They have heard these words many times. From being full of confidence at the beginning to now being more than half disabled, the pain of the wound and the tired spirit make it difficult for everyone to respond to Jeppard's encouragement as excitedly as they did at the beginning.

Before he finished speaking, a black mass of world-breaking monsters still appeared in the distance, and a low roar echoed in everyone's ears. Jeppard gritted his teeth, gripped his big shield and jumped into the air, taking the lead in charging into the enemy's formation.

The big shield knocked away countless world-splitting monsters. The soldiers who were resting on the ground stood up with great difficulty, picked up the weapons in their hands, and rushed in with a staggering roar.

Loud roars can cover up the sounds of monsters, make them no longer afraid, and also make them less painful after being injured and falling to the ground...

The fierce fighting has begun!

On the other side, the people who had passed through the world looked at the corpses everywhere in front of them, with expressions on their faces that were almost numb.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the world-splitting monsters that had been charging at several people a minute ago all went to class in the teaching building like college students who had stayed up late for several days and fell asleep as soon as they sat down.

The young monster is so good, he will fall asleep immediately after touching the missile. This quality of sleep is really unparalleled.

At the front of the team, Chen Lin was holding a multi-barreled grenade launcher on his shoulder. Green smoke was coming from the mouth of the tube. He looked at the scene in front of him with great satisfaction. He thought that the swarm missile in his hand was still an individual version. If it were added I'm afraid it won't be possible to blow up a city to the ground in a short while on a ship.

Suddenly, he noticed something flying towards him, and glanced at the third floor of a residential building not far away. On the rooftop there was a world-splitting monster with its palm facing towards him, a cold ball made of frost. Attacking towards him with swift force.

Chen Lin didn't even bother to hide. He pointed the swarm missile on his shoulder at the opponent and suddenly pulled the trigger!


In an instant, dozens of finger-sized missiles circled in the air several times, immediately blowing the house into rubble.

As for the opponent's attack?Just rushing to a position of more than ten centimeters in front of Chen Lin, water ripples splashed in the air, and he was easily ejected away.

They had watched this scene countless times in the few minutes after entering the rift. None of the rift monsters that troubled the Silver-maned Iron Guard could withstand Chen Lin's swarm missile attack.


Everyone looked at each other, and the eyes they looked at Chen Lin were no longer looking at the image of a weak researcher who needed protection, but rather admiration for someone who had mastered a powerful weapon.

"Okay, let's move on."

Pella was stunned, followed Chen Lin and asked: "Sir, is this the self-defense weapon you mentioned before?"


Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, then laughed and complained: "It is so weak that it can be used by researchers like us for self-defense. Weapons that are actually used for fighting cannot be used casually."

"What kind of weapon is that?"

"A weapon that can easily blow a planet into pieces, or emit energy waves to destroy all life forms on the planet without damaging the building at all."

Chen Lin introduced: "You may have no idea about the two common ones above, so I will pick a simple and clear one to talk about. It is probably to aim the weapon at the planet, and then use space compression and condensation technology to spray water towards the planet, and finally a Planets are all submerged in water."

Perla: "..."

"Of course, our empire is peace-loving. The great Xinghai Emperor will not use these weapons easily. What we pay attention to is the good and beautiful spirit of humanitarian mutual help! Let me tell you a piece of history. There used to be a country that looked exactly like a starfish. He slaughtered the empire’s colonies and provoked a war with the empire, and in the end the empire won.”

"So what happened to that country in the end?"

Pella thought that if the spirit of humanity was adhered to, the country would not be so miserable after the defeat.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin said with a smile: "In order to punish these starfish, the empire transformed its citizens into livestock and bred them in captivity. They made cans and sold them to every planet in the empire. People are full of praise for the taste of the cans."

"Isn't it a humanitarian spirit?"

Chen Lin said strangely: "That's for our own people. Why should we be humane to our enemies? But the cans taste very good. Next time I will bring some over and give them to you, Miss Pera."

" haha..."

Pella swallowed hard, pursed her lips with lingering fear, and silently recorded Chen Lin's words in her heart.

In Chen Lin's opinion, such things are only suitable for self-defense. The war weapons of the forces behind him can easily destroy the civilization on a planet, and even sell the citizens of the defeated country as food...

