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Chapter 53 The crown [beast] comes, human beings are evil, passing by

"what happened?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was just an ordinary person and couldn't understand why the good Nangong Qi suddenly turned into a [green cube].

"Master, be careful behind you!"

Tristan reminded Fujimaru Ritsuka loudly, and at the same time plucked the strings in his hand, releasing a filamentous

bow and arrow.

The target is the candy vine behind Fujimaru Ritsuka.

At this moment, she was clasping her hands in vain, as if trying to squash the air in her hands.

[Abandoned & Collapse], one of Parson Lip's unique abilities.

No matter how huge the capacity is, as long as it is [an object that can be completely enclosed by the hand], it can be crushed and compressed with its claws.

As long as it appears to the user as an "object that can be stored by hand", it can be regarded as an object to be compressed.

In other words, as long as you can imagine that you can grasp the target with your hands from a distance, even if it is not directly grasped in your hands, the object being grasped will be crushed and compressed, and completely destroyed.

Parsonlip has always maintained a very gentle personality, minimizing his destructiveness as much as possible, and has never shown the ability to grab or crush remotely.

In addition, Fujimaru Ritsuka led many followers to surround Nangong Qi, distracting him. As a result, Nangong Qi was almost completely defenseless and was caught by the candy vines, and was compressed into a [green cube]. .

In "The Legend of the Demon Fox", Candy Vine used this remote crushing ability to kill the Emperor Flower with one blow.

"Candy Vine, what have you done?"

"I'm just helping master and seniors!"

Facing the incoming attacks, Candy Vine stopped pretending and displayed the characteristics of [Perfect Fluid], allowing these attacks to penetrate his body without suffering any damage at all.

"By the way." A sick smile appeared on Candy Vine's face.

"The level of attack just now is not enough to completely kill the senior. After all, he is not an ordinary [beast], but... a crowned [beast]!"

"Crown position? Still, [Beast]!?"

All the servants and Fujimaru Ritsuka present had expressions of disbelief. They never thought that the title and [beast], two seemingly completely unrelated, even incompatible words, would one day be combined. together.

Just one [Beast] is already very difficult to deal with. How terrifying would a Crown-level [Beast] be?

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom -"

The ground, and even the whole world, shook violently again, and the shaking was hundreds of times greater than before. Even several followers were shaken to and fro.

"It looks like it's started."


"Senior is finally going to show his true form, his true form, his strongest form!"


A painful roar sounded, coming from Nangong Qi who was compressed into a [green cube]. The servants quickly protected Fujimaru Ritsuka behind them.

The next moment, four extremely sharp blades, enough to cut through space, white blades that resembled the legs of arthropods suddenly stretched out from the [green square], sweeping away everything around them.

The first person to bear the brunt was Gawain, who stood at the front. As the most durable servant in the team, he became the team's shield without hesitation.

"This time, I will never be afraid or confused again!"

"噌" "噌" "噌" "噌" "噌" "噌"


Along with the harsh cutting sound, Gawain's body was cut into pieces as fragile as tofu, unable to even delay time.

The invincible Gao Wen fell down again!

But the sharp blades did not continue to attack Fujimaru Ritsuka, because they swept everything around them without any purpose. The reason why Gawain bore the brunt was entirely because he stood at the front of the team and was closest to Nangong Qi.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The four sharp blades slammed into the wall, and their movements stagnated.


The roar sounded again, and the sharp blade was swung again, tearing the almost indestructible BB compartment into pieces of data.

"So strong!"

Many servants have not tried the defensive power of this BB compartment. Even if Gawain's Noble Phantasm is fully released, it may not be able to shake it at all, but there is no obstacle to cutting with these four sharp blades.

So terrifying.

Looking at Nangong Qi again, has he fully recovered...?


The terrifying aura and killing intent came like a strong wind, and Fujimaru Ritsuka felt like a lone boat, almost being swept away by the stormy waves.

Even the Goetia and Tiamat who were in front of her before, the two together had never brought such terrifying pressure to her.

What came into view was an extremely twisted and terrifying existence.

Nangong Qi, he is probably still a human being.

The reason why I say this is because his body has completely returned to human form, but his hands have been replaced by four spider legs that are more than 50 meters long.

Not only that, his face was broken into half like a mask. Revealed under the broken mask were four spider-like blue compound eyes and one locust-like red eyeball.

Insect-like spikes sprouted from its face, and half of its mouth turned into a ferocious insect-like jaw.

