One second. Org, free of charge!

Xing Yi looked at the back of the vengeful figure, the bit of doubt in his heart still hadn't disappeared.

Chou Yi was a dead person and had a bad temper. He couldn't get along well with most of the people, but he had grown up with his peers, so they got to know each other well. This time, when Chou Yi came from the Liaozhou, he looked no different.

Fu Ziyan, this was the only way to break through. However, the other party's identity was too sensitive. It would not be easy for them to search for him without attracting the other party's attention.

Hopefully, he had put that item in Flowing Cloud Lane. That place was filled with all sorts of people, so it would be much easier to find it.

As for how Xing Yi was troubled, she did not know.

Chou Yi returned to his room and lay down on the bed. He stared at the curtain on the top of the bed without blinking.

After a long while, he turned his body over and his fingers found a hard object in his bosom. He took it out and saw that it was a jade pendant.

It was priceless.

Rubbing the patterns on the jade pendant, his expression was focused, and his eyebrows were scrunched up in a solemn manner.

After maintaining the posture for fifteen minutes, he finally let out a sigh. He put the jade pendant back, got up, and sat up from the bed.

The patterns on the jade pendant were symbols, the seals were ancient, and were the totems of his clan. Coincidentally, he could also recognize the totems, which were the totems of the Ji's Family.

"It seems like..." He mumbled to himself as his expression changed slightly, "I need the people of the Ji's Family to break it."

… ….

When Hong Jie'er saw Yue Dansheng, he was in the middle of scratching for medicine at the medicine shop. When he saw the figure from afar, she did not make a sound, until the person walked in front of her.

"What kind of medicine do you want?" When the medicine boy saw the customer, he took the initiative to ask.

The average looking young man handed over the prescription in his hand and instructed: "Capture two of them."

The ingredient girl answered with a clear and melodious voice. She turned around and followed the instructions on the prescription to look for medicine.

There were two medicine boys inside the medicine store. One of them was taking medicine for Hong Jie'er, and the other was taking medicine for the new customer. The medicine store was very quiet, so Hong Jie'er tilted her head to look at the person beside him.

Yue Dansheng was still disguising herself, which meant that he was going to travel with the outsiders, but why did she come to look for him?

Or was it really just a coincidence?

Hong Jie'er was the first to arrive, he already grabbed half of the medicine, and the other half were quickly finished. She paid the money, turned around and left.

When she left, she intentionally took a quiet path to make it easier for people to chase after her.

However, when she walked back to the inn, the people behind her did not appear.

Was it really just a coincidence?

After thinking about it, she decided to inform leader of the studio about this matter.

After going up to the second floor, she pushed open the leader of the studio's door.

There was not one person in the room, but two.

"Madam, Master Liu." She called out and quietly left the room.

After a while, the door opened again. It was Master Liu, which was his young miss.

Liu Wei looked at her, then asked: "Miss Hong, do you have something to tell mother?"

Hong Jie'er did not restrain herself and nodded honestly.

The voice was warm. "Go, mother will wait for you."

Hong Jie'er nodded her head, seeing the other party leave, she then entered the room and closed the door.

Tell me what happened along the way.

Hong Jie'er asked: "What does leader of the studio think you mean by that?"

Ji Xiaqiu did not make a sound.

Right now, she already recognized her daughter, and her daughter was currently fighting against the strongest power in the Azure Province. She did not want to create unnecessary troubles, and even more so, she did not want to drag down her daughter.

If Yue Dansheng really had something big to do in the Azure Province this time, she needed to confirm that this matter would not implicate her daughter, and would not even affect her daughter a little.

"Next time we meet, tell him to come see me."

After Ji Xiaqiu finished instructing, she thought that it would take a few days for Yue Dansheng to arrive. However, that night, Yue Dansheng came.

His appearance was still the same as before, not his true appearance.

"Sit." After confirming that the doors and windows were all closed, Ji Xiaqiu said.

Yue Dansheng sat on the chair, with Ji Xiaqiu separated by a curtain, they spoke: "Would you like to meet?"

"I almost lost my life."

Yue Dansheng was startled, she did not expect the answer.

"He's looking for you everywhere." Ji Xiaqiu said, with a tone of complaint: "You left too quickly."

"It's an emergency." The young man explained, but did not go into deep discussion. Instead, he took out a jade pendant from his chest pocket and said, "I seek an audience today because I have something to ask of you." As he spoke, he threw the jade pendant onto the bed.

Ji Xiaqiu held onto the object that was handed over, and lowered her eyes to look: "Ji's Family's crest?"

"Aunt Qiu, do you know what this is?"

Ever since Yue Chongming died, he had never called his Aunt Qiu. She always called his Madam, which meant that she had subconsciously refused to be called as someone who came from half of the Ji's Family.

Ji Xiaqiu looked at the jade pendant carefully, and said after a while: "It's a talisman recording."

Yue Dansheng's eyebrows twitched.

Ji Xiaqiu said: "There is a type of map in the Ji's Family, divided into three parts. One part of the map, one part of the diagram, one part of the talisman, and one part of the seal. Looking at the drawing on this talisman, it seems to be quite old, and is not close at all. "

Yue Dansheng paused for a moment, then asked: "If there's a blueprint and seal, and a pieced together map, would anyone be able to understand it?"

"Not necessarily, but I should be able to understand it." Ji Xiaqiu threw the jade pendant back to the young man, who caught it accurately.

The young man stood up and clasped his hands across the tent. "I will have to trouble Aunt Qiu then."

Ji Xiaqiu agreed to his request, and at the same time said, "If you are to travel outside, you should be familiar with the three words" Zhenge Sect ".

The youth did not make a sound.

"Zhenge Sect Steward, have you heard of her name before?"

The youth did not speak.

"Right now, she's in the Azure Province. I don't care what you want to do, but if you meet her, you need to back away."


Before he could finish, the other party had already agreed.

"Why don't you ask?"

The youth was calm as he retorted, "Did Aunt Qiu recognize her?"

Ji Xiaqiu: "..."

The young man then said, "Congratulations to Aunt Qiu and her daughter for reuniting. Congratulations to Mo Yi and his sister for reuniting."

Ji Xiaqiu: "..."

Yue Dansheng came and left quickly. The room was quiet again as Ji Xiaqiu felt a little more afraid of this nephew of her.

It was a long night.

The ones who felt that tonight was the longest night was Xing Yi's group. They spent the entire night searching all over the place, but were unable to find anything.

The enmity was gone, no one was seen in the morning, no one was seen at noon, and no one was seen at night.

The suspicion finally turned into reality. Xing Yi immediately ordered all her subordinates to search, but they didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of an inch of her figure.

The enmity between them, had truly completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Not a single trace was left, and its disappearance exceeded the expectations of Xing Yi and the others.

On the same evening, on the port of two rivers in Qingzhou, a handsome young man in a crimson robe boarded a boat to Jiangnan with his servants.

If Liu Wei was present at this moment, she would definitely find out that the servant beside the young man, no matter how he looked, looked familiar. That was none other than the servant that Xing Yi investigated.

His name was — Xi Zi.

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