The workers in the convoy will also take advantage of the period before the monster reappears, and follow the foreman's instructions to enter the abandoned factory in Rivet Town. The technical workers in the team who have received brief training will dismantle the various equipment inside and finally load it into the vehicle. Transport away.

It was precisely because of the behavior of the first batch of people who joined the team and their subsequent publicity that later people in various towns and settlements were willing to approach Dihuo to sign up to join the escort convoy.

Until now, they are very familiar with their work process, and the working environment is very safe. It is so safe that they are unlikely to see a world-splitting monster from beginning to end. They can only occasionally hear the sound coming from certain streets in Rivet Town. There were explosions one after another, and along with the explosions came some ecstatic sounds like "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, extreme firepower is a man's romance"...


As the trailer stuck in the mud pit was pushed out, the workers returned to their posts, and the more than [-]-meter-long convoy took action again.

It was noon, and the convoys were not the only ones busy. Near a depleted marrow vein in Panyan Town, a large number of miners wielding hoes were working in the newly opened mines.

Xi'er was not idle either. Whenever she saw someone in need of help, she didn't mind stepping forward to help. For this reason, her white and delicate little hands and her pretty face were stained a little dark.

"Be careful. If the structure is unstable, just add a few more strips. Don't worry." Xi'er pulled out the miners who had no soil to consolidate because they were immersed in mining. "It will be very dangerous to dig deeper without reinforcement." , no need to save these materials for safety.”

"Xiao Xi'er, I'm here to change my shift!"

At this time, several middle-aged men arrived and replaced Xier and other security personnel responsible for duty and emergency response.

"Okay, I'm going back, I'll leave this to you."

"Don't worry, go eat and rest quickly!"

After working for such a long time, everyone should eat as well. However, Xier did not go to the temporary canteen set up outside the mine like others. Instead, she ran home, took off her work clothes, took a shower, and put on clean clothes. Just went out.

She knew that the person she was looking for liked to be clean, so she took a shower seriously.

Xi'er's destination is to the northern suburbs of Panyan Town. This place was originally a huge naturally formed cave. It was completely opened up during the land reclamation of the lower area in the early years and served as a transportation artery connecting various towns.

With the development of the lower area for hundreds of years, it has become a huge space. In other words, the stones and soil in the entire lower area have been hollowed out to a depth of hundreds of meters. There is no longer the obstruction of the stone wall and it has become a huge space. A large open space.

Originally, there was countless amounts of soil under the thick stone surface. Although there was no direct sunlight, scientists had considered this when building the underground 'furnace core' hundreds of years ago. The furnace core seemed to have a special structure that could absorb light through diffuse reflection. Part of the light in the upper area is reflected to the lower area, which means that the lower area can't see the sky, but it can still grow many plants that are only found on the ground, not all ferns or mosses.

Of course, even these plants have degraded a bit due to environmental problems.

But things are different now. The desolate and rugged suburbs have been laid out, and large rectangular metal frames like containers have been built here.

The main thoroughfares nearby are guarded by armed men, and no one without permission is allowed to enter these places.

Inside the thick metal gate, the top is covered with lighting facilities that use unknown sources of energy. On the ground are water tanks one after another, with nutrient solution flowing in them and soaked in various plants that were originally only found in the upper area. The rhizomes are strong and many plants are even showing signs of bearing fruit.

In fact, the seeds of these things were entrusted by Dihuo to Sangbo. The two have been cooperating for a while. Dihuo will not ask Sangbo about his methods and methods, as long as he can bring the entrusted things. .

Sambo certainly lived up to expectations and obtained a large number of crop seeds in just one day.

Without taking two steps, Xi'er bumped into Chen Lin, who was squatting beside the nutrient tank and holding a notebook to record plant data and conditions. Behind him were many intellectuals selected from the lower-class areas. Some of them were teachers before, and some were teachers. Some of the scientific researchers who worked in factories decades ago were young people who were apprentices in workshops...

Although they come from different industries or have vastly different knowledge bases, Chen Lin still believes that these 'newbies' have certain talents, so they are now learning from Chen Lin how to implement and maintain the operation of a hydroponic farm!

Looking at the entire upper-level area, Chen Lin has never taught him so thoroughly!

Except for the fact that the nutrient solution still needed to be supplied by himself, he taught everything that needed to be taught without reservation.

The main reason is that Chen Lin realized that he and others were likely to be framed and wanted when he was in the upper zone. Hostility was almost an inevitable outcome. The lower zone happened to be at odds with the upper zone. As for the supplies in the upper area, the lower area has long since stopped supplying them.

