"Seshoin, tell me now, what is going on?"

"Master, do you think I am the real mastermind behind this?"

"Don't leave it here Riddler, you know I don't like guessing riddles!"

"Okay, I'll just say it simply. BB originally moved to this world and forcibly digitized this place. I abided by the agreement with you and did not degenerate into a [beast]. I even controlled the Jie faction by the way."

"BB is the mastermind behind this?"

"You bullshit!"

Little BB jumped out of Nangong Qi's head and raised objections.

"It's obvious that you, a woman, are too dangerous, so the kind-hearted BB-chan chose to digitize [Selaphix]!"

"You are a small girl, but your ambition is not small!"

Sesshōin showed an extremely kind smile, grabbed the little baby in the sea of ​​consciousness, and kneaded her like plasticine.

"Since I met the master, has it been you, the little girl, who has caused more trouble to the master, or me? In order to help the master, I even gave up my spiritual energy and gave up the opportunity to become a [beast], but it was you , always causing trouble to the master!"

"You, how can you taint someone's innocence out of thin air?"

"How did I insult you?"

"You told me what I did again!"

As the saying goes: three women in one play.

Although there were only two of them in Nangong Qi's head, the two of them quarreled extremely ferociously, so much so that Nangong Qi felt as if he had been hit with another [Butcher's Nail] on his head, his head buzzing.



Questions about the protagonist

Because raising Melt Lilith with his own hands was a problem, but the bigger problem was that his body was crushed by Parson Lip.

Although it was not completely broken, it was severely damaged and unable to heal itself.

In the data world, Parson Lip's claws can really destroy everything.

Even if the protagonist has the crowned [Beast] spirit base, his body will be destroyed

Of course, destroying is one thing, but whether it can be completely killed is another.

For the current protagonist, the human shell and spiritual base are the seals for the crowned [Beast] spiritual base.

This seal cannot be repaired because it is a Mooncell setting

Yeah, even the protagonist can’t fix it

It’s similar to the scenario where a programmer browses another programmer’s code and can’t understand it at all.




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

Chapter 51 Chonghuang Candy Vine, full of classic firepower

"Shut up both of you!"

As Nangong Qi walked along, Sesshōin and BB were also quarreling in his mind, chattering, causing his blood pressure to soar and his blood vessels to burst.

Damn it, when he absorbed Ce and Bell before, he had never been so noisy in his head.

Under Nangong Qi's roar, BB and Sesshōin finally stopped.

"Finally clean!"

Suddenly, Nangong Qi felt an unprecedented sense of relief, as if he had been holding his breath underwater for a long time and finally came up to breathe fresh air.

At the same time, he also rushed to the door of the celestial body room.

For him now, it is only a matter of minutes to travel on foot.

While the two women BB and Sesshōin were arguing in his head, he had already finished his journey and arrived at his destination.

Looking at the locked door, Nangong Qi reached out without hesitation, released the data code, and began to violently crack the door lock.

"Buzzing buzzing—"

Within a moment, the door lock was broken, and the door was opened to the outsider Nangong Qi.

"Now tell me, where is Draco?"

"I don't know." Sesshōin said lightly, almost making Nangong Qi take her out of his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Draco's location before he disconnected from me was in the Celestial Chamber. I don't know what exactly happened!"

"Humph, what a useless woman!"

BB mocked coldly.

"Shut me all up!"

Seeing that the two of them were at war with each other again and were about to quarrel, Nangong Qi quickly stopped them, and then strode into the celestial body room with very brave steps.

The only person in the entire singularity who could hurt him, Parson Lip, had already been beaten by him with his own hands. He wanted to ask, who else could hurt him?


Suddenly, Nangong Qi stepped on the air, and his whole body fell rapidly downwards.

Without landing quickly, he seemed to be falling into an endless abyss.

"Transformation! Sky Rider!"

Transforming into a [Sky Knight], Nangong Qi reluctantly stopped his falling body so that he could observe his surroundings.

So what's around?

What did he see?

"Nothing at all!"

Under the mask, Nangong Qi felt his facial expression twitch.

As he saw, no matter how he adjusted the focus and observation mode in the helmet, all he could see was darkness.

“It’s like being in a sea of ​​imaginary numbers, but completely different from the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.”

