He usually leaves many battle-related matters to other people in the team. In addition, he is not an experienced warrior to begin with. Before time travel, he was just an ordinary researcher.

Therefore, at this time, Chen Lin never considered that such an attack would suddenly burst out from the chaos. When he truly realized the coming attack, he no longer had time to remind Xi'er who was focusing elsewhere. To circumvent...

In desperation, he had no choice but to fly up and kick Xier's little butt.


"Huh?" Xi'er fell to the ground with a face full of astonishment.

However, the remaining time was only enough for Chen Lin to turn his back to protect the little girl in his arms. The beam destroyed the deflection shield generator he carried with him and came into close contact with his body...

I have to say, light is really fast enough.

This is what Chen Lin thought of when the shield shattered.

Bang chi!


As if a heavy hammer hit him, the moment the beam shattered the deflection shield, the surrounding air compressed into a ball at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then exploded with bursts of explosions!


March was the first person to react except Xier, because she was relatively close to the center of the explosion. After she caught the aftermath of the explosion, she waved her white and tender forearms lightly, and huge ice cubes appeared out of thin air. Blocked between the beam and Chen Lin, it absorbed a large number of attacks.

While using her protective measures, March was also busy elsewhere. The moment her feet curved out, her legs stepped onto the ground like fully-stretched bowstrings. She easily stepped on the hard stone pavement for several seconds. There were ten cracks, and the whole person was shot into the air at a speed that was difficult to see clearly!

However, Chen Lin was blown away too fast. Even if Sanyue's quick reaction was ineffective, he could barely catch the little girl Chen Lin threw out and landed smoothly on the ground...

On the other hand, Chen Lin, who had been hit in the front, was like a meteor smashing into the stone wall in the distance. Countless stones fell off from near the wall. Through the thick smoke and dust, everyone could see the stones being smashed out of the stone wall. A huge pothole!

The stones around the pit broke away from the stone wall and fell to the ground continuously, forming a four- to five-meter-high stone ruins.

How can an ordinary person have such a strong body to stand against a hard stone?Shouldn't it be smashed into pieces as soon as it hit the wall?

When Xi'er thought of this, her head buzzed, and her little eyes were filled with doubts.

Isn't he a researcher who gets out of breath even if he runs for a long time?

"I'm here to block it, be careful of that light just now!" The spear in Dan Heng's hand glowed with a faint green light, and he was so majestic that he no longer held back, "Go and see how Chen Lin is doing!"

"Give you!"

"Hiss! It's so hot... No, it's so cold!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything, Xing was already running in the direction where Chen Lin was flying, and Yue Yue also rushed over after handing the little girl to Xi'er.

Beneath dozens of rocks weighing nearly a hundred kilograms, Chen Lin was thrown dizzy, and his brain went blank like a rusty gear. If he had still opened his eyes, he would definitely be able to see what was happening on the surface of his body and inside his body. Entangled by strange dark golden energy.

Fortunately, after a while, the spiritual energy in his body began to detect abnormalities in his body. After gradually flowing around Chen Lin's body, Chen Lin regained some consciousness.

The strange energy covering his body surface was all assimilated and absorbed by spiritual energy, and his stiff thoughts and body were revitalized!

Only Chen Lin's ears kept hearing many confusing yet inexplicably familiar voices...

'Huh?Will this position be me in the future...? '

'Incredible fluctuations!It's unbelievable that such magical things exist in the world! '

'This is the source of all disasters. As long as the aftermath of it can be restricted, the cold wave can...'

'No matter how long it takes to establish an underground research institute, no matter what difficulties there are, our war against it will continue! '

'The energy not only imitates the dead, but also allows the shadows of these dead people to possess part of the memory of their original owners... This is a major discovery and must be recorded!You did a great job! '

'The limiter is about to break... What should I do in the future... No, this will shake the foundation of Belloberg and must not be spread out! '


The reverberating sounds gradually turned from childish to mature, from excitement to fear, and finally... like the gibbering of a dying person leaving, they gradually dissipated.

After coming back to his senses, Chen Lin now faced good news and bad news.

The good news is that after completely getting rid of the energy left by the beam on his body, Chen Lin unexpectedly discovered that the psychic energy in his body seemed to like to swallow this kind of weird energy with unknown effects. He could only swallow a very small part of it. It is obvious that the psychic energy in my body has grown a lot.

The bad news is that although his body has been sublimated to an unprecedented level after choosing the origin, and even such a collision did not cause him much damage, the problem is that he seems to be trapped in the ruins and it is difficult to get out...

