In the end, when they left, Liu Wei even brought Fu Zichen with them.

Sima Xi was somewhat puzzled, so he asked him about it on the way back.

Fu Zichen said coldly: "If it is the Mu brothers, then Qujiang County still has three lives to repay."

The grandma had been waiting at home for a long time. When her two granddaughters returned, she was worried and went to seek help from the government.

Fu Zichen personally brought some people up the mountain to look for the corpses of the two little girls. They were first defiled, then abandoned in the wilderness, and died an extremely miserable death.

When Liu Wei arrived at the scene of the crime and saw the corpse, she was so angry that her entire body was emitting black Qi.

But because the body was discovered too late, the three main culprits had already escaped. Liu Wei had used the scene to gather evidence and confirm the identity of the culprit.

The old granny lost two of her granddaughters in one go, and then fell ill. Liu Wei took care of her everyday, but she had already made up her mind.

In the end, not a single person remained from the family of three.

This case had always been on Liu Wei's mind, and was also something Fu Zichen would never forget. The two brothers had wanted to arrest him, so they reported it to the imperial government, but the three brothers couldn't find him.

If they were the ones to die, then it would truly be in accordance with one sentence — the heaven's net was vast and the earth was vast, and they would not leave anything out.

The mortuary of Qingzhou Prefecture was not considered a morgue. It was built in a well with ventilation and ventilation, so it did not have a large area.

Before Liu Wei even entered, he smelt a sour stench. That stench was too domineering, causing her to frown.

Sima Xi was also surprised. He turned around and asked the bailiff, "I didn't smell that bad yesterday. How come it stinks like this today?"

The bailiff covered his nose and shook his head with all his might, "Reporting to my lord, changing shifts this morning is not as smelly as you think, it's just that it's getting more and more smelly. My lord, is this corpse of yours rotten? I don't think even a corpse buried in the grave for three months is so smelly."

"Did you go in to take a look?" There must be something in the stench so suddenly.

The bailiff shook his head. It was obvious that he was too smelly and didn't want to get any closer.

He then looked at Liu Wei and Fu Zichen who were by her side. Coughing, he said, "The two of you should go to the side hall to rest first.

"No need to trouble yourself, let's go in together." Liu Wei said as she took a step forward and reached for the door.

Seeing how brave the Master Liu was, Sima Xi had a better impression of him. He took the lead first and walked forward.

When the door opened, the stench rushed over. Sima Xi was the first to be hit by it. He felt as if his lungs were about to vomit.

Seeing that, Liu Wei did not rush in. Instead, she took out a small porcelain bottle and gave a few pills to the few of them.

Fu Zichen had long gotten used to eating too much. She grabbed the Feather Leaf Pills and swallowed them whole.

Liu Mo was quite curious, but he believed that his elder sister wouldn't harm him. Thus, he didn't say anything and directly swallowed his curiosity.

As expected, after eating, the stench was no longer as pervasive as before.

"What's this medicine called?" he asked.

"Feather Leaf Pill." Liu Wei said, then seeing that his brother seemed to like it, she gave him another two pills to play with.

Sima Xi also ate one pill, and the other two were given to the two bailiffs behind her. After they ate the pills, they became much better. When they were feeling surprised by the speed of the effects of the medicine, they also clearly saw the situation in the room.

There were three corpses in total, and they were placed side by side on three wooden beds. The corpses were covered with white cloths from head to tail, and didn't look strange at all.

Sima Xi walked over first and lifted the white cloth from the middle corpse. Immediately, a blood-red face appeared before him.

The corpse was no different from the one he had seen yesterday. It was still abnormally red. After examining it, Sima Xi became suspicious. "I thought it was rotten, but I didn't see any damage on the body."

Fu Zichen walked over and focused on the corpse's face. She looked at it for a moment, but was unable to confirm: "It doesn't look like the Mu brothers." The Qujiang County yamen always had a portrait of the three Mu brothers and wanted posters. Fu Zichen was sure that if she saw the person in front of him, she wouldn't be wrong. However, even though his face was flushed red, it was indeed different from the three Mu brothers'.

Liu Wei also walked over and looked. She did not make a sound, and instead lifted up the other two corpses. After comparing the three with each other, she said: "It's them."

Fu Zichen looked at her.

Liu Wei took out gloves from her pocket and put them on as she said: "Human looks can change, but the ratio of bones to facial features is hard to change. The one in the middle is Mu Hai, the one on the left is Mu Tian and the one on the right is Mu Di."

As she spoke, she took out her scalpel and placed it on Mu Hai's head. Then, she drew some lines on his face with the scalpel and pulled his cheekbone apart.

As soon as the tip of her knife had pierced her skin, a large amount of stinking pus gushed out.

Even though they had eaten the Feather Leaf Pills to stabilise their minds, it was still difficult for ordinary people to get used to the smell. The two bailiffs covered their mouths and ran out of the woodshed.

Sima Xi couldn't bear it either, but it wasn't that bad. He held the handkerchief over his mouth and nose, barely able to stay still.

Liu Mo immediately stuffed the Feather Leaf Pills into his mouth. The more he ate, the more comfortable it seemed.

Fu Zichen didn't feel that one Feather Leaf Pill was enough for him to stay in this kind of environment for two hours. In the past, she had seen this kind of stimulation quite a few times in the Qujiang County, so she had long gotten used to it.

The cause of the stench was obvious. It was blood turning into pus.

The reason for the redness of the corpse was obvious. It was also because of the bad blood.

There was poison in the blood of the three corpses.

After cutting open Mu Hai's cheekbones and skin, Liu Wei found a piece of skin within the smelly blood. It looked a little like sheepskin and was extremely tough, he took the skin out and placed it on a clean white cloth before continuing to cut the other cheek of the deceased.

Before the two bailiffs could recover their wits after vomiting, they saw a face that had been cut into three pieces and turned upside down. Immediately, they felt their eyes go bloodshot and their heads go numb as they fainted.

Sima Xi saw this and quickly called the others to come in. He dragged the two bailiffs away so he wouldn't embarrass himself.

Liu Wei took out the two skins from Mu Hai's face and covered them with their original skins. After roughly sewing a bit, she tilted her head and asked Fu Zichen: "Do you guys look like that now?"

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