Bullying a child was quite boring. It was a parentless child.

She turned around with a dull expression and leaned against the back of the chair with her arms crossed. When she raised her eyes, she met Zhang Tong's gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

Only then did the two of them heave a sigh of relief.

They didn't know if there was anything special about the dead drug, and though they had seen the rat come back from the dead, the human was not a rat, and the rat was not buried in the ground by them. Who knew if it would come back to life after it was buried!

"However..." Ji Bing spoke again, slowly.

The hearts of the two adults rose again.

"But what?"

"However, I couldn't dig it out in time before the effects of the medicine ended. It was sealed underground, and without air, I would still die."

The moment the child finished speaking, Zhang Tong had already rushed out like the wind.

Search Red also wanted to go, but after thinking for a bit, he was worried that this damned child would stay here by himself, so he pulled him along with him.

Ji Bing did not resist and continued to follow them. She got on the carriage and followed them back to the bustling street.

But now, he was taken to another courtyard, not the same one from before. It was just that its appearance was similar. The sign outside the door said, 'Little Red'.

Mom suddenly brought back a little boy. Although they walked through the side door and did not walk through the main entrance, which did not alarm the guests in the main hall, there were still quite a few girls who received the news.

As a result, in a short while, there were seven to eight lightly dressed, charming and fragrant ladies who walked over, surrounding Ji Bing.

Ji Bing's cheeks were pinched one moment and his hands the next. He felt very uncomfortable as he puffed his cheeks up and said seriously, "Men and women, please be serious."

One of the round-faced girls even bent down and hugged Ji Bing tightly, her face full of maternal love: "So cute, why is this child so cute, Mom, where did this child come from?"

"What does it have to do with you? Go, go, all of you go out and entertain guests. Stop being lazy here."

The girls were reluctant to leave but refused to leave. Searching for the red light, they took out their whips to teach him a lesson. Only then did the girls scatter, each running as fast as they could.

Xunhong pulled the last one and asked, "Where's your red makeup?"

The other party thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't think I saw any red makeup today, but I saw her in the afternoon, so I talked about the Thousand Creations Workshop Painting Grand Meeting."

She originally wanted to give the child to Hongzhuang to look at. After all, Hongzhuang was a well-behaved person and knew the general situation. She had always relied more on the child, but Hongzhuang was not there so it would be difficult.

After some thought, she decided to keep the child by her side.

As a result, when Zhang Tong and his men had explored the route and were digging about for the "corpse" of their second brother, they saw Xunhong dragging a child along as he walked over against the night sky.

Zhang Tong told the others to dig and turned around to ask Xunhong, "Why did you bring him here? What if he took the opportunity to make a ruckus, and alarmed the others? "

Xunhong looked at the child beside him and said hesitatingly: "He doesn't seem to be the type to shout. Moreover, he probably doesn't have any malice towards Zhang Yu."

Zhang Tong was still worried. He lowered his eyes and glared at the child.

Ji Bing turned a deaf ear to her, he only looked at the pit in front of his, and evaluated: "buried so deep, it should be the work of a martial arts expert."

Zhang Tong harrumphed, "My martial arts are not high, but they can't force my second brother to take the medicine from that tiger or wolf."

Ji Bing did not utter a word, she only pointed to the night sky and reminded them: "If you still want your second brother alive, you better dig him out within the hour."

Zhang Tong thought that the other party was implying that there was only an hour left before the effects of the medicine would be effective. Without bothering to worry, he jumped into the hole and continued digging.

Seeing that the other party was in a hurry and did not say a word, Ji Bing just found a rock and leisurely propped her chin up as she sat down.

When Zhang Tong dug up Zhang Yu's "corpse", Pearl had already brought Liu Wei to walk around the city a few times.

Liu Wei was tired. She found a remote alley and reached out for the pearl.

The pearl flew down and steadily landed on a tilted tree, and shouted at Liu Wei: "Hehe."

Liu Wei asked: "Are you able to find it?"

Pearl felt wronged. "Hehehehehe …"

Liu Wei said: "That street just now, was the street where the child disappeared. It's normal for there to be a smell, I'm looking for the place he went after leaving."

Pearl continued, "Jie Jie Jie … …."

Liu Wei shook her head: "Impossible, someone saw him being brought to the carriage, if she was still on that street, then what carriage would she get on?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk …"

"You mean, you can't smell anything else except there?"

"Hehe …"

Liu Wei went silent, frowning as she thought.

After a while, Liu Wei nodded his head: "You are right, since there is only one clue, Liu Lian Lane, even if it is impossible, we should search again.

Pearl agreed, flapped her wings, and stormed towards the yamen.

Both Rong Ling and Fu Zichen were in the study room. When Rong Ling saw the pearl, she raised her hand and it was so convenient for the birds to rest on his arm.

However, Fu Zichen opened her mouth at this moment. "Pearl, come here."

When he shouted, exactly five years of love had filled his heart. Seeing that he was already in front of Rong Ling, he turned around and steadily landed on Fu Zichen's shoulder.

The document in Rong Ling's hand was placed on the table with a 'pa' sound, making it sound a little loud.

Fu Zichen laughed as she glanced at Rong Ling. She scratched the pearl on his head and asked: "Where's your master?"

Pearl opened her mouth and shouted, "Jie Jie Jie … …"

Fu Zichen nodded her head: "You guys found him?"

Pearl shook her head. "Jejejeje."

Fu Zichen continued to nod her head: "Okay, lead the way."

Pearl felt that this person was completely at odds with her, but still flew up to lead the way. It knew that Fu Zichen did not know any martial arts, so it flew slowly to accommodate its speed.

Liu Mo followed it from the side. It was not the first time he saw pearl and it was not the first time he heard Fu Zichen talking to it.

He knew that Pearl was his sister's bird and that his sister and Xiaoli could communicate with her in a way that normal people wouldn't understand. He felt that it was mystical, but when he thought about how Fu Zichen was also proficient in this way, he felt that it wasn't that mystical.

However, when he thought of this, Liu Mo thought of another person.

Turning his head to look at Rong Ling, Liu Mo snuck up beside him and whispered, "General Rong might be able to understand what Pearl is trying to say."

Rong Ling, who had never heard of it before, silently looked at him.

Liu Mo asked, "General Rong?"

Rong Ling: "You have a lot to say."

Liu Mo: "…"

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