"Has the content changed from the version I listened to originally?"

"Yes, but not much. Basically, the star core of Yalilo-VI has been sealed, and the time predicted by Elio has been extended a bit. Otherwise, I wouldn't have acted in other scripts." Kafka tightened his forehead sunglasses, said.

Silver Wolf's expression was complicated: "Yalilo-VI has changed owners, and is now merged with a force called the 'Star Sea Empire'. Moreover, according to other observation stations in the nearby star field, not long after the merger, Yaliluo-VI appeared. Strange energy fluctuations, the details are unknown, but the energy intensity is stronger than that of the star core. It is an energy that has never been discovered, and the observation does not seem to be smooth. The young lady hired a team of experts to support the construction, account This is how the money is spent."

"How long has it been?"

"12 systems days ago."

"Is there such a force? I've never heard of it." Kafka shook his head and frowned, "Elliot didn't tell me this, but since you can find out, he must know about it."

Silver Wolf said at the right time: "He didn't care, he just asked you to inform me to prepare the next script?"

"Well, this matter has nothing to do with us. It is probably because Elio predicted countless possible endings. Even if there are deviations from the assumptions, it will not affect the subsequent script."

The corner of Kafka's mouth raised slightly: "The changes in the script and the appearance of the mysterious brother, then the changes should be related to him."

"It's none of my business, don't mention him to me!"

"Stop crying and making trouble." Kafka stood up, turned his back to Silver Wolf and said, "I will come to you when the time comes, and then you can hack into the Star Train."

"Wait a minute!!" Silver Wolf's eyes widened and his voice trembled: "I found a strange message, which was received and forwarded by Interstellar Peace Company!"

"What information could the company have that would make you make such a fuss?"

"I sent it to you, take a look at it yourself..."

Kafka took out a beacon, which is a cell phone, and there was a mysterious message on it from someone with no name ID.

"Our species on the planet is undergoing a transformation that can only be described as the 'Great Awakening'. In the past, our great psychic potential was inherent to our species, albeit only manifested in a small minority of the population. Now Almost overnight, people across the Empire unlocked their full psychic potential, just as some common psychic energy pool reached an activation value, activating the psychic potential in our brains collectively... …This is just a small sample of the countless changes our society has faced, and we are now connected in a way that was unimaginable in the past - the Star Ocean Empire."

After Kafka read this message, she was more than shocked and felt incredible.

Such a message signal spreads throughout the universe, and countless people understand the meaning of this mysterious signal.

There is a terrible empire that has been hidden for a long time, and finally found the opportunity to personally lift the veil of disguise on their faces!


Since the train left the star field where Yalilo-VI was located, the clouds that had shrouded the train's inability to start naturally dissipated.

In recent days, people rarely see Chen Lin and Dan Heng on the train. Dan Heng usually stays in the information room and doesn't like to go out, but Chen Lin's lack of movement is a bit strange.

Even though he still appears in everyone's business every day, the time he spends in the hall is completely reduced.

From the past, I would go to the hall to eat with everyone and chat in my free time, to not seeing anyone except during meal times. Now I don't even come to eat, and I only see people once for several days.

Ji Zi thought Chen Lin was in some trouble or had something on his mind, so she came over to ask him about the situation, but all she got was the reply that he was "a little busy."

This made everyone on the train even more aware of something.

Finally, under questioning in March, Chen Lin revealed that he might need to retreat for a period of time in the near future because some kind of power deep within his body was ready to go out. The reason why he did not come to accompany everyone as before , but also to prepare for your own 'disaster'.

After receiving the accurate answer, Ji Zi and Walter breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time expressed to Chen Lin the idea of ​​calling them for help if needed.

The train floated past an orange-red planet.

In the room, Chen Lin sat alone in front of the window sill, his eyes slightly closed, but he could see the entire star field where the planet was located!

The train is like a complex structure of a scientific research ship and an engineering ship. As long as he stays on the train, he can clearly see the panoramic view of any star field he passes through during the journey in the star map in his mind.

In any uninhabited star field, he can skip building star bases, or, like in the case of Yalilo-VI, obtain special permission from the host to directly build mining stations and research stations.

It can be said that everything we pass is a national border.

"It's really too much..."

Reality is not as simple as games, which Chen Lin had already anticipated.

In the game, a star field or galaxy is just a few stars or planets. If it is more complicated, there are more asteroid meteorite belts. There is much less content for players to operate. But now when we really face reality, a place How could the star field be as simple as just a few dozen planets?

Chen Lin felt dizzy just by seeing the star map in his mind.

It's just too much!

In the past, he was alone. As the saying goes, "One person has enough food and the whole family is not hungry." It was somewhat of a fun thing.

Now that he has obtained Yalilo-VI, Chen Lin's sense of responsibility has been greatly intensified. Not only does he have to keep an eye on the planet every day and build things, he is also responsible for planning the construction of mining stations and research stations in outer space. Occasionally, something happens with Yalilo-VI. All need to be handled by him personally.

