Chen Lin was smiling brightly, and his handsome smile warmed Jeppard as if he were bathing in the spring breeze.

"Then I'll trouble the Jeppard Guardsman."

"You're welcome. I'll ask the guests for help after the Grand Guardian is released. Please follow me first."

Chapter 22 Beloberg, national leader!

Cities in the ice and snow are really rare to see. Even though Yue Yue and Dan Heng have traveled to many planets to collect star cores before, they are still amazed by the city they are in now.

Of course, the only one who was really surprised was Yu Yue. Except for Dan Heng's expression of surprise when he entered the city, there was no difference.

After entering the city of Belloberg, Chen Lin's expression became very strange.

There was no other reason. The way this city was built seemed to be too similar to a game he had played before called "Icepunk Age"!

The cold wave is coming, and the city is built in a deep snow pit. Even though this is indeed scientifically based, it still makes Chen Lin miss his own nest.

After being away for so long, the landlord wouldn't think that he ran away and threw away his cabinet of Gundam models as rubbish...

Chen Lin felt heartbroken when he thought of this. It was the treasure he had earned through many years of working!


When someone tapped him on the shoulder, Chen Lin looked back doubtfully, and happened to see March's smiling face.

"Alin, look, it's not that cold in this city anymore!"

"It's indeed not as cold as outside, but logically speaking it shouldn't heat up so much..."

Chen Lin pondered for a few seconds, waved his hands and said: "The temperature in the city is always higher than outside the city. This is a phenomenon called the 'urban heat island effect'. It is caused by the human body, buildings and specially laid roads in the city. These high heat storage bodies on the road surface, coupled with the significant reduction in green vegetation..."

After chattering for a few minutes, Chen Lin spread the basic geography knowledge that all junior high school students in his hometown knew to March [-], who had not yet finished his primary school degree.

"That's roughly the case, so the temperature in the city has always been higher than in the suburbs, but... the temperature has obviously increased significantly. Officer Jeppard, are there any geothermal facilities in the city?"

Jeppard listened enthusiastically and sighed in his heart that he was indeed the elusive researcher. All kinds of terms came out of his mouth, which made him deeply believe that the gentle and elegant young man in front of him was a helpless person. researcher.

Suddenly seeing Chen Lin looking at him, Jeppard did not hide it, and said: "I don't know what the geothermal facility is, but Beloberg has a heater that relies on the earth's core to generate heat. Outside every door... …”

"so small?"

Along the way, Chen Lin saw many column-shaped heating devices on the roadside, and wondered if this thing could really make the temperature difference between the city and the outside by dozens of degrees?

"However, the temperature in Belloberg can be suitable for people to live, and it cannot be separated from the power of "preservation"."

Jeppard sighed softly and began to tell everyone about the history of Beloberg.

700 years ago, the temperature on the planet was still pleasant, and it was full of vitality and everything was in full bloom. However, unexpectedly, monsters from outside set the planet on fire. Just when the people on Yalilo-VI were about to face despair, today's cold wave Then came Yaliluo-VI.

Ice and snow not only bury struggling people, but also bury dangerous monsters. Beloberg was built by a group of 'city builders'. The city has the power of "preservation" of the Star God to resist the wind and snow from the outside world. erosion.

After listening to Jeppard's story, March covered her mouth and exclaimed: "This is so inspiring!"

"Yes, without the efforts of the city builders back then, we wouldn't be where we are now. They are heroes worthy of respect."

At this time, Chen Lin suddenly spoke.

"What is the marrow of the earth?"

He had heard this word from Jeppard more than once before, and thinking of the dozens of mineral resources on Yalilo-VI, he couldn't help but ask.

"It is a mineral that is buried deep underground in Yalilo-VI. It can emit extremely high heat after simple refining."

"Oh oh oh!"

Chen Lin understood. This planet has so many energy coins and minerals, and it is most likely caused by this special mineral.

Similarly, after seeing that there was indeed a corresponding country on Yalilo-VI, he also understood the reason why he could not establish a mining station on it.

How can an outsider build a mining station in someone else's territory?

After thinking about this, Chen Lin was still a little disappointed. How could so many resources be occupied by a group of indigenous people?Wouldn't it be a win-win-win to perform endless mining on your own mining station?

The people on this planet have received countless earth essences, and the spare manpower can be used to develop other industries, and they can also obtain sufficient resources to develop the stars. They win once, but they can win twice, a perfect triple win. ah!

Seeing Chen Lin's thinking expression, Jeppard felt deeply that he was indeed a dedicated scientist. He must be very curious about the earth's marrow, right?

