"It's true, but Yu Ke doesn't intend to do that!"

Draco summoned a huge multi-headed dragon with a body made of fire, leaving behind to delay Nangong Qi's pursuit, while she took the opportunity to distance herself from Nangong Qi.

"After all, Yu Ke made an agreement with that man. Before he falls, Yu Ke cannot do anything excessive."

"Is it Mr. Nangong Qi?"

"Yes. This man is the greatest savior I have ever seen."

After running for dozens of kilometers, Draco stopped, put Fujimaru Ritsuka down, and handed her a dagger.

"Although Yu doesn't intend to eat you, I still need magic power supply. It would be great if I could give Yu some of your blood! If that doesn't work, I can only chop off one of your hands!"

"Blood, blood?"

Suddenly, Fujimaru Ritsuka remembered something and took out a test tube filled with blood-colored liquid from his body.

"This is Mr. Nangong's blood, do you think it's okay?"


Draco's eyes lit up, he snatched the test tube from Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand and sniffed it carefully.

"This smell is so powerful and upright at the same time. It is indeed his blood. You're welcome!"

With that said, Draco swallowed the whole test tube directly, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, and really not a drop of blood was wasted.

"Crunch crunch—"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned.

With a satisfied smile, Draco's whole body burned, literally burning.

"Yu is in a good mood now!"


But in the blink of an eye, Nangong Qi had already rushed in front of the two of them.

Draco first threw Fujimaru Ritsuka out and blocked it with his sword. The karma fire from hell was burning around her.

"Nangong, do you know? In fact, Yu has been waiting for today, waiting for an opportunity to completely devour you! Now, Yu has finally waited! Drink--"

With a loud shout, Nangong Qi and Draco both disappeared and came to Draco's precious phantom.

In the golden theater!

"Come on, let's have a feast! Give us thunderous applause!"

Seven giant dragons composed of pure flame energy, enough to burn human civilization, roared into the sky. Draco was sitting on top of one of the dragons, holding the sword of karma.

"The flames bloom proudly, and the roar roars! Seven Dragons, turn into wings and fly! Embrace, melt, and fall in love! [Babalon Domus Aurea (Golden Theater Melted in Embrace)]!"

Totally consistent! .jpg



The operation of the candy vine is based on "The Legend of the Demon Fox", where she used the same method to kill the Emperor Flower instantly from the air.

By the way, how many people have guessed the operation of BB Zang Draco?

Draco was directly digitized and the wall was broken. The protagonist subconsciously believed that the wall belonged to the same place as the previous Sakura Maze. Even if it was destroyed, it could be quickly restored and fell into the trap of inertial thinking prepared by BB.




PS again:

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Chapter 54 【Lock of the Beast】

Bun head BB.jpg

Seeing Nangong Qi and Draco disappear from the spot after a head-on blow, Fujimaru Ritsuka's originally high-spirited heart was finally relieved.

"It's safe, temporarily, right?"

The problem is far from being solved, because this time there is not just one [Beast], but two [Beasts], one of which is an unprecedented [Beast].

Just one [Beast] is enough to give [Chaldea] a headache for a long time, let alone multiple [Beasts].

What's even more terrible is that although the two [beasts] are caught in the fight with each other and have no time to take care of Fujimaru Ritsuka for the time being, considering Draco's speech, the final result is likely to become a gu, raising an unprecedented Daddy.

"Something has to be done!"

That's what he thought in his heart, but looking around, Fujimaru Ritsuka only felt deep despair.

The fighting power displayed by Nangong Qi and Draco was the strongest she had ever seen so far, except for Goetia.

Even if they don't have the power of Tiamat to reshape the earth's ecosystem, their terrifying lethality proves that their fighting capabilities are not on the same level as ordinary servants, and they can't even delay time.

All along, with the appearance of [Beasts], there will be people who will help designate ranked servants to come to help, or other ranked servants will take the initiative to help.

But now this singular point is in the world of data and is not within the jurisdiction of human science at all.

Simply put, it means [the number you dialed is not in the service area].


The servants of "X" are all summoned by BB, and people can't even try to intervene.

She had gone to great lengths to summon all the servants who were willing to be dispatched and commanded by her, and all of them died in Nangong Qi's hands.

If Draco hadn't been so magnanimous, she would have died at the hands of Nangong Qi.

Now she is just the bare commander, and it is estimated that there are only a handful of servants in [Seraphix] that can win over, and there is no hope of defeating these two [beasts].

But even so...

"I want to live too!"

With a bit of a wry smile on his face, but more of a determination, the despair in Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart quickly dissipated.

Yes, live.

An extremely simple reason, but it is also the most instinctive desire engraved in biological genes.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Fujimaru Ritsuka is an extremely great and brave savior who has defeated countless enemies of mankind.

