"I'm not a good brother!"

Xing suddenly put on a very serious posture, attracting the attention of several people, but within a few seconds his smile turned downward, "I am my sister~"

Chen Lin, Sanyue, Dan Heng: "..."

As scrappy as ever.

Everyone chatted and walked around, but before they had gone far, they saw traces of creatures from the rift at the mouth of the canyon in the distance. Most of them were in the shape of butterflies, with their whole bodies emitting light of various colors, and the crystal wings on both sides were flapping. …

The four of them looked at each other, and Chen Lin asked: "Is this the only way?"

"You can go around it, but it will waste at least 5 hours." Dan Heng responded indifferently.

"Then let's see if these things are strong first!"

Chen Lin waved his hand and took out the 'machine gun', a weapon he had just developed a while ago. This thing can fire large-caliber shell projectiles. Some bullets are pure injection-type killing, while some bullets have the effect of cannonballs. , can cause range damage.

He also studied a new improved deflector shield, and now it's time to test the new weapon!

As soon as the few people rushed out, they saw that Chen Lin had a machine gun with a loaded belt in his hand. If there were knowledgeable people at the scene, they would definitely recognize that the prototype of the machine gun in his hand was the extremely famous MG34!


The bullets slanted out like raindrops. The original MG34 was a 7.92X57mm caliber rifle bullet, but the bullets Chen Lin fired now were about 20mm, so they couldn't be called rifle bullets at all!

What's more, these bullets exploded violently the moment they hit the ground or world-splitting creatures. The three of them were so frightened that they hurriedly stopped and retreated. Yue Yue was so shocked by the gunfire that he covered his ears, while Dan Heng stopped. The corners of Chen Lin's mouth kept twitching behind him.

Half a minute later, the entrance of the valley, which was originally full of world-splitting creatures, was littered with corpses, snowflakes were flying, and there was no movement of any living creatures.

Chen Lin put away his new toy with satisfaction and waved:

"Let's go forward! Let's continue to explore the unknown!"

"Aren't you really going to rob the city with this attitude..." March's eardrums itched, she got up from the snow and complained softly, and then quickly followed the team.


Beloberg is the only city on Yalilo-VI that is still warm enough for people to survive.

On the snowy land outside the solid and thick wall, nearly a hundred soldiers armed with long-handled axes, dressed in the same style, with a large number of iron armors protecting important joints and vulnerable parts of the body are blocking the attack of the world-splitting creatures...

clang clang-

Weapons and strange energy attacks collided with each other, or enemies that were similar in stature to the soldiers, but could be recognized as creatures from the world at a glance, violent snaps and roars resounded in the vast snow.

The large amounts of blood spilled on the ground dyed the white snowflakes red, and screams came one after another, but no one retreated.

The soldiers' metal masks were splattered with blood, some of which were their own, and some of which were from friendly troops who had been knocked down by the enemy beside them.

In any case... before winning this battle, the soldiers must pay a heavy price for victory!

"Sir Jeppard, the Eastern Front is about to be lost, and many brothers have been scattered!"

In the chaos of the battle, a wounded soldier ran up to a young man with a stern face. Excessive blood loss had already weakened his strength. It was a miracle that he could hold on and get here.

Jeppard hurriedly supported the other party and called the two slightly injured soldiers behind him.

"You send him back to the safe area for treatment. I'll hold him back here first."


Without any hesitation, the soldier who was called immediately took the wounded from Jeppard's hands and quickly moved away from the fighting area.

Jeppard looked gloomy, thinking that if this continues and the number of wounded continues to increase, the outer city will still fall due to insufficient defense strength!

In the end, as a guard officer, I couldn't even protect the last interests of the citizens...

"Damn world-splitting creature!"

Jeppard raised the large shield in his left hand, jumped up and slammed it into the ground. The huge impact knocked away a dozen world-breaking creatures, which reduced the pressure on the front line a lot.

What he didn't know was that about three hundred meters away from the battlefield, Chen Lin and his party had just arrived here following the positioning instructions.

Reluctantly under the winter-loving trees that could survive in the low-temperature environment, Chen Lin and the others climbed up the steep snow hill in front of them. What they saw was the battlefield where a large number of human soldiers clashed with the world-splitting creatures.

Bodies on the ground and howling wounded could be seen everywhere, and blood continued to extend from the center of the battlefield.

