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The two rivers were separated from the north and south of the Central Plains. The sea was spacious and the sea was abundant. At the same time, the scenery was also rather pleasant.

Many of the nobles and officials who came to Riverside Town would always go out for a stroll. Whether they were friends or friends, they would only be able to take a boat ride and drink a little, this was a worthwhile trip.

Seeing that the boat was about to reach the harbor, Nan Yang called out, "Black Bean."

The errand boy, Black Bean, immediately responded. He bowed towards the people around him and hurriedly ran back. "Young Master, you called me?"

Nan Yang said unhappily: "You're about to get off the boat, hurry up and pack your luggage. When it's late, you still need to find an inn to stay."

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head again and said: "Young Master, the two people next door are from Lingzhou, aren't they fighting in Lingzhou?"

Nan Yang was a little surprised: "Isn't our ship coming from the east? Lingzhou is in the west."

Hei Dou nodded his head. "That old grandpa said that he brought his grandson to Liaozhou to see his relatives, but only after he had gone over did he find out that his relatives had already moved their entire family to Qingzhou. That's why they came here."

Nanyang wasn't curious about the chores of others. He understood the gist of it and didn't ask any further questions. He knocked on Black Bean's head and said, "Quickly pack up and don't run around."

The ship docked after half an hour, and since it was a large passenger ship, it had two decks, one for a hundred passengers.

Nanyang lived on the second floor. When they went out, they happened to meet the ancestors next door. They nodded to each other and walked out together.

When they reached the stairs that led to the first floor, Nanyang politely let the old man go first. The old man smiled and took a step forward, but just as he took one step, he heard a scream from behind him.


That shrill and terrifying cry suddenly appeared, scaring everyone present into jumping.

The passengers on the second floor turned their heads to look at the door of a certain cabin. A man who looked like a sailor sat in the corridor and pointed to the room. His face was filled with fear. "Dead, dead, dead!"

Black Bean couldn't get any better. He quickly rushed over and peeked through the door.

Nan Yang quickly called out to him, "Black Bean, come back."

But Hei Dou was already there, and had already looked. With just a single glance, the small child was so scared that he immediately retreated a few steps, stuttering as he clutched his chest, and shouted, "My mother, she … she really is dead …"

… ….

A murder case had occurred on a guest ship in Qingzhou, and in less than a quarter of an hour, the entire port had become a sensation.

When Sima Xi brought his men over, they could see that the surroundings were completely surrounded. The passenger ship that was in trouble was also shaken up.

He frowned and scolded, "How can we let random people destroy the crime scene?"

When the bailiffs heard his words, they hurriedly waved their hands, indicating that everyone should leave.

It happened on the second floor, and it was not a narrow staircase. Sima Xi looked at the people on the side of the corridor and noticed that they were no longer people. They were all passengers on the boat, and they were all left behind before they could leave, as they were all suspected of murder.

At the front of the corridor was the steward of the guest boat. He was a middle-aged man in his forties and was sweating profusely. He walked up to the steward politely and explained everything to him.

The overseer was probably panicking as well, and his words were a bit out of place, but Sima Xi understood and waved her hand, saying that she wanted to look at the dead man first.

Sima Xi was stunned when he was brought to the cabin.

There was more than one dead person, three dead, and blood everywhere.

The steward said that these were the three brothers, who were registered on the boat registration. They were registered on the "Liuping Residence", but their locality was marked as "Qujiang County".

"Qujiang County?" Although it was only a coincidence, the name reminded Sima Xi of someone.

"Have you seen how he died?" He was asking about the bailiffs behind him.

The bailiff hastily replied: "legal medical expert thinks that she died from excessive bleeding. There are many wounds on her body, and she was hacked into this state by people."

"When did he die?"

"legal medical expert said it should have been last night."

"Check to see if anyone heard anything last night."

The bailiff received the order and led the men to inquire the passengers of the boat in batches.

Nanyang's room was rather far from the dead person's room. In addition, because of last night's wind, he had closed the window and slept, so he hadn't heard anything.

The bailiff felt that there were no problems, so after recording Nanyang's words, he asked the boy and the girl next door.

He had originally thought that there were no clues, but before he knew it, the youth suddenly said, "There was no sound of a fight, but there was a dispute."

The bailiff was stunned and asked: "What's the argument?" "Where did you hear that?"

"In the room." As the youth spoke, he recalled something and said, "It was a dispute over money."

The bailiff looked at the youth strangely. "Your room is seven to eight rooms away from the dead man's room. Can you hear them arguing over money?"

The youth said, "Not with other people, but the three who died."

The more the bailiff listened, the more he felt that something was amiss. He left the boy to wait and turned to look for the Prefecture Overseer.

As Nan Yang looked at the calm boy, he did not ask any further questions. He also felt that the boy would not be able to hear him since he was really too far away.

But Black Bean, after being frightened, quickly became lively and lively again. "Young Master Ji, you're really awesome. You can hear me from so far away. How do your ears look?" As he said that, he stuck his head out to look at the young man's ears.

The youth felt uncomfortable being stared at by the old man, and he cowered behind the old man.

Nan Yang pulled a handful of black beans to stop scaring the child.

The old man stretched out his hand to protect the youth, but his face still had that kind and amiable expression. He couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Didn't I say I was going out and wouldn't cause trouble?"

The youth didn't say anything, but stubbornly kept quiet.

In the end, the old man could not bear to do so. He rubbed the youth's head and said, "Forget it, there won't be a next time."

Sima Xi came with the bailiff and asked, "What did you hear?"

The youth didn't seem to get used to this person's questioning tone and was left speechless.

Sima Xi frowned and looked at the old man.

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