"Drink?" Fujimaru Ritsuka calmed down after a while, looking at the red liquid in the test tube with some hesitation. "What's this?"

"My blood."

Nangong Qi crossed his arms and looked as if he should take it for granted.

"The so-called magic replenishment is the exchange of body fluids. In other words, as long as it is body fluid, it can replenish magic power. And I don't need your demon supply, so my blood is perfect.


Somehow, Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed a little disappointed.

"Anyway, thank you!"

After a brief exchange of greetings, [Battle Locust] carried Fujimaru Ritsuka on the road forward again.

Suzuka Gozen was originally selected by BB, and the maze guards guarding this place can be said to be very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

With her joining, the surrounding terrain also fell under everyone's control.

After locating the location of the control room, everyone hurried towards the target location.


Suddenly, a sound broke through the air, and a blue figure shone with an icy cold light. Gawain immediately used his body as a shield to block Fujimaru Ritsuka.


As the sound of gold and iron clashed, Gawain was unscathed, and the blue figure did not stop, but burst out with extremely high agility and rushed towards Nangong Qi.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang—"

Black A aimed at the figure and pulled the trigger. As the fire lit up, a large number of bombs were fired.

But the blue figure had no intention of stopping, and its speed was not even affected, as if the bullets had landed in the air.

"Melter Lilith?"

With Octavia's dynamic vision, even if the speed of the visitor exceeds the speed of light, he can still perceive the appearance of the visitor with his telekinesis.


The cold voice sounded in his ears, and Nangong Qi actually shuddered rarely.

Although almost the entire Yingying team calls him [Senior], Melt Lilith is different. She will only call Nangong Qi [Nangong] to highlight the difference between herself and other Yingying.

But now Melt Lilith not only looks like a stranger, she even calls him [Nangong] for the first time.

Not only that, through [Ten Thousand Colors Relaxation] and [Five Stops of Mind], he couldn't even feel the slightest bit of soul in Melt Lilith.

Is she really the person Nangong Qi remembers?

Or is it a doll wrapped in skin and controlled by the person behind it?

But no matter what, Nangong Qi no longer has to worry about whether he will hurt the people he cares about.

Things that don't even have souls are just empty shells and don't need to be taken care of.


[Satan's Saber] was unsheathed, and the red blade contained a program that could destroy Melt Lilith's fluid body.

In fact, since he was devoured by Meltililith and was killed by him afterwards, he had already developed a destruction program for Meltililith's [Perfect Fluid].

It was only because he later took the initiative to use a beauty trick to poach Melt Lilith, so this sabotage procedure was not used.

"I thought I wouldn't use it in this life, so now let's treat it as waste!"


[Satan's Saber] came out and penetrated Melt Lilith's body.

In an instant, Melt's Lilith turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground.

But before she died completely, Nangong Qi clearly saw the corners of her mouth moving slightly, and through lip reading, he could fully understand the meaning.


"Where else could I run?"

Nangong Qi muttered to himself, and Fujimaru Ritsuka was acutely aware of this.

"What happened just now? Is there any special relationship between you two?"

"Well, if we are related, they are comrades in another world, sharing life and death, heart to heart. Phew——"

He took a long breath, but the sadness still couldn't stop pouring out of Nangong Qi's heart.

"Although I was mentally prepared, when I ended her life with my own hands, my heart still hurt."

"It's really hypocritical."

Black A sneered disdainfully.

"Whatever you say." Nangong Qi shrugged.

He also knew a thing or two about Black A's situation.

In order to kill the beast who was about to be promoted, this man did not hesitate to have his hands covered with blood, and almost gave up himself, his name, his feelings, everything.

"That's a really sad story."

"If my guess is correct, the enemies I want to deal with next are all my former friends. I hope you won't interfere and let me deal with them myself!"

"......it is good!"

After hesitating for a moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded.

Continuing to walk towards the control room, as expected, a huge figure caught everyone's eyes.

With an extremely huge body, if she is allowed to continue to grow, it will only be a matter of time before she grows to the length of the entire solar system.

