After taking the medicine, Chen Lin rested for more than two hours. After feeling that his headache was slightly relieved, he went to pick up his girlfriend as planned and accompanied her to the celebration banquet organized by the organization.

The college entrance examination scores came out two days ago. She did very well in the exam, so good that she could come out on top in this first-class training institution in the province. She is worthy of being someone who has good grades and chooses to repeat the exam.

In order to celebrate her, Chen Lin spent all his savings from his part-time job and had the most expensive meal in his life, which cost nearly 3 yuan.

Chen Lin celebrated him a few days ago and did not change the place or the cost of the meal. The only difference was that this was not the most expensive meal he had ever had, that's all.

I heard her say half a year ago that a teacher in the institution was pursuing her, and he was also a graduate student at a key university. He found the job at the training institution as an intern.

At that time, she scorned this so-called teacher and often told Chen Lin about his clowning behavior. Chen Lin also felt a sense of danger. Otherwise, he would not pick up his girlfriend from school whenever he was free.

After the meal, she suddenly asked to talk to him, and Chen Lin knew she was coming.

She used to think that Chen Lin was a mistake he made in his immature stage. Fortunately, he had spent a period of youth without regrets. At the same time, she also told Chen Lin to study hard and make more money so that he and his future girlfriend could be materialistic together. Live life to the fullest.

After Chen Lin's anxious questioning, he discovered that she had changed and saw the gap between the teacher who pursued her and Chen Lin.

He has a car, money, and connections. He can also find connections to write letters of recommendation for me to study for a Ph.D. in the future. What do you have?

Now, Chen Lin looked at her calmly and said that she signed up for that teacher's school, without mentioning the material wealth that Chen Lin gained after having memories, in order to resolve this nightmarish experience and try to seek change.

The only thing that changed was her words, which were always at odds with him.

It's less like a fact and more like an excuse.

"You can only make money, but you can't give me the romance I want. He can, and we got the certificate." She handed the marriage certificate to Chen Lin, her face full of happiness.

What she once said was, 'He has a car, connections, and wealth, but you still need to work hard. This is our marriage certificate, happy breakup.'

As a result, a few years later, she heard from her former classmate and best friend that after finishing college, she took her children and hurriedly found a job, and that person had long since disappeared from her life.

In fact, Chen Lin could have reminded her, and he even had the means to save her, but the problem was that he was too lazy to do it.

Adults should always pay for what they have done.

They are no longer children, and there will be no contact between the two. Why would he say this?

The reason why Chen Lin cooperated until now was just to see if he could change the outcome of what happened.

It doesn't look like it's going to work.

"Then you are happy."

He glanced at the red ID and didn't ask as hysterically as before. He just felt a little helpless inside.

Chen Lin finally discovered that these had nothing to do with whether or not he had worked hard, and how hard he had to work. These were just a bunch of excuses that could be thrown into the trash can.

In the end, he couldn't change anything, and all the precautions and preparations he made were nothing but a joke.

Because people are alive, words are also alive and can be changed according to actual conditions.

Seeing his former girlfriend turning around and leaving, he knew that all his contact information would be deleted soon, and even his cell phone would be blocked.

What I experienced can be summarized by a certain Internet famous saying that appeared in the future, that is, "the first sword on the shore is to kill the person you like".

It can only be blamed on him falling into an abstract place in society, meeting abstract people, and experiencing abstract things, and he had these abstract pains in his heart that were difficult to let go of.

If he could change reality, he really wanted to pry open that man's mouth and see what methods he used to deceive his girlfriend of eight years. Eight years of relationship and meticulous dedication could not compare to half a year of getting along. And just a few promises, ridiculous.

If he could change reality, he would really like to have a neutron torrent here to tell everyone that he is really blind.

in case……

Just as Chen Lin was thinking wildly in his heart, the blazing sun in the sky was suddenly covered by a huge thing...

Then, the neutron torrent really came!

Chen Lin's vision went dark. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the familiar city was no longer there. He was in the room of the Star Dome Train, and his whole body slowly fell from the air to the messy bed.

As if responding to the obsession in his heart, the originally peaceful spiritual energy around him suddenly surged into his body at an extremely terrifying speed, and was frantically transforming his spiritual attributes.

When he woke up from the dream, he found that the surging spiritual energy in his body had undergone a qualitative change.

Psionic energy is a manifestation of an energy body. Although the psionic energy in his body was called a huge sea and lake in the past, it was still similar to a gas.

Now his spiritual energy has begun to take on physical form and appear in liquid form.

Chen Lin, who recalled everything here one after another, and even all the theories on psychic energy, understood that he was not just as simple as the Great Awakening, but his power alone was much ahead of his time!

