Nangong Qi was not a fool. He just stayed there just to mourn. Facing the fatal attack, he keenly avoided it, and the [Satan Saber] also appeared in his hand.


The blade of the [Satan Saber] burned with dark energy flames, which penetrated Parsonlip's chest, destroying the recycling bin in her body, thus completely destroying her.

As if he barely regained consciousness just before death, Parsonlip moved his lips.

Thank you.


After releasing the transformation, Nangong Qi walked towards Efujimaru Ritsuka carrying the [Satan Saber].


"Alterego, you're crying!"

"Crying? Have you?"

Nangong Qi touched the corners of his eyes and found that he had burst into tears from unknown time.

"I'm very sorry. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue walking with you for the time being. You go first, and I will be back soon after I recover."

After leaving these words, without waiting for Fujimaru Ritsuka to respond, Nangong Qi drove away in the [Battle Locust].

"It can be seen that the relationship between Mr. Alterego and those ladies is really deep."

"It's just a chain to bind yourself!"

Black A sneered coldly and turned to look in the direction of the control room.

There, there are countless imaginary number monsters entrenched around the control room.

"Come on, we still need a bloody battle next."


Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded firmly.

Saving the world will not wait for anyone. Just like the original sixth singularity, as time passed, the degree of distortion of the singularity increased from A level to EX level.

But from the beginning to the end, [Chaldea] never knew the reason why this singularity was distorted to that extent. It was just that after Ramesses II got the Holy Grail in his hands, the singularity showed that it had been repaired.

Is it just a false alarm?

When his eyes came to Nangong Qi, he was running wildly on the [Battle Locust].

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

When he was far enough away, he roared loudly, almost shattering all the movable objects around him.

Then, he inserted his hand into his chest and took out the little BB that had been hiding.

"Is this the program you set for me? Deprive them of their souls, force me to fight with them, and let me kill them with my own hands. Even if I use [Five Stops of Mind] and [Wanse Youzhen], I can't save them. They come back!"

Little BB was trembling in Nangong Qi's palm.

"If you just want to irritate me, then I have to tell you, very good, you did a great job!"

At this moment, Nangong Qi was staring at Little BB with eyes wide open. Flames and bloodshot eyes kept appearing in the whites of his eyes. Countless cracks appeared on his body, which was the phenomenon of spiritual foundation being broken.

Under the impact of anger, his disguise of [alterego] could no longer be maintained, and the crown [beast] was about to break out of its cocoon.

"When everything is over, I will completely erase you from this world and from the Throne of Heroes. No trace will be left, and no one will even remember you!"

Although Nangong Qi was so angry that he almost tore apart his disguise of [alterego] job agency and unleashed a crown of [beast] human evil, the little BB still raised his hand tremblingly.

"That, that, that, can I explain it?"


Despite this, Nangong Qi still managed to control his excitement.

If he really couldn't control it, the crown [Beast] would have broken through the disguise long ago.

"Say it!" he added.

"That BB-chan may cause a lot of trouble for you, senior, but he will not do anything that will make you resent yourself and hate yourself for the rest of your life! Because of that feeling, BB-chan himself is the one who understands it best. How could he let you Does the person you love deeply feel that pain?”


Calm down and think about it carefully, this kind of thing is really not in line with BB's personality.

Thinking of this, Nangong Qi suppressed the fire in his heart, and the strength to hold the little BB also weakened.

This is Nangong Qi's habit. No matter how excited he is, as long as he wants to calm down his excited emotions, he will be able to force himself to calm down in an almost unbelievable amount of time.

This is the ability that he forcibly developed for himself after the [Overhaul Card] punched [Butcher's Nail] in his brain.

Even so, the ground beneath his feet was still cracking, and the power that was dark enough to destroy and devour all data was constantly overflowing from the cracks.

"Senior, there is one more thing."


"The original almighty BB-chan did make a plan to make the seniors unhappy and make the tiger flee the mountain." Little BB said cautiously. "But it's definitely not that powerful. BB-chan is innocent!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Qi's face darkened immediately, and several large and bold crosses popped out on his forehead.


go on! "

"I'm afraid that the way you are now, senior, may be her purpose of being far away from Master [Chaldea]! Of course, this is deduced based on BB-chan's thinking!"

"If this is really the case, then the person who planned this must have similar thinking to you."

