that he was not joking.

With Nangong Qi's extremely superb [persuasion] ability, Suzuka Gozen could only tell the truth about BB.

"The thing is like this. Originally, I promised BB to become one of her guards. In exchange, she would give me damage-reducing enhancements and I could do whatever I wanted in this data world."

"and then?"

"After that, I never saw BB again, and she never even contacted me again. It was like turning away a shopkeeper, leaving me alone here!"


This doesn't seem like something BB would do.

So what accident happened to BB?



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Chapter 48 The Car Rollover King BB rolled over again!

There is a good saying in Xingyue: eat and wait until the fat otaku elephant dies, charge and cause trouble BB sauce.

BB has always been the pioneer in causing trouble in the entire Xingyue world. Generally speaking, he would arrange a lot of guards for Nangong Qi.

Just like in the Holy Grail War, when Nangong Qi was about to win the final victory in the Holy Grail War, when Nangong Qi was about to win, BB suddenly jumped out and trapped Nangong Qi with an extremely huge maze. The guards in it were all mechanical monsters. It is difficult to defeat the powerful brick flying, and you must use [Five Stops of Mind] and [Ten Thousand Colors of Relaxation] to pass the level.

As it is now, BB directly chooses one of the guards she wants and gives it a BUFF, and then just yo-yos it. It doesn't look like her character.


Thinking about it, Nangong Qi couldn't help but talk to the little baby in his body.

"What conspiracy do you have this time?"

Since this little BB was implanted in his body after he came to this world, he should be able to know part of it.

If that doesn't work, you can still use [Ten Thousand Colors of Reluctance] and [Five Stops of Mind] to forcibly read Little BB's memory, and transform her into a reliable junior instead of a demonic character.

"Humph, senior, please let go of your petty thoughts! The almighty BB-chan has figured out everything. Even if you fuck my head, you won't be able to find any clues!"

"Is that so?"

Nangong Qi thought for a moment, thinking that since he is too hard,

, it is better to try soft ones.

"But I always feel that your body is in danger!"

"Huh? Senior, do you really think so?"

There was a trace of panic in Little BB's eyes, but he still looked confident.

"This time BB-chan has learned all the lessons from the past and will never make the same mistake again in the hands of his seniors."

"Despite this, I still feel that something has happened to your body."

Touching his chin, Nangong Qi fell into deep thought. "According to BB's personality, she is very flamboyant and likes to create a sense of presence. If she goes by her past personality, it is estimated that fighting with her men will be inevitable along the way. But now she has not even completed the placement of guards!"


A trace of astonishment clearly flashed across Little BB's face.

"I didn't expect that senior would be so related to me, to the real body."

"Don't you look at all the bad things your body has done and caused me a lot of trouble. If you didn't care, I would have ignored Sanqi 21's Yang!"

"Hey! I didn't expect that senior is really so related to the main body. What's the matter with suddenly feeling jealous?"

"Don't be a nympho there, tell me now, what new job did she give me?"

"This is easy to say." Little BB jumped onto Nangong Qi's shoulders and sat down with his legs crossed. "Because the main body learned the lesson that if you create a clone of [alterego], it will be poached by your predecessors, so you created the strongest clone of [alterego]!"

"The strongest? It can't be the candy vine, right?"

Nangong Qi fell into deep thought and began to recall everything she had done since she met Candy Vine.

It is indeed different from [alterego] such as Parson Lip, Emperor Flower, and Melt Lilith. They fell into Nangong Qi's beauty before they came up.


"BB, let me ask you another question."

"Just ask! As long as it doesn't involve BB-chan Invincible's plan, you can tell me anything!"

"How on earth are you supposed to control [alterego]?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that BB can't even control several [alterego]. If it is a clone that will not be instigated by me to rebel at all, then how confident is BB that he can command her? And if I remember correctly, that guy even I want to eat you. The thoughts of rebellion are written all over my face."


In an instant, Little BB's expression changed drastically.

Looking at her expression, Nangong Qi thought that he could almost get the answer.

"Contact me again after you have decided whether you want to help me or not!"

After leaving these words, Nangong Qi exited the thought space and returned to reality.

What came into view was Black A pointing a gun at Suzuka Gozen's forehead and pulling the trigger.


Suzuka Gozen felt as if something was broken in her body, and she couldn't help but fell to the ground and howled.

"Wow! My JK power has dropped again!"

"What just happened?"

"I saw something flashing in her body, so I fired a shot. Now it seems that the BB's enhancement to her has been eliminated."

"That's okay too?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was speechless.

What are these?

Physical removal procedure?

At the moment when the bullet smashed into Suzuka Gozen, all the surrounding neon buildings disappeared, just like when Nangong Qi conquered the Sakura Maze and took out the SG from the maze guard's body, the blocking wall disappeared.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to jump off a cliff! I don't want to live anymore!"

Suddenly, Suzuka Gozen looked like he was about to die, turned around, and ran out wildly, as if he really wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff.

"It's Master Cat's turn!"

Tamamo Neko's eyes lit up, and she immediately rushed over and persuaded Suzuka Gozen, who seemed to be about to leave the show at the next moment, to come back, and even asked her to sign a new master-slave contract with Fujimaru Ritsuka.


"With so many followers, aren't you afraid of draining them all?" Nangong Qi complained mercilessly.

Even if he has the [Emperor Stone] to supply unlimited energy, Fujimaru Ritsuka is just a human being, but he dares to contract so many servants at the same time.

"Usually there are people from [Chaldea] who provide me with magic power. This time I probably haven't encountered any strong enemies, so I won't be short of magic power!"

"There's really nothing you can do about it."

Nangong Qi took out a test tube filled with red liquid and handed it to Fujimaru Ritsuka,

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's magic replenishment!"

"Buy, bu the devil!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka knew many servants and knew how they probably healed their demons, and he blushed so hard that he puffed out steam.

"Don't get me wrong, the magic replenishment I'm talking about is to drink this when your magic power is insufficient."

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