Since he himself is an expert and scholar in spiritual energy, he quickly calculated what he could achieve now through the changes in spiritual energy in his body.

It is no longer simply exploring the surroundings, it is no longer simply establishing a spiritual link, it is no longer simply controlling objects, and it is no longer simply relying on the huge spiritual energy to separate the spiritual incorporeal body to do the dirty work...

The manifestation of spiritual energy in his body has shown that he has awakened some kind of ability to remember the living body, and even...

Chen Lin closed his eyes and imagined that the next second the glass on the floor not far away turned into quartz and limestone fragments.

He can also directly edit and modify the material world to a certain extent! !

Just when Chen Lin was excitedly trying to see how far his new psychic abilities could go, a feeble voice suddenly came from the corner of the room.

"I've finished several rounds of the game, haven't you had enough?"

Chen Lin: "?"

Chapter 123 Silver Wolf: How could he do this to me? !

In the messy room, Chen Lin never imagined that there were other people here.

After waking up from the long dream caused by the Great Awakening, he focused almost entirely on spiritual energy, observing the changes in spiritual energy, and did not notice the smell of strangers in the room at all.

Psychic energy is similar to DNA, and any change means that the direction of psionic energy will be completely opposite.

It seems that it is the obsession in his heart that makes the spiritual energy of the spiritual world develop in the direction of 'change'.

If his obsession were deeper... would he become obsessed or something?

There is a statement in the theory of psychic energy when describing the Great Awakening. When psychic energy awakens to a certain level, a 'Nightmare' will appear. What it is specifically can only be said to be ever-changing, but if you fail to break through the 'Nightmare', you will most likely fall into it. Slaves, in the end, neither humans nor ghosts.

Chen Lin didn't dare to think about it.

"What's that expression on your face? If Kafka hadn't called me, I wouldn't have bothered to come to you, wasting my time playing games." The silver wolf, which looked like a projection, said dissatisfied.

"Miss Yinlang is probably tired and she is complaining to me like this..."

"I'm afraid I didn't get caught up in a handsome guy from some game. He's so disrespectful."


"Look, I just said a few more words. This is what Miss Silver Wolf looks like. It's me who talks too much..."

Chen Lin was very emotional, and those who didn't know thought there was some connection between the two of them.

A huge question mark appeared on Yin Lang's head. It was a question mark that could be seen with the eyes in a physical sense. Her face looked strange: "Why are you so crazy? Isn't it because of the Great Awakening that burned your brain?"

"just kidding."

Chen Lin returned to normal. Of course he knew this girl. When he traveled back in time, he directly hit people on her body. Her identity was known from the first time he met Esta.

One of the most notorious members of the Star Core Hunters in the interstellar world. He is a wanted fugitive of the company. The amount of the reward alone is as high as 51 billion. He has hacked into the company's system to steal a series of confidential documents and information, and even deliberately retained She placed a mark to tell everyone that it was her Silver Wolf who did it.

In addition, Chen Lin also heard about the data offensive and defensive battle that was famous throughout the interstellar world. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that Silver Wolf is an extremely dangerous person.

Of course, if he awakens into a natural disaster, Silver Wolf will most likely be less dangerous than him.

After all, if they really do that, Chen Lin and his forces will become interstellar public enemies, and they will still fight to the death.

Chen Lin knew and understood the various deeds of the Star Core Hunters, but compared to others, he did not have much interest in the Star Core Hunters organization, and naturally he was not afraid of it.

What's more, Silver Wolf and Kafka didn't do anything to him at the beginning. Now Silver Wolf hacked into the Star Train and appeared in front of him in the form of a projection. They didn't take advantage of his great awakening to do bad things. The two sides were not enemies.

"Long time no see, Miss Yinlang." Chen Lin raised his hand and said, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat... No, I'm here to tell you something you don't know. Don't avoid the topic!" Silver Wolf responded quickly, but he was almost taken away by Chen Lin.


Chen Lin looked curiously at Yin Lang who continued to hold the game console in front of him and walked around pretending to be sophisticated. He knew that Yin Lang must have hacked into the train's communication device and could see things in the train and go back and forth. Move within the visibility communicator output range.

Now that he can achieve the initial "wishful thinking" and modify the material world to a certain extent, can he go over and hack into Silver Wolf's signal terminal?

He planned to try out his awakened new abilities.

Just do what he said, Chen Lin calmly began to reverse the signal output by Silver Wolf...

Seeing that Chen Lin did not give him any more work, Yin Lang coughed a few times and said: "The train is not on the original track now, but has come to the fairy boat 'Luofu'. There is a star core here that is about to explode." Yesterday, under the guidance of Kafka, your companions planned to intervene. 14 system hours ago, your friends set out. If you don't go, they will be in danger."


