"The world has...disappeared?" Xi'er murmured in a low voice.

Standing next to her, Sanyue said proudly: "Alin made it, how do you like it? Isn't it amazing?"

The most powerful one is your team leader, why are you so proud...

The Earthfire members thought to themselves.

Before Xi'er could ask carefully, the frightened shouts of the Earth Fire members could be heard in the distance.

"Big ice cubes, big ice cubes are coming!!"

'His-ho! ! '

Hearing this, Xi'er immediately suppressed the doubts in her heart and looked solemnly towards the direction from which the sound came.

Sure enough, a monster several meters tall and wearing blue armor appeared out of thin air, and it also brought a small rift.

They have all heard of this kind of monster. Its powerful power can easily freeze anything. The appearance of this kind of monster often requires the underground fire to send out a large number of core warriors to surround and kill it. Even so, casualties are still easy to report.

Xi'er gritted her teeth and said, "Why is it like this again... retreat, retreat quickly! I'll cover you!"

Just as she was preparing to cover the retreat of the other Earthfire members, waiting for all the main combat forces to arrive before finding a way to surround and kill them, a sharp whooshing sound suddenly came from behind her.

The next second, countless cannonballs as small as the size of a finger drew a graceful arc in the air, spun twice and then accurately hit the ice of the outer universe.

Boom! !

The red fire was accompanied by a violent explosion. In an instant, smoke and dust were everywhere, and vibrations came one after another.

When the smoke cleared, the 'big ice block' of outer space, which seemed to be arrogant in the lower area, was completely broken and lay dying on the ground, as if it was not the one that was so arrogant and domineering before.

Looking in the distance, Chen Lin climbed up to a high platform on the rock wall at some point. He was carrying a strange metal cylinder on his shoulders, with wisps of green smoke coming out of the mouth.

Everything happened too fast. Everyone in the Earth Fire stood stunned on the spot, looking at each other. For a moment, they didn't know whether they should retreat or not...

Chapter 72 It really confused my face

The answer, of course, is not to retreat.

In the lower area, the Earth Fire Division is one of the most difficult enemies. The ice from the outer universe from the cracked world, commonly known as the big ice monster, was killed on the spot without even holding on for half a round under Chen Lin. Since the biggest one in front of him The trouble has been solved, so there is no need for long-term planning.

Cooperating with the attack of March and others, Xi'er soon realized that none of these scientists' 'guards' were weaker than herself. Even they didn't seem to contribute much, and they all fought for a long time like they were playing without showing any emotion. asthma.

Xier has not read much, and can barely reach the level of literacy. Faced with such a capable person, her thousands of words finally merged into one word


The new split world was quickly cut off by Chen Lin. The energy gauze at the rear end gradually died away. The terrible split world disappeared. The area became calm again, and there was no sign of the split world reappearing around. It was obvious that the split world The expansion plan was stopped here!

"Thank you."

Xi'er sincerely thanked everyone. Even if she was alone, she could deal with most of the world-splitting monsters, but the team would inevitably suffer casualties. This was an outcome she never wanted to see.

The medical and health conditions in lower-level areas are inherently poor, and it is difficult for those injured in combat to receive timely treatment. Even though wounds are not serious, they often suffer from injuries or even death due to infection.From a future perspective, the help of these newcomers has a high probability of saving the lives of some Dihuo members, and at the same time, it also prevents their families from worrying.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Although Xi'er still maintains her cool expression, the last bit of vigilance in her eyes has dissipated, and her gaze towards Chen Lin and others has become much closer.

As Chen Lin had predicted before the battle, everyone had not yet met the leader of Dihuo, but they had gained the favor of Xi'er, the backbone of his organization.

From this moment on, Xier completely regarded them who participated in the battle as true friends!

"I didn't expect you to have such an extraordinary weapon." Xi'er walked up to Chen Lin, patted his back appreciatively, and exclaimed: "That explosion shocked me. It was worse than the explosion over there. That cold, broken machine is much more powerful! And the unhurried look is a bit interesting."

Chen Lin chuckled and said: "I'm not good at close combat. The only thing I can do is support you from a distance. Anyway, it'll be fine."

"Not good at close combat..."

Sanyue glanced at Chen Lin, who was lying without blushing and out of breath. Suddenly, the enemy of the legion who was kicked into the ceiling by him in the Black Tower Space Station suddenly appeared in his mind. He thought that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, , maybe he would actually believe it from the look of him full of knowledge.

The airflow from the explosion had just dissipated, and the dust in the air gradually fell.

Wherever he looked, the ground was full of potholes, the rocks embedded in the nearby slopes had been blown to pieces, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Before I said that, I felt like someone pulled me. Did you see it?" Xi'er carried the scythe with a surprised look on her face. "When I turned around, I didn't see anyone behind me."

The members of the Earth Fire were a little confused by these words and shook their heads: "No one is approaching. We don't dare to participate in Xier's battle, otherwise it will be bad if we delay the retreat."

