But the black mud still followed him, wrapping his body.

"[CCC (Cursed Cutting Crater)]!"

BB utilizes the acquired EX skill [Potnia Theron] to the maximum, and purges the world [World Purge] by rewriting phenomena.

Speaking human language is the same ability as [Novel Player], which can rewrite the rules and phenomena of the world.

"Click, click, click, click, click -"

The huge pressure pressed hard on Nangong Qi's body, almost crushing him into a flat photo. At the same time, he could clearly feel that his existence was being erased, and the crown [beast] sealed in his body was about to move. .

"Go to your code!"

Saying the sweet words of greeting BB, black thunder rushed out from the black mud wrapped in it, completely burning the black mud, revealing Nangong Qi, whose body was originally welded, but now its body is broken.

"Also, do you think you are the only one who can [Womb of All Beasts]?

?I have it too! "

The essence of [Womb of Hundred Beasts] is actually the ability that BB obtained by cheating through [Crown of Ten]. However, not one person in the Xingyue World possesses [Crown of Ten].

For example, Goetia and Draco are both [Beasts].

Nangong Qi has fused Draco's spiritual base, so he can naturally use the [Crown of Ten].


In an instant, seven huge monsters rushed out of the void and bit into the candy vines from different directions.

One of the monsters, He, wears a shining crown on his forehead, which is the [Crown of Ten], also known as [Seven Crowns of Beasts].

"It's useless, senior!"

Completely ignoring the incoming monster He, Candy Vine smiled, and her body instantly grew huge, as abruptly as if the Ultraman next door had used gigantism.

"This time it's the power of the Emperor Flower again."

Only the Emperor Flower has the ability to freely control the expansion and contraction of its body.

"This is [Insect Space], it is my world, and it is also equivalent to my [Inherent Barrier]!" Candy Vine's body became larger and larger, directly holding the huge Warcraft He in the palm of his hand like a cake.

"It's impossible to defeat me in my world!"


The space held in the palm of his hand shattered in an instant, and the monster He, who had just appeared on the scene, was instantly destroyed.

"is it?"

Nangong Qi's voice became colder and colder, more fragments fell from his already broken body, and a brand new golden cup appeared in his hand.

"Then I will be a little more serious and let you understand what kind of existence the so-called [beast] is!"

This is one of Draco's many treasures, the [Golden Cup].

What it carries is not any liquid, but human desire, stimulating human desire to burn faster, thus promoting the progress of civilization.

But as a price, human civilization will burn out like fast-burning firewood, accelerating the demise of human civilization and finally reaching the end of the "Steel Land".

In "FGO Arcade", Draco relied on this treasure to set off a wave of annihilation that destroyed the entire seventh singularity. Its power would only be stronger than the "Ending Sword (Enki)" that was fully liberated.

Nangong Qi is currently in the [Insect Space] created by Candy Vine, so he has no worries about using this terrifying civilization-level treasure.

"Let this world burn!"

The pitch-black liquid poured out from the [Golden Cup] and burned fiercely in the ocean of imaginary numbers. Like oil, it spread and burned in the pitch-black world.

There are countless ways for civilization to perish, and Nangong Qi chose the simplest and most effective one——


Just like when Nero burned his capital with fire.

Soon, the flames spread to the candy vine.


Candy Vine screamed and tried every method he could to stop this, but to no avail.

The next moment, the whole world changed again.

Nangong Qi has returned to his original world, which is the celestial body room, but the candy vine is nowhere to be seen.


Silently putting the [Golden Cup] into his body, Nangong Qi's vertical pupils that gradually glowed golden due to the [Beast] Spiritual Base finally dimmed.

The cruelty and coldness dissipated, and humanity reappeared in him.


"Senior is so handsome!"

"The master's rough look really fascinates me!"

"Shut up for me!"

Having just used Draco's ability, Nangong Qi also experienced Draco's feelings.

