Liu Wei returned to the Thousand Creations Workshop alone.

At that time, the Thousand Creations Workshop was no longer the same as it had been during the day. The poetry contest had ended and the hall had returned to normal. However, the guests at night were many more than the scholars and scholars during the day.

When the female doorman saw Liu Wei, she immediately welcomed him with a smile.

Fang Que was startled, she frowned: "But after sister-in-law left, I did not see any children. Where did sister-in-law get this news from, did it leak out?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's not Thousand Creations Workshop, but some other building or alley?"

Fang Que was very loyal, and nodded: "Sister-in-law, don't be in such a hurry, I will go call Yu Ran now, I will definitely help Sister-in-law find the child's whereabouts."

Just as Fang Que was about to leave, she suddenly called for her subordinates: "Fang Que."

Fang Que turned his head, "Sister-in-law, do you still have matters to attend to?"

Liu Wei looked into her eyes, wanting to confess. "Your senior brother …"

"Senior?" What happened to Senior Brother? "

"Your senior brother …" Liu Wei was stumped for a long time by these three words, but in the end, she still lowered his head, shook his head, and waved her hand: "It's fine, your senior brother is fine."

Fang Que did not understand.

Liu Wei urged: "Let's go look for Yu Ran first."

Fang Que did not delay any further and immediately left.

Liu Wei looked at her back, her expression extremely complicated.

She thought that what she could do, was probably when Rong Ling was about to beat Fang Que up, he would help her extend her hand to stop him … Come on.

… ….

On the other side.

Ji Bing yawned. Usually by this time, he would already be asleep.

Looking at the moon in the sky, he rubbed the convict's dazed eyes, then looked at the people who were still digging, and seeing that they were still there for a while, he leaned against the stone and tried to take a nap.

"Slow down, all of you, slow down." A suppressed voice rang out.

Standing up, Ji Bing walked over.

Zhang Tong and the rest immediately pulled up the bed sheets, confirming that the person lying inside was correct, and then looked at Ji Bing's face.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Ji Bing made her judgement. After a while, she nodded in the surrounding silent environment: "She's still alive."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and carried the man out in greater detail.

His brother was still breathing with his eyes closed. Even though this weird kid had said that he was fine, Zhang Tong was still worried. He said directly, "Let him wake up."

Ji Bing glanced at him, and said: "Bring him back, and wake him up in the middle of the night."

Zhang Tong narrowed his eyes. "I want him to wake up now." Ji Bing felt that this person was making trouble for no reason: "The effects of his medicine have not passed."

"That's your problem. I want him, wake up now!" Zhang Tong's attitude was very unyielding and unreasonable.

"Let him wake my second brother up." Zhang Tong didn't even give face to seek revenge. He only looked at the child with an aggressive gaze.

Ji Bing did not know what he was worried about, she was angered by the commotion, she immediately squatted down and used her hands to strangle Zhang Yu's body. She forcefully suppressed her strength, but the other party did not wake up.

Ji Bing was a little disappointed, and still said the same thing: "The medicinal effect hasn't passed, and I won't be able to wake up now."

Zhang Tong stood up from the ground and lifted the child into the air.

Ji Bing's legs left the ground, barely maintaining her composure, but Red-Seeker was shocked: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Tong remained silent.

"I told you to go back first. If you want to cause trouble, it's not here. Besides, this child is here. Since he said he would wake up in the middle of the night, it's not like he won't wake up in the middle of the night …" She stopped in her tracks, looked up at Chang for a moment, and then asked, "What did you do?"

Zhang Tong did not say anything, and only grabbed Ji Bing even more urgently: "Wake him up!"

He slapped away the coughing child behind him and shouted angrily, "What did you do? You told Master? "

Zhang Tong looked at her but did not reply.

She took a deep breath and looked back at the child at her feet.

Ji Bing was holding onto his neck, gasping for breath with great difficulty. On his neck, a red scar was made by the collar, making his already pale face look even more bloodless.

She turned around again, pulled Zhang Tong to the side, and asked sternly: "Are you crazy? Things have messed up. I don't even dare to ask for an audience with my master, yet you still dare to go. What's the use of you sending this kid over? Can he take the blame for us? "

"Who said I can't?" Zhang Tong looked at her with a cold expression, "He gave me the prescription. When I went out to get the prescription, I sent someone to ask him. Do you know what recipe he gave me?"