Develop, develop, develop!

If he doesn't develop quickly, he won't even be able to pay back the money he owes the little rich woman.

Of course, these are superficial problems. In fact, Chen Lin would open [Tradition] when he had nothing to do to check his cohesion. He had long predicted that the day of the 'Great Awakening' was coming soon, so he took some free time to talk to Bu a few days ago. Lonya and others discussed the 'Great Awakening' matter.

As for the rhetoric, it was changed by Chen Lin into the unique power given to the people of the empire.

Another thing to mention, not long after Chen Lin left, Bronya told him that the fleet had discovered a lot of large settlements with huge populations. The population census has not yet been completed, and the people in these large settlements They are all extremely obedient to Beloberg's leadership, just like every living Beloberg man.

He knew that this should be the population given by the chain of events, and he didn't have much fluctuation in his heart. Anyway, it was all a situation that had been anticipated. When he left, he even designed a more efficient administrative model for Beloberg. , what Bronya is doing now is what he planned.

After spending more than ten hours... no, it should be said to be system time here, Chen Lin finally completed the planning of the star field where he was located, and started building a bandit-style mining station out of thin air.

Thanks to the fact that these buildings do not require maintenance fees, otherwise Chen Lin would probably have to stare at his negative resources for a long time and be depressed.

After doing this, he went to sit with Jizi and others for a while, and chatted with March and Xing about the current situation. When he saw that the time was almost up, he suddenly returned to the room.

As the next day arrives, all kinds of resources are automatically used to pay off debts before they are warmed up, and only the cohesion reaches full value.


Thinking of the familiar sound effect, Chen Lin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and suddenly pressed the most important traditional tree in his second tradition.

reveal the mask!

Om-! !

The moment he pressed tradition, countless signal fluctuations spurted out from his body. Not only were they received by the train immediately, but they also spread to all organizations and even forces capable of receiving signals.

The veil has been lifted!

Chapter 122 I really want a neutron torrent...is it really coming? !

Overnight, spiritual energy that was so intense that it could be clearly seen with the naked eye emerged from all directions and enveloped the entire sky of Yalilo-VI.

The people living on the planet are still sleeping soundly. The grand celebration is over, and countless jobs that lack personnel are flooding in. Many people are even willing to work two or even three jobs under the temptation of high wages.

Not only can you save a lot of savings, but it can also effectively change your family's situation.

Just when everyone was unaware of it, psychic energy was like a living elf. According to the strength of each person's spiritual power, torrents of different levels and sizes poured into his mind.

For a time, Yaliluo-VI experienced frequent anomalies everywhere, haloes radiated, and huge energy fluctuations spread throughout the world immediately.

On the train, such violent fluctuations naturally triggered an alarm. It was originally thought that the train encountered trouble while traveling. The room that Dan Hengdu, who had not been out for a long time, left appeared in the train hall.

As a result, they heard Pam say that the fluctuation came from the room in the second half of the train. Almost everyone reacted. Isn't that the location of Chen Lin's room?

"I'm going to take a look!" Xing's feet moved one step ahead of the words in his mouth, and before the words came out of his mouth, he had already started running to the rear compartment.

March [-] followed closely behind, shouting: "Wait for me!"

Dan Heng started running without saying a word, and Ji Zi and Walter were suddenly the only two people left in the train hall. They looked at each other and then nodded.

After a while, Ji Zi and Walter at the back saw the three people standing outside Chen Lin's room.

"Uncle Yang, look inside! Ah Lin is floating!!" March [-] said in a panic.

"Huh?!" Walter stepped forward, stopped Xing who wanted to rush into the room, and frowned, "Don't go in yet. This energy is very explosive. If you enter rashly, you may be mistaken for an enemy. to attack."

"This is……"

Ji Zi saw the rich purple light emitting from the room, and in the center of the light was a floating figure. Chen Lin sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his arms slightly open, and his whole body was absorbing the purple energy light waterfall like a vortex.

The casual clothes on his body were swaying in the wind, and the slightly long hair on his head looked like someone was blowing it from bottom to top with a hair dryer. The state was extremely strange.

Things in the room were flying around in the air and scattered everywhere.

Walter seemed to notice something, and tried to reach into the room, but was shocked to find that the entire train room was sealed by the purple energy. If people from outside wanted to get in, they would have to destroy these things. Thick barrier.

"That's it." Walter closed the door. He thought for a few seconds and said, "This should be the awakening of power that Xiao Chen said. He may not be able to sense our existence now. Besides, if those barriers don't use that method, … There was no other way I could get in.”

Hearing this, March [-] also reacted: "Oh!! Is it like the small universe that explodes when the protagonist fights the villain in the movie?"

"Don't worry, Xiaolin will be fine. On the contrary, I may wish him well." Ji Zi put her hand on Xing's shoulder and comforted: "Xiaolin told me and your Uncle Yang that when he awakens his power, It will be bigger, but he will try his best to be prepared so as not to affect everyone."

