"Then trouble you."

"Hey! Don't be polite to me!"

Panyan Town is not very big. If converted to an upper-class area, it is about the size of a city block.

However, if you include all the developed lower-level territory, it is far from being comparable to the upper-level area. Even if the erosion of the Rift Realm reaches the lower area, Earth Fire still leads batches of warriors to resist it. It is difficult for the boundary to expand at will without restriction like the upper zone.

In addition to Panyan Town, there are many small towns nearby, and the smaller ones can only be regarded as settlements.

In any inhabited area, there are people responsible for communication and communication, so no matter where there is danger, people from other towns or settlements will go to help.

The life of the people in the lower-class areas is already miserable enough. If the house is destroyed due to some minor disaster during unlucky times, the family will most likely starve to death or freeze to death on the roadside.

During the more than ten years of blockade, many families have gone through destruction and reconstruction. They have received help from others, and they will naturally lend a helping hand when others encounter difficulties.

Whether it's providing stones or helping to rebuild houses, the extra food at home will also be provided to other disaster-stricken families...

"I saw many children in Dr. Natasha's clinic. Are there many children in lower-class areas getting sick?" Chen Lin asked.

Xi'er nodded and said, "Children are indeed prone to getting sick."

Then he explained softly: "Nata is very prestigious in the lower class area. Everyone trusts her, including me. The children in the clinic are not sick, but have become homeless. Nata gave them a new Home, at least you don’t have to freeze in the cold wind. The food is a little short, but you don’t need to be hungry all the time..."


"Yes! It's an orphanage. Nata often takes in homeless children!"

Hearing this, Chen Lin suddenly remembered that Xi'er seemed to be an orphan too. According to Natasha, Xi'er was a child raised by Oleg, the current leader of 'Earth Fire'.

Regarding Oleg, Chen Lin hadn't had time to find him yet, but he had seen him before during the battle. Oleg was agile and showed well-trained fighting skills. This man should have received more systematic training. .

At this time, Xi'er remembered something and suddenly said: "Come with me first, I almost forgot something."


The two came to a dark and hidden street corner. Xier saw a worn-out empty iron bucket on a stone platform. She picked up the bucket in her hand and continued to walk forward. In a humble dwelling.

"This is where I rest during my patrols, come in."

There is a small well behind the residence that is much simpler than an iron bucket. It looks like she dug it out with tools herself.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I used to wander around like those children. When I was hungry, I would pick up food from the trash can. When I saw useful materials, I would exchange them for food. When I was thirsty, I would go near the Rivet Town Orphanage. Ask for some water at the relief office... Hey!"

Chen Lin went up to lend a hand and helped Xi'er fetch a bucket of well water.

Chen Lin asked: "What happened next?"

"Later I was thirsty and wanted to drink water, but there was no water in the bucket, so I got into a fight with another person who came to ask for water. That person couldn't beat me, and I drank the water." Xi'er pursed her lips. , the corner of his mouth revealed deep guilt, "A few days later, I saw the man lying on the hospital bed outside the clinic, looking like he was about to die."

Hearing this, Chen Lin looked at the iron bucket in Xi'er's hand, as if he understood what she was doing.

There are also many people in Panyan Town who have lost everything. They may be wandering on the streets because of interpersonal relationships, because they are not far away from trouble others, or because they are difficult to be accepted.

"So you built a platform and put clean water on it?"

"Probably, Boss Oleg helped me build that platform. To be honest, if you look at the well I dug myself, do you think I can make such a neat platform?" Xi'er shrugged and reassembled the well. The bucket filled with water was placed back on the stone platform.

Chen Lin had a dark look on his face: "You really dug the well yourself... No wonder it's so ugly."

"Just tell me if you can draw water!" Xi'er asked loudly, "As long as you can draw water from the well."

"Ah yes yes yes."

"Hey, I should have known better not to tell you this."

"No!" Chen Lin smiled and said, "I like to hear it."

"Go, go, if it hadn't been a long time since I've chatted with anyone, I wouldn't even bother to talk to you."

The tone of her speech was quite harsh. If this girl could control the slightly raised corners of her mouth, Chen Lin might still believe that she was angry.

Shaking his head, Chen Lin didn't expect that this little girl who seemed to be aloof from others and had a vicious attitude all day long would have such a side hidden under the surface.

Just like his good student, he kept a straight face all day long when we first met him. It can be said that he has a lot of baggage as a leader.Who would have known that after getting to know Bronya, she would discover that Bronya was actually a very responsible little fool. She kept yelling at her tutor every day, and even did not perform a performance in front of outsiders. Chen Lin was made to do this several times. Are you ready to explain to others that you are not trying to deceive you, the heir of the Great Guardian...

Bronya is very perceptive and very receptive to many things. If she hadn't suddenly traveled through time, she might have gotten married in two years. She would have hoped that her daughter or son would be like others. So excellent.