If this place is really an ocean of imaginary numbers, then Ti Ma, who has made a contract with Nangong Qi and whose body is located in the ocean of imaginary numbers, will definitely react.

"So this is definitely not a sea of ​​imaginary numbers, but a separate imaginary number space!"

As a product derived from Matou Sakura's prototype machine, BB naturally has extremely high attainments and research on its own attributes and imaginary numbers, and can recognize the surrounding environment at a glance.

"It's an imaginary number trap."

"Hey, hey, little girl, could this imaginary number trap be prepared by you for the master?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

BB pushed with both hands and transformed into Cao Cao in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"The cute and charming BB-chan would not set such a trap for senior that he cannot escape alone. In that case, senior will hate BB-chan for the rest of his life!"

"Then I really want to thank you, for always stepping on the bottom line of my tolerance and causing me trouble!"

Nangong Qi almost said this through gritted teeth.

Because Matou Sakura used power for personal gain and forced time back, allowing Nangong Qi to spend 69 days with her without her knowledge, and the bug in BB appeared because of these memories.

From a certain perspective, maybe Nangong Qi didn't understand him as well as BB.

If BB hadn't pointed it out in person, he wouldn't even have realized why BB had caused so much trouble for him, but he still didn't choose to kill her, but chose to ignore her for the time being.

"Senior, come and play with me!"

Suddenly, a very familiar child's voice sounded, followed by a huge hand grabbing Nangong Qi and falling quickly.

When Nangong Qi opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a very familiar medical room.

People are candy vines.

"Welcome to my [Insect Space], senior, we now have endless time to play slowly! So please don't continue to suppress yourself in frustration, and be completely liberated!"

Candy Vine had a smile on her face, a terrifying smile that looked extremely penetrating.

The so-called liberating oneself is probably to completely release the spiritual base of the crowned [Beast].

"It's really you, I should have suspected you a long time ago!"

Nangong Qi gritted his teeth, hurting his body and quickly switching forms, from [Sky Knight] to [Creation King] form.


"That senior." BB whispered weakly in Nangong Qi's mind. "As the mother of all alteregos, can you please stop saying these words of greeting to me?"

"Shut up, you scumbag. If it weren't for you, would I have suffered so much?"


Little BB very consciously made a zipper movement on her mouth.

"Senior, I just love you!"

"If you love me, you will ignore my wishes and force me to come to your [Insect Space]?"

"But senior, you never care about yourself, so why should I care about your own opinions, senior?"

"Screw you!"

Regarding Candy Vine's sophistry, Nangong Qi yelled: "I only do what I want to do. No one can influence my thoughts or my will, absolutely not!"

"Then I'm very honored!" Candy Vine put her chin in her hands, looking like my wife Yuno from the classic anime.

"Because next I will be the first!"

"You must regret it, because you are also the only one of the Matou Sakura clones I have met who has completely aroused my complete murderous intention!"

Candy Vine wants Nangong Qi to release the crowned [Beast]. Once she really achieves it, it will inevitably cause huge and irreversible disaster.

So she must die!


[Satan's Saber] came out of his hand and penetrated the body of Candy Vine.

But unexpectedly, the body of Candy Vine seemed to be projected, and the flight of [Satan Saber] was not hindered in any way, as if it was stabbed in the air.

"[Perfect Fluid]?"

Having fought against Melt Lilith before, Nangong Qi naturally recognized the same ability used by Candy Vine at a glance.

"Is it possible that BB guy made a Chonghuang clone and can use all the abilities of any [alterego] clone?"

Nangong Qi's head was running at high speed, analyzing the information about the candy vines obtained from the scene.


Candy Vine admitted it very proudly, straightening up her child's figure which had no heaving at all. "Not only do I own it, I also use it better than other clones! I am perfect and invincible! Ha——"

With a wave of his little hand, Candy Vine's hand immediately turned into a puddle of liquid, then solidified into [-]-meter sharp claws, grabbing towards Nangong Qi's body.

Considering that Candy Vine might have Parson Lip's invincible destructive ability, Nangong Qi decisively chose to liquefy his body instead of using the broken body to harden it.

But the moment the sharp claws scratched Nangong Qi's liquefied body into pieces, endless black mud poured out of it.

"This time it's BB's ability, [Potnia Theron]!"

Nangong Qi quickly healed himself and flew out crazily, widening the distance between him and the candy vine.

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