Nero's unique headache was like [Butcher's Nail]. Even if he took back his power now, he still felt his head buzzing.

It's no wonder that Draco turned into that cold and cruel look in the end. He had to use [Butcher's Nails] to torture himself 24 hours a day and still be able to get some sunshine.

After stabilizing his emotions and the headache subsided a little, Nangong Qi looked around.

"So Draco, where are you now?"

No one answered, and Nangong Qi's patience reached its limit.

He raised the hand with the Command Seal on it, and the Command Seal on it shone with red magical light.

"I have no time to continue playing the hide-and-seek game. With the Command Seal, Draco leaves and appears in front of me!"

Rome is a good civilization.jpg



Draco's headache is obviously much more effective than the other Hmm monsters.

The protagonist also experienced Draco’s same headache




PS again:

As for why this title was chosen, please refer to Chonghuang Full Fire




Final PS:

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Chapter 52 No Survivors【Selaphix】


Candy Vine was covered in darkness, holding Fujimaru Ritsuka's thigh and crying loudly, looking extremely miserable.

"what happened?"

"I was set on fire by my senior! It's too much, it's really too much!"

"alterego why did he do this?"

"I discovered his secret. He wants to silence others. It's too much!"


Fujimaru Ritsuka did not fully believe what Candy Vine said.

After all, she has experienced seven singular points, the baptism of a subspecies singular point, and has met countless people and heroic spirits. It is still very necessary to maintain basic vigilance.

Then she recalled Nangong Qi's behavior and habits, and felt that there were more and more doubts in it.

Nangong Qi looks gentle and handsome, but when facing the enemy, he will also show cruelty as if he were a different person, completely killing the enemy with absolutely terrifying and efficient means.

If he really wanted to kill Candy Vine, then Candy Vine wouldn't be able to come back alive, or it could be that Candy Vine is hiding its true power.

Or maybe both.

But right now, it's not the time to care about this at all.

"What secret?"

"He is actually a [Beast]!"


Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka was shocked and couldn't help but think of the two [Beasts] he had encountered, Goetia and Tiamat.

Each one has great power and vitality, and each one will bring disaster to mankind.

Looking at the candy vines, it didn't look like she was telling lies, which made Fujimaru Ritsuka have to be extremely vigilant.

"So the reason for this distortion of the singularity lies in Altego?" Fujimaru Ritsuka calmly pondered for a moment and continued to ask:

"Where is he now?"

"Celestial Room!"

"set off!"

“Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz—”

The three command spells disappeared from Nangong Qi's arm, but Draco still did not appear, which undoubtedly made Nangong Qi's expression extremely grim.

"Ahhh! Draco, where are you, the great whore of Babylon?"

Nangong Qi is really going crazy now.

He almost turned the entire [Selaphix] upside down, searched every place he could find, and cut off almost all clues. He even used the Command Seal as a last resort.

But for some reason, he couldn't find Draco.

"Phew, be calm, be calm, be damn calm!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Nangong Qi forced himself to calm down, lest the [alterego] seal on his body be completely shattered due to his excitement, causing the crowned [beast] to break out of its cocoon.


Suddenly, a light bulb lit up in Nangong Qi's head.

"If I remember correctly, [Selaphix] has almost a complete set of [Chaldea] equipment, and it is a complete replica of [Chaldea]. In other words, I can completely observe through [Sheba] What happened in the past!"

"Transformation! Sky Rider!"

Nangong Qi took off on the spot and flew towards the main room in front of [Selaphix].

In just a few minutes, he successfully arrived here and met Arnold.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Shocked by Nangong Qi's extremely [superb persuasion] power, Arnold was trembling just by seeing Nangong Qi.


"What do you mean?"

"Give me everything you control!"

Nangong Qi grabbed Arnold's head with his bare hands and slammed it directly against the wall. At the same time, he continued to increase the strength of his hand. Arnold felt as if his skull was cracking, and fear instantly filled his heart.

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