Under low temperatures, some soldiers who have lost the ability to move but are not dead will die of excessive blood loss and hypothermia in a short time. Just lying in the snow for a few minutes without moving will cause frost to form on the body at a speed visible to the naked eye. , and then the energy flowed away rapidly, turning into an ice sculpture with stiff limbs.

March exclaimed: "Alin is so powerful, he is actually fighting! Let's go help them!"

"and many more."

Chen Lin grabbed March Qi's hand, causing his charging steps to suddenly stall.

"Huh? Aren't you going?" Yue Yue looked at Chen Lin doubtfully.

Chen Lin frowned slightly and explained: "It's not about not going, it's about how we can help in order to avoid accidents..."

"What is your identity...an alien traveler?"

Dan Heng gave his own answer.

As early as on the way here, Chen Lin told several teammates not to reveal their purpose of coming to find the star core, and not to say that they were from the Star Dome Train. However, after thinking for a long time, Chen Lin only gave a few answers. A relatively reasonable plan.

After hearing Dan Heng's words, Chen Lin shook his head.

"No, since the battle is so brutal, we can't say we are here for tourism. This plan is invalid."

After gently nodding for a few seconds, Chen Lin chose their identity disguise.

"We are a research group here for scientific research, so we will use this plan. I am a researcher, and you are my guards, how about it?"

Chapter 21 Address Book Update

Because the scientific research ship on board passed by a mysterious white planet and found that it had not been recorded, and because he was curious about the condition of the planet, he sent a research team to investigate.

Chen Lin is a person in the research industry. He is naturally confident in many professional knowledge of research, and he does not have to worry about being exposed during identity verification.

The other three are guards. Given their strength, no discerning person would check whether they have security clearances, unless the person checking them is mentally ill.

"Well, a very good choice, I agree."

After a brief consideration, Dan Heng took the lead in nodding. He had always felt indifferent to many things. Since Chen Lin's arrangement was more reasonable, he would accept it calmly. Seeing that Dan Heng agreed, Yue Yue and Xing naturally had no objections.

Just like what Heita said about Chen Lin when chatting with Ji Zi, this guy looks harmless, but in fact he may have 95 kilograms of scheming out of a hundred kilograms.

Because the remaining five pounds may be bad water...

After confirming the identity he used, Chen Lin pointed to the battlefield and said: "Then you go ahead. I will come back after the fight is over."

After that, Chen Lin found a place with less snow and sat down directly to start playing on his mobile phone.

He sent the picture of Yaliluo VI to Heita half an hour ago, hoping to ask the other party to find useful information for him, so that they could disguise their identity and find the whereabouts of the star core.

So much time has passed, and I don’t know if Black Tower has replied to me.

March was stunned after hearing this.

"Alin, aren't you going?"

Chen Lin said angrily: "I already said that I am a researcher. Which researcher have you ever seen come up to fight? I, Chen Lin, am powerless from now on!"

"Oh, that seems right..."

"Go quickly. If we don't hurry up, more and more of their people will die. Those lying on the ground will die if they don't get help as soon as possible."

In fact, he didn't need to say much, Xing had already taken the lead and charged forward.

Xing, who was holding a baseball bat in his hand, turned around with a lunge, jumped up suddenly, swung the baseball bat in his hand, and hit the head of a soldier who was full of the aura of a world-splitting creature from top to bottom!


She hit the nearly 1.8-meter-tall world-splitting creature on the frost mask with a stick.

Then, the frost mask cracked and exploded, and its head detached from its neck and flew into the distance.

Since the battle with the Doomsday Beast, Xing's strength has become extremely strong for some reason. Chen Lin, who was still able to slightly overpower her in terms of strength, is now completely unable to match Xing's arm strength.

In the arm-wrestling competition on the train, Chen Lin was often killed by a girl in seconds. On one occasion, the opponent tricked him, but he didn't pretend to be anything like it, and everyone saw through it immediately...

The noise made by Xing was very huge, and naturally attracted the attention of Silver Mane Iron Guard and Jeppard.

"Why are there citizens?! Are the guards at the cordon blind? Quick, you guys, bring them back!" Jeppard took over the enemies in front of several soldiers and shouted with an order.

Several silver-maned iron guards fought their way out.

"This is not the place for you to stay. Come back to the city and we will cover you!"

