Abandoning meaningless areas, we used points to form lines and lines to form surfaces to stabilize the defense line of the commercial street. Although the number of casualties of soldiers is still increasing, compared with the previous combat methods, the numbers on paper are just I don’t know how much better it looks.

Every soldier is a son and a father in the family. Any sacrifice is enough to bring a family to the brink of collapse.

War is far from being as simple as cold numbers. Otherwise, even if you win, you will lose in other aspects.

Chen Lin did not remember specifically which morning, Bronya began to call herself a mentor, saying that she also longed for the pure and beautiful utopia scene that Chen Lin told him at the beginning. In her opinion, he was the pioneer. As the guide of her thoughts, she was also called by the title from that period of history.

Of course, when there are many outsiders, it is still a normal title. This is Chen Lin's request. He does not want to secretly deceive other people's daughters, and the news will spread to other people's mother's ears.

Not to mention that there is a high probability that there will be something wrong with this mother.

"The layout is good. It cuts off the enemy's traffic arteries and uses narrow intersections to resist the enemy's offensive."

Chen Lin inspected the extremely rough sand table on the ground and praised it.

"You said that everything must be based on reality, conduct specific analysis on specific issues, and dialectically view changes in the objective situation, and cannot apply mechanically."

"Don't talk about that with me. You've only been studying for a few days and you want to discuss it with me, right?"

"Don't dare..."

Although she said this, Bronya still looked happy. After all, not every student can truly apply the knowledge taught by the teacher into practice.

She was very happy to be able to apply theoretical knowledge for the first time and get Chen Lin's approval.

"Sir Bronya, the battle report from 5 minutes ago has been prepared in a form."

"You give the command first, and I'll watch." Chen Lin asked Bronya to get down to business, but he had to continue to figure out his own things.

Let Bronya send March Dan Heng and Xing to the front line. Firstly, she will show the Iron Guards that she and others are willing to help in critical moments. Secondly, no matter what the army is, almost all respect the strong, so they go to the front line. Playing freely will definitely enable the team to gain the best prestige in the shortest time.

Here it can be simply called military support.

Among all the countries with political systems that Chen Lin has seen, the army is undoubtedly the most important existence. To be honest, he is really not afraid of Cocolia, who is causing trouble in his relationship list all day long. If he really wants to find it troublesome, he must have the army. trouble.

If the army does not carry out the decree, Cocolia will not be able to cause any trouble with the actions of a few people no matter what she does.

Chen Lin's erosion of the rift was obvious to all when he came here. The situation on the periphery of the main front was so bad that it far exceeded the erosion of the rift they encountered when they first arrived.

One can imagine how chaotic and dangerous the main battlefield is.

Many silver-maned iron guards who were stationed on the outer city defense line continued to enter the headquarters to report the situation. Some iron guards were quite confused when they saw the unfamiliar face of Chen Lin.

At this time, Pella would briefly introduce the identities of Chen Lin and his party, and the messengers would immediately understand.

In the battle report, three of the four members of the pioneering team were killing on the front line. They almost went to a position and directly killed the monsters that emerged from the cracked world. In less than an hour, they had already become famous in the Iron Guard.

The Iron Guards on all fronts knew that three mysterious helpers with extremely powerful combat power were coming to the front.

No, after hearing that the young man with a gentle smile in the headquarters was the captain of the team, the soldiers who came to deliver the order all cast grateful glances.

After all, no one knows... whether their relatives and friends who are also in the army were saved by these enthusiastic helpers. Even if they are not relatives and friends, as comrades in arms, they naturally showed speechless feelings towards Chen Lin. bona fide.

The battle continued until the sky was getting dark, and there was still no intention of stopping. On the contrary, more and more world-splitting monsters made the soldiers exhausted, and the front line gradually tightened.

Bronya looked down at the sand table, held the information compiled by Pella in one hand, and walked around the tent with her eyebrows furrowed.

"The last two teams are being escorted over. Once it is confirmed that all surviving people have evacuated, we will end this battle! It's too slow, too slow, why is there no news? The Iron Guard has suffered enough casualties, and we can't continue this meaninglessly. The ground is consumed."

Everyone felt unwilling, and Pella pursed her lips without saying a word. After all, this was their home, but now all they can do is to evacuate the civilians, and then re-divide the safe zone and the dangerous zone...


Chen Lin, who had been sitting there since morning, suddenly called out.

Bronya looked over doubtfully.


"Want to take back this homeland?"

"I want to, but I can't do it, mentor. The rift will not disappear, only monsters will continue to emerge." Bronya shook her head bitterly.

Chen Lin, on the other hand, has news that Bronya has never heard of. According to Dan Heng, the appearance of cracks is an external manifestation of the overflow of star core energy. The energy to maintain the opening of space is limited after all, especially in the crack world. When it first appeared, it did not yet have excess energy to fully connect to the star core.

Therefore, as long as all the monsters generated by the star core's overflowing energy are eliminated, the rift will naturally dissipate due to insufficient energy to maintain.