Do the hardest and most dangerous work, earn the lowest income, eat the worst food, and wear the shabbiest clothes...

Now with the choices given by Chen Lin, even a fool knows how to choose!

Chen Lin has never been stingy when it comes to allies and friends. Anyone who can cause trouble for Cocolia now is his friend!

As for why he didn't tell them about the preparation of the nutrient solution, it was actually because Chen Lin himself didn't know what the strange ingredients in this pile of nutrient solution were.This is just a small function that came with him when he built the [Hydroponic Farm]. Anyway, it is a one-time investment. It does not cost him much to exchange some nutrient solution. He only needs to obtain the consent of the earth fire, and then spend the minerals. Just build it, and Belloberg's current technology is really terrible. There is no way to test and imitate the nutrient solution.

For Chen Lin now, there is no shortage of minerals at all. What is missing is alloys used for shipbuilding!

"Brother Lin! Old Chen! Is there anything you can help me with?!" Xi'er asked from behind the crowd.

Chen Lin was still explaining the precautions to the future batch of hydroponic farm workers behind him. When he was almost finished, he heard Xi'er's careless voice.

Not long ago, when he went to Oleg's house for dinner, Oleg asked Xi'er to call Chen Lin his senior brother on the grounds that Chen Lin was a few years older than Xi'er, saying that he wanted young people. It can be a bit more friendly if you shout like this.

I thought Xi'er would be very opposed to this kind of thing, but it turned out that she didn't seem to be used to it.

According to her, it doesn't matter what it is called.

"Today you should familiarize yourself with these processes first. The relevant procedures and operations can be done according to the tables and manuals I listed." Chen Lin handed the observation record book in his hand to the apprentices beside him, took off his white coat and faced Went out the door.

Seeing this, Xier followed immediately. She never forgot the task Oleg gave her, which was to protect Chen Lin's safety.

During this period of time, she could be said to have witnessed all the changes in the lower district with her own eyes.

At the beginning, Chen Lin went to talk to Boss Oleg about something. Then Dihuo sent someone to take Chen Lin to the remaining factory in Panyan Town to conduct a three-day investigation. Then Chen Lin selected a group of miners with corresponding mechanical expertise and carried out intensive training. Finally, he began a large-scale industrial relocation of Rivet Town in the Split World occupation area.

Well, the kind that directly snatches things from the mouth of the world-splitting monster.

The corresponding vacant land was vacated to build factory buildings, the original factories in Panyan Town were moved out of the buildings, and the equipment moved from Rivet Town were repaired and refitted. Finally, various types of factories started working immediately.

The miners were no longer limited to digging for the marrow of the earth. They began to explore other types of minerals and soil that Xi Er could not understand, and used them as raw materials in the newly built factories, producing many novel things that she had never seen before!

In particular, a substance called 'monosodium glutamate' can be added to many things to make the dishes very delicious. It is not expensive and is loved by many people in lower-class areas.

The sales of other similar products are also very good. In addition, these jobs have allowed many workers and miners to earn more income, and the economic activity brought by the circulation of goods has led to a high consumption boom in Panyan Town for a while.

The income from the products was discussed by Chen Lin, Natasha and Oleg and reinvested in other industrial production. As a result, the demand for money in the lower class areas increased significantly.

Xi'er remembered that they also built a Winterfell Shield manufacturing plant to produce small-denomination currency issuance to enrich market transactions. During the chat, they also talked about inflation and deflation, absolute advantages and arc elasticity of demand...

Xi'er didn't understand, but it felt very powerful.

I still remember that when she accompanied Chen Lin to explore for minerals, Chen Lin became inexplicably angry several times, and yelled about "wasting natural resources," "Isn't this lignite if I blanch it," "Why is there even tin," and "it's all earth marrow" Weird words like "I'll spoil you".

Even though Xi'er really couldn't understand why the lifeless lower district suddenly became so vibrant as it is now, she understood that all this was absolutely inseparable from the young man in front of her!

For this reason, he invested a lot of money in it for free!

Chen Lin said hello to the nearby staff, and then asked: "Xie'er, how is the development in the coal mining area?"

"Nine large mines have been built, and four of them are under construction, but they will easily collapse if they are not reinforced." Xi'er reported as always: "Isn't that thing just for burning? And it's very stuffy when burning. If there are too many words, they won’t be burned out.”

