Chapter 84 Hobbies!!

Everyone sat at the dining table, but this time Tian Gangji sat on the small table and chairs next to the dining table.

Because the table was already full of people, there was really no place to sit, so I had to let Tian Tsunayoshi give up a seat.

After a simple taste of their mother’s cooking, several girls were a little surprised, very familiar taste, the taste was slightly subtly different, but it was delicious, and it did not affect everyone’s different tastes at all.

Tanana asked with some expectation.

“How? Did I cook dinner to your taste? ”

Zao Zhen gave praise without hesitation.

“It was delicious and homely.”

She is not brainless to say that it is delicious, but it is really delicious, so she said delicious.

Although the dinner table is full of home-cooked food, the taste is very delicious, not so delicious that it is amazing, but delicious and gives people a sense of home.

“Ah, it’s a prize.”

Nana Tian is still very happy to hear these words, as a housewife, she is still very confident in cooking. Of course, she also wants to hear some compliments where she is best at, especially since the girl who complimented is still Ozuna’s new friend.

Ta Tsunayoshi is also accustomed to the taste of this meal, and he is not used to eating, after all, this part also has corresponding memories. There is no taste that is too biased towards this life, or the previous life.

It’s just that sushi is an exception.

He still prefers cooked food to uncooked food.

“Ozuna, what do you think?”

“Huh? Need to ask my thoughts? ”

“Who told Ozuna that you like other styles lately?” Mom also has to change her style, and occasionally changing to other flavors is also a challenge. ”

Several girls present couldn’t help but pay attention.

“Chinese bar. Occasionally I don’t like the Western set very much, but I still like Chinese food. ”

Western dishes are relatively monolithic, and as an Oriental, Nakita Tsunayoshi does not like the Western style, even the style of the island country is much better than the style of the Western side.

At least the system is close and acceptable.

There is a big gap between the food culture of the West and the East, and the gap in this regard is okay to taste occasionally, and it is absolutely impossible to adapt to it if you eat it often.

On the contrary, there are many changes in Chinese food, and if my mother can study it, Tian Gangji is very much in favor.

“Chinese food.”

Tian Nana nodded slightly, Chinese food is indeed a good choice, all belong to the oriental catering system, she has often tasted Chinese food with her father before, and the taste is still very good.

“After that, my mother went to study Chinese food.”

This is a good feeling: Ta Tsunayoshi feels that he can taste the taste of the past in the future.

Mom was willing to study him, and naturally she was very happy to see it.

“Chinese food.”

Zao Yaye wrote down this sentence in his heart, as long as most of the island people have tasted Chinese food, after all, there are many Chinese restaurants in the island country, and they are all very famous shops. Zao Yaye himself has tasted some Chinese food, which tastes very good, but some of it is relatively complicated to make.

Ribaun glanced at Tsunayoshi, this was the first time he knew that this kid still had such interest.

Chinese food is not a rare thing in island countries, at least many commercial streets can see the shadow of Chinese restaurants. It’s just that some Chinese food tastes good, and some Chinese food tastes much worse.

“What are everyone’s usual interests?”

Seeing that the atmosphere slowly relaxed, Tian Nana began to inquire about the interests and preferences of each girl.

This question made several girls think deeply, and Wu Carolu was the first to answer.

“Mom, I usually like to read and exercise.”

“Hey~ reading books is in line with girls’ hobbies, but Carolus is still interested in fitness. This is completely different from Ozuna, who usually only likes to stay at home, and does not like to go out. ”

Her own son is the type who doesn’t like to go out, and Nana Tian used to worry that it was not good to face her body at home all the time, and she hoped that Ozuna could go out and walk often. Even if it’s not exercise.

This sentence directly caused Wu Jialouluo’s surprise.

“Tsunayoshi, don’t like to exercise?”

In the past two days, she has been in regular contact with her, and can often touch Tsunayoshi’s body, thus judging that Tsunayoshi’s body is created by regular exercise. If you don’t exercise regularly, you can’t reach that level, at least the body will not be so flexible.

Tian Gangji, who was staring, nodded helplessly.

“I don’t like to get into trouble, so I don’t go out very often on weekends. As for exercise, I personally don’t like it very much. ”

In the past life, it was because there was not so much time and energy to focus on exercising.

As for this life, it is really not interested in exercise, and even the physical condition in this life is worse than in the previous life. If it weren’t for the energy rush of the Time Gem that gave him a body that was almost good for exercise, I’m afraid he would have to keep going out to exercise now.

“So, Tsuna, have you told them about your interests?”

Namada Tsunayoshi thought about it, and he really rarely said directly about his hobbies.

“I don’t usually have much hobbies, so I have to say something, let’s count it as one. As for the rest, it’s all about playing games. I don’t have any of those elegant hobbies. ”

Playing games and surfing the Internet are things that boys who grow up seriously are exposed to, and they are also things that boys have little resistance to.

In his previous life, Tsunayoshi liked to play games, but just like to play games does not mean that the technology is very good. Although he loves to play games, he can’t hide the fact that he is a rookie.

As for hobbies such as piano and violin, he really doesn’t have any of them.

In my previous life, my mother often said, “If only you understood those things in the book”, in fact, the whimsy and hobbies of the past proved that Tian Tsunayoshi really did not have much talent and talent.

So as an adult, Tsunayoshi was very grateful to his mother in his previous life, because she was so right.

But this also has Tsunayoshi’s own responsibility, who makes him always think so much?

In previous lives, the family was not rich, but it could not withstand his creation.

So those elegant hobbies Tian Tsunayoshi have none of them, and none of them are interested.

Although once upon a time, Namada Tsunayoshi often had the idea of “if only I could play it” when watching the video of Kokaku Station.

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