The main thing for the protagonist is not to lose his temper. Losing his temper means that [human evil] will come.




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Chapter 50 You are a [beast] one day, and you will be a [beast] all your life.

"Thank God, I finally got you here!"

In the control room, a surviving woman was shouting and seemed about to cry.

Her name is Mabel, and according to her own words, since the entire Seraphix was digitized, everyone has been in panic.

Finally, after a raid by the Demon God Pillar on the control room, most of the people in [Selaphix] were massacred.

She had no choice but to flee around, and finally came to the control room, where she kept avoiding and hiding until Fujimaru Ritsuka rescued her from being surrounded by countless monsters.

Fujimaru Ritsuka comforted her.

"It's okay, we are here to rescue you now, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

So now comes the problem.

[Seraphix] The last survivor was rescued, but none of them, the BB who was supposed to be behind the scenes and the final big boss, Kiara Sesshōin, was not present.

"So where are they now?"

Nangong Qi picked up the welding gun and welded his cracked body while talking to Black A next to him.

"Hmph, do you have a way?"

"Yes. I once absorbed the spiritual foundations of Sesshōin and Draco, and I can use [Five Stops of Mind] and [Ten Thousand Colors of Remaining]. Although these two things are the foundation for Sesshōin to become a [Beast], but If I want to find her now, I’m afraid I can only use this method!”

"We and the enemy have the same origin, and are more like enemies than enemies. Now you are more dangerous than the [Beast]!"

Black A calmly loaded his gun, pointing the gun at Nangong Qi from time to time.

"Do you think I want to?"

After welding most of the cracks on his body, Nangong Qi finally stopped crying. He couldn't help but show the same sneer expression as Black A, more like he was mocking himself.

For him now, the human shell is a seal and disguise, sealing the crown [beast] hidden in his body.

"Now I am not only dangerous, I cannot be dangerous anymore. I swallowed ORT, fused the third [Beast] and the sixth [Beast], and my spirit base was promoted to an unprecedented crown [Beast]."

"Then you're even more damned!"

"Yes, you are right. I do deserve to die, because I am a walking natural disaster and the end of mankind. If I can, I really want to commit suicide right now. Unfortunately, I also bear a lot of responsibilities and cannot easily Die!"

There are currently only an estimated 200 million humans in the FE timeline, and they have just entered interstellar civilization. They are as fragile as a baby whose umbilical cord has just been cut off from its mother, and still need his help to take care of it.

"I'll be watching you."

"as you like."

Unable to find any trace of BB and Sesshōin, Fujimaru Ritsuka could only rest in the control room for a night and then slowly figure it out.

At night, Nangong Qi bypassed the patrolling servants and quietly came to the door of Marble's bedroom. Then he was surprised to find that Black A was also here.

It was as if he had anticipated his arrival, so he had been waiting for him here.

"It seems that the two of us have thought of getting together!" Nangong Qi had the same sneer expression on his face.

"Using [Five Stops] and [Ten Thousand Colors Relaxation] to forcefully look into a person's heart, the master of [Chaldea] will naturally not allow this to happen. In order to avoid being the enemy of the whole world, you will probably choose to do it in the dead of night. Take action."

Since there are many servants gathered around Fujimaru Ritsuka, safety should not be a problem.

In order to let Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mabel have a good sleep,

"Emiya, you are wrong about one thing. I have always been in a state of being the enemy of the whole world. The reason why I chose this time to take action is because I don't want to leave a bad image for Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"I didn't expect that as a crowned [Beast], you would actually care about such a thing. It's really a shame among [Beasts]."

"Shame is shame. Fujimaru Ritsuka is one of the few in this world who has not actively expressed hostility towards me. Why can't I cherish and care about her?"

"It's as if your identity will change because of this."

Black A sneered disdainfully: "Listen to what you are deceiving yourself and others. You are a [beast] now. You were a [beast] one day, and you will be a [beast] all your life!"


At this moment, Nangong Qi really couldn't say a word. He could only close his mouth, take out a pair of red gloves and put them on his hands, as if arming his hands with the red gloves of "Kamen Rider No. [-]" generally.

The next moment, he disappeared in place.

He sneaked in!

Arriving at Mabel's bedside, the programs of [Wanse Youzhen] and [Five Stops of Mind] were operating in Nangong Qi's hands.

Next, you only need to see her heart clearly to verify whether she is a Sesshouin or not.

If not, Nangong Qi can only go back to the front of [Selaphix] to see if the Sesshoin is so serious that he pretends to be a man and test Arnold.

The next moment, the palm of his hand turned into a sharp blade and struck at Mabel's chest.

"Hehe, Master, you are too impatient!"

A familiar joking voice sounded, and Nangong Qi's hand knife was firmly grasped.

"Seshoin, it is indeed you!"