While thinking, a figure with purple hair, wearing emerald green clothes, also from the Yingying series appeared in Nangong Qi's mind.

"Candy Vine? Did she plan all of this?"

Without having time to think about it, Nangong Qi stuffed the little BB back into his body and assumed a transformation pose.

"Transformation! Sky Rider!"

"Didi" "Didi" "Didi"


Even after completing the transformation, tears could not stop falling from the red eyes of the helmet.

But Nangong Qi knew that now was not the time to be sad. The Master of [Chaldea] was now most likely in an extremely dangerous state.

"[Fighting Locust], I'll take the first step, you will follow later!"


[Fighting Locust]'s car lights came on, and he shook the head of the car, signaling Nangong Qi to go ahead.


Nangong Qi disappeared in an instant, leaving only the [Battle Locust] chasing him in the direction he was running.

While crying, he ran wildly.

Running into tears is probably the best way to describe Nangong Qi's state at this moment.

The two tears were shed like the mechanical dolls in the next door "Kaikai Sentai Kaishi", pouring out like a sprinkler and sprinkling on the ground.

His eyes came to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although Nangong Qi has temporarily left the team, the road to saving the fate of the world cannot stop because of this.

As long as Fujimaru Ritsuka continues on the road of salvation, all her efforts will not be in vain.

Everyone had arrived around the control room and was blocked by a large group of enemies.

There were countless imaginary monsters with multiple followers wandering around.

It seems that these are the guards that BB arranged here early in the morning, but for some unknown reason, BB did not make follow-up arrangements.

Even after deceiving Fujimaru Ritsuka to this special point, she never appeared in front of anyone again.


Fujimaru Ritsuka showed his qualities as a battle-experienced master in [Chaldea]. Seeing that the control room was surrounded by various guards and imaginary monsters, he decisively chose to rush in.

"Before this light, the Holy Sword of the Stars dispels the darkness of night and fades all pretense! [Sword of Revolving Victory (Excalibur Gallatin)]!"

"Atonement with death, rest with killing. Pay for the sin of arrogance here. [Failnaught]!"

Various powerful Noble Phantasms bombarded the pile of monsters like cannonballs, blasting all these imaginary monsters into data fragments.

"Insect Space."

But when most people were focusing on opening up roads, Candy Vine also made its own little moves, turning on its own unique ability [Insect Space] to suck in a large amount of scattered data.

Black A had a clear view of this, but didn't say a word.

He came here to completely eradicate the cub of Sesshōin before it fully grew up.

As for anything else, it was not within his scope of consideration.

Soon, all the guards around the control room were cleared.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's current situation should be safe, for the time being.

Everyone came to the door of the control room, which was locked.

"It's a digital lock. Leave it to me, a professional, to open this kind of lock!"

"Alterego? Are you back so soon?"

It was Nangong Qi. After realizing that it might be a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, he ran back non-stop and finally caught up.

"Yes, I'm back! Let's watch my unlocking show next!"

"But how did your body split?"


Nangong Qi touched his face and found that due to various negative emotions, [alterego]'s spiritual base was broken, and the reaction was countless visible cracks on the body.

I thought it would heal on its own after a while, but I didn't expect that it would not heal on its own.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Without too many fluctuations, Nangong Qi stretched out his hand as if nothing was wrong. The data flow was released from his hand and began to invade and crack the data lock.

"But now you are still crying."

"There's probably something wrong with my tear ducts. It should be fine after a while."

That’s what he said, but is there really no problem with Nangong Qi?

Do not!

It's like the sadness is buried deep in my heart, even if I try to hold it back on the surface and pretend like nothing happened.

But if you don't vent it out, the sadness will remain forever, like a nail stuck in the deepest part of your heart.

But Nangong Qi didn't dare to let go of his emotions.

Because once he completely loses control of his emotions, the crown [beast] will directly tear the shell apart and make him a public enemy of mankind.

Maybe the ORT who is still sleeping in this timeline will be woken up.

He must endure!


Withdrawing the data flow, Nangong Qi pushed away

After confirming that there was no danger behind the door, he signaled to everyone.

Fujimaru Ritsuka handed over a handkerchief.

"It's not good."

"Fortunately, I have experienced sadder things than this before."

Taking the handkerchief, Nangong Qi wiped his tears, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing, and even seeped out from the cracks in his body.

It was like a piece of porcelain filled with water suddenly cracked with countless cracks.



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