"Okay, I'll give it all to you, give it all to you!"

After receiving the answer, Nangong Qi finally let go and glanced at Arnold with contempt.

This bitch has never been honest, and he has to use a language he understands before he is willing to communicate properly.

"This is the key to the secret room in the celestial body room!" Arnold took out a very [Chaldean]-style employee card from his pocket with difficulty.

"Secret room?" Nangong Qi recalled. "You're lying! The labor and management turned the entire celestial body room upside down and still couldn't find the secret room of Lao Shizi you mentioned!"

If there really is a secret room, with Nangong Qi's hacking ability, he doesn't even need a key.


Next, Nangong Qi once again increased the intensity of his hands.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Now Arnold burst into tears of pain.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

Seeing Arnold crying bitterly when faced with his [superior persuasion] ability, Nangong Qi couldn't help but have a brand new guess, and asked the little BB in his head:

"BB, is there a possibility that the secret room is sealed by your body?"

"Hmm, it's possible!"

Little BB nodded.

"If there is indeed a high-tech secret room in [Selaphix], the main body will definitely block it immediately, preventing you, senior, from accessing it!"

"very good!"

Nangong Qi let go of Arnold, and Arnold finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You successfully saved a life."

After saying these words, Nangong Qi took off again and flew towards the celestial body room.

"Sooner or later, labor and management will resign from this lousy place!"

After experiencing life-threatening dangers many times in a row, no matter how strong-minded and dedicated Arnold was, he still wanted to get out of this bad place as soon as possible.

However, before he could take a few steps, a gun was pressed against his temple.

"Who is it this time?"

Arnold felt that his spirit was about to collapse, and what came into view was the black heroic spirit known as Emiya.

"Tell me, what human experiments did you do here? How long did it last, and how many people were killed?"

"Is it okay not to say?"


"My hand ahhh!"

3 minute later.


With the last gunshot, Arnold's head exploded like an exploded watermelon, and his miserable life finally came to an end.

At this point, all the staff in the entire [Seraphix] were dead, and no one survived.

Black A looked in the direction where Nangong Qi disappeared, recalling his movements.

But since he couldn't hear the private conversation between Nangong Qi and BB, he basically had to rely on guessing.

"Is there a secret room in the celestial body room? It looks like I have to go back again."

There was a smile on his face, whether he was laughing at himself or something else.

"What an irony. As a Crowned [Beast], he who was supposed to kill like a bug actually let Arnold live, but it was me, the guardian summoned by the suppression force, who killed him. It's really true. ,hehe!"

The figure of the former Sesshōin appeared in Black A's mind, and countless mortal believers died for her one after another.

In order to completely kill the third [Beast] before it was fully mature, Black A had no choice but to kill all the innocent people who were blocking the way and step on their corpses until he killed the Sesshouin in his world.

Even though a long time has passed since that incident, the scars left in my heart will never fade away.

It is precisely because of this that the heroic spirit Emiya will embark on the path of darkness.

"Really, even though your body and head are in tatters, do you still inevitably recall the past when you see familiar scenes?"

Smiling at himself, Black A gave his body another shot of [Magic Marrow Liquid], allowing his body to operate and kill more efficiently.

"Let's go to the celestial body room!"

Meanwhile, in the Celestial Chamber.

"Get me out!"

The golden Holy Grail appeared in Nangong Qi's hand, and slowly poured black mud towards the ground.

Suddenly, the entire ground was dyed pitch black.

The data that make up the floor and walls are constantly being destroyed, assimilated, and even replaced.

"Master, you are really becoming more and more like a beast now. I am really looking forward to the day when you will completely degenerate!"

Sesshōin teased in Nangong Qi’s head.

In response, Nangong Qi did not answer, but acquiesced to her statement.

A large amount of data was completely and irreparably destroyed, and the entire ground collapsed as if corroded by a large amount of aqua regia.

At the same time, Nangong Qi also let go of his data perception energy to see if this celestial body room really allowed BB to hide Lao Shizi's secret room.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom -"

Also affected by this terrifying corrosive attack, the entire [Selaphix] shook violently.