Nangong Qi couldn't help but gritted his teeth in his voice.

There is only one possibility to catch Nangong Qi's sword, and Mabel is the disguise of Sesshouyuan.

"Tell me what conspiracy you have!"

"I'm doing this for your own good. I just hope that Master you can stop continuing..."


Black A shot Sesshoin in the head without any hesitation, and looked at Nangong Qi with doubts and disdain in his eyes, as if he was saying what the hell are you doing with this naughty mother-in-law.

Of course, a shot, let alone a headshot, would not hurt her at all even if it blew up Sesshōin's brain.

But that's not the key. What's important is that the sound of gunshots was enough to wake up the entire servants in the control room, as well as Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Rapid and dense footsteps sounded, and it seemed that a large wave of people would soon surround this place.

"Seshoin, now you still have a chance to turn back, leave this world with me now!"

Ignoring Black A completely, Nangong Qi sent his final request to the Sesshoin.

Just as he had agreed with Sesshōin from the beginning, as long as Sesshōin did not abandon him for one day, he would never abandon Sesshōin.

Although it is said that the inducement of this special point does have a share of the Sesshouin, shouldn't more of it lie with the Demon God Pillar Jie Sect?

"It doesn't matter to me. After all, I promised Master that before you fall, I will control myself as much as possible and watch you for a while."

Sesshōin joked, the wound on his head from the gun healed quickly.

"Do you want to leave Draco here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I was summoned to this world by that shameful thing from the Jie faction, I have controlled it with my backhand, and then tried my best to search for traces of Draco in this world, but in the end I found nothing."

"So where is she? Don't lie to me!"

"She is in the celestial body room. Also, I can't lie to anyone, dear master~!"

Sesshōin gently tapped Nangong Qi's nose and lips with his fingers. "After all, I am your clone now!"

For the current Nangong Qi and Sesshōin, the relationship between them is similar to Tamamo Mae and the eight tails she cultivated.

The main body is extremely powerful, and the clone also maintains a high degree of independence and has extremely high growth potential.

As long as the environment and conditions are right, even just a clone can grow into a complete [beast].

This is also the reason why Nangong Qi must take back the Killing House and Draco. It is too dangerous to let them grow wantonly in the wild environment.

"I'll settle the score with you later!"

Nangong Qi inserted the knife into Sesshōin's chest and forced her back into his body.

However, the current status of Sesshōin is very special. It belongs to Sesshōin who was forcibly summoned to this timeline by the Jie faction. Rounding it off, it also belongs to the sub-servants.

That is to say...

When the spiritual base of Sesshōin was stripped out and returned to Nangong Qi, Kiara, who belonged to this timeline, rolled his eyes and fell directly on Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi and Hei A looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.

At least for now, the Sesshōin in this timeline is a good person and will not degenerate into a beastly institution.

Neither Nangong Qi nor Black A could kill her in advance just because there was a possibility of Sesshōin becoming a [beast].

" alterego, Mr. Emiya

, what were you two doing in Mabel's room at night? "

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally arrived here, surrounded by a group of followers.

However, she did not attack directly, but chose to seek an explanation from the two of them first.

"As you can see, I discovered the Sesshōin and perfectly stripped [Beast]'s spirit base from her body. Now everyone is happy, and my mission ends here! CIAO~!"

After saying that, Nangong Qi threw away the unconscious Sesshōin in his hand and hit the wall behind him.

"Wait for me!"

Gawain blocks Nangong Qi's path.


The next moment, Gawain was knocked out and embedded in the wall.

Nangong Qi's sprint has not stopped yet, and he continues to sprint towards the wall.

"Wall penetration!"


With the roar, Nangong Qi smashed into the wall and passed through the wall in the most violent way.

Not only that, because the employee dormitories are not located on the edge of the control room, so...


The entire control room was shaking violently. Nangong Qi smashed all the walls blocking his way, rushed out of the control room, and walked away.

"So what happened?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked confused throughout the whole process, completely confused about what was going on. He just looked at Black A for help, hoping that this [just partner] could explain a little bit.

Has the matter really been resolved as Nangong Qi said?

So why is the entire [Seraphix] still in a digitized state and not restored?

Why hasn’t the singularity disappeared?

Where is the enemy?

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a [partner of justice], so there's no need to explain."

After Hei A said these words indifferently, he turned around and left here.

He didn't need to explain to Fujimaru Ritsuka about Sesshōin. The more clearly he knew about this kind of thing, the more dangerous it would be. It would be better to bury it forever.

Now he needs to go to the Celestial Body Room to see what kind of new job this bastard of Sesshōin has done.

"Can anyone explain to me what happened?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes drifted to the Sesshōin in this world. After helping her up from the ground, he could only take good care of her, hoping to get correct information from her.

At the same time, Nangong Qi was on his way to the Celestial Body Room.

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