The old man helplessly stroked the young man's head again and said, "Tell me, milord. Look at this, free of charge. kà lA

The young man then lowered his head and said, "One said that each person would get three hundred silver, why are you taking it all for yourself? The other one said, I'm the big brother, what's wrong with me taking care of the money? The other one said that it would be best to split the money now, and everyone will go their separate ways. After disembarking from the ship, everyone will go their own ways. "

"And then?"

In other words, after a loud argument, he suddenly shut his mouth.

Or suddenly dead.

Logically speaking, since there was a dispute over money, there should be a conclusion to it. Was it a dispute over money, or was it a fight over money? Or was it a dispute over money? Where was the argument over money?

After the investigation had finished, he proposed for the old and young to temporarily stay at the yamen. Although they could not be considered witnesses, but the quarrels the boy heard should have been the last words of the three dead men.

Very investigative.

The youth seemed to be somewhat repulsed by the idea of staying at the yamen. He firmly held onto the old man's hand.

Since Nanyang and the rest were on the same floor as the deceased, even though it appeared to be safe, they were still registered with Lu Yin and the inn. When they had to search, they would immediately find them.

Nanyang was not in a hurry. The Imperial Examinations were in half a year's time, so he could stay in Qingzhou for a few more days. Thus, he was very cooperative from beginning to end, and the inn he stayed at was very close to the yamen.

This case was not big. First of all, the deceased was not a powerful man, but only three foreign citizens, whether it was the investigation or the authority to investigate. As long as they could find the clues, they would be able to find the culprit without worrying about any external reasons.

At first, Sima Xi thought it was a good idea and decided it would be easy to investigate, but three days later, he felt that it was too simple for him.

In these three days, not only did he not find the murderer, but there were also problems with the corpse. The corpse's expression changed.

The legal medical expert who was in charge of the inspection came again on the day of the crime. She looked at the discolored corpse and was very confused. Otherwise, how could a good corpse suddenly turn red?

It was as if someone had poured red paint on their heads. It was a very strange shade of red.

The constables were innocent. The corpses were left in the morgue, so how could they not be dealt with? The problem was that there was no one to dispose of the body.

In the end, neither side was able to find out what was going on. When the matter was reported to Sima Xi, he too fell silent.

At this point, the case could not be continued, and the body had changed dramatically. The case became complicated.

Sima Xi went to find the youth called Ji Bing and repeatedly asked him if he had heard any other voices that night.

The youth had been asked countless times in the past three days. From his initial cooperation to his current impatience, he was very unhappy and even a little angry. "That's all. I've already said it. Nothing else."

Marcy asked again.

Sima Xi was left with no choice but to ask the old man. The old man's answer was always the same, he didn't hear anything, his grandson said whatever his grandson wanted to say, but if his grandson didn't want to cooperate, then so was Sima Xi. After all, this child's personality was stubborn.

Sima Xi returned empty-handed. After he left, the youth's tender voice sounded. "I regret it."

The old man stroked the child's head and didn't say anything.

The youth pursed his lips, "I really shouldn't meddle in other people's business. Now that I'm locked in here, how do I escape?"

The old man didn't say anything and only asked the youth to sit down.

The youth sat down. His appearance was somewhat dejected. His slightly serious little face was knitted into a frown.

It was unknown who this young man looked like.

"Since you've already been here for a long time, you should be at ease. The things you've thrown away are not things that can be retrieved just by saying that you have found them. You don't have to worry too much about it."

"But …" The young man wanted to say something, but the old man interrupted him, pressing him down so that he could have a good rest.

The youth could not do anything but shut his mouth, but his heart was still restless.

At first, the corpse was just red and discolored, but the next day, yellow, stinky pus began to spread from the mouth and nose of the deceased.

At this point, Sima Xi could no longer console himself. He knew that there was something really wrong with the corpse.

If there was something wrong with the corpse, it meant that there might be something wrong with the death. legal medical expert had confidently said from the beginning that the dead were killed by random blades, but until now, she had also started to falter.

Marcy was still worrying about it when he returned to the house that night.

Madam Sima, however, was quite quick-witted and said straightforwardly: "Isn't Second Prince still in the Azure Province? She has handled more or less of the cases."

Sima Xi shook his head. "How could I possibly trouble Your Highness with such a small matter? Besides, Your Highness is very busy these days."

Madam Sima didn't ask what she was busy with. Instead, she asked, "Then what about Liu Siszo?"

Sima Xi actually thought about Master Liu as well. Ever since he confirmed that the three dead were all from Qujiang County, he thought about Master Liu.

However, that person's temper was something he could not fathom. He wanted to see what he had done to those young masters in the prison. That vengeful and unrelenting manner made him truly unwilling to deal with them.

Madam Sima knew her husband well. She knew that he had some bad habits as a scholar, so she instructed him, "The case is big, but it's better than what it is now."

That was what he said, but in the end …

Sima Xi waved his hand and shook his dizzy head. "Allow me to think."

Thinking of this, he spent the entire night, and on the second day, Sima Xi appeared at the entrance of the inn.

After Liu Wei finished eating her breakfast, she was just about to take Liu Mo to the dungeon to play.

Liu Wei was startled for a moment, and happily greeted: "Master Sima, you're looking for Second Prince again? He's on the second floor. "

Si Ma Xi did not reply. He only pursed his lips and frowned as he looked at Liu Wei.

His expression was too strange. Before Liu Wei could say anything, Liu Mo had already stood up and stood in front of her sister.

When Liu Wei saw this, there was no need to mention how happy she was. She pulled on her younger brother's sleeves and said: "I'm fine."

Liu Mo had a bad impression of Sir Sima. The main reason was that when he was originally sentenced, the person who convicted him was this person from the Azure Province. Thus, even after seeing him now, his nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes.

He looked at Liu Wei, and after exhaling a long breath, he went all out and said, "There's a case in the yamen recently, I hope Master Liu can investigate it."

Liu Wei: "Me?"

Si Ma Xi held back his blushing face and nodded his head dejectedly.

Liu Wei did not want to intervene, but after Sima Xi explained the situation to him, Liu Wei felt that she had no choice but to go.

"The three brothers were born in Qujiang County?" Liu Wei touched the two pieces of information, a cold glint flashed past her eyes: "Maybe old acquaintances, lead the way."

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