Just when Pera was still trying to explain something to Chen Lin, there were suddenly dense footsteps outside, and a group of silver-maned iron guards wearing slightly different clothes than other iron guards broke in. Bronya recognized these at a glance. The Silver Mane Guards are Jeppard's men.

Bronya looked serious and shouted: "What are you doing?!"

"Lady Bronya!"

The leader of the Iron Guard knelt on the ground with a thud, burying his head deeply in his knees, "Please save Chief Jeppard. Chief Geppard disappeared in the crevice when he went to support the last two convoys of survivors. It's over! The brother sent back by Chief Geppard to report the news has just died, saying that Chief Geppard and the others are in a hard fight!"


At this time, Chen Lin's eyes lit up as he was sitting on the stool. He sensed the opportunity and suddenly stood up under everyone's stunned gaze and said:

"It's okay, I'll pick them up."

Chapter 35 The truth is only within the range of artillery!

To some extent, Chen Lin is a diplomatic genius.

Generally speaking, foreign guests like them who are often troubled by Cocolia now should figure out the true intentions of their political leaders and either reduce their presence or leave quickly before conflicts break out.

However, Chen Lin didn't want to do this. He was eyeing not only the star core that would be affected when the star train jumped, but also this planet that was rich in minerals and energy!

Nowadays, finding star cores has become a trivial matter. Chen Lin wants to slightly change the leaders of this country so that he can fully experience the fun of having a 'home planet'.

Driven by curiosity and interest, he chose to take the pioneering team into this war that originally belonged only to Belloberg and Split World...

"Pella, you can go with the team."

After hard persuasion, Bronya already understood that Chen Lin could not be persuaded by herself.

The determination he showed was as stubborn and serious as if his own country had been invaded by a monster.

In addition, the army is now tired, and the casualties of the soldiers are even more heavy. It is extremely difficult for them to just resist the attacks of the monsters one after another. They want to send a team with good combat power to replace the trapped people. The difficulty of the Jeppard team's cover can be imagined.

Bronya has considerable combat power, but the problem is that as a commander, she must sit at the rear and command. She must not be disconnected from the frontline team information for a long time, otherwise the army that is already fighting hard will easily suffer from low morale. , resulting in even greater casualties and mistakes.

She couldn't leave, no matter how anxious she was, she could never leave the headquarters!

Since she can be used as a fighting force, she cannot move away. The remaining captains are either defending on the front line or have been injured and resting. The only person they can rely on seems to be the weak-looking researcher in front of them.

The two of them didn't get along for a long time, but Bronya knew part of Chen Lin's character very well, and he would never make a decision that put himself in danger when he had the conditions.

Jeppard had only met him once, and to be able to be so confident in guaranteeing to find Jeppard and bring back the team that had been without news for a long time, he should have thought deeply about it.

Not to mention that Pera told her before that Chen Lin's team seemed to carry some kind of powerful self-defense weapons. Even if she had not seen it with her own eyes, Bronya could still distinguish the technology of Beloberg and alien civilization. gap.

Beyond the starry sky, there were many mysterious powers and technologies that they had never imagined. She longed for the powerful empire that Chen Lin told her in the form of stories, the terrifying existence called the Star Sea Empire...

He seems to come from this civilization.

The dazed look disappeared in a flash, and Bronya said seriously: "Please be sure to pay attention to safety, and so are you, Pella. Always keep in touch with the command."

After saying that, Bronya looked at the guards under Jeppard who had lowered their bodies in front of the door and did not dare to show any air from the moment they entered.

"Assemble your team and go with Mr. Chen Lin to the split world where the Jeppard Guardsman disappeared!"

The soldiers responded excitedly and loudly: "Yes!"

At the same time, he looked gratefully at Chen Lin, who was preparing to set off.

In the army, the Iron Guards who are able to hold onto their weapons and step into dangerous fronts are not new recruits. They are constantly receiving training from the Jeppard Guardsmen, and together they walk on the borderline between life and death. Almost everyone who survived owed at least one life to each other.

It is indeed difficult to look back on the loss of life. Because of this, every soldier regards his comrades as family members. If they can lend a helping hand, everyone will definitely go to the battlefield hand in hand, even if they know the consequences of all this. It was him who turned into a cold corpse...

They still do!

Now, their leader, Jeppard, was in deep danger. Only one of the six brothers sent back to deliver the news came to the rear alive and seriously injured.

As their direct commander, Jeppard was very kind to them. No one would regret it even if he devoted himself to the rescue!

This is the difference in consciousness between ordinary soldiers and commanders. They are willing to go to the battlefield in anger, but the commander may not let them do so.

War is always a competition of human resources management!

Perla closed her eyes and picked up the book placed aside, stood up and nodded. The dim light reflected dazzling brilliance in the glasses in front of her nose.


A few minutes later, more than 30 well-armed soldiers embarked on a road that may lead to no return.

At the front of the formation, Chen Lin, who had nothing in his hands, and Pella, who was waiting for the formation, walked quickly, crossing one road after another that was heavily blocked by soldiers.

The soldiers stood ready, Pella looked nervous, but Chen Lin remained unhurried, as if the place he was walking was not a battlefield, but a spring outing.