Crimson Nimbus frowned. "What?"

There are many herbs in the recipe that are not produced in the North. The helper said that the doctor who made the prescription is definitely from the South, and the two medicines, Hundred Pearls and Green Ghost Orchid, are produced in the Wetlands. In the present Central Plains, only the depths of the Mountain Range have them.

"So what?"

"So what?" Zhang Tong sneered and laughed foolishly, "The information we found was that a Lingnan guy handed a mysterious package to Ziyan. We don't know what was inside the mysterious package, but you should know what we're looking for, right? Inside the bag was a jade pendant. Now that the jade pendant couldn't be found, there was a Ling Nan kid. Do you think it was a coincidence? If we don't hand the person over to Master and hide it, if Master finds out about it later, the three of us will definitely be involved. "

After thinking for a moment, he opened his eyes again. "You've already thought about it long ago, but why don't you tell me?"

"You cooked his noodles." Zhang Tong scoffed, "Woman, the weakness of your heart is that you can't change it."

Red Seeker gritted his teeth. Zhang Tong was not willing to talk nonsense with her, and said straightforwardly: "As long as you wake my second brother up, and hand the child over to Master, we will not need to interfere in this matter, it's not easy. My second brother is a smart guy, and I gave you some time, you should understand, right?"

Xunhong looked at the child who was looking at them with narrowed eyes and said to Zhang Tong, "You are much more ruthless than your brother."

"I only know who I serve."


Xunhong suddenly said: "At the beginning of the creation of the guild, Master assigned you two to me. All these years, I had thought that he was sending people to send orders."

"Right now, you can also dispatch us. The master's orders are insignificant, so we will follow your orders."

"Is that so?" Her expression trembled slightly. "Whether it's an assistant or a spy, we all know."

Zhang Tong didn't really care. "I've only helped you once. As long as the three of us are on the same boat and have nothing to do with each other, everything will be fine."

Xudong Hong did not say anything but silently took a step back, exposing the child behind him.

Zhang Tong knew that she understood what she meant. They were all adults, and they all knew what it meant.

He went up and grabbed the child as he had done before. While the child was in pain, he threw him onto the ground and pointed at the unconscious man beside him. He looked at the sky and said, "Wake him up in fifteen minutes."

Ji Bing was very angry. Clenching her fist, she raised her head and said fiercely. "If I said it's time, he'll naturally wake up!"

"I can't wait for that time, I want him to wake up now!"

"At most, six hours!"

He couldn't wait even for six hours. Once he returned to Red Pot, the Fu Mansion guards would come out to take the child away. The child would leave, and if second brother was unable to wake up, where would he go to find the person? Master would never let the person he had in his hands out again.

Zhang Tong was stubborn, Ji Bing did not cooperate, and the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly changed, just as they were about to fight, a wind suddenly came from their side.

Zhang Tong was stunned. He pricked up his ears and listened attentively, but he did not hear anything.

However, this was the Thousand Creations Workshop Territory, so they couldn't stay here for too long.

Grabbing the child's clothes, he dragged him towards his second brother and said, "Quick!"

Ji Bing was forced to such a state that she directly reached into her sleeves and grabbed some of the dried medicine she had secretly stored, carefully grinding a corner of it.

At this moment, the wind blew again.

This time, Zhang Tong listened carefully and increased his mental capacity. After determining the direction, he suddenly struck a palm towards the top right, followed by a "clang". It was the sound of him breaking a tree trunk.

The surrounding area was silent for a moment. It was so quiet that it seemed like a deathly stillness.

But after a moment of silence, the sound of something tearing through the air suddenly came from above.

Zhang Tong quickly dodged, his entire body tensed up. He saw that it was only a rock that had landed where he was standing a moment ago.

The stone fell to the ground, spun a little, and rolled to his feet.

He frowned and bent down to pick up the stone. Suddenly, an even more reckless wind attacked him.

He quickly raised his head and saw a black shadow descending from above in the darkness.

Then, he felt a pain on his forehead. At the same time, he heard a strange eagle cry, "Gu gu gu!"

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