In desperation, Chen Lin sank into his mind, turned the spiritual energy in his body into an incorporeal body, and flew out through the ruins. He saw Yue Yue and Xing outside the rubble pile trying to dig him out by their own means. The efficiency is so high that it won't take long to dig out his body.

Seeing this, Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and then controlled the virtual body to rush to the place where the beam of light had just been emitted.


Before flying for long, Chen Lin saw that a lot of energy symbolizing life around him was gathering towards the deepest part. In the theory of psychic energy, this thing is called 'vitality'. In more popular terms, it is the energy of the soul!

Within a short period of time after a person dies, this life energy symbolizing the soul will leave the body and eventually slowly disappear from the world...

Is there something absorbing the souls of the dead? !

Chen Lin was suddenly shocked.

In his memory about psychic powers, there are indeed psychic users who can master this ability to benefit themselves at the expense of others through acquired learning and training, but logically speaking, this kind of behavior is called " Forbidden magic's research ability, the private sector will not allow private research on this spiritual forbidden art. Only certain countries will use this forbidden art to execute executions for death row prisoners to maximize the benefits that their death can bring!


Chapter 74 Does my foodie spirit know how to eat?

On the outskirts of the desolate town, a sharp scream resounded from the dark depths. The dimensions of the scream were different, which caused Chen Lin's spiritual body to receive a weak shock!

Immediately afterwards, a gray afterimage gradually appeared on the hillside not far in front of Chen Lin's spirit body. Its limbs had clear outlines and its body was looming. If you look closely, you will find that the energy that makes up it is complex and changeable, completely different from other Chen Lin's. The world-breaking monster I have seen.

This strange afterimage was not far from the battle line, but no one noticed its existence. Even Chen Lin, who had been suddenly attacked before, failed to observe this thing standing on such a conspicuous slope. .

The virtual Chen Lin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Isn't this thing invisible to the naked eye?"

As the frequency of the screams increased, the space here was about to move. Chen Lin, who had experience, immediately judged that this was a sign that the world was about to break.

as predicted!

The afterimage turned into a diverter of energy, and more than ten gauze-like energy pathways were established out of thin air. The neighing sound became sharper and seemed to be very painful.

There is no doubt that this is the strange thing created by the star core, and the appearance of the nearby rift is definitely related to it!

Fortunately, Chen Lin had rich experience in dealing with such a rift space that was still in the process of being built. He immediately divided the spiritual body into two, and then divided the two into four... and rushed to the middle of the energy channel, opening the blood basin. He gulped down all the energy that originally belonged to the star core.

I fucking eat, eat, eat!

Regarding controlling psychic incorporeal bodies, Chen Lin can only control up to four at this stage.

If there were any more, his body as a psychic user would not be able to withstand it.

Moreover, the strength of each incorporeal body will be significantly reduced. If the incorporeal body is injured, his body will also be mentally damaged.Fortunately, the incorporeal body can be combined at any time under Chen Lin's control, which can be regarded as avoiding the dangers encountered most of the time.

If I can’t eat, I can’t fight?If you can't beat me, you can't run away?

This is the core strength of the idealist stick!

'Eat whatever you see! 'Chen Lin conveyed his instructions.

He controlled the most powerful psychic incorporeal body that was separated from the main body and observed from a distance. The other psychic incorporeal bodies were frantically sending him "delicious food", "eat another pound of Mader" and "I'm going to die". With the message "I can't hold myself to death", Chen Lin also divided his field of vision to see what the situation was like at a closer distance.

As a result, it didn't matter what happened, but Chen Lin was shocked on the spot.

"I'm going to blanch! God damn Cocolia!!"


"It's so heavy..." Yue Yue pushed away a stone that was much bigger than her and said worriedly, "Is Alin going to be okay if he's trapped under this?"

"Well, there's a good chance he'll be fine. A-Lin is in great shape! I couldn't hold back and bit him last time, but I couldn't even bite his skin." Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"Don't tell me, it seems true. When I was pinched awake by Ah Lin, his pants were torn, but his thighs were fine." Yue Yue thought about it: "I dreamed that I was eating delicious barbecue, and accidentally I bit him, but it didn't break."

"It doesn't matter if you lose your arms and legs." Xing drooled and chuckled, "I'll eat the wasted part."


"As a price, I will be responsible for Lin's daily life from now on!"

"Wipe your saliva. You should go to bed after you go back. You will have everything in your dreams." Yue Yue handed over a handkerchief.

"whispering sound."

Sanyue pinched Xing's soft little face. She really wasn't worried about Chen Lin under the boulders anymore. Although it had been so long since she knew him, this was the first time she saw Chen Lin suffer such serious injuries. Attack, but March's sixth sense told her that Chen Lin's body was definitely not as weak as it looked.