"Elliot has the ability to foresee the future and has seen all the things they will encounter without you...Wait a minute, Chen...what is your name Chen?"

"..." Chen Lin stared at her blankly, his eyes empty and silent.

Silver Wolf said angrily: "Hey, I'm talking to you! You should respect me!"

Chen Lin, who recovered from the information network channel, said: "Chen Lin."

"Chen Lin, you don't want your companions to be in danger, right?" Silver Wolf threatened in a tone that she thought was the most persuasive.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin in front of him suddenly frowned.

"Where is Pier Point Peron Mall? Are there any specialties there?"

"This is the district where the Interstellar Peace Headquarters is located. The Chili Luo Fish Fresh Restaurant tastes very good, but it's a pity that every time I can only eat it and it's almost cold... huh?" Silver Wolf explained subconsciously, but soon realized something. Her face turned pale, "Are you positioning me? How could it be possible in such a short time..."

Silver Wolf was so frightened that she even lost the game console. She tapped her fingers quickly, and the projection disappeared immediately.

After losing the signal connection, Chen Lin was naturally kicked out.

In a room in Pier Point, Silver Wolf picked up her personal belongings and ran away, not forgetting the game console she threw out.

After running for a long time, she reached another temporary stop registered with someone else's identity, and then she breathed a long sigh of relief, but the fear in her silver-gray eyes did not completely fade away.

As a wanted criminal of the Interstellar Peace Company, only Kafka knew that she was staying on the planet where its head office was located. That was because Kafka knew that she planned to come and challenge the company's daily tasks.

But Chen Lin actually stood in front of her and quietly located her approximate location through the signal data stream out of thin air. If Chen Lin hadn't said it himself and Yinlang checked it out of professional reaction, she wouldn't have known she was being raped. Positioned, the situation really frightened her.

He hurriedly cut off all network communications and fled to this place as a backup residence in embarrassment.

Silver Wolf, Silver Wolf, why are you so careless? !

"It scared me to death. How did he do it?" Silver Wolf patted his flat chest and said secretly: "No, I have to leave quickly...Huh? Hiss!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Yin Lang found that a message pop-up window appeared on his game console. The ID that sent the message was a string of garbled characters, and the content made Yin Lang take a breath.

[I'm sorry that the joke was too big. I just want to try my new ability. Please don't be angry, Ms. Silver Wolf.I promise not to disclose your location information. If you are interested in making friends, this is my ID number: 96471114.In addition, you seem to have a taste for games. You can die so many times in the beginner level. Practice more when you have time, or I will take you to play when I have time. (呲ya.JPG)】

A deep sense of shame welled up in my heart.

Gloom suddenly enveloped Yinlang's brows. She lowered her head, holding the game console in her hand, her exquisite body couldn't stop trembling, and she had an expression of gritted teeth.

"Chen... Lin...!!!"

It's useless to be angry. Yinlang previously thought that Chen Lin's appearance of floating in the sky and meditating looked like a magic stick. He thought it was very interesting and planned to share it with Kafka when he had time.

But now Yin Lang feels that it is no longer fun, because he is not pretending to be a ghost. Yin Lang understands from the fact that he can bypass thousands of alarm walls and springboards in just a few sentences without even realizing it. The power awakened by Chen Lin is extraordinary.

And she seemed to have seen Chen Lin directly turn a glass into the raw material for making it out of thin air, which was even more abnormal.

Silver Wolf collapsed on the bed and directly opened the communication with Kafka.


"What's wrong? You weren't fine this morning, why are you like this?"

Kafka at the other end of the screen was waving his fingers, and all the people fighting behind him fell to the ground.

Silver Wolf said as if he was out of strength: "The guy woke up, and when I induced him according to the script, he reversely located my position. The key is that I didn't notice it at all...!"

Kafka was a little surprised: "Is it the Great Awakening mentioned in the mysterious message before?"


After Silver Wolf briefly told Kafka the ins and outs of the matter, he paused and said: "He also hacked into my game account and left me a message. I suspect that in just a few minutes, he has hacked into my game account. I have all the passwords, if he dares to merge my account... I will never let him go!"

"It's okay. I believe I'm not that kind of person. If it's okay, I'll hang up first and catch up with some other fish here."


The communication was disconnected, and Silver Wolf rolled over on the bed for a long time. After changing all the passwords for all the games, he pondered for a while.

Looking at the messages in the game, she gritted her teeth and sent a friend request to Chen Lin using her backup account.

As for why not use the large size...

Because her account was closely watched by the company, rounding it off was the same as being blocked, so Yinlang prepared thousands of backup accounts and blocked each one for her.

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