After staying with Chen Lin for so long, Xi'er also learned a little bit of knowledge. She knew that coal can burn for a long time after being compressed. Although it is not as good as earth marrow, its rich reserves are definitely the best substitute for earth marrow.

In fact, many mines have been built and operated for a long time, but Chen Lin has been saying that there are not enough coal mines. For this reason, many coal mines have been piled into vacant warehouses around the town.

Chen Lin touched his chin and pondered for a while, then replied: "The basic properties of coal and earth marrow are similar. Once the remaining factories are officially put into operation, large-scale coal extraction can continue. Then you will understand why I This amount of production is actually far from enough.”


"It's a pity that people can't work 24 hours a day, otherwise the efficiency can be doubled." Chen Lin shook his head and sighed.

Sometimes I really wish that all the people who can work can be put into jars, so that all industries can be carried out throughout the day without reducing efficiency due to physical fatigue.

These words gave Xi'er an epiphany, and she thought of something that seemed to meet Chen Lin's requirements.

"Do automatons count?"

Chapter 82 Materials are no longer allowed to be exchanged!

Speaking of automatic robots, Chen Lin saw several factories specializing in manufacturing automated robots when he was in the upper area, and Pella took him to meet the bosses.However, at that time, Chen Lin was still thinking about the hydroponic farm, so he did not inquire in detail about this strange span of technology. He only knew that the automatic robots, like most of the robots he knew, used programmed programs to perform automated operations. .

As for Beloberg, a country without any existing computer technology, Chen Lin had no idea how they programmed it.

"Are you talking about that Shivaro force that built a camp around the heart of the furnace?" Chen Lin asked with a frown.

The lower area is not dominated by the Earth Fire family. The actual situation is more like a state of warlord rule. Most of the Earth Marrow veins, towns and scattered settlements are controlled by the Earth Fire. It is also the force with the most manpower in the lower area today.

In addition, there is another 'warlord' under the furnace in the distance. People in the town generally call him 'Boss Swaro'.

Chen Lin has been busy promoting industrial progress in lower-level districts during this period. When he first heard about this force, he was not interested, so he did not make corresponding contact.

He only learned through the mouths of others that Swaro had a large number of robots left over decades or hundreds of years ago, as well as many homeless wanderers. The robots provided shelter for those who had lost their homes and property, and they There is no need to repay 'Swaro' in any way, just take care of yourself.

Xi'er spread her hands and nodded: "Yes! It's just Swaro's pile of scrap metal. I think they are the only ones that can meet your current requirements... What are you going to eat later?"

After getting along for a long time, Xi'er has become more open-minded than before. At the same time, she also knows the food taste that Chen Lin likes. He likes to eat some spicy and spicy food. No matter how much he eats, his expression never changes. It's really amazing. .

"Whatever." Chen Lin went to a nearby shed to change his coat. Naturally, his work clothes and regular clothes should be separated. This has become his habit. "Isn't it said that those robots are difficult to get along with?"

"That's right. I've seen them a few times. They just accept some dead truths and when they communicate... no, they basically can't communicate."

"Let's talk about it later. There are too many things to be busy with recently." Chen Lin sighed.

The lower-class areas are in desperate need of development. The basic economic order and industrial production capacity are already helping them, but the economy is amazing. If you take 100 yuan with your left hand and right hand and use some tricks, it is very likely to become 200 yuan. Yuan.

To put it bluntly, prosperity requires a large amount of resource support, which is why Chen Lin is now paying large sums of money to encourage people in surrounding towns to explore new ores and new mining areas.

Some things are really hard to come by, and there's always a vital missing medium at some point.

Even though Chen Lin's mind was filled with all kinds of advanced knowledge about the stars, if he lacked key materials, he wouldn't be able to come up with anything useful out of thin air.

He is not the Star UI in his own mind. How can he create so much magic production and magic space?

Chen Lin took a deep breath, threw away all the annoying things in his head, and said: "That's it for now, let's eat first."

Xi'er chuckled and followed quickly.

He doesn't have any fixed places to eat in the lower area. He basically just sits down and orders wherever he sees something that suits his eyes. It's the same this time.

The two of them walked to a dark alley, found a private restaurant with a plaque and sat down in front of it.

Although this place is remote, there are quite a lot of people coming to eat. There are twenty or thirty people in total.

"I'll treat you this time. I'm sorry for always eating your food." After ordering, Xi'er stood up and planned to pay.

Chen Lin asked: "Ah? Are you rich?"