After the two bickered, they started cleaning up the rocks again.

They are relieved about the frontal battlefield. Anyway, Dan Heng is in the most stressful position. No matter how many world-splitting creatures are, they are just trash fish. Not to mention that Dan Heng has always been very mysterious. What is the actual limit of his strength? Even March [-]th is not clear where it is.

All in all, just trust your teammates!


On the other side, Chen Lin was shocked that the afterimage floating on the hillside was none other than Cocolia in tattered clothes!

Although the other party lowered his head, even if only half of his face was exposed, Chen Lin would never admit his mistake!

He learned a lot about the principles of Split World from Dan Heng. The reason why many Split World monsters have weird shapes is because the Split World didn’t have any reference objects when creating them. It’s like asking kindergarten children to use plasticine to knead square armor for them. It seemed like a strange request came out, and there was no other way but to do it blindly.

The rest of the Kaikai monsters that have the basic form of humans or certain types of animals are creatures imitated by the Kaikai by absorbing the energy of their bodies and souls. They will not have any memory or voice of the original body. The two are completely different things.

Therefore, it can be judged that the humanoid monster and the people who are exactly like it must have died within the scope of the crack. This is exactly what Chen Lin saw when he saw this afterimage of Bronya's mother who looked and had the same figure. The real reason for feeling shocked!

"My poor precious student, your mother seems to be dead... huh? No."

After ordering a clone to lie on the body of 'Kokolia', Chen Lin found that he could not directly absorb all the world-breaking energy on his body...

In addition to the world-splitting energy, is there anything else that makes up this thing that I haven't been able to deconstruct? !

'Kokolia' noticed that something was devouring the energy in her body, and in a blink of an eye, another beam of the same type as the one that attacked Chen Lin shot out from her body.

Because he was prepared this time, and the actions of the incorporeal body could almost be described as flickering, Chen Lin easily dodged the attack of Cocolia.

At this time, 'Kokolia' became frightened, no longer paying attention to the dirty things in front of her, and seemed to be following her instincts and running into the depths of darkness. The split world that lost the energy supplied by her as an intermediate returned to its original state in the blink of an eye. .

"Want to run?"

Chen Lin was very curious about how this 'Kokolia' that he had never heard of was formed. Of course, it was impossible to just let it run away.

He immediately summoned all the differentiated incorporeal bodies, and they all lay on the body of 'Kokolia' and began to eat crazily.

The arms of 'Kokolia' made of world-splitting energy gradually disappeared, then the thighs, and finally the body...

Under Chen Lin's gluttonous absorption speed, 'Kokolia' didn't even have the chance to run away. It could only fall to the ground like a helpless child, covered with Chen Lin, and watched helplessly. Large areas of his body disappeared...

The scene was very captivating.

Chen Lin finally devoured all the energy from the star core, and the fully formed 'Kokolia' finally turned into a strange small bead filled with gas inside.

Just when he was still wondering what this thing was for, news came from the psychic incorporeal body closest to the bead.

'What's this?Quite beautiful. '

'How about letting the boss decide? '

'Makes sense. '

'What the hell, I'm going to eat, eat, eat! '

Chen Lin: "Damn it, goodbye...!"

Chapter 75 "Artificial Respiration" (4k)

Panyan Town, inside the Goethe Hotel.

Dan Heng, who had his chin clenched, frowned and stared at Chen Lin on the bed, with a look of incomprehension in his eyes.

While fighting in front of a settlement in the suburbs, not long after Chen Lin was knocked away by a strange beam of light, large swathes of new worlds disappeared out of thin air, and the monsters they produced were extremely weak, like cattle and sheep ready to be slaughtered.

After the crisis was resolved, everyone worked together to dig out Chen Lin from the rubble. The situation was exactly as imagined. In addition to the serious damage to Chen Lin's clothes, he only had a few scratches on his body and could not even shed a few drops of blood. The kind that will heal automatically.

The most serious wound may be that the back was unlucky when it hit the stone wall, and a finger-sized wound was poked by a sharp stone.

The injuries were obviously quite minor, but why didn't he wake up?

Dan Heng couldn't understand directly.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who couldn't figure this out. Natasha, who was entrusted with it, was also confused.

After learning the news from the Earthfire members who rushed back, Natasha stuffed most of the potions and medicines she might need into her bag and brought them over, for fear that something might happen to Chen Lin.

"The breathing is stable, the body temperature is normal, and the wound is not infected..." Natasha, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, let go of her arms in the quilt, "It's really strange. Is there anything I missed that I haven't said?"

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