You must not be your enemy, this is really terrible!

Chapter 37 Reinforcements are really coming!

The sky was as gloomy as ink, and fine snow lingered on this block that had lost its shelter.

The once prosperous place was no longer there, and the noisy crowd turned into corpses on the ground, trampled by monsters.

"Kill! Don't retreat!!"

"Auntie, if you can go back, tell my parents that I really didn't run away this time."

"Hold the line, hold the line!! The left side, the left side is leaking over!"


Fighting seems to have become the mainstream sound in this street. The impact of sharp blades and energy caused many injured Iron Guards to fall to the ground with serious injuries. A large amount of blood was lost from their bodies. Soon there would be a cold corpse on the ground. .

"Cough cough cough..."

Jeppard staggered a few times as he held the shield tightly, followed by violent coughing sounds, and large pools of thick blood with body tissue continued to spit out from his mouth.

in his field of vision.There were more than a dozen monsters in golden armor floating in front of him, looking directly at his shaky figure. The weird crawling in their throats seemed to be mocking his weakness, which made people very angry.

They do not belong to Yalilo-VI, they come from a deeper and boundless universe, and the derivatives around their bodies are like tangled branches, which looks particularly sick.

With a wave of their hands, the incomprehensible power can easily tear apart the reality in front of them. Any indestructible object in front of them is just a ridiculous defense as thin as a cicada.

The twisted imaginary leaf weavers shook their bodies, a golden light flashed on their skinny palms, and their eyes looked at the large number of civilians behind Jeppard.

For them, these are the best food!

"Just a minor injury...!"

One of Geppard's hands was twisted and deformed, and he could no longer pick up the weapon again, but even so, he still gritted his teeth and slowly stood up from the ground, his voice broken.

The declaration oath of the Silver Mane Iron Guard reminds him all the time that as the city wall of Belloberg composed of humans, he must be responsible for all the people and for Belloberg. As long as he does not fall, no enemy can even think about it. It doesn’t hurt the people behind you at all!

Cold air flowed into Jeppard's body from the nearby air, and the orderly collection of ice energy condensed into a crystal blue sphere in his hand that was ready to move. The white cold mist kept rotating, and the hem of his clothes moved automatically without wind.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the man who could not defeat the monster no matter how he attacked. He had unimaginable power. Many people in the army or in the city knew this.

But this time, they saw what the power bestowed by the Star God was like!

"Preservation" Creeper will prevent all enemies from attacking and devouring it, and will consume the invading enemies in a passive manner no matter when and where.

Belloberg does not like invasion, because they have always defended their homeland from foreign invasion and know how unconscionable a war of aggression is!

Beloberg is indestructible because they built walls and used defense as a means of defeating their enemies!

This is the path followed by the star god Cripper they believe in. As believers, although they live a difficult life, they still believe in the hope of tomorrow...

The history of mankind is a history of constant resistance. The prosperity of mankind is the prosperity achieved through struggle and construction. The glory of mankind is the lofty spirit that can be perfectly interpreted outwards before the last person falls!

"In the name of Landau!"

Jeppard raised his right hand high, his voice was as loud as a bell, just like his indestructible will, and he smashed the frost sphere in his hand to the ground in the direction of the defenseless people.

"This ambition is forged in ice and will never end!!!"

Whoa! !

A large number of icicles rose from the ground, forming a huge ice wall blocking everyone, but...this ice wall did not protect Jeppard himself.

He would rather provide more defense to the civilians and soldiers behind him, and not want them to die here.

The imaginary power tore through the air, tearing out deep pits in the thick ice wall. Debris flew, and the armor on Jeppard's chest exploded, and the whole figure flew out like a kite without strings.

The thick blood exploded on his chest, forming beautiful flowers.


Jeppard flew about ten meters and rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and his usually serious expression had disappeared. The blood that flowed out in large amounts and then solidified quickly stuck to his eyelids, and everything in his field of vision became blurred and phantom-filled.

He wanted to get up again, but his body no longer obeyed him. Just moving his fingers became an extremely luxurious thing for him.

He... couldn't hold it anymore.

"Sir Jeppard!!"

When an Iron Guard who was also seriously injured saw Jeppard lying motionless on the ground, his heart seemed to be completely broken.

