Chapter 106 Tsunayoshi’s Teaching!!

Even Poison Island Yazi and Wu Jialouluo, who often exercise, sweated hot in the morning jog of deliberately controlling their breathing, but for them, this degree is just some moderate exercise.

After all, you don’t run a marathon to run a morning run, and it’s good to have such results.

Although the two look similar, in Sawada Tsunayoshi’s opinion, there is also a difference between superiority and inferiority.

Carolus’s breathing was noticeably smoother, and he didn’t even mess up during the entire morning run. This is the result of more than ten years of hard work, and the “Wu clan” must have a specific breathing method, after all, it is an assassination group that has been passed down for a long time

Yazi’s breathing was much worse, maybe not at the beginning

One-six-seven” is too big a problem, but the stamina is insufficient, and the breathing has begun to become chaotic in the second half.

The difference in breathing is almost the essential difference between Carolus and Yazi.

Observe here is about the same.

Just now the morning jogging had returned to the door, and Sawada Tsunayoshi put his hand behind the back of the two.

“It’s almost enough to exercise here, now I will stimulate your dead qi inflammation, you have to feel the dead qi inflammation in your body yourself.”

When the body heats up, this is the best time to feel the flame of dead qi

A steady stream of dead qi flame was injected into the bodies of the two.

With the injection of the flame of dead qi, the two unconsciously appeared a phenomenon like inner vision.

They could all see where the flame of dead qi in their bodies was.

The whole body exercised during the morning jog just now, but the strength of their legs was the greatest, and they could now clearly see that their dead qi had always been condensed on their legs.

“The flame of dead qi has always been on my leg?”

Wu Jia Louluo looked at her legs in disbelief, the power she hoped to control was actually already available to her, and it was attached to her legs.

“That’s the operation of the unconscious.”

“The flame of dead qi in your body has been born after being catalyzed by me, and that power has actually been in your body all along.”

“You may not be able to control it yourself, but the flame of death will be controlled through your subconscious according to your actions.”

“So, proper exercise is needed to make yourselves aware that the flame of dead qi in your body exists. Only with the existence of the power of consciousness will you be more conscious to control…”

Therefore, Sawada Tsunayoshi, who proposed the morning exercise, did not mean that he simply let Yako and Carolus run with him.

How to control the power of these Flames of Dead Qi already knew in Sawada’s mind, and he also knew how Yako and Garulo entered and began to control the Flames of Dead Qi.

It’s like knowing it naturally, and the answer has already emerged just by thinking about it.


Only then did Poison Island Yazi and Wu Jia Louluo understand why they had to go to the morning today

“So it is.”

The purpose of morning exercise is so that they can really feel the existence of the flame of dead qi

In order to help them master the flame of dead qi.

“Now that you can see your own Death Qi Flame, then it will deepen the subconscious’s control over Death Qi Flame.”

“As a symbol, Carolus gently jumped and looked.”


Wu Jia Louluo did not kick the ground very hard.

The amazing explosive power under her feet instantly smashed the ground, and at the same time sent her whole person

It went up into the sky five or six meters high.


The surrounding air roared for a moment, and the range of vision suddenly became wider, which made Wu Jia Louluo subconsciously glance at his feet.

Only then did I find out that she had come to the air.

The amazing stagnant air force made her pause in mid-air for three or four seconds before she began to fall. She only reacted the moment the body fell, but the body was not prepared when it rose just now, and even if she subconsciously prepared the body when she fell, the incorrect posture was inevitable.

Falling from a height of five or six meters, it was almost completed in a second. Especially if one’s own weight and gravity overlap.


There was a slightly dull sound of landing, and both feet stepped on the ground at the same time.

But Wu Jialouluo, who had been prepared for pain and numbness, only felt a little numb, and then, there was no other feeling.


It’s almost an incorrect landing posture.

And the consciousness was stunned and caused the body to have no way to react, and Luga, whose feet almost withstood the weight and gravity, only gave her a slight numbing feeling.

It almost gave her a cognitive illusion.

“Aren’t you wondering why your feet aren’t doing anything at all?”

Suddenly hearing these words, Wu Jia Louluo nodded subconsciously.

“That’s the effect of the flame of dead qi.”

“In addition to increasing strength and explosiveness, the Flame of Dead Qi can also increase the defense and pressure resistance in places where the Flame of Dead Qi is used.”

“Therefore, even if you do not control the body to land, you can suppress the damage of the body.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi said in detail in this regard, after all, these two methods of use must be used often when using the Flame of Dead Qi, and it is definitely right to say it in detail now.

“Of course, this increase is not unlimited.”

“We use the Flame of Dead Qi, so the foundation of everything is based on the Flame of Dead Qi. The upper limit of the effect of the Dead Qi Inflammation is also the upper limit of our possession and control over the Dead Qi Inflammation. ”

“How much Dead Qi Flame we have, then how much we can strengthen.”

Wu Jialouluo, who had just stood up straight, already felt that the numbness in his legs had disappeared.

“Then there is the property of the Flame of Dead Qi.”


“The Flame of Dead Qi of Frozen Seed is decomposition, and the Flame of Dead Qi of Carolus.”

“This dooms Yazi to be stronger in destruction and aggressiveness, and Garulo to be better in speed, explosiveness and recovery.”

“Different Dead Qi Flames have different characteristics, so what you need to figure out is your own positioning.”

“Most of the development of omnipotence creates mediocrity, and only those who focus on one can bring out one of their characteristics to the extreme.”

“Revitalizes explosive power and restores energy. Wu Jia Lou Luo understood the meaning of these words a little. ”

The fact that her legs recovered so quickly should also be the flames of dead qi at work.

Different from the qi power and secret techniques used by warriors, the effect of the Flame of Dead Qi is even more on these things.

Now she kind of understands why Pengellet is the most powerful mafia family in the inner world.

Could the family that holds this power be weak?


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