"so big!"

"Master?" Nangong Qi winked at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"I know."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded firmly. "Everyone, please cooperate with [alterego]!"

As the order was issued, the servants with long-range attacks immediately launched attacks on the huge emperor flower from several different directions, trying to attract her attention.

But Emperor Hua always stared at Nangong Qi, unblinking.

"Now you have become a doll, very

Doesn't it feel good, Emperor Flower? "

Nangong Qi took the initiative to break away from the large army to prevent Emperor Hua's terrifying AOE attack from affecting the rest of the followers.

"I am here to give you the mercy you deserve, and be free now!"

In this regard, Emperor Flower did not make any unnecessary movements at all, just took a deep breath, and then...


Tiamat's spiritual power came into play, and the huge sonic attack came like a ten thousand-foot ocean wave. If Fujimaru Ritsuka in the distance was not fixed on the [Battle Locust], she would have been blown away.

But Nangong Qi was not affected at all, staring at Sound Wave and rushing towards the Emperor Flower.

"That's it, let's end!"

Nangong Qi jumped up and pointed the [Satan Saber] directly between Emperor Hua's eyebrows.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A huge mechanical claw flew out across the air and caught Nangong Qi. His body was squeezed in the mechanical claw and made a creaking sound.

"Is it Parson Lip this time?"

In the world of data, Parsonlip, who has claws that can destroy everything, is indeed a rare being who can hurt Nangong Qi.

"But that can only go so far. Transform!"

Transforming into the [Bio Knight] form, Nangong Qi liquefied his body without hesitation and flowed through the gaps in the mechanical claws.

But at this moment, Nangong Qi felt his body fly backwards uncontrollably.

It was the Emperor Flower. Now she was inhaling Nangong Qi like a high-power vacuum cleaner, sucking him into her mouth.


Just like a real puddle of water, Nangong Qi was swallowed by the Emperor Flower.



The protagonist is swallowed by a pill




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Chapter 49 Nangong Qi burst into tears and tears overflowed


Seeing a reliable servant being swallowed by the Emperor Flower, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but subconsciously raise the hand with the command spell.

"Order with the command spell, [alterego] will return to my place immediately..."

"Master, don't be so panicked. This situation is nothing, it's just a trivial matter!"

Through the master-slave contract, Nangong Qi’s voice rang in Fujimaru Ritsuka’s ears.

For Nangong Qi now, it is really nothing.

Thinking back on the fight between him and ORT, the earth was shattered and the earth was almost shattered. It was nothing to be swallowed by a doll wrapped in an emperor's flower skin.

At the same time, after Emperor Hua swallowed Nangong Qi, her body could not help but stiffen in place, and then...

Suddenly, she raised her head to the sky, and a sharp blade that seemed to be made of blood burst out of her throat.

Then more blood-red sharp blades sprouted from different parts of the Emperor Flower's body, turning her huge body into a hedgehog.


Black A showed a rare interesting expression.

"Puff" "Puff" "Puff" "Puff" "Puff" "Puff"


As the sound of the body being pierced continued, Emperor Flower's body gradually became riddled with holes, becoming more and more ferocious and terrifying.

But even so, Emperor Flower didn't make any extra moves, she just stood there blankly, letting more sharp blades grow from her body and penetrate her body.

It's like a soulless doll.


A long sigh sounded, and the sharp blade that originally pierced the body of the Emperor Flower shook violently, completely cutting the huge body of the Emperor Flower into pieces, leaving nothing behind.

The blade was retracted, leaving Nangong Qi alone suspended in mid-air, seemingly in a daze, or mourning the fact that he had personally killed a girl who loved him, his friend.


A loud mechanical sound sounded. It was a woman with extremely developed breasts. Even from a few hundred meters away, her majestic size could be seen clearly, but her huge mechanical claws were so abrupt.

"It's so magnificent!"

Gawain couldn't help but sigh.

"Alterego, be careful!"

I saw the woman stretching out her huge mechanical claws and grabbing hard at Nangong Qi.

"Parson Lip, you have become like this. It's really sad."

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