"Ah, this feeling, I can't believe it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-"

In Nangong Qi's mind, the entire Sesshōin was about to reach orgasm.

The reason why [Selaphix] took on the shape of Sesshōin is because it was influenced by Sesshōin. Because of this, Sesshōin is connected to the feeling of this humanoid oil field.

The damage caused by the black mud corrosion was naturally reflected on her body.

Nangong Qi ignored her, but continued to focus on searching for BB's secret room.


Fujimaru Ritsuka and his party who were rushing towards the Celestial Body Room were also affected. The violent shaking of the ground made it almost impossible for Fujimaru Ritsuka, an ordinary person, to move.

"Why was there an earthquake in Haiti?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought about it and felt that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, isn't [Selaphix] digitized? How can an earthquake occur in a data world? Is it an earthquake game mechanism?"

"It must be senior!"

Candy Vine threw the blame on Nangong Qi without hesitation.

"Among the countless servants here, only the senior can achieve this level. He must have prepared a huge conspiracy behind our backs!"

"Then we have to hurry up and get to the Celestial Chamber. Gawain, please!"

"Wrap it around me, Master!"

After receiving the order, Gawain immediately tucked Fujimaru Ritsuka under his arm and ran towards the celestial body room.

"found it!"

In less than a minute, Nangong Qi felt a strange data code.

With a wave of his hand, he saw that the black mud on the ground stopped corroding like a living thing and returned to the golden Holy Grail.

In the deep pit on the ground, there is an indestructible compartment.

"Hey, let the cute BB-chan help senior open it!"

Little BB emerged from Nangong Qi's body and used a pointer to draw a love in the air. The indestructible compartment immediately opened a window that only one person could pass through.


Nangong Qi jumped up and jumped into the compartment through the window with precision.

This is a very girly small room. The walls are painted in cherry pink, and the space seems to be overlapping. It looks extremely wide, with an area of ​​at least one hectare.

On the largest wall hangs a huge screen.

There is a sofa in front of the screen, and there is a mark of someone pressing on it. It seems that someone has just left here, and there are several ropes of different colors on it.

There are red ones, pink ones, blue ones, and even a white bandage.

"It smells like BB."

Nangong Qi could not forget the smell of that woman at all, and he reached out to grab the ropes.

But the moment he touched those ropes, an extremely strange and at the same time extremely familiar memory flooded into his mind.

The electric shock-like feeling made him subconsciously let go of his hand, but then he quickly realized what exactly was appearing in his head.

"These are their headbands and the bandages on the Emperor Flower, which contain their memories."

These can be said to be the remains of several Sakura characters, or in other words, the last memories and help left to him by those girls who loved him.


After taking a deep breath to calm down his excitement, Nangong Qi held these hairbands and bandages tightly in his hands, wanting to savor the huge information in these memory fragments.

"Stop me!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Nangong Qi.

It was Fujimaru Ritsuka. She entered this compartment with many followers and surrounded Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi didn't notice this when he was tasting the memory of the hair tie just now.

"Fujimaru Tachika?"

"Alterego, I think you should give me an explanation!"


Nangong Qi thought for a moment and shook his head. "There's no way to explain this."

After all, once the fact that he is a crowned [Beast] is revealed, he will probably become hostile.

"You are actually a [Beast], right?"



This was the only thought in Nangong Qi's mind as he prepared to fight.

He didn't want to be enemies with the people of [Chaldea], so he planned to rush out in one go.


But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Nangong Qi's body suddenly and very unnaturally twisted, and his whole body was completely destroyed.

Muscles, blood, skin, etc., all the organs on Nangong Qi's body were pinched together and compressed into cubes.


Without leaving any last words, Nangong Qi suddenly turned into a square block from the "Minecraft" next door.

Nangong Qi, is he dead?

Nero and BB in couple costumes.jpg



Candy Vine's accusation against the protagonist was all true, but some key things were not revealed, which led to misunderstandings.



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