Chapter 83: My Sister’s Simplicity and My Sister’s Faith!!

Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye were ready, and just went downstairs to see Tian Gangji sitting on the sofa, but Wu Jialoulo was lying on his lap.

Yazi, who came down with the poison island, also saw it, but she also saw a trace of helplessness on the face of her lord monarch.

“It seems that this home is really going to become wonderful in the future.” Such a development made Yako Poison Island have a lot of interest in the future life. ”

Having experienced a spotless life for more than ten years, and having accepted Tsunayoshi’s invitation to become a guardian, what Yako Kojima wants is to feel the peace of mind that Tsunayoshi said and find her own peace of mind.

People here have unusual experiences, they are all different, so her violent side is also much more ordinary. It’s like a lone wolf who comes to the wolves and feels that he is not alone, but he has not encountered wolves in the past.

Life here may have just begun, but Yako Poison Island has indeed found it, and it belongs to a place where you can feel at ease.

“Wolves, that’s the right place for me.”

In a group of special people, Poison Island Yako can easily understand his ordinaryness.

But the more he thinks so, the more unwilling Yazi of Poison Island is to be ordinary.

After studying kendo for many years, she has developed a keen sense, and she can also feel the sharp momentum of Zhenye and the other side of Yaye that is far beyond herself.

At first, Yako Poison Island also felt surprised, but she did feel that Yaye also had another side, and it was also quite terrifying, far more than the other side of her violence.

“Ah! So cunning, how come Carolus is the only one you can lie on Tsunayoshi’s lap? I want it too! ”

“Yaye, don’t pounce! Now Tsunayoshi is mine! ”

After hearing these quarrelling sounds, Yako of Poison Island regained consciousness, looking at the noisy appearance around her lord below, she walked down with a smile.

“Even wolves have interesting things about wolves.”

Zao Zhenye looked at the way his sister and Garulo were fighting back and forth, and also walked down with a smile. Looking at her own lord monarch’s headache, she could now somewhat understand some of the thoughts in her own lord monarch’s heart. So, she will help the lord, “Aye, Carolus, now my aunt is waiting for us to eat.ˇ?” ”

This sentence made the two stop making trouble.

“Carolus, don’t make trouble first, we can’t let our aunt wait for us.”

“Obviously you started first.”

Wu Garulo is also not a person without desire, and she is extremely possessive of Tsunayoshi. Just like her desire for Tsunayoshi’s genes, she is absolutely not allowed to give Tsunayoshi’s genes away.

But there is a priority in everything.

Although Wu Carolu didn’t care about the time of eating just now, it was just to stick to Tsunayoshi’s delay, but it didn’t mean that she didn’t care at all. After all, after marrying Tsunayoshi in the future, Tsunayoshi’s mother became her second mother.

How can there be a reason to make your mother wait for dinner before getting married?

The liberated Tsunayoshi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, feeling that he really needed to control the problem between Yaye and Carolus in the future, otherwise he would definitely be very tired at home in the future.

But before he could rest, two hands grabbed him and pulled him up from the sofa.


The left hand was pulled by Carolus.

“Tsunayoshi, you can’t be late for dinner.”

The right hand was held by Yaye.

“The aunt came to call someone, but you can’t let the aunt wait.”

In such words, Tian Gangji was directly pulled up.

Before he could say anything, the two girls took him by the arm and almost carried him outside.


Such an interesting picture made Zao Zhenye couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yaye still took the initiative to pounce.”

I have known from before that my sister is a tendon personality, and as long as it is decided in my heart, I will not change. Before Zao Zhenye was very worried that his sister would suffer losses in love, but now it seems that it is not his own sister who suffers, but a boy who is targeted by his own sister.

“You don’t look surprised at all.”

Faced with the question of Poison Island Yazi behind him, Zao Zhenye was not surprised at all to give an answer.

“Yaye is such a character, her dragon eye sees what she believes, then she will believe it to the end. This is a kind of innocence, so the child can easily become the one who gives unilaterally emotionally. ”

“I also worried before whether the child would be desperate to give when he liked someone, after all, this kind of relationship is often the most troublesome. But now it seems that it is not Yaya who is in trouble, Tsunayoshi is. ”

“Next, Tsunayoshi should try to calm the relationship between Carolus and Aye.”

Poison Island Yazi also nodded undeniably, such a situation is not unimaginable.

“When inviting Carolus, Tsunayoshi said something similar to the marriage proposal. However, it should be just a delaying statement that was driven to a corner, and he should have hoped that Galulo could calm his head. ”

Knowing Tsunayoshi’s thoughts, Zao Zhenye first mourned for his lord for three seconds in his heart, such an idea works for ordinary people, but it doesn’t work on a girl with a tendon.

“Ah, I can see it. However, our lord seems to have miscalculated, whether it is Anight or Carolus, they are very simple girls, for them to like is to like, like is to take the initiative. ”

Yako Poison Island also knew this, and she could tell it from the time she accompanied Tsunayoshi to invite Carolus.

Now the initiative of these two people is more like competition, and being stuck in Nakata Tsunayoshi is undoubtedly going to be unlucky.

“I remember, witches’ faith is the only one, right?”

Poison Island Yazi’s words attracted Zao Zhenye’s eyes, and she turned her head Xin with a hint of laughter.

“In the past, witches were loyal, but now witches are not so firm in their belief in gods. Today’s witches, they became witches more for the sake of making money, rather than for faith. ”

“But I am the “Amaterasu”, a witch in ancient times, and I have the only faith. I will only believe in the only God. ”

Yako Poison Island clearly hears the “only” god and establishes an unparalleled relationship of faith.

And Zao Zhenye treats Tsunayoshi as a god, so isn’t this belief the same as his sister’s?

“It seems that you are not an accident.”

Yako Poison Island was not very surprised, at least when she saw Yaye, she had such a guess.

It’s sisters, after all.

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