After staying in the Earth Fire for a long time, they will naturally have richer experience in judging the form of the battle situation. No one will shrink from the battles that they can participate in, and they will only stay away from the battles that they cannot participate in, so as not to cause trouble for their own people.

After many years of chaos and order in the lower area, everyone who has experienced this period understands the truth, that is, you have to be a little bit confident in your own abilities, and the second is to trust your teammates!

"is it?"

Xi'er has grown up and has always had unconditional trust in her own judgment. She can guarantee that someone has definitely pulled her, and there is nothing wrong with this!

Since the members of Dihuo didn't see anyone participating in the battle when they first entered the scene, and Xi'er knew exactly what the members of Dihuo were capable of, the final direction was all directed towards Chen Lin and others.

It happened that at this time, several people in the pioneering team were staring at Chen Lin intently. Xi'er naturally looked over and met the gentle face. She stepped forward and put her hands on her hips politely and asked:

"Did you do it again?"

"The little tricks you are born with are just juggling at most." Chen Lin did not deny it. "It's just that Miss Xi'er was already dodging, so it felt like she deliberately amplified my reminder. It's considered a biological It’s a very normal instinctive reaction of the body.”


Listening to the young man's serious explanation, Xi'er felt quite unconfident. In her subconscious, this young man was a very powerful scientist. Although she didn't understand what he was talking about at all, he must be right.

After figuring this out, Xi'er nodded solemnly, patted Chen Lin's shoulder as if in recognition, and said neatly:

"I owe you this time. It's a big help. If you need help in the future, just call me and I won't blink an eye."

Immediately afterwards, Xi'er asked where the large army was going, and several people hurried in the direction pointed to.

Not long after, the five people heard anxious shouts and fighting remnants from the other side of the steep slope. They hurriedly climbed to the top of the steep slope. In front of them was a rapid underground stream. The water was clear and many glowing earth marrow gravels could be seen mixed in. The gravel lies quietly in the stream.

The source of the stream is a nearby mine. The spring water gushes from the ground more and more downwards, and finally breaks out of this nearly ten-meter stream.

There was a simple bridge made of a few dark wooden boards over the stream. A dozen poorly dressed adults looked panicked and urged their children to run to the other side of the stream.

Behind the fleeing civilians are some people holding weapons and fighting against the disintegrating monsters.

From the middle of the chaotic battlefield, Xi'er saw Oleg who was locked in a bitter battle at a glance.

Without the slightest hesitation, as a dim purple light flashed above the steep slope, Xi'er, who was originally standing side by side with Chen Lin and others, disappeared.

In an instant, Xi'er appeared on the other side of the stream not far away, and slashed a disintegrating monster that was about to sneak up on Oleg from the side and chopped it into several pieces in an instant.

"Xie'er? You're here just in time. Let's cover the residents to retreat to the town!" With Xi'er's participation, Oleg suddenly felt a lot less pressure. He did not forget to remind: "There are strange things in the depths, be careful!"


A born warrior will not stop what he is doing just to speak, and this is the case with Xi'er. She shuttles through the battlefield with a ghostly figure, and every blow can cause great damage to the world-splitting monster.

On the other side, March held another child who almost fell into the river and warned:

"Hey! Be careful and go to the back. It's not safe here."

The pioneer team was on the other side of the stream to pick up the retreating residents. Only then did March raise his head and look into the distance, shuddering and thinking:

"Why do I always feel like there's something there that's been staring at me..."


Miners are the largest group in the lower class of Beloberg. Due to their simple work content, which requires only physical strength and extremely low technical learning costs, they have become the first choice job for many people who make a living in the lower class.

The income of the corresponding miners is not very high. Most of the time it can only meet the daily needs of the family, and it is difficult to have any funds left.

The miners in this gathering area are among the lower-income groups. This place is very far away from other existing marrow veins. They have to get up early every day and rush to work in remote mining areas. They often need to work near the veins for several weeks. Only then can I go home once.

Because of this, most of the people in the gathering area are old, weak, women and children. When faced with a sudden attack by the world-splitting monster, it is difficult to form an effective front to resist in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Dihuo had already considered the special situation of this gathering area and dispatched corresponding personnel to patrol and maintain public order every day. This allowed Dihuo to get the news as soon as possible when the boundary eroded and responded as quickly as possible. He quickly organized personnel to come to the rescue.

But even so, many families of miners were still killed in sudden attacks.

Including a still young little girl.

As in the past, she was taken out by the old miners in the gathering area to learn mineral knowledge and mining skills. This is a learning process that every child who grows up in a mining area must go through. Many people usually teach these things about mining. A person with knowledge is called a 'master'.

Her father and mother went to work in the mining area, and it usually took a long, long time before they came back. Her grandparents, who had limited legs and feet, were left to cook and take care of her at home. Everything seemed normal.

After completing the exploration knowledge and practice that many traditional mining families consider the most difficult today, she slowly walked home while playing.