Now Nangong Qi has become a person who is not a human, a locust is not a locust, and a spider is not a spider. It is like a synthetic monster that forcibly twists and pieces together three different species.

The human body is just a seal and disguise, but the hidden things inside the body

The hidden monster is his true face.

After the already crumbling spiritual base seal was destroyed by the candy vines, the crowned [Beast] finally broke out of its cocoon and descended into this singularity.


The crowned [Beast] has arrived!

Human evil, passing by!


I don’t know how many times this word appeared in Fujimaru Ritsuka’s mind.

On the road to saving humanity, she has been in danger many times, but never as close as today.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch -"

Roaring, the four spider knives swept wildly again, attacking everything around them indiscriminately, whether they were living or dead.


Without any orders, the followers took Fujimaru Ritsuka and ran away risking their lives, but it was not easy to escape from Nangong Qi's attack range.

In order to protect Fujimaru Ritsuka, the servants stepped forward one after another and became human shields to help block the knife. Even Tristan took the initiative to resist.

But there is only one final result for these followers, and that is death, the death of being torn into pieces.

But in the blink of an eye, many of the servants surrounding Fujimaru Ritsuka returned to the Heroic Soul Seat, leaving only Fujimaru Ritsuka alone to face the rampaging Nangong Qi.


A sharp cold light flashed past, and the sharp spider knife was about to cut Fujimaru Ritsuka in half.

At this moment, a crimson light flashed.

It was a crimson sword, and it actually blocked the spider sword that easily cut many servants into pieces.


I saw the data on the compartment wall that had been torn apart by the spider knife quickly gathered together, condensing into a beautiful woman with long blond hair, a tall figure, a graceful figure, but a pair of twisted horns on her head.

She steadily caught Fujimaru Ritsuka and the red sword, picked up the master of [Chaldea] in a princess hug, and successfully escaped out of Nangong Qi's attack range.

If Nangong Qi still maintains his ability to think, he will definitely curse when he sees such a scene.

No wonder he turned the entire [Selaphix] upside down, and even used all three command spells, but couldn't find Draco.

Because she was broken up into data by BB, it was directly made into the wall of BB's compartment.

When Nangong Qi used the command spell to summon Draco, he happened to be in the celestial room, directly above Draco.

Just like in "The Story of Little Nudibranch", the princess has a magic mirror that can see everything, but her magic mirror can never see what is behind the magic mirror.

How could the summoning command spell work when Nangong Qi and Draco themselves were close at hand?


Hearing the familiar voice, looking at the familiar face, and the familiar dull hair, Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously said another name of that existence.

"Nero? Compared to this name, I prefer Draco, the master from [Chaldea]!"


"That's right. My name is Draco, and my job title is [Beast]!"


Suddenly, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt that his outlook on life had been devastated.

【Beast】Are job agencies so worthless?

Dealing with a [Beast] by oneself has already gone through a lot of hardships and narrowly escaped death, and now the [Beasts] appear wholesale one after another as if they are free of charge.

Also, this is not an abstract plot direction.

A [Beast] jumped out to save him and avoided the attack of another Crowned [Beast].

The brain is shaking!

"You don't have to worry so much about the beauty from [Chaldea]. By the way, your name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, right?"

"you know me?"

"Yu once fought with [Chaldea] in other timelines, and you were also the master of many servants. But they were a group before, and now they are now. At least from the current standpoint, you and Yu They should belong to allies.”


A sharp sound broke through the air, as sharp as a cat's claws rubbing slowly on a blackboard.

Nangong Qi, who had turned into an alien monster, waved his arms, and four knives sharp enough to cut through the spider came from different directions.

Draco's speed was naturally not comparable to the group of miscellaneous fish servants just now. She was seen flying up and down like a gymnast, even with the burden of Fujimaru Ritsuka, it did not hinder her movements.

"Although he was not injured, Yu just broke free from the restraints. Even if he wanted to escape, his magic power was still far from enough."

Muttering to himself, Draco looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with a cannibalistic gaze in every sense of the word.


Fujimaru Ritsuka shuddered subconsciously.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Of course, I will eat you physically!"

Draco was smiling and saying very scary things.

"You must know that Yu's inherent skill is [Anti-Messiah], and only the desire to save the world can be fulfilled.

More than enough to eat! "

No joke, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt an unprecedented chill.

"Well, of course it's not true!"

"Who believes it! You obviously said it so seriously, it must be what you really mean!"

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