"I don't feel there is any danger. He is in good condition." Dan Heng said, holding his hands: "He looks as calm as usual, no different from usual."

"I just don't know how long it will last. Before that, all we can do is wish Xiaolin success, and secondly, try not to disturb him as much as possible." Ji Zi nodded and expressed her thoughts.

Walter agreed: "Yes, I have some superficial research on various types of energy. Those energies are raging on the surface, but they are absorbed by Xiao Chen without any aggression. I can initially judge that they will not cause any harm to him... The opposite is not necessarily the case, and when I touch the barriers I can feel them resisting my attempts to enter."

"Okay then..." Xing slumped his shoulders and said in disappointment, "Linlin promised to rest with me today."

"?" March [-] was shocked: "When did it happen?!"

"It's a secret pinch. I originally planned to lick him while he was sleeping, but now let's forget it."

"Are you a pervert!"

"Yes, Linlin Xiangxiang pinch."

"You actually admitted it shamelessly?!"

Xing said seriously: "Because I am thick-skinned, Linlin also praised me so."

"Byd is quite proud, right?" March's face was filled with speechlessness.

Although they said that there should be no problem with Chen Lin, Walter and Ji Zi still decided to come over every once in a while to have a look, so that if something really happened, it would be convenient to rescue people.


Of course, Chen Lin, who was in the awakened state, couldn't see how much noise he was making. He had a long, long dream, dreaming about everything from his birth to kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school... and even university.

He was living a new life with all his memories, and he could figure out the answers to countless problems that were so complex in the eyes of his peers that he couldn't figure them out for days and nights with just a little thought.

Chen Lin knew very well that these were things he had experienced in his memory. He was not actually on the earth, and all these were just false phantoms.

As time passed, everything around him became more realistic and perfect with patch-like repairs, as if he was really living in a brand new if world, and he knew that all of this was just a false dream. Because he is still looking for his way home in deep space.

With an attitude of taking things as they come, Chen Lin is fully aware of everything that is about to happen, so much so that he has changed the direction of many things in the past, and even the wealth of his family.

But he just wanted to see if he could really change something...

It was the second semester of his first year at university, and it was summer, but the temperature this year was unusually hot and cold.

Chen Lin didn't think too much about it. It happened that the sun was shining that morning and the campus was as hot as a steamer, so he just casually wore a thin shirt and went to class.After waiting for the full morning theoretical classes of biochemistry and cell biology to end, and taking an elective physical education class in the afternoon, I went to pick up my girlfriend from school who was studying for the college entrance examination at a training institution.

He has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for eight years. They have known each other since they were in elementary school. She is a few months younger than him and missed the registration deadline for studying, so she is a grade lower than him.

The main reason for our acquaintance was that in those days there were always street kids near the primary school. Some dropped out of school early, and some went to junior high school with the help of compulsory education. However, they did not focus on studying. They would often leave early and come to the gate of the nearby primary school to threaten them. The child wants money.

Chen Lin used to be similar to them. He was either fighting or on the way to fights every day. In addition, he was more tactful and had good relationships with many gangsters.

I met the girl when she was surrounded by people asking for money.

Of course, this was incidental. The main reason was that the group of people who stole the money had a problem with Chen Lin. He simply wanted to find a reason to fight with the other party and never expected to gain anything else.

It changed the trajectory of his life. Not only did he start studying seriously, but it also brought about the shadow of despair that would haunt him throughout his life.

Two in the afternoon.

He never thought that as soon as he woke up from his nap, Chen Lin felt that his whole body was weak, and his head felt like someone was pulling the cranial nerves with his hands and pulling continuously. His whole body was in pain.

"Old Chen, let's go to Sanda class!"

His roommate who was taking Sanda with him opened the blackout curtain on his bed and urged him to move quickly.

"I'm a little uncomfortable. Lao Tan, you go first. I'll ask Sister Bai for leave."

"Let me see if it's real or not... Damn, it's so hot! Old Chen, you have a fever. I'll take a leave to accompany you to the hospital to get fluids!"

"No, no, no, I have something to go out at four o'clock. I don't have time to drink water. Just take some medicine. The final exam is coming soon. If you take too much leave, go to class first, otherwise you may fail."

After all, the roommate was finally persuaded to leave.

The main reason why Chen Lin didn't want to go to the hospital was that he remembered this scene and what was going to happen, but the specific thing that bothered him changed from the fracture in the Sanda class to the high fever now.

At that time, he was admitted to the hospital with a broken leg and failed to pick up his girlfriend who was attending the last farewell class at the training institution, which caused various accidents.

So much so that before time travel, he had an extremely desperate attitude towards the relationship between men and women.

When you are simply making friends, why do you need to talk about relationships with the opposite sex?Even if they really want to understand each other, the best they can do is to treat each other as brothers.

It took seven years from the incident to time travel. Chen Lin was about to turn 7, and he still had no feelings for the opposite sex!

He wanted to see if he would encounter a disaster that would be extremely harmful to him if he had arranged something in advance that did not exist before.

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