What gave him this confidence?A strong body?Agile and powerful combat skills?

No, no, no, these things are a bit too fancy. You must know that the truth is only within the range of the cannon!

"Sir, you can actually let your guards do these things. It is too risky to set foot on the battlefield in person." Pella sighed softly. Chen Lin's gentle appearance did not look like someone who often set foot on the battlefield. Those who fight against the enemy are more like those working behind the battlefield.

People like this always have the confidence not to be afraid of war, because they have never seen what war is like.

Perla understood what Bronya meant very thoroughly. Even though she was just an intelligence officer, Perla actually had a lot of combat experience. Bronya sent her here to keep Chen Lin safe when necessary. Anyone can die, but nothing can happen to the young man in front of him.

As a confidant, Pera knew that Bronya was worried about many things, including the possible diplomatic consequences.

Belloberg is already miserable enough. We must not attract more enemies because of other things...

"Don't worry, the era of physical competition has long passed for us. In the face of absolutely powerful weapons, the number of people actually doesn't matter."

Chen Lin's voice was unhurried, and he couldn't even slow down his steps when he spoke.

These days, the Black Tower scientists he prostituted for free did not rest. They worked crazily day and night every day, and the scientific research points they produced have already eliminated the deflection shield and blue laser into the garbage heap of the times. The previous research and development The improved deflection shield and the latest swarm missiles are the powerful weapons he can rely on now!

While they were talking, everyone arrived in front of the target split world. Chen Lin stepped into it without saying anything...

Chapter 36 "Humanitarian Spirit"


In the corridors of black broken space, a ferocious humanoid figure as tall as an iron tower screamed and fell to the ground. Through the large shirt, one could see that its bulging muscles were entrenched like a horned dragon, and the roar was shocking. Like thunder.

The Silver-maned Iron Guard is recognized as a handsome man, the eldest son of Landau, and the current Silver-maned Iron Guard garrison officer. The armor in front of his body is dented. He hits the fallen monster over and over again with his huge shield until cracks appear on the ground. Finally, the monster's screams gradually stopped...

The arm holding the shield was numb, and the muscles felt even weaker.

Not far behind him, more than a hundred civilians in different clothes huddled together in fear. After seeing Jeppard defeat the powerful enemy, all of them slowly relaxed their tense nerves.

Before Jeppard could rest for a few seconds, a limping Iron Guard came forward anxiously, his voice trembling.

"Sir Jeppard, Laszlo...has he become like that too?"

"That's not him. Laszlo works slowly and is usually polite to everyone. That's just a poor imitation of him by the energy of the world. I can solve it!"

Jeppard kept comforting the soldiers in front of him, his pale face almost telling everyone that he was in a very bad state.

There was no way, they had been trapped in this area full of monsters for nearly two hours. The soldiers who came with him were injured and dead, but they could still continue fighting with just two hands. Count them.

The humanoid monster just now was a member of the search and rescue team they came to support, but the other party had died before they arrived. The energy in the cracked world used the corpses on the ground to forge monsters that looked like the dead, constantly. Attack all survivors.

It has the appearance of a human but does not have any human inside, which is why Jeppard mocked it and called it a poor imitation.

After persisting for so long, Jeppard's mood is getting worse and worse now, because when he was trapped, he made a decision, hoping to pass the message to his soldiers and let the front line allocate some manpower to cover their evacuation. Here The monsters were so powerful that they were several times more powerful than the monsters on the front lines of the commercial street, and their numbers were so large that even he felt very troublesome.

But such a long time passed, and Jeppard led the soldiers to fight against the monsters. In the process, he saw several very familiar faces. They were all soldiers he sent out to spread the message. There could be people with the same appearance as them in the world. monster, it is almost certain that they have been killed on the way back.

But Jeppard still holds out hope, and there's a good brother monster he hasn't seen yet.

The strength of the Silver Mane Iron Guard is actually not weak. The fact that they were able to withstand the tide of world-splitting monsters for so long is enough to mean that they were able to cover each other and evacuate earlier, but unfortunately the number of these survivors was too great. It was so huge that it was difficult for the entire team to move forward safely.

Almost every dozen steps, civilians would be killed by monsters that appeared out of nowhere. In order to protect the civilians, the evacuation speed of Jeppard's team became slower and slower, until they were reduced to the point where they could only defend themselves.

The rift back was not too far, only about 2 kilometers, but they could no longer move at this moment.

Obviously they can still see the light in the distance, but they feel that they are so far away from the safe area and their hope is so slim...

Where are the reinforcements...?Is it...are there really reinforcements?

Jeppard shook his head vigorously to clear away all these negative emotions. He firmly believed that the Silver-maned Iron Guard would not give up on them, and also firmly believed that persistence would be rewarded.


He smashed the shield to the ground hard, looked at the broken-armed iron guards in front of him, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, hold on, Commander Bronya will definitely send someone to meet us. The road ahead is difficult, and every time we hold on, One second of the enemy's attack can make the support team take one step forward in our direction! We can't let the support team down, they will be here soon!"


There were only a few soldiers who responded, and the civilians who were protected in the team also looked ashen.

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