"Nonsense, isn't this all your fault?" Xi'er rolled her eyes at Chen Lin, who was confused, and said, "Didn't you say you wanted professional people from various industries before? In addition, Dihuo now has income, and I can pay everyone some wages. Hey! Don’t tell me this is the first time I’ve gotten something called a ‘salary’!”

"Oh, this..."

Chen Lin was so busy that he almost forgot that Xi'er was now regarded as a temporary government cadre in the lower-class district to some extent, and could receive part of the money from the income of "state-owned enterprises" as salary every month.

In the beginning, Dihuo actually wanted to do everything, but he couldn't do anything.

Basically, except for maintaining order and acting as a fire fighter, as well as being responsible for exchanging supplies with the upper-level districts and gaining the trust of the vast majority of people in the lower-level districts, the financial situation within the organization is extremely poor.

The management of the towns under his command cannot be said to be lax, it can also be said that nothing has been built.

Seeing how Earth Fire was being run like this, Chen Lin admired the current leader Oleg. Being able to get so many people to work with you without giving you any benefits is truly a special miracle in a special era.

It was precisely because of Dihuo, the poor ring bell of the Provisional Government, that Chen Lin began to plan financial sources for it as both a father and a mother. To this end, he spent all the pocket money Bronya gave him to hire workers. .

As the saying goes, leaders work hard and cadres work hard, but workers who do dirty work must not work hard.

All workers who work on underground fires can receive a large sum of money, and there are additional subsidies for dangerous work, which further stimulates the workers' work efficiency.

After Studi succeeded in some industries under huge difficulties, and relied on these restarted factories to make the first pot of gold, Chen Lin also proposed that various types of ground fire personnel need to be classified, including administrative, financial and armed forces. Separate, even if some people can engage in the above three jobs!

Chen Lin has not stopped educating these few cadres. He will hold an educational conference almost every two days to provide ideological education to these cadres who hold considerable power and instill in them the principle of "take from the people and use it for the people". The idea that the majority of the people are the main driving force for social development.

As the director of Chen Lin's newly established Earth Fire Defense Department, Xi'er must also attend these activities.

Chen Lin personally controls the issuance of the currency, fearing that the Winter City Shield in the lower district will be turned into some mysterious currency called Zimbabwe.

All in all, in order to give the lower-level areas a relatively independent and complete industrial system and strong economic capabilities, Chen Lin took great pains and even spent a large amount of minerals to exchange resources out of thin air for their development.

Minerals can be exchanged for a wide range of resources. As long as Chen Lin can provide the required minerals for the Stars UI to scan, he will have the ability to exchange them.

The exchange ratios are all different, some are very expensive, some are acceptable, and some are cheaper.

In short, this function is very good, and it is an additional expansion function in his origin.

Fortunately, now we only need to wait for the first batch of food to be successfully grown in the hydroponic farm. After the food problem is solved, the lower area will usher in a wave of outbreaks.

Anyway, in the end, these are all my own, and it’s totally okay to be a little bit tired now.

The main means of completely conquering and assimilating a place is definitely not force. Force is only a part of conquest.

Chen Lin held up his face and looked at Xi'er who was paying happily.

Xi'er always looked happy from the moment they first met. Thinking about it, Xi'er probably got her salary not long ago and was still in a period of excitement.

I still remember that it was like this when he just got his first month's salary. He was so excited that he spent all his salary in a few days. For this reason, he also ate instant noodles and noodles for more than a month. The department’s free lunch box…

After checking out at the speed of light, Xi'er turned back and saw Chen Lin staring at her.

Xi'er is still very famous in the lower-class area. Whether it is her strength, personality or appearance, she is easily recognized by people walking on the street, but no one has ever dared to stare at her so unscrupulously. non-stop.

Legend has it that some homeless people teased her when she was patrolling, and Xier almost beat her to death in the street. If Natasha hadn't arrived in time, there would probably only be a few corpses left on the street.

In addition, a small group of uneducated young people from the town also did similar things. They followed Xier to her residence in the middle of the night and tried to plot evil. The outcome was predictable. Four people were killed on the spot and two were permanently disabled. One of them died of internal bleeding soon after.

Since then, no one dared to provoke this angry young cadre, and no one dared to look at her with a highly aggressive gaze, for fear that Xi'er would suddenly commit murder.

There isn't much of an Inquisition in the Lower Zone, and most of the time fists work better than anything else.

Some residents who didn't go out much on weekdays and had just come to the restaurant to eat pointed at Chen Lin and said, "Who is that guy? How dare you look at Miss Xi'er like that."

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