If he were an old father and had a daughter like Bronya, he would probably be happy to death.


Now I can’t even figure out the way back...

Chapter 80 Special announcement of the Great Awakening, very happy!

After Xi'er finished the last thing of the day, she was thinking about where it would be more appropriate to take Chen Lin around. As soon as she turned around, she saw Chen Linju with a vague smile on his face, and his eyes were obviously a little distracted. , she suddenly felt inexplicably unhappy.

Reaching out and waving her hand in front of Chen Lin, Xier shouted: "Hey, hey! Wake up!"

"Haha, sorry, I was in a daze for a while."

"What are you thinking about? You're smiling so obscenely..." Xi'er said, "Are you thinking about a woman?"

"Huh?" Chen Lin was stunned for a moment.

He was not surprised that Xi'er guessed correctly, but he couldn't adapt to a little girl like Xi'er suddenly saying such things.

Xi'er said with disgust on her face: "Oh, it's true. When those young men on the street who have nothing to do all day long smile like this, they are definitely thinking about women."

"That's not what I think..." Chen Lin said awkwardly.

He can't tell Xi'er that he just fantasized about being someone else's father, right?

"It's okay." Xi'er patted Chen Lin on the shoulder, "I think it's normal. There's nothing to avoid. I'm not one of those guys who drink and brag near the beverage shop every day. They beat around the bush all the time and they're pretty. It’s called art and literature.”

Seeing that Chen Lin suddenly stopped talking, she was silent for a few seconds, then asked in a slightly lower voice: "Girlfriend?"

"He is under 24 years old and is a student."

"Why not a girlfriend?" Xi'er tilted her head and stared at Chen Lin and said, "Didn't you say that you have a super, super big ship of some kind?"

Chen Lin said: "Scientific research ship."

"There's no woman up there?"


"Hiss..." Xi'er suddenly returned to normal, touched her chin and said: "You look pretty good, but why, no one likes you? Do you want me to introduce you to a few? You're so cool!"

"That's not the case." Chen Lin said, "I am a poor researcher who has no time. Who can take a fancy to me?"

"Why don't you look down on me if you don't have money? It's not like you can't afford food." Xi'er was puzzled.

The scene before him always gave Chen Lin the illusion that he was being urged to get married by relatives and friends when he returned home during the Chinese New Year. He wanted to end this topic, so he said: "Come on, didn't I see a small stall when I came here before? I'm already hungry. You must be hungry too, I’ll treat you to skewers.”

After saying that, regardless of what Xi'er behind him wanted to say, Chen Lin strode forward.

People have traveled through time, why are they still asked such nightmare questions...

Are you my mother or my aunt?

In front of the food stall, the rectangular stove set off layers of heat. Many of the guests sitting at the folding tables knew Xi'er and greeted Xi'er warmly when they saw her coming.

She did not ask who the young man who came with her was, but from the glances that everyone turned from time to time, it was still possible to detect that they were curious about this young man's identity.

There are many foods on the displayed plates that Chen Lin has seen in the upper area, but the marinating method may be slightly different from the upper area. Many things are coated with a thick layer of marinade, but the spicy and fragrant It's quite enough indeed.

Chen Lin is not a little guard of barbecue stalls. Not only did he have similar stalls when he was a child, but when he grew up and traveled, he liked to go into the small alleys of those cities. Eating these may not seem hygienic, but Really delicious food.

After ordering some skewers, he turned around and asked, "Take what you want to eat, I'll treat you."

"Then I'm welcome. Just don't have money to pay by then."

Having said that, Xi'er just ordered a few cheap skewers that she often eats and stopped.

Seeing that Chen Lin came with Xi'er, the boss waved his hand and gave Xi'er some other snacks. It could be seen that the people in the lower area seemed to like this little girl.

Soon the food was ready, and Chen Lin and Xi'er took what they ordered and left the barbecue stall.

When checking out, Chen Lin found that these items were more than 01:30 cheaper than those in the upper-class areas. However, after thinking about the income of most people in the lower-class areas, perhaps eating some kebabs as a late night snack can be regarded as a way to relieve stress.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you." Xi'er took a bite of greasy skewers and said, "Nata asked me to tell you before she left. It may take a lot of time to collect the materials. Let you stay in the hotel first. In particular, I want you to pay more attention to rest.”

"As expected, I have to collect some things myself, and Nata will most likely not be able to obtain that part of the material." Chen Lin nodded, as he expected.

There are already corresponding industrial production models in the lower area for things like vinegar and salt, so it is very easy to obtain them. Common industrial products such as sodium hydroxide only need to be found according to the test methods given by you. After all, the names may not be the same. Too same.

But Chen Lin had to make the ester oil himself for making antifreeze medicine. Fortunately, the preparation method was simple and he could just make it casually.

