Bai Xin was also stubborn. There were tears in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall.

Seeing that the situation had turned out like this, the old procuress could only order the girls to leave, and herself said to Liu Wei in a low voice: "Our family's White Heart has this kind of personality. She and Young Master are on good terms, I hope Young Master can do something good and advise her."

Liu Wei wanted to say that she was not familiar with us, there was nothing to say to persuade us, but the old procuress had already left while sighing softly, and even closed the door affectionately before she went out.

Finally, the drunkenness passed out.

When he fell asleep, the tear stains on his face had yet to disappear.

Liu Wei acted humanely and put the person on the bed, then left.

From the corridor, he could still see the excitement on the first floor. Liu Wei did not go through the main staircase and instead, walked down the side stairs.

Liu Wei walked over and asked, "So what?"

Fu Zichen raised her chin, indicating them to stay at the corner.

Liu Wei looked over and saw his brother pulling people to ask him something, her expression was anxious.

"What's wrong?"

"The witness is missing."


Liu Wei had just been released from a love triangle and was feeling both physically and mentally exhausted. Now she was giving her this information: "Did you send someone back to visit?"

"I saw it, but I didn't reply."

On the other side, Liu Mo tried to ask a few more people but to no avail. He turned his head dejectedly and was about to say something to Fu Zichen, when he suddenly saw his elder sister standing a distance away, staring at him.

He quivered and quickly avoided her gaze, continuing to pull another person and ask.

No one knew where Ji Bing was. However, when Uncle Feng came back from the yamen, he brought back news that Ji Feng was still there, and only Ji Bing had gone missing.

Liu Wei knew that Ji Bing would not abandon Ji Feng, so where did he go?

Did he hide himself? Or was he taken away?

If it was the former, why did he have to hide? But if it was the latter, who was the one who took him away? Was it the murderer of the three brothers of the Mu family? What was the other party's motive? Kill him to keep his mouth shut?

Liu Wei was a little anxious. She looked similar to Yue Chongming, so their blood relatives shouldn't be too far away.

"Keep searching. If you can't find it, seal the Thousand Creations Workshop and search for it!" These were the last words Liu Wei said.

With that, Liu Wei asked for Bai Xin's location and went over.

Fang Que and Yu Ran were at the Thousand Creations Workshop, and the two of them were at the same sect as Rong Ling. Furthermore, they had missions there, and there would definitely be spies monitoring them from all around, and amongst these people, there might be people who had seen Ji Bing before.

Just as Liu Wei had expected, she saw the hidden sentry outside Bai Xin's residence. Due to his concealing method and movements, he was extremely similar to Rong Ling and the other hidden guards. Liu Wei guessed that they were Fang Que's people and did not stop to directly knock on Bai Xin's door.

There were not many people in the backyard today, and Bai Xin, the owner of the house, was still drunk and could not wake up. She had to knock on Bai Xin's door, otherwise, no one would open the door, and it would be Fang Que and the rest.

The door opened, and a maidservant walked out. Her eyes were first filled with vigilance.

The sentry standing guard outside the door was relieved when he saw that they were familiar with each other.

Zhang Yu, who was sitting on the beam in the room, was complaining incessantly. Why was there another one coming? How many more people were going to come?

"Sister-in-law …" Fang Que wanted to call Liu Wei after entering her room.

However, he was interrupted by Liu Wei with a raise of his hand. Liu Wei's gaze swept one round around the room, and finally landed on a certain area on the house beam.

Zhang Yu, who was hiding in the dark, shivered, not daring to move.

"Sister-in-law …" Yu Ran wanted to speak up as well.

However, Liu Wei interrupted them once again: "You're in the tiger's den, and yet you're so careless. Let your two senior brothers know, I'm afraid that the first thing they will do is scold you two." After she finished speaking, Liu Wei looked at the house beam, her voice carried an ice-cold aura, "Hiding your head and showing your tail, is not what a gentleman should do."

When Liu Wei said these words, her hand was already using Qi, with a flash, she was already close to the ceiling.

At the same time, Zhang Yu, who had sensed the inner strength of an expert, also quickly dodged, dodging Liu Wei's attack and steadily landed on the ground.

Fang Que did not expect that there would still be someone in the house. She was shocked and only had one thought in her mind, she definitely could not let this person leave this place alive.

The killing intent of the two was obvious. Zhang Yu understood very clearly that he could not be kind today. However, he was the only one among the three opponents, and the disparity between their strengths was extremely great.

But at this point, they had no choice but to fight.

Thinking this way, he might as well make the first move and gain the upper hand.

His five fingers formed claws, and with a push of his wrist, he pounced forward. Because he knew Liu Wei's martial arts were the best, he avoided Liu Wei when he made his move, and rushed towards Yu Ran.

Yu Ran reflexively dodged his attack, but the opponent was a man. With his brute force, he had actually struck her wrist until it was green, turning her into a numb state.

Yu Ran clenched her teeth, her eyes dimmed. She removed his right hand and used his left hand to parry and fight with Zhang Yu.

Liu Wei did not make her move in a hurry.

But Fang Que could not stand, and immediately joined the fight, going against Yu Ran two on one.

In less than thirty moves, Zhang Yu had already succeeded. He slowly began to lose his breath, and finally, when he was hit, he took the opportunity to retreat, leaned on the dressing table, and shouted: "Wait."

Fang Que fought to her heart's content, how could she listen to him?

Yu Ran also took the [Strangle] and went straight for Zhang Yu's neck.

Zhang Yu knew that she had underestimated the combined power of the two of them, and suffered a huge loss. Her face turned even more unsightly, and as she dodged, she continued to speak, "Everyone said that there is a first come first serve, which originally meant that I will enter this house first. The two of you are last, but how could you be so unreasonable?"

Yu Ran snorted: Since you came first, why are you not seeing me and instead sneaking around? I see that you obviously have bad intentions!

With that, he grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it towards Zhang Yu's eyes.

Zhang Yu hurriedly raised her hand to block him, avoiding his eyes. However, another teacup smashed onto his chest.

This time, the cup failed to block it, smashing a bruise on his chest before falling to the ground, shattering into pieces.

The huge noise made the room become 'extremely lively', the fight continued, but because Zhang Yu Wu was not bad, Fang Que was unable to grab hold of him, the longer it dragged on, the longer the fight went on. It was not possible, Fang Que finally asked Liu Wei for help.

Liu Wei caught her gaze and took the chance when Zhang Yu was tired to lift his hand and grab his.

Zhang Yu wanted to dodge, but after fighting for so long, she was extremely tired.

Knowing that he was unable to escape this calamity, he pushed Liu Wei fiercely and fished out a jade bottle. He bit open the stopper and gulped down everything down.

"He's a Death Soldier!" Yu Ran went forward to snatch the jade bottle.

He had gotten the jade bottle, but there was nothing inside.

Liu Wei turned her head to look, only to see that Zhang Yu had fallen on the ground, his eyes were unfocused, and his four limbs were trembling like they were paralyzed.

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