"He took the poison."

Fang Que said, she took the jade bottle and sniffed the bottle, and smelt a bitter smell: "It's not an ordinary poison, I can't tell what kind of medicine it is, but looking at him like this, he should not be able to live."

With that, he gave the jade bottle back to Liu Wei.

Due to the paralyzing effect of the drug, the grass poison had a paralyzing effect. The poison was strong and could penetrate the brain and cause a person to stop breathing at any time for a short period of time.

The good thing about this herb is that once the poison evaporates, if white grass, ginger, and other medicinal soups are used to bubble, the poison will disappear.

Once the poison completely disappeared, a person's breathing would return to normal.

This was a miraculous medicine.

Liu Wei had never given that medicine to anyone, but after experimenting with the white mouse, the white mouse died, and in the end, it suddenly jumped around in the cage again.

At that time, she felt fresh and had made pills out of the medicine. After that, she lost everything.

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, then looking at the dead body of the man who was no longer breathing, Liu Wei felt that he was overthinking it.

Putting the bottle aside, Liu Wei asked Fang Que: "What are you looking for here?"

The two girls hesitated for a moment, then looked at each other. Finally, Fang Que spoke, "Master has ordered for us to come to the Cyan Plains to look for a jade pendant."

These words were said by Yu Ran, but she then looked at Liu Wei: "Just now, Fang Que was in a hurry, she said that she met sister-in-law outside, and entrusted her sister-in-law to lure away Bai Xin, I don't know what Bai Xin is doing now …"

"Drunk, I fell asleep." Liu Wei asked again: "Today, the Thousand Creations School has suddenly set up a poetry meet, could it be that it's also you guys … …" "Uhh@@

Fang Que said: As expected, Sister-in-law is smart, it was my idea, and it was because of her close relationship with Fu Ziyan, Sister-in-law does not know, that she was not willing to receive guests at the Thousand Creations Workshop, nor would she welcome guests. Even if the old procuress saw her, she would have to be respectful to her, as if she was from her ancestors. No one said anything about this Thousand Creations Workshop, it would not be easy for me to lure her out and search her room, I had already sent three people to match it before meeting Sister-in-law, but none of them could enter the eyes of this number one beauty.

Liu Wei wasn't happy at all. With a straight face, she said: "Since there are still uncertainties, why didn't you make a plan in advance? I will inform your senior brother about this matter."

Fang Que's face changed greatly, "Don't, sister-in-law is so kind. If senior knew that I had sent sister-in-law to find a lady, wouldn't you tear me apart?"

Yu Ran interrupted: "This matter must not be brought to Senior Brother." After she finished speaking, she continued, "But since sister-in-law has testified, it was Fang Que who ordered sister-in-law to write the second half of the couplet against Bai Xin. It has nothing to do with me."

"Yu Ran, you …" Fang Que was extremely furious.

Yu Ran said with an honest face, "Why didn't you tell me first? If I knew, I would definitely stop you. "

Fang Que knew that his sister-in-law would be soft, so she went forward again to praise her. Finally, she pointed to the man's body on the ground and said: "Sister-in-law has seen how dangerous it is for us today, we have been hiding this man's body for a long time, if Sister-in-law did not discover this, then we would have let him kill us without knowing. Sister-in-law should just take care of this, since we are only tying our heads up to our belts, let's not complain to senior brother about this. Sister-in-law would be the best, I beg Sister-in-law."

In the end, Liu Wei was still able to grind his down, he could only let it go, and asked them if they had ever seen Ji Bing before.

After thinking for a while, the two of them said that they didn't have a child. Yu Ran even went out to ask his partner who was following them, who was called Ah Shi, said that he had seen him before, and saw that child walk out of the Thousand Creations Workshop entrance, then follow a coachman and left. They probably hired a carriage and went back home.

Liu Wei immediately let the man in, and asked again.

The other party came in, dressed in black, with a cold expression, and honestly answered Liu Wei's question.

Just as Liu Wei was guessing whether Ji Bing had hired a car to kidnap a criminal car, she heard a "eh" sound from the tail.

Liu Wei raised her head to look, but the other party was staring at the ground behind him.

Liu Wei suddenly turned her head, and looked at the middle-aged man who was no longer breathing.

Not only did he recognize the coachman, he said, "Violetflower of Thousand Creations also got on that carriage."

Fang Que was startled: "White hearted servant girl, Zi Hua?"

Ashi nodded.

Fang Que complained: "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"You didn't ask."

Fang Que said: "If I don't ask, then you won't say anything? Didn't I ask you to monitor everyone related to Bai Xin? Zi Hua is a servant girl with a white heart, so her movements and whereabouts are also under surveillance. "

"I will only be in charge of tshe monitoring of the square," he said.

"The car is at the door. Can't we count it as the square?"

"Not really."

Fang Que wanted to hit him a little, so she stared at Yu Ran: "I already said that I would change him to someone else, just that you said there is no need."

Yu Ran did not say anything, and asked Yama, "What else do you know?"

With an expressionless face, Ashi pointed to Zhang Yu on the ground and said, "He had an affair with Zi Hua."

Yu Ran touched her forehead...

Fang Que grinded her teeth in hatred: "Where did they steal this?"

"Back alley."

"The back alley can't be considered as inside the square?"

"Not really."

Fang Que immediately rushed forward, with a quick movement, she pulled her back, preventing the internal conflict.

Fang Que struggled as she said, "Don't stop me, I have to beat him up today, I'll be angry whenever I see him …"

Yu Ran could only let Ah Shi go out first.

He looked at Fang Que, pointed at Zhang Yu on the ground, and said word by word, full of malice: "This man, I saw him enter the house before you just now."

Fang Que couldn't hold it in anymore. He scolded and broke apart Yu Ran, insisting on going up to fight with him.

But Ashi was already out the door, and his figure was gone.

Fang Que stuck a mouthful of blood in her throat and said with a trembling voice, "Did you hear that, did you hear that, he saw someone entering the room, he saw, he didn't tell me, he wished for my death! I hate this guy, I hate him! "

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