Chemical drugs such as sulfur chloride had to be figured out by himself, but Chen Lin also had a lot of preparation methods along the way. It should not be difficult to find these things in the lower area.

"I don't quite understand what you are saying, but after Nata told Boss Oleg, Boss Oleg asked me to follow you during this period to avoid being hurt by some bad guys." The girl asked, "So you are preparing for something big, right?"

Chen Lin shook his head and said: "It's not a big deal. I just want to improve the living conditions of the lower class and do something within my ability. You know, it's not good to be too backward and too poor."

Nonsense, if you don’t know anything now, if I build so many things on this ball in the future, who will be the employee to operate it?

Anyway, the ship is still under construction, so I might as well teach you some basic industrial knowledge first, so as to save you from knowing everything except mining.

"Oh..." Xi'er responded softly: "By the way, your companion said before that you pulled me while we were fighting. What happened? Do you still have this ability?"

At that time, she was busy looking for the army and didn't have time to ask in detail.

Now that she had time, of course she wanted to find out what was going on.

Chen Lin smiled, pointed at the half-cut meat skewer in Xi'er's hand, and thought about it.

The next second, the piece of meat still in the stick suddenly moved out of thin air, and suddenly it pulled out on its own!

"Ah...?" Xi'er's eyes widened.

Chen Lin manipulated psychic energy to put her barbecue back and asked: "Psychic energy, the supernatural science of our spiritualists, do you want to learn it?"

At the same time, he thought in his heart that the traditional 'Great Awakening' was definitely not for the time being. After getting the ball in hand, wouldn't it be nice to just let Yalilo-VI have a great Awakening that shook the world?

There will be a special notification after clicking on the Great Awakening in the game, but I don’t know what will happen after clicking on it now...

It must be interesting!

Chen Lin felt that it would be a pleasure to do this.


Chapter 81 Why can't you work 24 hours a day? (4k))

"Huh...huh...1-2-come on, keep pulling!!"

In the flat underground wasteland, hundreds of young and middle-aged men were obeying the command of the leader on the side, tightening the rope and constantly pulling the rope in their hands.

Ropes link huge trailers made of metal, which contain countless parts and mechanical structures.

The newly laid soil ground was pressed with pitted tracks by the heavy trailers, because in addition to the trailer at the front, there were more than a dozen identical huge trailer teams behind!

"Team 7 got stuck in the mud. If you can, stop the truck and come to help!"

The foreman gave the order, and many tow truck workers stuck the parking wedges behind the wheels in an orderly manner, and then quickly went to the convoy calling for help and skillfully picked up an instrument called a "jack" and a pulley steel rope to help push the truck.

There were no strange looks on the workers' faces, as if this kind of work was normal for them.

And that's exactly what happened.

More than a month ago, they were all ordinary miners. However, the manpower required for each mining operation was limited, and it was difficult for most people to obtain a quota. If they followed the previous rules, they would have to wait until the next mining operation. With priority for application, this time I can only find ways to earn some extra money in the town or settlement.

Suddenly one day, people from Dihuo began to recruit laborers from all over the world to work for them. As long as they were in good health and were over 15 years old, they were within the scope of their recruitment.

Moreover, the recruitment of Dihuo does not give nothing. On the premise of completing the work, Dihuo will provide the miners with food that is very sufficient and high remuneration, which is even several times higher than the income from mining!

The most important thing is the daily settlement of wages!

Naturally, there are conditions for such superior treatment, which is that he needs to go with the armed forces personnel to transport things to Rivet Town, which is eroded by the Rift.

Most people retreated decisively after hearing the news, because they all knew very well how terrifying the world-splitting monster was. At best, mining was a matter of luck and almost broke two legs. The lower area had rich mining experience and had not seen it for more than ten years. There have been mining disasters. Even if there is a real mining disaster, there is still a chance to come out alive, but going deep into the Rift Group... no one can be sure of this.

Because of this, most people were initially turned off when they heard about the Split World. The recruitment work of the Earth Fire came to a halt for a time, and it took several days to barely recruit the manpower for a team.

Those who dare to come to work even after hearing that they are going to join the Split Group are certainly not fools. They are basically people whose lives are extremely difficult, civilians who are wandering between nothing and extreme poverty.

In order to make money and survive, they are willing to do anything for anyone!

As for who will protect the safety of these team members, of course they are the members of the pioneering team who came to the lower area more than a month ago!

Well, excluding Chen Lin as the captain, he has other more important things to do.

These people who had just come to work in the convoy thought they would experience a near-death journey. Who knew that before they entered the heavy industry gathering area, that is, Rivet Town, Dan Heng, March [-], and Xing, as well as the underground fire cadres supported by Chen Lin's weapons, would take the lead. Enter and eliminate most of the world-splitting monsters, and follow the "Research on the Generation of World-splitting Monsters (First Edition)" written by Chen Lin to predict where the monsters may reappear and ambush them before killing them.

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