The old people in the settlement liked her very much and said she was very cute. They would give her some snacks every time they met. Even the uncles and aunts who often walked around the settlement would give her small gifts, but many of her peers But the boys always isolated her, often playing tricks on her without saying anything, and even used unpleasant words to call her like a vixen, one of those bewitching goblins in ancient stories...

The reason is her nickname. Everyone in the settlement likes to call her 'Little Fox', because many ancient books have written that this little animal is very cute, and her last name is quite homophonic with the name of this little animal. .

Girls also dislike her, and boys always bully her and take away snacks and toys given to her by adults...

In the past, someone wanted to be friends with her, and she was so happy that she stayed up all night. Unexpectedly, the next day, the other person not only changed his attitude from yesterday, but also spoke harshly to her, and even broke her forearm with a wooden stick. The skin on...

It was not until later that the little fox realized that as long as someone talked to him in a friendly way, he would be laughed at and attacked by others.Over time, she chose to avoid other peers and found ways to entertain herself.

Today was just like usual. She was at the end of the team and waited quietly for the others to leave. Then she slowly walked to the settlement while playing.

But something was different. Today, the direction of the settlement was particularly noisy. From a distance away, she heard calls for help and screams coming from the settlement. Before she could realize what was going on, someone came out from the settlement. The fleeing crowd pushed her all the way over.

She fell down many times along the way, and was even stepped on by those panicked adults, which made her bones hurt. Fortunately, a few old people hurriedly came from behind the team to help her up. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

Soon, the uncles and elder brothers she often saw in the settlement rushed over, leaving one or two people behind to guide them to escape, while the others ran towards the settlement without looking back.

"Run, run away!!"

Trapped in it, she had no choice but to go with the current.

So what happened?Where are the grandparents?

she does not know.

But soon enough.

The uncles and elder brothers who she only knew to be good people fled back in embarrassment, many of them still bleeding. Then many tall and twisted monsters rushed towards the crowd, and people with weapons began to fight with them.

In the past, when they came to the settlement, the people who would tell them stories became motionless under the strange golden light, floating in the air and turning into bones in the blink of an eye. Some people had strange black lines appearing on their bodies and were torn into pieces out of thin air. Several bucks!

The leader of the group kept asking the others to evacuate as quickly as possible, until later those terrifying lights stopped appearing.

She didn't understand what everyone in the settlement had done wrong to attract attacks from these monsters.

Injured by the stampede, she struggled to keep up with the team, but at this moment she was horrified to find that the old man who had been following her had disappeared at some point...

Shuttling back and forth in the chaotic battlefield, she had obviously run out of luck without being attacked for so long, and she could still only run aimlessly, eager to get closer to the only wooden bridge to escape.

There are some gaps in the defense line composed of earth and fire, and some monsters that split the world inevitably leaked out. Several very strange sisters and brothers are fighting against these monsters that escaped.

In a daze, she seemed to see her grandparents with bad legs and feet at home waving to her from a distance...

Xi'er joined the battle on the ground fire, Dan Heng spontaneously rushed across the bridge and went to the other side of the battle to help comfort and protect the fleeing civilians, while Xing Ze helped guard the exit.

At this moment, Chen Lin also made a decisive choice.

Come on March, he wants to paddle.

Chen Lin immediately encouraged: "In March, it's time to be a hero. Go and help them defeat the monsters from the world. I believe Earthfire will be very grateful to you. Maybe they will allow you to eat and drink for free for a while!"

After saying that, Chen Lin gently pushed Sanyue and gave him a thumbs up.

Before coming to the lower area, Chen Lin had been fooling her a lot. Now that he heard that he could help, March jumped ten meters out and landed smoothly on the other side of the stream.

Chen Lin also took advantage of the current ground fire people not paying attention to him, stepped on the edge of the bridge to try not to affect the retreating people, and quickly went to the shore to take over the evacuation work that was most suitable for him from Dan Heng.

Just as he was paddling to evacuate the civilians, Chen Lin suddenly noticed an 8 or 9-year-old girl on the edge of the chaotic battlefield not far away, walking in the completely opposite direction as if she was in a daze. As if it doesn't affect her sanity...

Is this okay?

At the same time, Xi'er seemed to have noticed the little girl. She killed several boundary-splitting monsters in front of her with her sword and rushed over.

Chen Lin got there first. He leaned over and picked up the little girl. Before he could relax, he felt an angry gaze falling on him. The anger seemed to have accumulated to a certain level.

"?" Chen Lin raised his eyebrows, an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

Xi'er hurried over and said, "I'm here to cover you..."

As soon as the words were spoken, a dark golden beam of light pierced the darkness among the lightning and flints, directly blurring Chen Lin's face...

Chapter 73 Kick your little ass

Broken, smashed directly!

The entire deflection shield generator that Chen Lin carried on his body received the most thorough blow!

This was the first time since he came to this world that he had been attacked so violently, and the intensity was obviously beyond his imagination.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Chen Lin will try his best to avoid participating in frontal combat with his own body most of the time.

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