Withstanding a large number of attacks, he rushed over from behind the ice wall and dragged Jeppard over, his voice filled with tears.

"Sir Jeppard...are you okay? I still...have bandages here. I'll bandage them for you! Hey, you guys go over there and wear them!!!"

The Iron Guard tremblingly pulled over the iron box with only a few items, and poured out all the bandages and medicine inside, but Jeppard called out to him.

"Jeff, I don't seem to be in pain anymore. Just let me lie down for a while..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, sir! Don't close your eyes, don't fall asleep, I... we will definitely take you out!"

The Iron Guard kept shaking Jeppard's head, "You lost in the last game of cards with me, and you still owe me a meal. Don't cheat!!"

However, Jeppard could no longer hear the words of the iron guard in front of him clearly. The scene in front of him began to change, as if he saw a familiar figure standing in front of him with his arms open.

She was so fearless, she was so brave, and that was how she became his role model...

She was like a fortress, protecting him without hesitation and withstanding all the attacks that should have been directed at him.

He... can protect her now, but she can't seem to see...

Jeppard wanted to reach out and protect the girl in the fantasy behind him, and also wanted her to feel the sense of security he had when he was a child.

reach out...

But I couldn't lift her up, and I couldn't catch her...

He was worthy of his family, but he was sorry for the person who protected him when he was a child.

Iron Guard Jeff was crying. He kept shouting loudly, trying to attract the commander on the ground who had saved his life countless times.

"Chief Jeppard, wake up! We will get out alive, we really will get out alive! Reinforcements are almost here!"

How he wished someone could rescue them, even if he could only rescue his own commander...

If anyone could do it, he, Jeff, would definitely die as a result of that person's liver and brains being shattered!


Boom! !

The black and dense group of world-splitting monsters were suddenly thrown away by a violent explosion, and rubble on the ground flew up, along with the monsters' limbs...

Iron Guard, who was trying his best to attract Jeppard's attention, was stunned. He raised his head and looked into the distance.

There were many people there who were dressed exactly like them, but they were all carrying strange tube-shaped objects on their shoulders, and they were firing small and dense weapons to cause explosions.

The leading young man continued to reload ammunition for everyone after the opponent finished attacking, and his calm voice could be heard in the intervals between explosions.

"You have enough ammunition, hit, hit hard!! Please straighten your posture, don't let me see any idiot knocked down by the recoil again!"

Iron Guard Jeff said blankly: "The reinforcements...are really coming..."

Soon, his eyes lit up, and his voice was exciting and powerful, full of surprise.

"Sir, reinforcements are really coming!!!"

Chapter 38 A wave of defense?OK, give it a try!

Weapons have always been for human use.

When the requirements of a certain weapon on the user are reduced to the level that a simple instruction can be used, we will call such a weapon a fool's weapon.

No matter where or when, as long as there is someone next to the weapon who knows how to use the weapon, then fighting the enemy will naturally be no problem.

Chen Lin simply modified the accessories of the swarm missile in his personal dock, leaving only the disposable missile in the tube. He removed the energy block that can continuously produce missiles and configured it, and then quickly produced it. Come out and hand it over to the iron guards beside you.

What he has to do is not to show the people of Beloberg how powerful he is in combat, but to let them experience the power of weapons that are far beyond the technology tree in order to leave a mark in their hearts. An indelible impression.

People have two defenses, physical defense and atrium.

Now Chen Lin is just giving Belloberg a reminder shot, telling the army that their bodies are useless in the face of absolutely powerful weapons!

In this way, he can break down the psychological defense line of Belloberg's army against him and let them understand that if they stand on the same front as him, the troublesome monsters on weekdays are not just passing by, but when they stand on the opposite side, no one can anymore. Raise fighting spirit.

To put it simply, if you are a friend, you can have everything from milk to bread. If one day you become an enemy... the consequences will be disastrous!

Everything was not just for the star core, but also for something that Chen Lin himself planned.

Chen Lin can change the configuration of each weapon at will. He only needs to pay a very small amount of alloys and minerals to produce a large number of disposable swarm missiles in a short period of time for the use of the iron guards behind him.

The Iron Guards had no idea where this mysterious young man had pulled out this powerful weapon. Not only could it be carried and used by one person, but its power was far beyond their imagination!


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