No matter what personal grudges Fang Que had with Yama Minamiya, Liu Wei was still thinking about Ji Bing's safety in her heart.

However, Yu Ran's help was limited, and she still had a mission to complete. That sloppy-looking jade pendant, she didn't know where the hell it was.

"Search his body?"

"I won't search. Men and women shouldn't be so intimate with each other."

"I'll let Ashes in."

"I'll search!" Don't let that person take even half a step into my line of sight! "

In the end, Fang Que did not manage to find anything. Seeing that it was getting late, she let Ah Shi come in and dragged the body out to be taken care of.

Seeing that the chance was right, Fang Que walked over to Yama and kicked him hard in the back.

When he turned back again, Fang Que was running even faster than a rabbit, leaving only the back of his figure in the distance.

Yu Ran stood at the side with a headache.

… ….

When Liu Wei returned to the hall of the Thousand Creations Workshop, Liu Mo already had the courage to face her mistake and personally apologize to her sister.

Without waiting for him to speak, Liu Wei instructed Uncle Feng: "I'll have to trouble you to run over and tell Rong Ling to bring along the pearl and come to the yamen to reconcile with me."

Seeing her solemn expression, Uncle Feng did not seem like he was joking. He immediately agreed and turned around to leave.

Fu Zichen asked her: "Do you know where the witnesses are?"

Liu Wei's expression was ugly: It looks like someone kidnapped me.

"A trafficker?"

"More than that."

Thinking about that man's corpse, that man was dressed in all sorts of martial arts and had been hiding in the White Heart Room for a long time, he must not be a simple trafficker, and he also had some relationship with Bai Xin's servant girl, the purple flower. Although he did not know the reason, it was not a coincidence that Ji Bing had landed in their hands.

With things having gotten to this point, Liu Wei had no choice but to set out for the worst case scenario.

In the end, Thousand Creations Workshop was not sealed up. Liu Wei was worried that the person who took Ji Bing away might detect something and only took Liu Mo.

On the way back, Liu Mo lowered his head and looked very dejected.

Liu Wei did not scold him, neither did Fu Zichen say anything. The carriage was very quiet, even when they returned to the yamen and got off the carriage, the three of them did not say a word.

Liu Wei and Fu Zichen had a tacit understanding between themselves, they could only know what the other party was thinking without speaking. Liu Mo, however, felt extremely uncomfortable as she pitifully followed behind the two of them, breathing slowly.

Sima Xi was still in the study, holding on to the case of the three Mu brothers.

When Liu Wei saw him, she immediately said: "Immediately east, west, south, and north, four city gates have been set up a restriction, from this moment onwards, anyone who enters or leaves the city gates must be subject to strict investigation by the officials, no exceptions!"

Si Ma Xi was stunned for a moment and did not understand what he meant.

Liu Wei said again: "Very soon, you will receive the Ensign's personal order. Do you plan to carry it out now, or wait for his order before carrying it out?"

What could Sima say? He couldn't say anything, so he turned around and instructed the others.

Liu Wei said again: "Be quiet, don't alert too many people."

… ….

When Rong Ling arrived, the first thing Liu Wei saw was not him, but the pearl that was calling out to him.

Because the inn was close to the west gate and because of its size, it was not easy to raise it within the inn, so Liu Wei kept it up, allowing it to play with the trees outside the city as much as it wanted.

One day, it suddenly disappeared too. When Liu Wei looked around, she realized that it was following him around the forest and was playing with other birds, chasing him until she was completely bald, still not letting go.

Liu Wei was a parent who respected the private life of her children. When she saw that the two birds could fly on their own, he let them go.

Since then, she had never seen a single hair of either bird, not because of bad weather such as wind or rain.

After asking Rong Ling to bring pearl here today, Liu Wei didn't want to think about how she found the bird.

The pearl dove into Liu Wei's embrace like a small cannon. Liu Wei hugged it, stroking its fur while looking at the man walking towards him: "Something has happened."

Rong Ling's face was expressionless. She reached out her hand, grabbed the dirty bird, brushed off the marks left on Liu Wei's clothes by the bird's black claws, and then put the bird back. She asked: "What is it?"

"I've met Ji Bing, you know, Yue Chongming's son and Ji Feng. Do you remember?"

Of course, Rong Ling remembered the two names that Liu Wei had mentioned. It was related to the Ji's Family, it was related to Liu Wei.

He narrowed his cold eyes and raised his eyebrows as he asked in a clear and cold voice, "So?"

Liu Wei saw through Rong Ling's rejection, she patted the back of the man's hand to comfort him, and then she narrated what happened today, one by one.

In front of Rong Ling, Liu Wei would not hide anything, and he was also worried about Ji Bing, so she was a little confused when he said it.

At the same time, Yama Minamiya, who was digging the pit and burying the corpse, Yu Ran who was helping him dig the pit and burying the corpse, and Fang Que who was standing at the side and doing nothing at all, were all doing fine. At the same time, she rubbed her nose.

… ….

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she did not notice anything and only looked at Rong Ling wholeheartedly. "Sima Xi, I still need you to help us out, in the end, his position is still small, her authority is limited, it is hard to say what kind of obstruction he will have."

Rong Ling did not make a sound, and stared at Liu Wei with a calm gaze.

Liu Wei sensed that something was amiss, and asked: "What's wrong?"

Rong Ling slowly opened his mouth, "You matched it with the Courtesan Belle of the Thousand Creations Workshop?"

Liu Wei nodded, she had already told him about this earlier.

"She cares about me?"

Liu Wei continued to nod his head.

"In the same room?"

Liu Wei wanted to nod his head, but felt that Rong Ling's tone was weird, so she didn't dare to nod his head.

"Did she kiss you?"

Liu Wei finally realised the problem and coughed, and said in a serious tone: "Business is more important, we will talk about this later."

Rong Ling did not plan to tell her later, so after saying "Ho", she turned around and left.

Liu Wei was startled, she did not expect him to be so angry now, so she quickly chased after him, tugging at her sleeves, and blurted out: "Don't blame me, it was Fang Que who let me go."

Fang Que who just felt the cold back of her neck suddenly sneezed and rubbed the tip of her nose, feeling that the weather had suddenly become even colder.

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