But she knows best in her heart that she is just an ordinary person who wants to live.

The reason why I embarked on the difficult road of saving humanity was because I wanted to live a stable life and save humanity at the same time.

For this goal, even the most cowardly person will muster up the courage to continue fighting in order to survive.

"In that case, let's go back to the control room first and see if Ms. Sesshōin has woken up. Then have a good meal, have a good sleep, recharge your batteries, and prepare for the next battle!"

There are no reliable servants around, and contact with [Chaldea] has been cut off. It would be a good strategy to recharge his batteries and recover more magic power.

"Eat? Do you want to eat the bento made by mom?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded, making Fujimaru Ritsuka shiver subconsciously.

"Is Minamoto no Yorimitsu here?"

Minamoto Yorimitsu, one of the mother-type Heroic Spirits in [Chaldea], one of the night attack trio, [Magma Swimming Team].

Due to excessive maternal love and absolute rationality, maternal love often deteriorates, and finally evolves into a scene of attacking one's own children at night.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was almost successfully attacked at night several times, so she was naturally deeply impressed.

But considering the situation that can be said to be extremely bad, I am afraid that she can only choose Minamoto Norimitsu as her servant regardless of food, even if her moral integrity is lost because of it, it is not impossible.

"No, it's mom!"

The gentle motherly voice sounded again. Fujimaru Ritsuka took a closer look and found that it was a young girl shorter than herself.

But even so, she was deeply attracted at the first sight of that person.

White mixed with light blue clothes, her hair and clothes are almost the same color, her pupils are shining like stars, and her eyes are filled with maternal light. She looks cute and cute, but also makes people feel awe.

The most eye-catching thing is the pair of horns on her head, which reminds Fujimaru Ritsuka of some familiar existence.

The giant horn that represents the earth, the eyes that reflect the sea of ​​stars, and the whole body is filled with a feeling of divinity.


They looked very similar, almost identical. The first thing Fujimaru Ritsuka thought of was the second [beast] that once made everyone fall into a bitter battle at the seventh singularity.

what happened?

[Beast] Is it such a cheap thing?

Are you [beasts] going on a group trip?

Why are they popping out one after another?

Fujimaru Ritsuka has already seen three [Beasts] today. His brain is shaking and he needs to eat something to calm down.

"It's mom!"

Tima corrected and took out a box of bento and handed it to Fujimaru Ritsuka.


With his head full of questions, Fujimaru Ritsuka almost entered a state of brain failure. He subconsciously opened the lunch box and started eating directly.

"Well, good boy!"

Tima smiled with satisfaction.

"Listen carefully, I am the clone of the [Beast] who once defeated you [Chaldea]. You who defeated me will never be allowed to lose to other [Beasts]! Why is the [Second Beast] better than the other [Beasts]? 】Weaker level] or something like that, my mother will never allow this kind of nonsense!”

"Obviously you have defeated the sixth [Beast] in another timeline. If you fail now, everything will be in vain!"

Although her brain cannot understand the current situation, let alone Tima's overly willful language, based on Fujimaru Ritsuka's many years of experience in getting along with a servant with a strong maternal nature like Minamoto Yorimitsu, she still doesn't want to say or do anything now. better.

"By the way, I almost forgot, there are two children waiting for my help!"

Suddenly, Tima's eyes lit up.

As the magic power surged, a huge summoning array of heroic spirits was generated on the ground, strong light burst out, and several humanoid beings appeared in the summoning array.

It's Erquit, Ce, Bell.

"Is this the world where Nangong Qi was summoned?"

Erquette's eyes widened and he used his authority as a UO to look for traces of Nangong Qi.

“But Nangong is not in this world!”

"I almost forgot." Ce clapped his hands and said with some self-reproach: "The job agency [Beast] has the inherent skill of [Single Appearance]. As long as you know the coordinates of the corresponding world, you can definitely get here! There is no first It’s really a mistake to support me with time!”

"Use [Single Appearance] as a vanguard, and then use [Beast]'s innate almost endless magic power to open the portal."


Er glanced at Ce. "Did you learn this operation from the [Burning Legion]?"

"You also play [World of Warcraft]?"

"Just read the story, don't play the game."

Walking past Ce, Bell leaned down and observed the ground carefully.

"There are traces of the battle between Nangong and Draco here. It's possible that Draco used a noble phantom to lock Nangong up. Considering the strength of the crown [beast], it is expected to appear at any time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the magic power surged again.

A red figure quickly flew towards the crowd and plowed a deep ravine on the ground.

It's Draco.

"You guys are finally here."

Draco tremblingly stretched out his hand to the crowd, looking extremely miserable, with blood all over his body, his hard armor shattered to pieces, and even the two horns on his head were broken off.

"I'm almost..."

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