"If you need earth marrow for research, you can apply to the Guardian. The Guardian is very generous."

"Thank you so much." Chen Lin smiled immediately.

Jeppard waved his hand: "So many people of the Silver Mane Iron Guard have survived, we are the ones who should thank you."

In fact, Jeppard didn't know that Chen Lin wanted more than just a little bit of earth marrow that could be used for research, he actually wanted them all!

As for how to obtain these resources, Chen Lin already has some ideas, but before that, he needs to try other methods.

Walking along the hard road through the residential area, everyone came to a huge square. In the center of the square stood a statue. It was a statue rather than a monument with a strange shape. Chen Lin took a few more glances as he passed by.

There were a lot of people around the square. How could there be such a lively place on such a lifeless planet.

If it were a group of stars, this planet would probably be defined as a dead planet uninhabitable by humans, right?Preservation... is amazing.

Stopping in front of a tall and majestic palace, Jeppard introduced:

"This is Clipper Castle, the heart of Belloberg. The guardian Cocolia is a leader elected and appointed by the builders of the city. They have guarded the city for generations and provided shelter for the people."

Taking away the fancy adjectives, Chen Lin concluded that the man named Cocolia was the lord of Beloberg, or to be more polite, he should be called the emperor of this country.

"I will take you to meet Lord Cocolia right now."

As they said that, several people stepped onto the steps, but their actions were not blocked by the nearby guards. The reason was that Jeppard had sent messengers to report the situation before. Presumably, the guards at the door had received corresponding orders and turned a blind eye to everyone's behavior.

The long stairs gave Chen Lin the illusion of climbing Mount Emei again. Unlike in the past when mountain climbing would tire him to death, Chen Lin could now keep his breathing rate unchanged.

But considering that he was a weak scientist, Chen Lin still pretended to be very tired, causing Dan Heng to look sideways frequently and confirm Chen Lin's approach with his eyes.

He who knows me is Dan Heng!

Hurrying slowly, he finally climbed up the stairs. Before Chen Lin could regain his rest, a girl with a stern face walked out of the hall. She was wearing a modified military uniform similar to the uniform of the Silver Mane Iron Guard. She had an proud figure and walked quickly with everyone. And passed.

When passing by Chen Lin, she took a few more glances at the young man who was trying to catch his breath. There seemed to be a fleeting look of disappointment in his eyes, as if she was confused about how weak Chen Lin was as a man.

Jeppard bowed his head and saluted, watching the girl's back disappear behind the corner. At the same time, he also guessed what happened inside. He sighed helplessly and put his palms forward in an inviting gesture.

"Everyone, please come inside."

Chapter 23 How dare you give me a negative entry for anything?

"Welcome...! Visitors from beyond!"


The door was pushed open, and the administrative hall filled with bookshelves was unreservedly exposed in front of everyone.

The floor in the center is covered with a light blue carpet. The patterns on it are precise and neat, and there are faint signs of manual embroidery in the corners. It doesn't look luxurious, but adds a touch of friendliness.

There are several tall bookshelves on both sides of the hall. Corresponding desks and chairs are placed under the bookshelves. Countless manuscripts are piled in the corners. This must be where the city's senior officials work.

The voice sounded from the high platform deep in the hall. The tone was clear, peaceful and a little majestic.

Before the response came, Jeppard took a step forward and said respectfully: "Lord Guardian, I have brought a few outsiders here."

"The envoy has told me the specific situation. Very good. Jeppard, you can retreat."


After Jeppard left the hall, the woman on the high platform smiled and introduced herself:

"I am Cocolia Rand, the guardian of Beloberg. What are you guys here for?"

Even before arriving, everyone had already discussed how to deal with the country's leader. Xing, who was busy with his thoughts, and March, who was quick-tongued, remained silent, while Chen Lin led the conversation.

"Dear Guardian, we are employees on a scientific research ship. When passing by the planet, we were attracted by the white snow covering it, so we sent me down to conduct investigation and research on the planet. I didn't expect to break into Belloberg. territory, I apologize for any inadvertent offense we may have inadvertently caused.”

"It's okay, it's not offensive at all."

Cocolia raised her hand with a smile and walked away from the desk alone.

She exposed her whole body in front of everyone. Chen Lin initially judged that the other party's action should be regarded as a gesture of goodwill, and it also gave him a more convenient view of Cocolia.

Cocolia's clothes are intricately designed and covered with various decorations. There are multiple medals with unknown meanings hanging above her right chest.

"On the contrary, I would like to thank you all for your help, which prevented many families in Belloberg from losing their loved ones."