One of the leading soldiers knocked away the incoming ice puck and shouted quickly.

It's a pity... If it were March, he might have paid attention to these soldiers, and might have patiently explained that he and others had the ability to protect themselves, but Xing did not.

She stepped forward and said calmly: "You guys give way."

The soldiers subconsciously turned away, but Xing pushed the person closest to her away, and suddenly swung out the baseball bat with a faint white mist.

Several world-splitting creatures were smashed to pieces by her, and one of the world-splitting creatures that imitated a soldier was knocked away for more than ten meters, motionless, and finally buried deep under the snow.

The soldiers opened their mouths in surprise, but Xing didn't say much and just said:

"We are reinforcements to help you."

"Really? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I haven't seen you...from behind either!"

Xing rushed into the enemy formation again. Under her terrifying power, almost any world-splitting creature that came into contact with it would be instantly killed.

Whenever she felt that she had made a particularly cool attack, she would proudly look in the direction of Chen Lin and try to express her merit.

She didn't know if it was because it was too far away, but she never saw Chen Lin under the tree respond.

Dan Heng remained silent. He also didn't say much when facing the soldiers who came to cover him. He just used the weapons and actions on his hands to tell them that he did not need protection.

On the contrary, the soldiers who went to help still needed Dan Heng to distract themselves, which made many soldiers envious and ashamed at the same time.

March's dexterous figure shuttles between many world-splitting creatures, and the arrows of the Six Phases of Ice can often sneak up on enemies with their backs turned to her.

With the help of the three men, the melee became easier, the number of casualties dropped sharply, and victory... was close at hand!

It's just that Xing always thought that he didn't get praise from Big Brother because his playing style wasn't cool enough.

Well, Chen Lin didn't even look at the changes on the battlefield. He was sending a message to the Black Tower at the moment. It took this guy a long time to reply, and Chen Lin's butt was almost smoking from waiting.

Chen Lin: "Have you found the information?"

Heita: "I'm playing with my phone on the bed. I'll check later."

Chen Lin: "You mean you will stay in bed for half an hour?"

Heita: "Yeah, what's the problem? I like staying in bed, it's super cool."

Chen Lin under the tree felt his blood pressure soaring. Your psychic theory teacher was working desperately on an unknown planet full of dangers, but you were like, "Ah hahaha hello~~" from behind, right?

He started to reply with a straight face.

Chen Lin: "Chapter 3 of your psychic theory is gone. I will teach you about it in Chapter 4 later. And I want to be paid, one rare item at a time."

It's like learning mathematics. I'll just jump to a big chapter of basic knowledge and then learn the rest. Heita doesn't even have a textbook, so she doesn't have the conditions even if she wants to learn by herself.

As soon as he clicked send, Chen Lin's phone vibrated immediately. Heita sent him a message at an inhuman speed.

Heita: "Dad, I call you daddy!"

Heita: "I was wrong, I was really wrong! I will check it immediately, as fast as possible!!"

Chen Lin: "I don't have a partner yet. Don't call me daddy or ruin my reputation. If you investigate more thoroughly, I can wait a little longer."

The message was read first, but Heita did not reply to Chen Lin. He must have taken the time to check the information for himself.

When he raised his head, he saw that the battle in the distance had ended. Dan Heng and the other two were leading a handsome blond young man towards him.

Seeing this, Chen Lin patted the snowflakes on his body and stood up.

Jeppard still had many gaps and burnt spots on his body, and he looked a little embarrassed. After seeing Chen Lin, he immediately performed a military salute and introduced himself:

"Hello Mr. Chen, my name is Jeppard, and I am the guard of the Belloberg Silver Mane Guard. All guests have already told me their experiences. Are you scientists from outside?"

"Hello, hello, Mr. Jeppard Guardsman, you're welcome. I'm a researcher of the scientific expedition team. My guards didn't hinder you, did they?" Chen Lin skillfully put on a smile and dealt with it.

At the same time, he found that the first country object he could communicate with appeared in his [Communication] button.


Jeppard smiled bitterly and said: "How could it be possible? Not only did these people come from afar, but they also helped us a lot. I am really grateful. Since the guests are here for scientific research, please follow me into the city and explain to the Guardian first. Origin, I believe the Lord Guardian will welcome you all... After all, no outsiders have visited for hundreds of years, so the Lord Guardian will definitely be very happy."

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