"This is my electronic ID card, you can take a look."

With that said, Chen Lin clicked on his cell phone, pulled out an identity card that Esta had asked him to apply for on the way, and faced Cocolia in front of him.

At the same time, he was not idle. Now that Belloberg, a country with only one city, had been discovered in [Communication], he had to quickly detect the country's true attitude towards their arrival.


Thoughts: Extreme materialism, authoritarianism

System: feudal concession system

Leader: Cocolia Rand

Attitude: Neutral (50) (Them vs. us: establishing contact +120; rescuing the Silver Mane Guards +100; unstable outsiders -170)]

Unstable outsider?

Chen Lin frowned slightly when he saw this debuff that reduced his favorability.

It feels like she doesn’t welcome outsiders very much...

Without saying a word, Chen Lin clicked on [Improve Relationship] and put his lonely self up.

By the way, in order to stay here peacefully and investigate the star core, he also adjusted his traditional tree and added the 'State of Etiquette' (unlimited trust, upper limit of diplomatic support +500%, trust growth +200%) → 'Modest and courteous' (when improving relations, there is a high probability of obtaining 1 diplomatic support every day; when actively damaging relations, the force's incident will be 1000%). These two traditions are highlighted.

After doing this, when he checked the relationship list, he found that the country's favorability would increase by 10 points every day before he stopped.

Cocolia took advantage of this time to glance at the ID card handed over by Chen Lin. She stroked her chin and asked doubtfully: "Chen Lin, a special researcher at the Black Tower Space Station? the special level the highest level?"

"Yes, these are the guards assigned to me by the space station, and they are also my friends."

Chen Lin explained humbly: "After all, there are countless dangers on every planet. I, a researcher without any combat effectiveness, cannot land and investigate alone."

"I believe you. Hundreds of years ago, this planet was also extremely prosperous. The Star God connected us to the outside world. I have heard these stories."

Cocolia had a good impression of the young man in front of her. He became the highest-level researcher of a space station at a young age, which showed that his research level should not be underestimated.

The second thing is that from now on, Cocolia has always felt that this young man has become more and more fond of him the more he looks at it. It’s really strange...

Seeing this, Chen Lin carried out step by step according to his plan.

"Since you are willing to believe me, please allow us to sample and study the special animals, minerals and plants on this planet. My friends will build houses, and if you agree, we will not disturb you. The country will go to the outside world to investigate on its own.”

As soon as these words came out, a question mark appeared on March [-]'s forehead.

Build a house?Who among us can build a house?

Fortunately, Chen Lin had said hello in advance, otherwise March would have asked.

Cocolia was slightly startled, shook her head and said: "There is a space rift outside, and a large number of rift creatures breed inside, which is very dangerous. As soon as you come, you are a guest, so there is no such thing as letting the guests live outside the house, otherwise the people will know If I behave so rudely to the savior who saved their family members, I'm afraid they will laugh at me, Cocolia Rand, for not having the courage to be a great guardian!"

"We are outsiders after all. If we are misunderstood by the residents, what kind of conflict will it cause..."

"No, Beloberg is peace-loving and hospitable. Your arrival can actually let some lost people know that the stories in the book are not fiction, and perhaps it can also inspire everyone's mood to fight."

"Then what the guardian means..." Chen Lin spoke tentatively.

"If you don't mind, you can stay in the city. There may have been many specialties on the planet a hundred years ago, but now there are only a handful of them. I will have someone bring them to you if you need them."

What you want is to stay. If you don’t stay, how can you figure out what extra functions there are in the diplomatic system?

Cocolia's attitude is more sincere, but since the other party knows that there are other life forms in the alien world, why would he regard himself and others as unstable factors?

This is rather strange...

It would be a bit too much to push back any further, so Chen Lin showed a formulaic smile.

"Then it's better to be respectful than obedient."

"I will arrange for your distinguished guests to stay in the best hotel in Belloberg. At the same time, I will also send people to provide corresponding consultation and errand services for the guests."

Cocolia chuckled and said: "If anything happens, just explain it to the envoy I sent. The door of Beloberg will always be open to guests from beyond the stars!"

"We won't live here in vain. If Lord Guardian encounters any trouble in scientific research, if you don't mind my lack of knowledge, I will be willing to help for free."

"I believe that scientists from the Ministry of Science are also curious about technology from extraterrestrials. I will arrange this."

The chat continued for another half hour, and Cocolia ordered Jeppard to send Chen Lin and his party to the hotel. She stood alone in front of the window behind her for a while.

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